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* ControlP5 MenuList
* A custom Controller, a scrollable Menu List, using a PGraphics buffer.
* Allows custom designs for List Item.
* by Andreas Schlegel, 2013
* www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlp5
import controlP5.*;
import static controlP5.ControlP5.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
ControlP5 cp5;
PFont f1, f2;
void setup() {
size(800, 500, P3D );
f1 = createFont("Helvetica", 20);
f2 = createFont("Helvetica", 12);
cp5 = new ControlP5( this );
/* create a custom MenuList with name menu, notice that function
* menu will be called when a menu item has been clicked.
MenuList m = new MenuList( cp5, "menu", 200, 368 );
m.setPosition(40, 40);
// add some items to our menuList
for (int i=0;i<100;i++) {
m.addItem(makeItem("headline-"+i, "subline", "some copy lorem ipsum ", createImage(50, 50, RGB)));
/* a convenience function to build a map that contains our key-value pairs which we will
* then use to render each item of the menuList.
Map<String, Object> makeItem(String theHeadline, String theSubline, String theCopy, PImage theImage) {
Map m = new HashMap<String, Object>();
m.put("headline", theHeadline);
m.put("subline", theSubline);
m.put("copy", theCopy);
m.put("image", theImage);
return m;
void menu(int i) {
println("got some menu event from item with index "+i);
public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
Map m = ((MenuList)theEvent.getController()).getItem(int(theEvent.getValue()));
println("got a menu event from item : "+m);
void draw() {
background( 40 );
/* A custom Controller that implements a scrollable menuList. Here the controller
* uses a PGraphics element to render customizable list items. The menuList can be scrolled
* using the scroll-wheel, touchpad, or mouse-drag. Items are triggered by a click. clicking
* the scrollbar to the right makes the list scroll to the item correspoinding to the
* click-location.
class MenuList extends Controller<MenuList> {
float pos, npos;
int itemHeight = 100;
int scrollerLength = 40;
List< Map<String, Object>> items = new ArrayList< Map<String, Object>>();
PGraphics menu;
boolean updateMenu;
MenuList(ControlP5 c, String theName, int theWidth, int theHeight) {
super( c, theName, 0, 0, theWidth, theHeight );
c.register( this );
menu = createGraphics(getWidth(), getHeight() );
setView(new ControllerView<MenuList>() {
public void display(PGraphics pg, MenuList t ) {
if (updateMenu) {
if (inside() ) {
int len = -(itemHeight * items.size()) + getHeight();
int ty = int(map(pos, len, 0, getHeight() - scrollerLength - 2, 2 ) );
menu.fill(255 );
menu.rect(getWidth()-4, ty, 4, scrollerLength );
pg.image(menu, 0, 0);
/* only update the image buffer when necessary - to save some resources */
void updateMenu() {
int len = -(itemHeight * items.size()) + getHeight();
npos = constrain(npos, len, 0);
pos += (npos - pos) * 0.1;
menu.background(255, 64 );
menu.translate( 0, pos );
int i0 = PApplet.max( 0, int(map(-pos, 0, itemHeight * items.size(), 0, items.size())));
int range = ceil((float(getHeight())/float(itemHeight))+1);
int i1 = PApplet.min( items.size(), i0 + range );
menu.translate(0, i0*itemHeight);
for (int i=i0;i<i1;i++) {
Map m = items.get(i);
menu.fill(255, 100);
menu.rect(0, 0, getWidth(), itemHeight-1 );
menu.text(m.get("headline").toString(), 10, 20 );
menu.text(m.get("subline").toString(), 10, 35 );
menu.text(m.get("copy").toString(), 10, 50, 120, 50 );
menu.image(((PImage)m.get("image")), 140, 10, 50, 50 );
menu.translate( 0, itemHeight );
updateMenu = abs(npos-pos)>0.01 ? true:false;
/* when detecting a click, check if the click happend to the far right, if yes, scroll to that position,
* otherwise do whatever this item of the list is supposed to do.
public void onClick() {
if (getPointer().x()>getWidth()-10) {
npos= -map(getPointer().y(), 0, getHeight(), 0, items.size()*itemHeight);
updateMenu = true;
else {
int len = itemHeight * items.size();
int index = int( map( getPointer().y() - pos, 0, len, 0, items.size() ) ) ;
public void onMove() {
public void onDrag() {
npos += getPointer().dy() * 2;
updateMenu = true;
public void onScroll(int n) {
npos += ( n * 4 );
updateMenu = true;
void addItem(Map<String, Object> m) {
updateMenu = true;
Map<String,Object> getItem(int theIndex) {
return items.get(theIndex);