package controlP5; /** * * 2006-2013 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; import processing.core.PImage; import processing.core.PVector; import processing.event.KeyEvent; /** *

* Controller is an abstract class that is extended by any available controller within controlP5. this is the full * documentation list for all methods available for a controller. An event triggered by a controller will be forwarded * to the main program. If a void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {} method is available, this method will be * called. *


* A Controller can notify the main program in 2 different ways: *

* * * @see controlP5.Bang * @see controlP5.Button * @see controlP5.Knob * @see controlP5.Matrix * @see controlP5.MultiList * @see controlP5.Numberbox * @see controlP5.RadioButton * @see controlP5.ListBox * @see controlP5.Slider * @see controlP5.Textarea * @see controlP5.Textfield * @see controlP5.Textlabel * @see controlP5.Toggle * @see controlP5.ControlGroup * @see controlP5.ControlBehavior * @see controlP5.ControlEvent * * @example use/ControlP5basics */ public abstract class Controller< T > implements ControllerInterface< T > , CDrawable , ControlP5Constants { protected float[] position = new float[ 2 ]; protected float[] positionBuffer = new float[ 2 ]; protected float[] absolutePosition = new float[ 2 ]; protected ControllerInterface< ? > _myParent; protected final String _myName; protected ControlWindow _myControlWindow; protected boolean isMousePressed = false; protected ControlP5 cp5; private int width; private int height; protected int _myId = -1; protected float _myValue = Float.NaN; protected float _myDefaultValue = Float.NaN; protected String _myStringValue = ""; protected float[] _myArrayValue; protected Label _myCaptionLabel; protected Label _myValueLabel; protected boolean isLabelVisible = true; protected boolean isMoveable = true; protected boolean isBroadcast = true; protected boolean isVisible = true; protected boolean isActive = false; protected boolean isLock = false; protected boolean isUserInteraction = true; protected boolean isInit = false; protected List< ControlListener > _myControlListener; protected Map< Integer , List< CallbackListener >> _myControlListenerLUT; protected CColor color = new CColor( ); protected float _myMin; protected float _myMax; protected float _myUnit; protected String target; protected Object targetObject; protected ControlBehavior _myBehavior; protected boolean isBehavior; protected List< Controller< ? >> subelements; protected int _myBroadcastType = FLOAT; protected boolean isUpdate = false; protected int _myDecimalPoints = 2; public static int autoWidth = 49; public static int autoHeight = 19; public static float[] autoSpacing = new float[] { 10 , 10 }; protected boolean[] availableImages = new boolean[ 4 ]; protected PImage[] images = new PImage[ 4 ]; protected ControllerView< T > _myControllerView; protected ControllerView< T > _myDebugView; protected int _myDisplayMode = DEFAULT; protected int _myPickingColor = 0xffffff00; protected boolean mouseover; protected String _myAddress = ""; protected List< ControllerPlug > _myControllerPlugList; protected boolean tooltipEnabled; protected boolean listening; protected boolean isInside = false; private T me; protected boolean isDragged; /** * TODO add distribution options for MOVE, RELEASE, and PRESSED. setDecimalPoints: setDcimalPoints(6) does only show * 2 digits after the point */ /** * Convenience constructor to extend Controller. * * @example use/ControlP5extendController * @param theControlP5 * @param theName */ public Controller( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) { this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , 0 , 0 , autoWidth , autoHeight ); theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this ); } protected Controller( final ControlP5 theControlP5 , final ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , final String theName , final float theX , final float theY , final int theWidth , final int theHeight ) { cp5 = theControlP5; me = ( T ) this; if ( cp5 == null ) { isBroadcast = false; } _myName = theName; set( position , theX , theY ); set( positionBuffer , theX , theY ); setParent( theParent ); if ( theParent != null ) { color.set( theParent.color ); } else { color.set( cp5.color ); } width = theWidth; height = theHeight; _myCaptionLabel = new Label( cp5 , theName ); _myCaptionLabel.setColor( color.getCaptionLabel( ) ); _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , "-" ); _myValueLabel.setColor( color.getCaptionLabel( ) ); _myControllerPlugList = new ArrayList< ControllerPlug >( ); _myControlListener = new ArrayList< ControlListener >( ); subelements = new ArrayList< Controller< ? >>( ); _myArrayValue = new float[ 0 ]; _myDebugView = new DebugView( ); setView( _myDebugView ); } List< Controller< ? >> getSubelements( ) { return subelements; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @ControlP5.Layout public String getAddress( ) { return _myAddress; } @Override @ControlP5.Invisible @ControlP5.Layout public T setAddress( String theAddress ) { if ( _myAddress.length( ) == 0 ) { _myAddress = theAddress; } return me; } protected Controller( final ControlP5 theControlP5 , final String theName , final float theX , final float theY , final int theWidth , final int theHeight ) { this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , theX , theY , theWidth , theHeight ); } protected Controller( final String theName , final int theX , final int theY ) { _myName = theName; set( position , theX , theY ); } @ControlP5.Invisible public void init( ) { _myDefaultValue = _myValue; // plug to a method or field inside the main // papplet. // forwarding a ControlEvent to the controlEvent() // method inside // the main papplet is done by the // controlbroadcaster. cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).plug( cp5.papplet , this , _myName ); initControllerValue( ); isInit = cp5.isAutoInitialization; setValue( _myDefaultValue ); isInit = true; updateDisplayMode( DEFAULT ); } protected final void initControllerValue( ) { // this is painful. deciding if the value has been // set by parameter or by reading the // current value of the corresponding field is // very painful here due to too many ifs and thens. // therefore this is done manually here - // very ugly though. boolean go = false; if ( getClass( ).equals( Numberbox.class ) ) { go = _myDefaultValue == 0; } else { go = _myDefaultValue == getMin( ) || Float.isNaN( getValue( ) ); } if ( go ) { if ( _myControllerPlugList.size( ) == 1 ) { if ( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ) == null ) { setDefaultValue( getMin( ) ); } else { float myInitValue = 0; if ( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ) instanceof Boolean ) { final boolean myBoolean = new Boolean( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ).toString( ) ).booleanValue( ); myInitValue = ( myBoolean == true ) ? 1f : 0f; } else if ( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ) instanceof Float ) { myInitValue = ( new Float( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ).toString( ) ) ).floatValue( ); } else if ( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ) instanceof Integer ) { myInitValue = ( new Integer( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ).toString( ) ) ).intValue( ); } else if ( getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ) instanceof String ) { _myStringValue = getControllerPlugList( ).get( 0 ).getValue( ).toString( ); } setDefaultValue( myInitValue ); } } else { if ( Float.isNaN( getDefaultValue( ) ) ) { setDefaultValue( getMin( ) ); } } } _myValue = _myDefaultValue; } protected void updateFont( ControlFont theControlFont ) { _myCaptionLabel.updateFont( theControlFont ); _myValueLabel.updateFont( theControlFont ); } /** * with setBehavior you can add a ControlBehavior to a controller. A ControlBehavior can be used to e.g. * automatically change state, function, position, etc. * * @example ControlP5behavior * @param theBehavior ControlBehavior * @return Controller */ public T setBehavior( final ControlBehavior theBehavior ) { isBehavior = true; _myBehavior = theBehavior; _myBehavior.init( this ); return me; } /** * @return Controller */ public T removeBehavior( ) { isBehavior = false; _myBehavior = null; return me; } /** * @return ControlBehavior */ public ControlBehavior getBehavior( ) { return _myBehavior; } /** * @return float */ @ControlP5.Layout public float getDefaultValue( ) { return _myDefaultValue; } /** * set the default value. * * @param theValue float * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setDefaultValue( final float theValue ) { _myDefaultValue = theValue; return me; } /** * enable or prevent the controller to be moveable. By default a controller is moveable. * * @param theValue boolean * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setMoveable( final boolean theValue ) { isMoveable = theValue; return me; } /** * checks if a controller is moveable. * * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Layout public boolean isMoveable( ) { return isMoveable; } /** * show or hide the labels of a controller. * * @param theValue boolean * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setLabelVisible( final boolean theValue ) { isLabelVisible = theValue; return me; } /** * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Layout public boolean isLabelVisible( ) { return isLabelVisible; } /** * Use setBroadcast to enable and disable the broadcasting of changes in a controller's value. By default any value * changes are forwarded to function controlEvent inside your program. use setBroadcast(false) to disable * forwarding. * * @param theFlag boolean * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setBroadcast( final boolean theFlag ) { isBroadcast = theFlag; return me; } /** * check if broadcasting is enabled or disabled for a controller. Every event relevant for a value change will be * broadcasted to any of the value-listeners. By default broadcasting for a controller is enabled. * * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Layout public boolean isBroadcast( ) { return isBroadcast; } /** * get the position of a controller. e.g. Controller.getPosition().x; {@inheritDoc} */ @ControlP5.Layout public float[] getPosition( ) { return position; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @ControlP5.Layout public T setPosition( float[] thePos ) { set( position , x( thePos ) , y( thePos ) ); set( positionBuffer , x( thePos ) , y( thePos ) ); return me; } /** * set the position of a controller. The position of a controller is relative. * * @param theX float * @param theY float * @return Controller */ @Override public T setPosition( final float theX , final float theY ) { set( position , theX , theY ); set( positionBuffer , theX , theY ); return me; } /** * @return {@link PVector} */ public float[] getAbsolutePosition( ) { // should return a mutable object of absolutePostion // in a new PVector object to prevent // absolutePosition from being // modified by changing its field values. PVector // should have getter and setters for x,y,z return absolutePosition; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @ControlP5.Invisible public T setAbsolutePosition( float[] thePos ) { // TODO // doesnt work properly yet. // absolute position should not be changed from the // outside anyway. set( absolutePosition , x( thePos ) , y( thePos ) ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T updateAbsolutePosition( ) { return me; } /** * continuousUpdateEvents is used for internal updates of a controller. this method is final and can't be * overridden. * * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public final void continuousUpdateEvents( ) { if ( isBehavior ) { if ( _myBehavior.isActive( ) && !isMousePressed ) { _myBehavior.update( ); } } } /** * updateEvents is used for internal updates of a controller. this method is final and can't be overwritten. */ @ControlP5.Invisible public final T updateEvents( ) { if ( isInside ) { boolean moved = ( ( _myControlWindow.mouseX - _myControlWindow.pmouseX ) != 0 || ( _myControlWindow.mouseY - _myControlWindow.pmouseY ) != 0 ); if ( isMousePressed ) { if ( moved ) { if ( !isDragged ) { onStartDrag( ); callListener( ACTION_START_DRAG ); } onDrag( ); isDragged = true; callListener( ACTION_DRAG ); } } else { if ( moved && this.equals( _myControlWindow.getFirstFromMouseOverList( ) ) ) { onMove( ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_MOVE ) ); callListener( ACTION_MOVE ); } } } if ( isVisible && ( isMousePressed == _myControlWindow.mouselock ) ) { if ( isMousePressed && cp5.isAltDown( ) && isMoveable ) { if ( !cp5.isMoveable ) { set( positionBuffer , x( positionBuffer ) + _myControlWindow.mouseX - _myControlWindow.pmouseX , y( positionBuffer ) + _myControlWindow.mouseY - _myControlWindow.pmouseY ); if ( cp5.isShiftDown( ) ) { set( position , ( ( int ) ( x( positionBuffer ) ) / 10 ) * 10 , ( ( int ) ( y( positionBuffer ) ) / 10 ) * 10 ); } else { set( position , positionBuffer ); } } } else { if ( !isLock ) { if ( isInside ) { setMouseOver( true ); } if ( inside( ) ) { if ( cp5.getMouseOverList( ).isEmpty( ) ) { if ( !isInside ) { onEnter( ); setIsInside( true ); callListener( ACTION_ENTER ); } setIsInside( true ); } } else { if ( isInside && !isMousePressed ) { onLeave( ); setMouseOver( false ); setIsInside( false ); callListener( ACTION_LEAVE ); } if ( !isInside && mouseover ) { setMouseOver( false ); // here the mouseOver is set to false when the mouse // is released outside a controller. the mouseoverlist is not // updated when the mouse is still pressed but has left the // controller - updating the list here currently conflicts // with callbacks called from inside setMouseOver() // // Note: the mouseoverlist is only updated for ControllerGroups // when the mouse is pressed but is hovering other controllers while // mouse is dragged. } } } } } return me; } public Pointer getPointer( ) { return new Pointer( ) { public int x( ) { return ( int ) ( _myControlWindow.mouseX - Controller.x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) - Controller.x( position ) ); } public int y( ) { return ( int ) ( _myControlWindow.mouseY - Controller.y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) - Controller.y( position ) ); } public int px( ) { return ( int ) ( _myControlWindow.pmouseX - Controller.x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) - Controller.x( position ) ); } public int py( ) { return ( int ) ( _myControlWindow.pmouseY - Controller.y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) - Controller.y( position ) ); } public int dx( ) { return x( ) - px( ); } public int dy( ) { return y( ) - py( ); } public long pt( ) { return _myControlWindow.pmousePressedTime; } public long dt( ) { return _myControlWindow.mousePressedTime - _myControlWindow.pmousePressedTime; } public long t( ) { return _myControlWindow.mousePressedTime; } public String toString( ) { return String.format( "{ x: %d y: %d px: %d py: %d dx: %d dy: %d}" , x( ) , y( ) , px( ) , py( ) , dx( ) , dy( ) ); } }; } @ControlP5.Invisible public final boolean setMousePressed( final boolean theStatus ) { if ( !isVisible && !isUserInteraction ) { return false; } if ( theStatus == true ) { if ( isInside ) { isMousePressed = true; if ( !cp5.isAltDown( ) ) { mousePressed( ); onPress( ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_PRESS ) ); callListener( ACTION_PRESS ); if ( getPointer( ).dt( ) < 500 ) { onDoublePress( ); callListener( ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS ); } } return true; } } else { if ( isMousePressed == true && inside( ) ) { isMousePressed = false; if ( !cp5.isAltDown( ) ) { mouseReleased( ); onRelease( ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_RELEASE ) ); callListener( ACTION_RELEASE ); if ( isDragged ) { /* first release, then stopDrag */ onEndDrag( ); callListener( ACTION_END_DRAG ); } else { onClick( ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_CLICK ) ); callListener( ACTION_CLICK ); } isDragged = false; } } if ( !inside( ) ) { setIsInside( false ); if ( isMousePressed ) { isMousePressed = false; mouseReleasedOutside( ); onReleaseOutside( ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_RELEASE_OUTSIDE ) ); callListener( ACTION_RELEASE_OUTSIDE ); } if ( this instanceof Textfield ) { mouseReleasedOutside( ); onReleaseOutside( ); callListener( ACTION_RELEASE_OUTSIDE ); } } } return false; } /** * enables a controller to listen to changes made to the variable linked to the controller. Use true to enable and * false to disable a controller from listening to changes. * * @param theFlag * @return Controller */ public T listen( boolean theValue ) { if ( theValue == listening ) { return me; } listening = theValue; if ( listening ) { cp5.listenTo( _myName , cp5.getObjectForController( this ) ); } else { cp5.stopListeningTo( _myName , cp5.getObjectForController( this ) ); } return me; } /** * returns true or false for the current listening status. by default it is set to false * * @see controlP5.Controller#listen(boolean) * * @return boolean */ public boolean isListening( ) { return listening; } /** * check if the mouse is within this particular controller. * * @return boolean */ public boolean isMouseOver( ) { return mouseover; } public T setMouseOver( boolean theFlag ) { if ( mouseover == theFlag ) { return me; } mouseover = theFlag; if ( mouseover ) { _myControlWindow.setMouseOverController( this ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_ENTER ) ); cp5.getTooltip( ).activate( this ); } else { cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_LEAVE ) ); _myControlWindow.removeMouseOverFor( this ); cp5.getTooltip( ).deactivate( ); } return me; } /** * @see ControllerInterface.updateInternalEvents */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T updateInternalEvents( final PApplet theApplet ) { return me; } /** * the default draw function for each controller extending superclass Controller. This draw function will take care * of default matrix operations and will call the display function of the current ControllerView object active for * this particular controller. * * @exclude * @see controlP5.ControllerView * @param theApplet PApplet */ @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public void draw( final PGraphics theGraphics ) { theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); theGraphics.translate( x( position ) , y( position ) ); _myControllerView.display( theGraphics , me ); // theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); // _myDebugView.display( theGraphics , me ); // theGraphics.popMatrix( ); theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } /** * @param theElement ControllerInterface * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T add( final ControllerInterface< ? > theElement ) { ControlP5.logger( ).warning( " add() not supported." ); return me; } /** * @param theElement ControllerInterface * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T remove( final ControllerInterface< ? > theElement ) { ControlP5.logger( ).warning( "remove() not supported." ); return me; } /** * removes a controller from controlP5. */ public void remove( ) { _myControlWindow.removeMouseOverFor( this ); if ( _myParent != null ) { _myParent.remove( this ); } if ( cp5 != null ) { cp5.remove( this ); } } @Override public T bringToFront( ) { return bringToFront( this ); } @Override public T bringToFront( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { if ( _myParent instanceof Tab ) { moveTo( ( Tab ) _myParent ); } else { _myParent.bringToFront( theController ); } if ( theController != this ) { if ( getSubelements( ).contains( theController ) ) { if ( theController instanceof Controller< ? > ) { getSubelements( ).remove( theController ); getSubelements( ).add( ( Controller< ? > ) theController ); } } } return me; } /** * returns the index name of the controller. * * @return String */ public String getName( ) { return _myName; } /** * moves the controller to another tab. The tab is defined by parameter theTabName. if controlP5 can't find a tab * with given name, controlP5 will create this tab and add it to the main window. * * @param theTabName String * @return Controller */ public final T moveTo( final String theTabName ) { setTab( theTabName ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theTabName ); } return me; } /** * moves the controller to another tab. * * @param theTab * @return Controller */ public final T moveTo( final Tab theTab ) { setTab( theTab.getWindow( ) , theTab.getName( ) ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theTab ); } return me; } /** * moves the controller to the default tab inside the main window. * * @param theApplet * @return Controller */ public final T moveTo( final PApplet theApplet ) { setTab( "default" ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theApplet ); } return me; } /** * moves the controller to a tab inside the main window. * * @param theApplet * @param theTabName */ public final T moveTo( final PApplet theApplet , final String theTabName ) { setTab( theTabName ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theApplet , theTabName ); } return me; } /** * moves the controller to the default tab of a control window - other than the main window. * * @param theControlWindow */ public final T moveTo( final ControlWindow theControlWindow ) { setTab( theControlWindow , "default" ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theControlWindow ); } return me; } /** * * @param theControlWindow * @param theTabName * @return Controller */ public final T moveTo( final ControlWindow theControlWindow , final String theTabName ) { setTab( theControlWindow , theTabName ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theControlWindow , theTabName ); } return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public final T moveTo( final ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup , final Tab theTab , ControlWindow theControlWindow ) { for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.moveTo( theGroup , theTab , theControlWindow ); } if ( theGroup != null ) { setGroup( theGroup ); return me; } if ( theControlWindow == null ) { theControlWindow = cp5.controlWindow; } setTab( theControlWindow , theTab.getName( ) ); return me; } /** * * @param theGroup * @return Controller */ public final T moveTo( final ControlGroup< ? > theGroup ) { if ( theGroup != null ) { setGroup( theGroup ); } return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public final T moveTo( final ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { if ( theGroup != null ) { setGroup( theGroup ); } return me; } /** * sets the tab of the controller. * * @param theName String * @return Controller */ public final T setTab( final String theName ) { setParent( cp5.getTab( theName ) ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.setTab( theName ); } return me; } /** * */ public final T setTab( final ControlWindow theWindow , final String theName ) { setParent( cp5.getTab( theWindow , theName ) ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.setTab( theWindow , theName ); } return me; } /** * sets the group of the controller. * * @param theName String * @return Controller */ public final T setGroup( final String theName ) { setParent( cp5.getGroup( theName ) ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.setGroup( theName ); } return me; } public final T setGroup( final ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { setParent( theGroup ); for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.setGroup( theGroup ); } return me; } /** * get the instance of the tab the controller belongs to. * * @return Tab */ public Tab getTab( ) { if ( _myParent instanceof Tab ) { return ( Tab ) _myParent; } return _myParent.getTab( ); } /** * set the parent of a parent of a controller. this method is only meant for internal use. this method is final and * can't be overwritten. * * @param theParent ControllerInterface * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Invisible public final T setParent( final ControllerInterface< ? > theParent ) { if ( _myParent != null ) { _myParent.remove( this ); } set( absolutePosition , x( position ) , y( position ) ); if ( theParent != null ) { _myParent = theParent; _myParent.add( this ); set( absolutePosition , x( absolutePosition ) + x( _myParent.getPosition( ) ) , y( absolutePosition ) + y( _myParent.getPosition( ) ) ); _myControlWindow = _myParent.getWindow( ); } setMouseOver( false ); return me; } /** * returns the parent of a controller. * * @return ControllerInterface */ @ControlP5.Invisible @Override @ControlP5.Layout public ControllerInterface< ? > getParent( ) { return _myParent; } /** * returns the control window of the controller * * @return ControlWindow */ public ControlWindow getWindow( ) { return _myControlWindow; } /** * checks if the mouse is within the area of a controller. * * @return boolean */ protected boolean inside( ) { /* constrain the bounds of the controller to the dimensions of the cp5 area, required since PGraphics as render * area has been introduced. */ float x0 = PApplet.max( 0 , x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) ); float x1 = PApplet.min( cp5.pgw , x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) + getWidth( ) ); float y0 = PApplet.max( 0 , y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) ); float y1 = PApplet.min( cp5.pgh , y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) + getHeight( ) ); return ( _myControlWindow.mouseX > x0 && _myControlWindow.mouseX < x1 && _myControlWindow.mouseY > y0 && _myControlWindow.mouseY < y1 ); } /** * returns true or false and indicates if the mouse is inside the area of a controller. * * @return boolean */ public boolean isInside( ) { return isInside; } /** * checks if a controller is active. * * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Layout public boolean isActive( ) { return isActive; } /** * returns true or false if the mouse has is pressed. * * @return boolean */ public boolean isMousePressed( ) { return isMousePressed; } public T addListenerFor( int theAction , CallbackListener theListener ) { if ( _myControlListenerLUT == null ) { _myControlListenerLUT = new HashMap< Integer , List< CallbackListener >>( ); } if ( _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ) == null ) { _myControlListenerLUT.put( theAction , new ArrayList( ) ); } _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ).add( theListener ); return me; } public T removeListenerFor( int theAction , CallbackListener theListener ) { if ( _myControlListenerLUT == null ) { return me; } if ( _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ) == null ) { return me; } _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ).remove( theListener ); return me; } public T removeListenersFor( int theAction ) { if ( _myControlListenerLUT == null ) { return me; } if ( _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ) == null ) { return me; } _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ).clear( ); return me; } protected void callListener( int theAction ) { if ( _myControlListenerLUT != null ) { List< CallbackListener > l = _myControlListenerLUT.get( theAction ); if ( l != null ) { CallbackEvent event = new CallbackEvent( this , theAction ); for ( CallbackListener cl : l ) { cl.controlEvent( event ); } } } } public T onDraw( ControllerView< T > theView ) { return setView( theView ); } public T onEnter( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_ENTER , theListener ); } public T onLeave( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_LEAVE , theListener ); } public T onDrag( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_DRAG , theListener ); } public T onStartDrag( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_START_DRAG , theListener ); } public T onEndDrag( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_END_DRAG , theListener ); } public T onWheel( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_WHEEL , theListener ); } public T onMove( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_MOVE , theListener ); } public T onClick( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_CLICK , theListener ); } public T onPress( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_PRESS , theListener ); } public T onDoublePress( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS , theListener ); } public T onRelease( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_RELEASE , theListener ); } public T onReleaseOutside( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_RELEASE_OUTSIDE , theListener ); } public T onChange( CallbackListener theListener ) { return addListenerFor( ACTION_BROADCAST , theListener ); } protected void onEnter( ) { } protected void onLeave( ) { } protected void onDrag( ) { } protected void onStartDrag( ) { } protected void onEndDrag( ) { } protected void onWheel( ) { } protected void onMove( ) { } protected void onClick( ) { } protected void onPress( ) { } protected void onDoublePress( ) { } protected void onRelease( ) { } protected void onScroll( int theAmount ) { } protected void onReleaseOutside( ) { } protected void mousePressed( ) { } protected void mouseReleased( ) { } protected void mouseReleasedOutside( ) { } protected void setIsInside( boolean theFlag ) { isInside = theFlag; } protected boolean getIsInside( ) { return isInside; } /** * * @param KeyEvent theEvent */ @ControlP5.Invisible public void keyEvent( final KeyEvent theEvent ) { } /** * set the id of a controller. * * @param int theId * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setId( final int theId ) { _myId = theId; return me; } /** * returns the id of a controller, by default the id is -1. Any int can be given to a controller as its ID, * controlP5 does not recognize duplicates, this has to be managed on the user site. * * @return int */ @ControlP5.Layout public int getId( ) { return _myId; } protected ControllerPlug getControllerPlug( int theIndex ) { return _myControllerPlugList.get( theIndex ); } /** * * @return List */ public List< ControllerPlug > getControllerPlugList( ) { return _myControllerPlugList; } protected boolean checkControllerPlug( ControllerPlug thePlug ) { for ( ControllerPlug cp : _myControllerPlugList ) { if ( cp.getObject( ).equals( thePlug.getObject( ) ) && cp.getName( ).equals( thePlug.getName( ) ) ) { return true; } } return false; } protected void addControllerPlug( final ControllerPlug thePlug ) { if ( checkControllerPlug( thePlug ) ) return; _myControllerPlugList.add( thePlug ); } protected void removeControllerPlug( final ControllerPlug thePlug ) { _myControllerPlugList.remove( thePlug ); } /** * plugs the controller to a list of objects * * @param theObject * @return Controller */ public T plugTo( final Object[] theObjects ) { for ( Object o : theObjects ) { plugTo( o , _myName ); } return me; } /** * * @param theObjects * @param theName * @return Controller */ public T plugTo( final Object[] theObjects , String theName ) { for ( Object o : theObjects ) { plugTo( o , theName ); } return me; } /** * @param theObject * @return Controller */ public T plugTo( Object theObject ) { return plugTo( theObject , _myName ); } public T plugTo( Object theObject , String theName ) { if ( ( theObject instanceof PApplet ) ) { unplugFrom( theObject ); } cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).plug( theObject , this , theName ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).plug( theObject , this , cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).getEventMethod( ) ); return me; } /** * unplugs the controller from a list of objects * * @param theObjects * @return */ public T unplugFrom( final Object[] theObjects ) { for ( Object o : theObjects ) { unplugFrom( o ); } return me; } /** * unplugs the Controller for a single object * * @param theObject * @return Controller */ public T unplugFrom( final Object theObject ) { for ( Iterator< ControllerPlug > i = _myControllerPlugList.iterator( ) ; i.hasNext( ) ; ) { if ( ).getObject( ).equals( theObject ) ) { i.remove( ); } } return me; } /** * @param theValue float */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setValue( float theValue ) { _myValue = theValue; broadcast( FLOAT ); return me; } public T setValueSelf( float theValue ) { boolean broadcast = isBroadcast( ); setBroadcast( false ); _myValue = theValue; broadcast( FLOAT ); setBroadcast( broadcast ); return me; } /** * @see Controller#getStringValue() * @see Controller#getArrayValue() * @return float */ @ControlP5.Layout public float getValue( ) { return _myValue; } /** * @param theValue * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setStringValue( String theValue ) { _myStringValue = theValue; return me; } /** * @see Controller#getValue() * @see Controller#getArrayValue() * * @return String */ @ControlP5.Layout public String getStringValue( ) { return _myStringValue; } /** * returns the current float array value of a controller. * * @see Controller#getValue() * @see Controller#getStringValue() * * @return float[] */ @ControlP5.Layout public float[] getArrayValue( ) { return _myArrayValue; } /** * @param theIndex * @return float */ public float getArrayValue( int theIndex ) { if ( theIndex >= 0 && theIndex < _myArrayValue.length ) { return _myArrayValue[ theIndex ]; } else { return Float.NaN; } } /** * * @param theArray * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setArrayValue( float[] theArray ) { _myArrayValue = theArray; return me; } /** * * @param theIndex * @param theValue * @return Controller */ public T setArrayValue( int theIndex , float theValue ) { if ( theIndex >= 0 && theIndex < _myArrayValue.length ) { _myArrayValue[ theIndex ] = theValue; } return me; } /** * sets the value of the controller without sending the broadcast event. this function is final. * * @param theValue float * @return Controller */ public final T changeValue( float theValue ) { boolean br = this.isBroadcast; this.isBroadcast = false; setValue( theValue ); this.isBroadcast = br; return me; } /** * updates the value of the controller without having to set the value explicitly. update does not visually update * the controller. the updating status can be set with setUpdate(true/false) and checked with isUpdate(). * * @see Controller#setUpdate(boolean) * @see Controller#isUpdate() * @return Controller */ public T update( ) { return me; } /** * disables the update function for a controller. * * @see Controller#update() * @see Controller#isUpdate() * * @param theFlag boolean * @return Controller */ @Override public T setUpdate( final boolean theFlag ) { isUpdate = theFlag; return me; } /** * enables the update function for a controller. * * @see Controller#update() * @see Controller#setUpdate(boolean) * * @return boolean */ public boolean isUpdate( ) { return isUpdate; } @ControlP5.Invisible public int getPickingColor( ) { return _myPickingColor; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @ControlP5.Layout public CColor getColor( ) { return color; } /** * sets the content of the caption label of a controller. * * @param theLabel * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setCaptionLabel( final String theLabel ) { _myCaptionLabel.set( theLabel ); return me; } /** * set or change the value of the value label of a controller. (this is cheating, but maybe useful for some cases.) * * @param theLabel * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setValueLabel( final String theLabel ) { _myValueLabel.set( theLabel ); return me; } /** * returns the controller's caption label text. * * @return String */ @ControlP5.Invisible public String getLabel( ) { return _myCaptionLabel.getText( ); } /** * @see controlP5.ControlListener * @param theListener ControlListener * @return Controller */ public T addListener( final ControlListener theListener ) { _myControlListener.add( theListener ); return me; } /** * @see controlP5.ControlListener * @param theListener ControlListener * @return Controller */ public T removeListener( final ControlListener theListener ) { _myControlListener.remove( theListener ); return me; } /** * @return int */ public int listenerSize( ) { return _myControlListener.size( ); } /** * @see CallbackListener * @param theListener * @return Controller */ public T addCallback( CallbackListener theListener ) { cp5.addCallback( theListener , this ); return me; } /** * @see CallbackListener * @param theListener * @return Controller */ public T removeCallback( CallbackListener theListener ) { cp5.removeCallback( theListener ); return me; } /** * @return Controller */ public T removeCallback( ) { cp5.removeCallback( this ); return me; } protected void broadcast( ) { broadcast( _myBroadcastType ); } protected void broadcast( int theType ) { theType = _myBroadcastType; final ControlEvent myEvent = new ControlEvent( this ); for ( ControlListener cl : _myControlListener ) { cl.controlEvent( myEvent ); } if ( isBroadcast && isInit ) { cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).broadcast( myEvent , theType ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( this , ACTION_BROADCAST ) ); callListener( ACTION_BROADCAST ); } isInit = true; } /** * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Layout @Override public boolean isVisible( ) { if ( getParent( ) != null ) { if ( getParent( ).isVisible( ) == false ) { return false; } } return isVisible; } /** * @param theFlag boolean * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setVisible( final boolean theFlag ) { isVisible = theFlag; if ( theFlag == false ) { isActive = false; } return me; } /** * @return Controller */ @Override public T hide( ) { setMouseOver( false ); isVisible = false; isActive = false; return me; } /** * @return Controller */ @Override public T show( ) { isVisible = true; return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public T setColor( CColor theColor ) { color.set( theColor ); setColorCaptionLabel( theColor.getCaptionLabel( ) ); setColorValueLabel( theColor.getValueLabel( ) ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @ControlP5.Layout public T setColorActive( final int theColor ) { color.setActive( theColor ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @ControlP5.Layout public T setColorForeground( final int theColor ) { color.setForeground( theColor ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @ControlP5.Layout public T setColorBackground( final int theColor ) { color.setBackground( theColor ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param theColor * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setColorCaptionLabel( final int theColor ) { color.setCaptionLabel( theColor ); _myCaptionLabel.setColor( color.getCaptionLabel( ) ); return me; } /** * @param theColor * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setColorValueLabel( final int theColor ) { color.setValueLabel( theColor ); if ( _myValueLabel != null ) { _myValueLabel.setColor( color.getValueLabel( ) ); } return me; } /** * by default controllers use simple shapes, to replace these shapes with images, use setImages(). This can be handy * for buttons, toggles, bangs, for more complex controllers such as sliders, range, dropdownlist this is not * advisable. * * @param theImageDefault * @param theImageOver * @param theImageActive * @return Controller */ public T setImages( PImage theImageDefault , PImage theImageOver , PImage theImageActive ) { setImage( theImageDefault , DEFAULT ); setImage( theImageOver , OVER ); setImage( theImageActive , ACTIVE ); setImage( theImageActive , HIGHLIGHT ); return me; } public T setImages( PImage theImageDefault , PImage theImageOver , PImage theImageActive , PImage theImageHighlight ) { setImage( theImageDefault , DEFAULT ); setImage( theImageOver , OVER ); setImage( theImageActive , ACTIVE ); setImage( theImageHighlight , HIGHLIGHT ); return me; } public T setImages( PImage ... imgs ) { if ( imgs.length < 3 || imgs.length > 4 ) { return me; } setImage( imgs[ 0 ] , DEFAULT ); setImage( imgs[ 1 ] , OVER ); setImage( imgs[ 2 ] , ACTIVE ); setImage( imgs.length == 3 ? imgs[ 2 ] : imgs[ 3 ] , HIGHLIGHT ); return me; } public T setImage( PImage theImage ) { return setImage( theImage , DEFAULT ); } /** * @param theImage * @param theState use Controller.DEFAULT (background) Controller.OVER (foreground) Controller.ACTIVE (active) */ public T setImage( PImage theImage , int theState ) { if ( theImage != null ) { images[ theState ] = theImage; availableImages[ theState ] = true; updateDisplayMode( IMAGE ); } return me; } public T updateSize( ) { if ( images[ DEFAULT ] != null ) { setSize( images[ DEFAULT ] ); } return me; } /** * auto-updates the size of a controller according to the dimensions of the PImage. * * @param theImage * @return Controller */ public T setSize( PImage theImage ) { if ( theImage != null ) { setSize( theImage.width , theImage.height ); } return me; } /** * @param theWidth * @param theHeight * @return Controller */ public T setSize( int theWidth , int theHeight ) { setWidth( theWidth ); setHeight( theHeight ); return me; } protected T updateDisplayMode( int theMode ) { if ( theMode != DEFAULT ) { ControlP5.logger( ).warning( "Image-based or custom displays are not yet implemented for this type of controller. (" + this.getClass( ).getName( ) + ")" ); } return me; } /** * use setDisplay to customize your controller look. A new controller-display class required to implement interface * ControllerView. By default the display mode will be set to CUSTOM when setting a new display. * * @see controlP5.ControllerView * @param theView * @return Controller */ public T setView( ControllerView< T > theView ) { setView( theView , CUSTOM ); return me; } public void setView( ControllerView< T > theView , int theMode ) { _myDisplayMode = theMode; _myControllerView = theView; } public ControllerView< T > getView( ) { return _myControllerView; } /** * @see controlP5.Label * @return Label */ @ControlP5.Layout public Label getCaptionLabel( ) { return _myCaptionLabel; } /** * @return Label */ @ControlP5.Layout public Label getValueLabel( ) { return _myValueLabel; } /** * returns the maximum value of the controller. * * @return float */ @ControlP5.Layout public float getMax( ) { return _myMax; } /** * returns the minimum value of the controller. * * @return float */ @ControlP5.Layout public float getMin( ) { return _myMin; } /** * sets the minimum value of the Controller. * * @param theValue float * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setMin( float theValue ) { _myMin = theValue; changeValue( getValue( ) ); return me; } /** * sets the maximum value of the Controller. * * @param theValue float * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setMax( float theValue ) { _myMax = theValue; changeValue( getValue( ) ); return me; } /** * @param theWidth * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setWidth( int theWidth ) { width = theWidth; return me; } /** * @param theHeight * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setHeight( int theHeight ) { height = theHeight; return me; } /** * @return int */ @ControlP5.Layout public int getWidth( ) { return width; } /** * @return int */ @ControlP5.Layout public int getHeight( ) { return height; } /** * sets the decimal precision of a controller's float value displayed. the precision does not apply to the returned * float value. * * @param theValue * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setDecimalPrecision( int theValue ) { _myDecimalPoints = theValue; // TODO transfer color values of existing label int[] t = _myValueLabel.getAlign( ); _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , "" + ( ( ( adjustValue( _myMax ) ).length( ) > ( adjustValue( _myMin ) ).length( ) ) ? adjustValue( _myMax ) : adjustValue( _myMin ) ) ); _myValueLabel.align( t ); _myValueLabel.setColor( color.getValueLabel( ) ); _myValueLabel.set( "" + adjustValue( getValue( ) ) ); return me; } /** * @return int */ @ControlP5.Layout public int getDecimalPrecision( ) { return _myDecimalPoints; } /** * @param theValue float * @return String */ protected String adjustValue( final float theValue ) { return adjustValue( theValue , _myDecimalPoints ); } /** * @param theValue * @param theFloatPrecision * @return String */ protected String adjustValue( final float theValue , final int theFloatPrecision ) { int myFloatNumberLength = theFloatPrecision + 1; if ( getControllerPlugList( ).size( ) > 0 ) { for ( ControllerPlug cp : getControllerPlugList( ) ) { if ( cp.getClassType( ) == int.class ) { myFloatNumberLength = 0; } } } String myLabelValue = "" + theValue; int myIndex = myLabelValue.indexOf( '.' ); if ( myIndex > 0 ) { if ( theFloatPrecision == 0 ) { myIndex--; } myLabelValue = myLabelValue.substring( 0 , ( int ) Math.min( myLabelValue.length( ) , myIndex + myFloatNumberLength ) ); final int n = ( myLabelValue.length( ) - myIndex ); if ( n < myFloatNumberLength ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < myFloatNumberLength - n ; i++ ) { myLabelValue += "0"; } } } else { myLabelValue += "."; for ( int i = 0 ; i < myFloatNumberLength ; i++ ) { myLabelValue += "0"; } } return myLabelValue; } public T align( int theCaptionX , int theCaptionY , int theValueX , int theValueY ) { getCaptionLabel( ).align( theCaptionX , theCaptionY ); getCaptionLabel( ).align( theValueX , theValueY ); return me; } /** * @return ControlWindow */ public ControlWindow getControlWindow( ) { return _myControlWindow; } /** * disables the controller to be moved, or changed or controlled by the user. * * @return Controller */ public T lock( ) { isLock = true; return me; } /** * enables the controller to be moved, changed and controlled by the user. * * @return Controller */ public T unlock( ) { isLock = false; return me; } /** * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Layout public boolean isLock( ) { return isLock; } /** * sets the lock status of the controller * * @param theValue * @return Controller */ @ControlP5.Layout public T setLock( boolean theValue ) { isLock = theValue; return me; } /** * @exclude TODO */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T setUserInteraction( boolean theValue ) { isUserInteraction = theValue; return me; } /** * @exclude * @return boolean */ @ControlP5.Invisible public boolean isUserInteraction( ) { return isUserInteraction; } /** * adds a tooltip to a controller, by default the tooltip is disabled. A Tooltip is made visible when entering a * controller with the mouse, when the mouse is moved inside the controller, the tooltip will hide. * * @param theText * @return Controller */ public T registerTooltip( String theText ) { cp5.getTooltip( ).register( this , theText ); return me; } /** * @see controlP5.Controller#registerTooltip(String) * @return Controller */ public T unregisterTooltip( ) { cp5.getTooltip( ).unregister( this ); return me; } protected T setTooltipEnabled( boolean theValue ) { tooltipEnabled = theValue; return me; } protected boolean isTooltipEnabled( ) { return tooltipEnabled; } /** * @return Controller */ public T linebreak( ) { cp5.linebreak( this , true , autoWidth , autoHeight , autoSpacing ); return me; } class DebugView implements ControllerView< T > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , T theController ) { if ( inside( ) ) { theGraphics.fill( 255 , 0 , 0 , 50 ); theGraphics.stroke( 255 , 0 , 0 ); } else { theGraphics.fill( 255 , 50 ); theGraphics.stroke( 255 ); } theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , width , height ); theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ControllerProperty getProperty( String thePropertyName ) { return cp5.getProperties( ).getProperty( this , thePropertyName ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ControllerProperty getProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ) { return cp5.getProperties( ).getProperty( this , theSetter , theGetter ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public T registerProperty( String thePropertyName ) { cp5.getProperties( ).register( this , thePropertyName ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public T registerProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ) { cp5.getProperties( ).register( this , theSetter , theGetter ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public T removeProperty( String thePropertyName ) { cp5.getProperties( ).remove( this , thePropertyName ); return me; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public T removeProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ) { cp5.getProperties( ).remove( this , theSetter , theGetter ); return me; } /** * @exclude {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString( ) { return getName( ) + " [" + getClass( ).getSimpleName( ) + "]"; } /** * @exclude * @return String */ public String getInfo( ) { return "[ type:\tController" + "\nname:\t" + _myName + "\n" + "label:\t" + _myCaptionLabel.getText( ) + "\n" + "id:\t" + _myId + "\n" + "value:\t" + getValue( ) + "\n" + "arrayvalue:\t" + CP.arrayToString( _myArrayValue ) + "\n" + "position:\t" + position + "\n" + "absolute:\t" + absolutePosition + "\n" + "width:\t" + getWidth( ) + "\n" + "height:\t" + getHeight( ) + "\n" + "color:\t" + getColor( ) + "\n" + "visible:\t" + isVisible + "\n" + "moveable:\t" + isMoveable + " ]"; } /** * convenience method to fill a float array in favor of theArray[0] = 1.2; etc. * takes a float array and fills it (starting from index 0) with arguments starting from index 1. */ static public float[] set( float[] theArray , float ... theValues ) { if ( theValues.length > theArray.length ) { System.arraycopy( theValues , 0 , theArray , 0 , theArray.length ); } else { System.arraycopy( theValues , 0 , theArray , 0 , theValues.length ); } return theArray; } /** * returns the first element of the float array. */ static public float x( float[] theArray ) { if ( theArray.length > 0 ) { return theArray[ 0 ]; } return 0; } /** * returns the second element of the float array. */ static public float y( float[] theArray ) { if ( theArray.length > 1 ) { return theArray[ 1 ]; } return 0; } @Override public T setLabel( String theString ) { getCaptionLabel( ).setText( theString ); return me; } @Override public T setColorLabel( int theColor ) { getCaptionLabel( ).setColor( theColor ); return me; } @Override public T setColorValue( int theColor ) { getValueLabel( ).setColor( theColor ); return me; } }