package controlP5; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2012 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. This library is * distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PGraphics; /** * A custom label using controlP5's BitFonts or PFont based * ControlFonts. * * * @see controlP5.ControlFont * @example controllers/ControlP5Textlabel * */ public class Label implements CDrawable { protected int _myLetterSpacing = 0; protected boolean isMultiline; protected boolean isFixedSize; protected ControllerStyle _myControllerStyle = new ControllerStyle( ); protected boolean isVisible = true; protected int _myColor = 0xffffffff; protected boolean isColorBackground; protected boolean isToUpperCase = true; protected boolean changed; protected int _myColorBackground = 0xffffffff; protected int _myHeight = -1; protected int _myWidth = -1; protected String _myText = ""; protected ControlFont _myFontLabel; protected int _myLineHeight = 0; protected int alignX = ControlP5.LEFT; protected int alignY = ControlP5.LEFT; protected int textAlign = ControlP5.LEFT; public static int paddingX = 4; public static int paddingY = 4; public int _myPaddingX = paddingX; public int _myPaddingY = paddingY; protected Labeltype _myLabeltype; protected int _myTextHeight = 1; protected float offsetYratio = 0; private ControlP5 cp5; private Label( Label theLabel ) { _myText = theLabel.getText( ); isToUpperCase = theLabel.isToUpperCase( ); _myLetterSpacing = theLabel.getLetterSpacing( ); _myLineHeight = theLabel.getLineHeight( ); _myFontLabel = theLabel.getFont( ); _myLabeltype = theLabel.getLabeltype( ); } public Label( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theValue ) { init( theControlP5 , theValue , 0 , 0 , _myColor ); } public Label( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theValue , int theWidth , int theHeight , int theColor ) { init( theControlP5 , theValue , theWidth , theHeight , theColor ); } private void init( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theValue , int theWidth , int theHeight , int theColor ) { cp5 = theControlP5; _myWidth = theWidth; _myHeight = theHeight; _myText = theValue; _myColor = theColor; setLabeltype( new SinglelineLabel( ) ); setFont( cp5.controlFont ); setLabeltype( new SinglelineLabel( ) ); set( _myText ); _myControllerStyle = new ControllerStyle( ); } Label setLabeltype( Labeltype theType ) { _myLabeltype = theType; return this; } Labeltype getLabeltype( ) { return _myLabeltype; } public Label align( int[] a ) { alignX = a[ 0 ]; alignY = a[ 1 ]; return this; } public Label align( int theX , int theY ) { alignX = theX; alignY = theY; return this; } public Label alignX( int theX ) { alignX = theX; return this; } public Label alignY( int theY ) { alignY = theY; return this; } public int[] getAlign( ) { return new int[] { alignX , alignY }; } public Label setPadding( int thePaddingX , int thePaddingY ) { _myPaddingX = thePaddingX; _myPaddingY = thePaddingY; return this; } public Label setPaddingX( int thePaddingX ) { _myPaddingX = thePaddingX; return this; } public Label setPaddingY( int thePaddingY ) { _myPaddingY = thePaddingY; return this; } public void draw( PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { if ( isVisible ) { getLabeltype( ).draw( this , theGraphics , theX , theY , theController ); } } public void draw( PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , int theW , int theH ) { if ( isVisible ) { getLabeltype( ).draw( this , theGraphics , theX , theY , theW , theH ); } } @Override public void draw( PGraphics theGraphics ) { if ( isVisible ) { _myFontLabel.adjust( theGraphics , this ); draw( theGraphics , 0 , 0 ); } } public void draw( PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY ) { if ( isVisible ) { theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); theGraphics.translate( _myControllerStyle.marginLeft , _myControllerStyle.marginTop ); theGraphics.translate( theX , theY ); if ( isColorBackground ) { float ww = getStyle( ).paddingRight + getStyle( ).paddingLeft; if ( getStyle( ).backgroundWidth > -1 ) { ww += _myControllerStyle.backgroundWidth; } else { ww += _myFontLabel.getWidth( ); } float hh = getStyle( ).paddingBottom + getStyle( ).paddingTop; if ( getStyle( ).backgroundHeight > -1 ) { hh += getStyle( ).backgroundHeight; } else { hh += _myFontLabel.getHeight( ); } theGraphics.fill( _myColorBackground ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 1 , ww , hh ); } theGraphics.translate( _myControllerStyle.paddingLeft , _myControllerStyle.paddingTop ); _myFontLabel.draw( theGraphics , this ); theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } } public Label hide( ) { return setVisible( false ); } public Label show( ) { return setVisible( true ); } public Label setVisible( boolean theValue ) { isVisible = theValue; return this; } public Label updateFont( ControlFont theFont ) { return setFont( theFont ); } public Label set( String theValue ) { return setText( theValue ); } public Label setText( String theValue ) { _myText = theValue; setChanged( true ); return this; } public Label setFixedSize( boolean theValue ) { isFixedSize = theValue; return this; } public boolean isFixedSize( ) { return isMultiline ? false : isFixedSize; } public String getText( ) { return _myText; } public String getTextFormatted( ) { return getLabeltype( ).getTextFormatted( ); } public ControllerStyle getStyle( ) { return _myControllerStyle; } public Label setWidth( int theWidth ) { _myWidth = theWidth; setChanged( true ); return this; } public Label setHeight( int theHeight ) { _myHeight = theHeight; setChanged( true ); return this; } public int getWidth( ) { return _myLabeltype.getWidth( ); } public int getHeight( ) { return _myLabeltype.getHeight( ); } public int getOverflow( ) { return getLabeltype( ).getOverflow( ); } public Label setMultiline( boolean theValue ) { isMultiline = theValue; _myLabeltype = ( isMultiline ) ? new MultilineLabel( ) : new SinglelineLabel( ); return this; } public Label toUpperCase( boolean theValue ) { isToUpperCase = theValue; setChanged( true ); return this; } public ControlFont getFont( ) { return _myFontLabel; } public Label setFont( int theBitFontIndex ) { ControlP5.logger.warning( "BitFont is now of type PFont, use setFont(PFont) instead." ); return this; } public Label setFont( PFont thePFont ) { return setFont( new ControlFont( thePFont ) ); } public Label setFont( ControlFont theFont ) { setLineHeight( theFont.getSize( ) ); _myFontLabel = new ControlFont( theFont.getFont( ) , theFont.getSize( ) ); _myFontLabel.init( this ); setChanged( true ); return this; } public Label setSize( int theSize ) { _myFontLabel.setSize( theSize ); return this; } protected boolean isChanged( ) { return changed; } protected Label setChanged( boolean theValue ) { changed = theValue; return this; } Label setTextHeight( int theHeight ) { _myTextHeight = theHeight; return this; } public int getTextHeight( ) { return _myFontLabel.getTextHeight( ); } public int getLineHeight( ) { return _myLineHeight; } public Label setOffsetY( int theValue ) { return this; } public Label setOffsetYratio( float theValue ) { offsetYratio = theValue; setChanged( true ); return this; } public float getOffsetYratio( ) { return offsetYratio; } public Label setLineHeight( int theValue ) { _myLineHeight = theValue; setChanged( true ); return this; } public Label setColor( int theValue , boolean theFlag ) { setColor( theValue ); setFixedSize( theFlag ); return this; } public Label setColor( int theColor ) { _myColor = theColor; setChanged( true ); return this; } public int getColor( ) { return _myColor; } public Label setColorBackground( int theColor ) { enableColorBackground( ); _myColorBackground = theColor; return this; } public Label disableColorBackground( ) { isColorBackground = false; return this; } public Label enableColorBackground( ) { isColorBackground = true; return this; } public int getLetterSpacing( ) { return _myLetterSpacing; } public Label setLetterSpacing( int theValue ) { _myLetterSpacing = theValue; setChanged( true ); return this; } public boolean isMultiline( ) { return isMultiline; } public boolean isVisible( ) { return isVisible; } public boolean isToUpperCase( ) { return isToUpperCase; } protected Label copy( ) { return new Label( this ); } interface Labeltype { public void draw( Label theLabel , PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , ControllerInterface< ? > theController ); public void draw( Label theLabel , PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , int theW , int theH ); public int getWidth( ); public int getHeight( ); public int getOverflow( ); public String getTextFormatted( ); } class SinglelineTextfield extends SinglelineLabel { public String getTextFormatted( ) { return _myText; } } class SinglelineLabel implements Labeltype { private void align( PGraphics theGraphics , int theAlignX , int theAlignY , int theW , int theH ) { int x = 0; int y = 0; switch ( theAlignX ) { case ( ControlP5.CENTER ): x = ( theW - _myFontLabel.getWidth( ) ) / 2; break; case ( ControlP5.LEFT ): x = _myPaddingX; break; case ( ControlP5.RIGHT ): x = theW - _myFontLabel.getWidth( ) - _myPaddingX; break; case ( ControlP5.LEFT_OUTSIDE ): x = -_myFontLabel.getWidth( ) - _myPaddingX; break; case ( ControlP5.RIGHT_OUTSIDE ): x = theW + _myPaddingX; break; } switch ( theAlignY ) { case ( ControlP5.CENTER ): y = theH / 2 + _myFontLabel.getTop( ) - _myFontLabel.getCenter( ); break; case ( ControlP5.TOP ): y = 0; break; case ( ControlP5.BOTTOM ): y = theH - _myFontLabel.getHeight( ) - 1; break; case ( ControlP5.BASELINE ): y = theH + _myFontLabel.getTop( ) - 1; break; case ( ControlP5.BOTTOM_OUTSIDE ): y = theH + _myPaddingY; break; case ( ControlP5.TOP_OUTSIDE ): y = -_myFontLabel.getHeight( ) - _myPaddingY; break; } theGraphics.translate( x , y ); } @Override public void draw( Label theLabel , PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , int theW , int theH ) { _myFontLabel.adjust( theGraphics , theLabel ); theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); align( theGraphics , alignX , alignY , theW , theH ); theLabel.draw( theGraphics , theX , theY ); theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } @Override public void draw( Label theLabel , PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { draw( theLabel , theGraphics , theX , theY , theController.getWidth( ) , theController.getHeight( ) ); } @Override public int getWidth( ) { return isFixedSize ? _myWidth : _myFontLabel.getWidth( ); } @Override public int getHeight( ) { return _myFontLabel.getHeight( ); } @Override public int getOverflow( ) { return -1; } @Override public String getTextFormatted( ) { return ( isToUpperCase ? _myText.toUpperCase( ) : _myText ); } } class MultilineLabel implements Labeltype { @Override public void draw( Label theLabel , PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , int theW , int theH ) { _myFontLabel.adjust( theGraphics , theLabel ); theLabel.draw( theGraphics , theX , theY ); } @Override public void draw( Label theLabel , PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY , ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { _myFontLabel.adjust( theGraphics , theLabel ); theLabel.draw( theGraphics , theX , theY ); } @Override public int getWidth( ) { return _myWidth; } @Override public int getHeight( ) { return _myHeight; } @Override public int getOverflow( ) { return _myFontLabel.getOverflow( ); } @Override public String getTextFormatted( ) { return ( isToUpperCase ? _myText.toUpperCase( ) : _myText ); } } }