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* controlP5 is a processing gui library.
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
* 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Andreas Schlegel (
* @modified ##date##
* @version ##version##
package controlP5;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PFont;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
* a textarea can be used to leave notes, it uses the controlP5 BitFont to render text. Scrollbars
* will automatically be added when text extends the visible area. Textarea extends ControllerGroup,
* for more methods available see the ControllerGroup documentation.
* @example controllers/ControlP5textarea
public class Textarea extends ControllerGroup< Textarea > {
protected String _myText;
protected Slider _myScrollbar;
protected int _myColorBackground = 0x000000;
protected boolean isColorBackground = false;
protected float _myScrollValue = 0;
protected boolean isScrollbarVisible = true;
protected int _myBottomOffset = 4;
private int _myScrollbarWidth = 5;
* Convenience constructor to extend Textarea.
* @example use/ControlP5extendController
* @param theControlP5
* @param theName
public Textarea( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) {
this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , "" , 0 , 0 , 199 , 99 );
theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this );
* @param theControlP5
* ControlP5
* @param theGroup
* ControllerGroup
* @param theName
* String
* @param theText
* String
* @param theX
* int
* @param theY
* int
* @param theW
* int
* @param theH
* int
protected Textarea( ControlP5 theControlP5 , ControllerGroup< ? extends ControllerGroup< ? > > theGroup ,
String theName , String theText , int theX , int theY , int theW , int theH ) {
super( theControlP5 , theGroup , theName , theX , theY );
_myWidth = theW;
_myHeight = theH;
_myText = theText;
setup( );
* @param theText
* String
* @param theX
* int
* @param theY
* int
public Textarea( String theText , int theX , int theY ) {
super( theX , theY );
_myText = theText;
setup( );
private void setup( ) {
_myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , _myText );
_myValueLabel.setFont( cp5.controlFont == cp5.defaultFont ? cp5.defaultFontForText : cp5.controlFont );
_myValueLabel.setWidth( _myWidth );
_myValueLabel.setHeight( _myHeight );
_myValueLabel.setMultiline( true );
_myValueLabel.toUpperCase( false );
_myValueLabel.setColor( color.getValueLabel( ) );
_myScrollbar = new Slider( cp5 , _myParent , getName( ) + "Scroller" , 0 , 1 , 1 , _myWidth - 5 , 0 , 5 , _myHeight );
_myScrollbar.init( );
_myScrollbar.setBroadcast( false );
_myScrollbar.setSliderMode( Slider.FLEXIBLE );
_myScrollbar.isMoveable = false;
_myScrollbar.isLabelVisible = false;
_myScrollbar.setParent( this );
_myScrollbar.addListener( this );
add( _myScrollbar );
setWidth( _myWidth );
setHeight( _myHeight );
_myScrollbar.color.set( color );
_myScrollbar.setColorBackground( 0x00000000 );
_myScrollbar.setHandleSize( 40 );
* @param theEvent
* ControlEvent
@Override public void controlEvent( ControlEvent theEvent ) {
_myScrollValue = theEvent.getValue( ) - 1;
scroll( );
public Textarea hideScrollbar( ) {
isScrollbarVisible = false;
_myScrollbar.hide( );
return this;
public Textarea showScrollbar( ) {
isScrollbarVisible = true;
boolean isScrollbar = _myHeight < _myValueLabel.getTextHeight( ) + _myValueLabel.getLineHeight( );
if ( isScrollbar ) );
return this;
public boolean isScrollable( ) {
return _myScrollbar.isVisible( );
@Override public T setColorBackground( int theColor ) {
_myColorBackground = theColor;
return enableColorBackground( );
public Textarea enableColorBackground( ) {
isColorBackground = true;
return this;
public Textarea disableColorBackground( ) {
isColorBackground = false;
return this;
* scroll the Textarea remotely. values must range from 0 to 1.
* @param theValue
public Textarea scroll( float theValue ) {
_myScrollbar.setValue( 1 - theValue );
return this;
* private update method for the scrollbar.
private Textarea scroll( ) {
_myScrollValue = PApplet.constrain( _myScrollValue , -1 , 0 );
float myLen = _myValueLabel.getTextHeight( ) + _myValueLabel.getLineHeight( );
boolean isScrollbar = _myHeight < myLen;
//float myOffset = isScrollbar ? _myScrollValue * ( myLen - _myHeight + _myBottomOffset ) : 0;
_myScrollbar.setVisible( isScrollbarVisible ? isScrollbar : false );
_myValueLabel.setOffsetYratio( _myScrollValue );
return this;
@ControlP5.Invisible public void scrolled( int theStep ) {
if ( _myScrollbar.isVisible( ) ) {
float lines = _myValueLabel.getTextHeight( ) / _myValueLabel.getLineHeight( );
scroll( theStep/lines - getScrollPosition( ) + 1f );
@ControlP5.Invisible public float getScrollPosition( ) {
return _myScrollbar.getValue( );
* set the width of the textarea.
* @param theWidth
* int
@Override public T setWidth( int theWidth ) {
_myWidth = Math.max( 10 , theWidth );
_myValueLabel.setWidth( _myWidth - _myScrollbarWidth - 10 );
return me;
* set the height of the textarea.
* @param theHeight
* int
@Override public T setHeight( int theHeight ) {
_myHeight = Math.max( 10 , theHeight );
_myValueLabel.setHeight( _myHeight - 2 );
_myScrollbar.setHeight( theHeight );
return me;
@Override public T setSize( int theWidth , int theHeight ) {
setWidth( theWidth );
setHeight( theHeight );
return me;
* set the lineheight of the textarea.
* @param theLineHeight
* int
public Textarea setLineHeight( int theLineHeight ) {
_myValueLabel.setLineHeight( theLineHeight );
return scroll( );
* set the text color of the textarea.
* @param theColor
* int
public Textarea setColor( int theColor ) {
_myValueLabel.setColor( theColor , true );
return this;
* set the text of the textarea.
* @param theText
* String
public Textarea setText( String theText ) {
_myValueLabel.set( theText );
_myScrollValue = ( float ) _myHeight / _myValueLabel.getTextHeight( );
final ControllerStyle style = _myValueLabel.getStyle( );
_myScrollbar.setHeight( _myHeight + style.paddingTop + style.paddingBottom );
return this;
public Textarea clear( ) {
return setText( "" );
public Textarea append( String theText ) {
return setText( getText( ) + theText );
public Textarea append( String theText , int max ) {
String str = getText( ) + theText;
if ( max == -1 ) return setText( str );
List< String > strs = Arrays.asList( str.split( "\n" ) );
int len = strs.size( );
return setText( CP.join( strs.subList( Math.max( 0 , len - max ) , len ) , "\n" ) );
* returns the text content of the textarea.
* @return String
public String getText( ) {
return getStringValue( );
@Override protected void preDraw( final PGraphics theGraphics ) {
if ( isScrollbarVisible ) _myScrollbar.setVisible( _myValueLabel.getOverflow( ) > 1 );
if ( !isColorBackground && !_myScrollbar.isVisible( ) ) return;
final ControllerStyle style = _myValueLabel.getStyle( );
float x = _myWidth - _myScrollbarWidth + style.paddingLeft + style.paddingRight;
set( _myScrollbar.getPosition( ) , x , y( _myScrollbar.getPosition( ) ) );
if ( isColorBackground ) {
int a = _myColorBackground >> 24 & 0xff;
theGraphics.fill( _myColorBackground , a > 0 ? a : 0xff );
} else theGraphics.noFill( );
int ww = _myWidth + style.paddingLeft + style.paddingRight;
int hh = _myHeight + style.paddingTop + style.paddingBottom;
theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , ww , hh );
// !!! add padding to the box.
// padding and margin doesn't work nicely with Textarea yet!
@Override protected boolean inside( ) {
final int mx = getWindow( ).mouseX, my = getWindow( ).mouseY;
final int x = Math.round( x( position ) + x( _myParent.absolutePosition ) );
final int y = Math.round( y( position ) + y( _myParent.absolutePosition ) );
return mx > x && mx < x + _myWidth && my > y && my < y + _myHeight;
@Override public String getStringValue( ) {
return _myValueLabel.getText( );
@Override public T setFont( ControlFont theFont ) {
getValueLabel( ).setFont( theFont );
return me;
@Override public T setFont( PFont thePFont ) {
getValueLabel( ).setFont( thePFont );
return me;
public Textarea setFont( int theFontIndex ) {
getValueLabel( ).setFont( theFontIndex );
return this;
* @param theColor
* @return Textarea
public Textarea setScrollBackground( int theColor ) {
_myScrollbar.setColorBackground( theColor );
return this;
* @param theColor
* @return Textarea
public Textarea setScrollForeground( int theColor ) {
_myScrollbar.setColorForeground( theColor );
return this;
* @param theColor
* @return Textarea
public Textarea setScrollActive( int theColor ) {
_myScrollbar.setColorActive( theColor );
return this;
* @param theColor
* @return Textarea
public Textarea setBorderColor( int theColor ) {
color.setBackground( theColor );
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
@Override public float getValue( ) {
return 0;
@Deprecated public float value( ) {
return 0;
@Deprecated public String stringValue( ) {
return getStringValue( );
@Deprecated public Label valueLabel( ) {
return getValueLabel( );
* @exclude
* @deprecated
* @return
@Deprecated public boolean isScrollbarVisible( ) {
return isScrollbarVisible;
* @deprecated
* @exclude
* @return
@Deprecated public String text( ) {
return getText( );
// @todo linebreaking algorithm.
// found at