package controlP5; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PGraphics; public class Icon extends Controller< Icon > { protected boolean isPressed; protected boolean isOn = false; public static int autoWidth = 69; public static int autoHeight = 19; protected int activateBy = RELEASE; protected boolean isSwitch = false; protected int roundedCorners = 0; protected boolean isFill = true; protected boolean isStroke = false; protected float scl = 1; protected int[] fontIcons = new int[] { -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }; protected boolean isHideBackground = true; protected float strokeWeight = 1; protected float scalePressed = 1.0f; protected float scaleReleased = 1.0f; public Icon( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) { this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , 0 , 0 , 0 , autoWidth , autoHeight ); theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this ); } protected Icon( ControlP5 theControlP5 , ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , String theName , float theDefaultValue , int theX , int theY , int theWidth , int theHeight ) { super( theControlP5 , theParent , theName , theX , theY , theWidth , theHeight ); _myValue = theDefaultValue; _myCaptionLabel.align( CENTER , CENTER ); } @Override protected void onEnter( ) { isActive = true; } @Override protected void onLeave( ) { isActive = false; setIsInside( false ); } /** * @exclude */ @Override @ControlP5.Invisible public void mousePressed( ) { isActive = getIsInside( ); isPressed = true; if ( activateBy == PRESSED ) { activate( ); } scl = scalePressed; } /** * @exclude */ @Override @ControlP5.Invisible public void mouseReleased( ) { isPressed = false; if ( activateBy == RELEASE ) { activate( ); } isActive = false; scl = scaleReleased; } /** * A Icon can be activated by a mouse PRESSED or mouse * RELEASE. Default value is RELEASE. */ public Icon activateBy( int theValue ) { if ( theValue == PRESS ) { activateBy = PRESS; } else { activateBy = RELEASE; } return this; } protected void activate( ) { if ( isActive ) { isActive = false; isOn = !isOn; setValue( _myValue ); } } @Override @ControlP5.Invisible public void mouseReleasedOutside( ) { mouseReleased( ); } @Override public Icon setValue( float theValue ) { _myValue = theValue; broadcast( FLOAT ); return this; } @Override public Icon update( ) { return setValue( _myValue ); } /** * Turns an icon into a switch. */ public Icon setSwitch( boolean theFlag ) { isSwitch = theFlag; if ( isSwitch ) { _myBroadcastType = BOOLEAN; } else { _myBroadcastType = FLOAT; } return this; } /** * If the Icon acts as a switch, setOn will turn on * the switch. Use * {@link controlP5.Icon#setSwitch(boolean) setSwitch} * to turn a Icon into a Switch. */ public Icon setOn( ) { if ( isSwitch ) { isOn = false; isActive = true; activate( ); } return this; } /** * If the Icon acts as a switch, setOff will turn off * the switch. Use * {@link controlP5.Icon#setSwitch(boolean) setSwitch} * to turn a Icon into a Switch. */ public Icon setOff( ) { if ( isSwitch ) { isOn = true; isActive = true; activate( ); } return this; } public boolean isOn( ) { return isOn; } public boolean isSwitch( ) { return isSwitch; } public boolean isPressed( ) { return isPressed; } /** * Returns true or false and indicates the switch state * of the Icon. {@link setSwitch(boolean) setSwitch} * should have been set before. */ public boolean getBooleanValue( ) { return isOn; } public Icon setRoundedCorners( int theRadius ) { roundedCorners = theRadius; return this; } public Icon setFontIconSize( int theSize ) { _myCaptionLabel.setSize( theSize ); return this; } public Icon setFont( PFont thePFont ) { _myCaptionLabel.setFont( thePFont ); return this; } public Icon setFont( PFont thePFont , int theSize ) { _myCaptionLabel.setFont( thePFont ); setFontIconSize( theSize ); return this; } public Icon setFontIndex( int theIndex ) { _myCaptionLabel.set( "" + ( char ) theIndex ); return this; } public Icon setStroke( boolean theBoolean ) { isStroke = theBoolean; return this; } public Icon setStrokeWeight( float theStrokeWeight ) { strokeWeight = theStrokeWeight; return this; } public Icon setFill( boolean theBoolean ) { isFill = theBoolean; return this; } public Icon setFontIcons( int theStateOff , int theStateOn ) { setFontIcon( theStateOn , ACTIVE ); setFontIcon( theStateOff , DEFAULT ); return this; } public Icon setFontIconOn( int theStateOn ) { setFontIcon( theStateOn , ACTIVE ); return this; } public Icon setFontIconOff( int theStateOff ) { setFontIcon( theStateOff , DEFAULT ); return this; } public Icon setFontIcons( int ... theIds ) { if ( theIds.length < 3 || theIds.length > 4 ) { return this; } setFontIcon( theIds[ 0 ] , DEFAULT ); setFontIcon( theIds[ 1 ] , OVER ); setFontIcon( theIds[ 2 ] , ACTIVE ); setFontIcon( theIds.length == 3 ? theIds[ 2 ] : theIds[ 3 ] , HIGHLIGHT ); return this; } public Icon setFontIcon( int theId ) { return setFontIcon( theId , DEFAULT ); } public int getFontIcon( int theState ) { if ( theState >= 0 && theState < 4 ) { return fontIcons[ theState ]; } else { return fontIcons[ DEFAULT ]; } } /** * @param theImage * @param theState use Controller.DEFAULT (background) Controller.OVER (foreground) Controller.ACTIVE (active) */ public Icon setFontIcon( int theId , int theState ) { fontIcons[ theState ] = theId; updateDisplayMode( DEFAULT ); return this; } public Icon hideBackground( ) { isHideBackground = true; return this; } public Icon showBackground( ) { isHideBackground = false; return this; } public Icon setScale( float theScalePressed , float theScaleReleased ) { scalePressed = theScalePressed; scaleReleased = theScaleReleased; return this; } @Override @ControlP5.Invisible public Icon updateDisplayMode( int theMode ) { return updateViewMode( theMode ); } /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public Icon updateViewMode( int theMode ) { _myDisplayMode = theMode; switch ( theMode ) { case ( DEFAULT ): _myControllerView = new IconView( ); break; case ( IMAGE ): _myControllerView = new IconImageView( ); break; case ( CUSTOM ): default: break; } return this; } private class IconView implements ControllerView< Icon > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Icon theController ) { if ( !isHideBackground ) { if ( isStroke ) { theGraphics.stroke( color.getBackground( ) ); theGraphics.strokeWeight( strokeWeight ); } else { theGraphics.noStroke( ); } if ( isFill ) { theGraphics.fill( color.getBackground( ) ); } else { theGraphics.noFill( ); } } float w_half = getWidth( ) / 2; float h_half = getHeight( ) / 2; theGraphics.translate( w_half , h_half ); theGraphics.scale( scl ); if ( !isHideBackground ) { if ( roundedCorners == 0 ) { theGraphics.rect( -w_half , -h_half , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); } else if ( roundedCorners == -1 ) { theGraphics.ellipseMode(PApplet.CORNER); theGraphics.ellipse( -w_half , -h_half , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); } else { theGraphics.rect( -w_half , -h_half , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) , roundedCorners , roundedCorners , roundedCorners , roundedCorners ); } } if ( isSwitch ) { if ( !isOn ) { setFontIndex( getFontIcon( ACTIVE ) ); } else { setFontIndex( getFontIcon( DEFAULT ) ); } } else { setFontIndex( getFontIcon( DEFAULT ) ); } _myCaptionLabel.setColor( isOn && isSwitch || isPressed && !isSwitch ? color.getActive( ) : color.getForeground( ) ); _myCaptionLabel.draw( theGraphics , -( int ) w_half , -( int ) ( h_half * 1.05f ) , theController ); } } private class IconImageView implements ControllerView< Icon > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Icon theController ) { float w_half = getWidth( ) / 2; float h_half = getHeight( ) / 2; theGraphics.translate( w_half , h_half ); theGraphics.scale( scl ); if ( isOn && isSwitch ) { theGraphics.image( ( availableImages[ HIGHLIGHT ] == true ) ? images[ HIGHLIGHT ] : images[ DEFAULT ] , -w_half , -h_half ); return; } if ( getIsInside( ) ) { if ( isPressed ) { theGraphics.image( ( availableImages[ ACTIVE ] == true ) ? images[ ACTIVE ] : images[ DEFAULT ] , -w_half , -h_half ); } else { theGraphics.image( ( availableImages[ OVER ] == true ) ? images[ OVER ] : images[ DEFAULT ] , -w_half , -h_half ); } } else { theGraphics.image( images[ DEFAULT ] , -w_half , -h_half ); } } } @Override public String getInfo( ) { return "type:\tIcon\n" + super.getInfo( ); } @Override public String toString( ) { return super.toString( ) + " [ " + getValue( ) + " ] " + "Icon" + " (" + this.getClass( ).getSuperclass( ) + ")"; } }