/** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel (http://www.sojamo.de) * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ package controlP5; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PGraphics; import processing.event.KeyEvent; /** * ControllerGroup is an abstract class and is extended by class ControlGroup, Tab, or the ListBox. * */ public abstract class ControllerGroup< T extends ControllerInterface< T > > implements ControllerInterface< T > , ControlListener , ControlP5Constants { protected final float[] position = new float[ 2 ]; protected final float[] positionBuffer = new float[ 2 ]; protected final float[] absolutePosition = new float[ 2 ]; protected final ControllerList controllers = new ControllerList( ); protected final List< ControlListener > _myControlListener = new ArrayList< >( ); protected ControlP5 cp5; protected ControllerGroup< ? extends ControllerInterface< ? > > _myParent; protected String _myName; protected int _myId = -1; protected final CColor color = new CColor( ); protected boolean isMousePressed = false; // only applies to the area of the title bar of a group protected boolean isInside = false; // applies to the area including controllers, currently only supported for listbox protected boolean isInsideGroup = false; protected boolean isVisible = true; protected boolean isOpen = true; protected boolean isBarVisible = true; protected boolean isArrowVisible = true; protected Button _myCloseButton; protected boolean isMoveable = true; protected Label _myLabel; protected Label _myValueLabel; protected int _myWidth = 99; protected int _myHeight = 9; protected boolean isUpdate; protected final List< Canvas > _myCanvas = new ArrayList< >( ); protected float _myValue; protected String _myStringValue; protected float[] _myArrayValue; protected boolean isCollapse = true; protected int _myPickingColor = 0x6600ffff; protected final float[] autoPosition = new float[] { 10f , 30f }; protected float tempAutoPositionHeight = 0f; protected float autoPositionOffsetX = 10f; private String _myAddress = ""; private boolean mouseover; protected final T me = ( T ) this; /** * Convenience constructor to extend ControllerGroup. */ public ControllerGroup( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) { this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , 0f , 0f ); theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this ); } public ControllerGroup( ControlP5 theControlP5 , ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , String theName , float theX , float theY ) { set( position , theX , theY ); cp5 = theControlP5; color.set( theParent == null ? cp5.color : theParent.color ); _myName = theName; _myLabel = new Label( cp5 , _myName ); _myLabel.setText( _myName ).setColor( color.getCaptionLabel( ) ).align( LEFT , TOP ); setParent( theParent == null ? this : theParent ); } protected ControllerGroup( int theX , int theY ) { set( position , theX , theY ); } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public void init( ) { } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public ControllerInterface< ? extends ControllerInterface< ? > > getParent( ) { return _myParent; } < U extends ControllerInterface< U > > T setParent( final ControllerGroup< U > theParent ) { if ( _myParent != null && _myParent != this ) _myParent.remove( this ); if ( ( _myParent = theParent ) != this ) theParent.add( this ); final float x = x( position ) + x( theParent.absolutePosition ); final float y = y( position ) + y( theParent.absolutePosition ); set( absolutePosition , x , y ); set( positionBuffer , position ); if ( getWindow( ) != null ) setMouseOver( false ); return me; } public final T setGroup( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { setParent( theGroup ); return me; } public final T setGroup( String theName ) { setParent( cp5.getGroup( theName ) ); return me; } @Override public T moveTo( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup , Tab theTab , ControlWindow theControlWindow ) { if ( theGroup != null ) return setGroup( theGroup ); if ( theControlWindow == null ) theControlWindow = getWindow( ); return setTab( theControlWindow , theTab.getName( ) ); } @Override public T moveTo( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { return moveTo( theGroup , null , null ); } public final T moveTo( Tab theTab ) { return moveTo( null , theTab , theTab.getWindow( ) ); } public T moveTo( PApplet thePApplet ) { return moveTo( cp5.controlWindow ); } public T moveTo( ControlWindow theControlWindow ) { return moveTo( null , theControlWindow.getTab( "default" ) , theControlWindow ); } public final T moveTo( String theTabName ) { return moveTo( null , cp5.controlWindow.getTab( theTabName ) , cp5.controlWindow ); } public final T moveTo( String theTabName , ControlWindow theControlWindow ) { return moveTo( null , theControlWindow.getTab( theTabName ) , theControlWindow ); } public final T moveTo( ControlWindow theControlWindow , String theTabName ) { return moveTo( null , theControlWindow.getTab( theTabName ) , theControlWindow ); } public final T moveTo( Tab theTab , ControlWindow theControlWindow ) { return moveTo( null , theTab , theControlWindow ); } public final T setTab( String theName ) { setParent( cp5.getTab( theName ) ); return me; } public final T setTab( ControlWindow theWindow , String theName ) { setParent( cp5.getTab( theWindow , theName ) ); return me; } public final T setTab( Tab theTab ) { setParent( theTab ); return me; } @Override public Tab getTab( ) { if ( this instanceof Tab ) return ( Tab ) this; if ( _myParent instanceof Tab ) return ( Tab ) _myParent; return _myParent.getTab( ); } protected void updateFont( final ControlFont theControlFont ) { _myLabel.updateFont( theControlFont ); if ( _myValueLabel != null ) _myValueLabel.updateFont( theControlFont ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) { if ( ci instanceof Controller< ? > ) { ( ( Controller< ? > ) ci ).updateFont( theControlFont ); } else { ( ( ControllerGroup< ? > ) ci ).updateFont( theControlFont ); } } } } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public float[] getAbsolutePosition( ) { //return new float[] { x( absolutePosition ) , y( absolutePosition ) }; return absolutePosition.clone(); } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public T setAbsolutePosition( float[] thePos ) { set( absolutePosition , x( thePos ) , y( thePos ) ); return me; } @Override public float[] getPosition( ) { //return new float[] { x( position ) , y( position ) }; return position.clone(); } @Override public T setPosition( float theX , float theY ) { set( position , Math.round( theX ) , Math.round( theY ) ); set( positionBuffer , position ); return updateAbsolutePosition( ); } @Override public T setPosition( float[] thePosition ) { return setPosition( x( thePosition ) , y( thePosition ) ); } @Override public T updateAbsolutePosition( ) { final float x = x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ); final float y = y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ); set( absolutePosition , x , y ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.updateAbsolutePosition( ); } return me; } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public void continuousUpdateEvents( ) { final List< ControllerInterface< ? > > controls = controllers.get( ); if ( !controls.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( controls ) { int i = controls.size( ); while ( i-- != 0 ) controls.get( i ).continuousUpdateEvents( ); } } @Override public T update( ) { final List< ControllerInterface< ? > > controls = controllers.get( ); if ( !controls.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( controls ) { for ( int i = controls.size( ) ; i-- != 0 ; ) { final ControllerInterface< ? > ci = controls.get( i ); if ( ci.isUpdate( ) ) ci.update( ); } } return me; } /** * enables or disables the update function of a controller. */ @Override public T setUpdate( final boolean theFlag ) { isUpdate = theFlag; if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) { ci.setUpdate( theFlag ); } } return me; } /** * checks the update status of a controller. */ @Override public boolean isUpdate( ) { return isUpdate; } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public T updateEvents( ) { if ( isOpen ) { final List< ControllerInterface< ? > > controls = controllers.get( ); if ( !controls.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( controls ) { int i = controls.size( ); while ( i-- != 0 ) controls.get( i ).updateEvents( ); } } final ControlWindow win = getWindow( ); if ( isVisible && isMousePressed == win.mouselock ) { if ( isMousePressed && isMoveable && !cp5.isMoveable && cp5.isAltDown( ) ) { final float x = x( positionBuffer ), y = y( positionBuffer ); set( positionBuffer , x + win.mouseX - win.pmouseX , y + win.mouseY - win.pmouseY ); if ( cp5.isShiftDown( ) ) { final int xi = ( int ) x( positionBuffer ); final int yi = ( int ) y( positionBuffer ); set( position , xi / 10 * 10 , yi / 10 * 10 ); } else { set( position , positionBuffer ); } updateAbsolutePosition( ); } else { if ( isInside ) setMouseOver( true ); if ( !isInside && inside( ) ) { isInside = true; onEnter( ); setMouseOver( true ); } else if ( isInside && !isMousePressed ) { onLeave( ); setMouseOver( isInside = false ); } } } return me; } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public T updateInternalEvents( PApplet theApplet ) { return me; } @Override public boolean isMouseOver( ) { return mouseover = isInside || isInsideGroup || !isBarVisible; } @Override public T setMouseOver( final boolean theFlag ) { if ( mouseover = isBarVisible ? theFlag : false ) { // TODO since inside can be either isInside or isInsideGroup. // There are 2 options here, which I am not sure how to handle them yet. getWindow( ).setMouseOverController( this ); } else { isInsideGroup = isInside = false; getWindow( ).removeMouseOverFor( this ); final List< ControllerInterface< ? > > controls = controllers.get( ); if ( !controls.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( controls ) { int i = controls.size( ); while ( i-- != 0 ) controls.get( i ).setMouseOver( false ); } } return me; } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public final void draw( final PGraphics theGraphics ) { if ( !isVisible ) return; theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); theGraphics.translate( x( position ) , y( position ) ); preDraw( theGraphics ); drawControllers( cp5.papplet , theGraphics ); postDraw( theGraphics ); if ( _myValueLabel != null ) _myValueLabel.draw( theGraphics , 2 , 2 , this ); theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } protected void drawControllers( final PApplet theApplet , final PGraphics theGraphics ) { if ( !isOpen ) return; if ( !_myCanvas.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( _myCanvas ) { for ( final Canvas cc : _myCanvas ) if ( cc.mode( ) == Canvas.PRE ) cc.draw( theGraphics ); } if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) { if ( ci.isVisible( ) ) ci.updateInternalEvents( theApplet ).draw( theGraphics ); } } if ( controllers.sizeDrawable( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.getDrawables( ) ) { for ( final CDrawable cd : controllers.getDrawables( ) ) cd.draw( theGraphics ); } if ( !_myCanvas.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( _myCanvas ) { for ( final Canvas cc : _myCanvas ) if ( cc.mode( ) == Canvas.POST ) cc.draw( theGraphics ); } } protected void preDraw( PGraphics theGraphics ) { } protected void postDraw( PGraphics theGraphics ) { } /** * Adds a canvas to a controllerGroup such as a tab or group. * Use processing's draw methods to add visual content. */ public Canvas addCanvas( final Canvas theCanvas ) { synchronized (_myCanvas) { _myCanvas.add( theCanvas ); } // TODO theCanvas.setup( cp5.papplet ); return theCanvas; } /** * Removes a canvas from a controller group. */ public T removeCanvas( final Canvas theCanvas ) { if ( !_myCanvas.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized (_myCanvas) { _myCanvas.remove( theCanvas ); } return me; } /** * Adds a controller to the group, but use Controller.setGroup() instead. */ @Override public T add( ControllerInterface< ? > theElement ) { controllers.add( theElement ); return me; } @Override public T bringToFront( ) { return bringToFront( this ); } @Override public T bringToFront( final ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { if ( _myParent instanceof Tab ) { moveTo( ( Tab ) _myParent ); } else { _myParent.bringToFront( theController ); } if ( theController != this && controllers.get( ).contains( theController ) ) { controllers.remove( theController ); controllers.add( theController ); } return me; } /** * Removes a controller from the group, but use Controller.setGroup() instead. */ @Override public T remove( final ControllerInterface< ? > theElement ) { if ( theElement != null ) theElement.setMouseOver( false ); controllers.remove( theElement ); return me; } @ControlP5.Invisible public T addDrawable( CDrawable theElement ) { controllers.addDrawable( theElement ); return me; } public T remove( CDrawable theElement ) { controllers.removeDrawable( theElement ); return me; } /** * removes the group from controlP5. */ @Override public void remove( ) { if ( cp5 != null ) { getWindow( ).removeMouseOverFor( this ); if ( this instanceof Tab ) getWindow( ).removeTab( ( Tab ) this ); cp5.remove( this ); } if ( _myParent != null ) _myParent.remove( this ); final List< ControllerInterface< ? > > controls = controllers.get( ); if ( !controls.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( controls ) { for ( int i = controls.size( ) ; i-- != 0 ; ) controls.get( i ).remove( ); controls.clear( ); } controllers.clearDrawable( ); } @Override public String getName( ) { return _myName; } @Override public String getAddress( ) { return _myAddress; } @Override public T setAddress( String theAddress ) { if ( _myAddress.length( ) == 0 ) _myAddress = theAddress; return me; } @Override public ControlWindow getWindow( ) { return cp5.getWindow( ); } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public void keyEvent( final KeyEvent theEvent ) { if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.keyEvent( theEvent ); } } @Override public boolean setMousePressed( final boolean theStatus ) { if ( !isVisible ) return false; final List< ControllerInterface< ? > > controls = controllers.get( ); if ( !controls.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( controls ) { for ( int i = controls.size( ) ; i-- != 0 ; ) if ( controls.get( i ).setMousePressed( theStatus ) ) return true; } if ( theStatus && isInside ) { isMousePressed = true; mousePressed( ); return true; } else if ( isMousePressed ) { isMousePressed = false; mouseReleased( ); } return false; } protected void mousePressed( ) { } protected void mouseReleased( ) { } protected void onEnter( ) { } protected void onLeave( ) { } protected void onScroll( int theAmount ) { } @Override public T setId( int theId ) { _myId = theId; return me; } @Override public int getId( ) { return _myId; } @Override public T setColor( final CColor theColor ) { if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.setColor( theColor ); } return me; } @Override public T setColorActive( final int theColor ) { color.setActive( theColor ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.setColorActive( theColor ); } return me; } @Override public T setColorForeground( final int theColor ) { color.setForeground( theColor ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.setColorForeground( theColor ); } return me; } @Override public T setColorBackground( final int theColor ) { color.setBackground( theColor ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.setColorBackground( theColor ); } return me; } @Override public T setColorLabel( final int theColor ) { color.setCaptionLabel( theColor ); if ( _myLabel != null ) _myLabel.setColor( color.getCaptionLabel( ) ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.setColorLabel( theColor ); } return me; } @Override public T setColorValue( final int theColor ) { color.setValueLabel( theColor ); if ( _myValueLabel != null ) _myValueLabel.setColor( color.getValueLabel( ) ); if ( controllers.size( ) != 0 ) synchronized ( controllers.get( ) ) { for ( final ControllerInterface< ? > ci : controllers.get( ) ) ci.setColorValue( theColor ); } return me; } @Override public T setLabel( String theLabel ) { _myLabel.set( theLabel ); return me; } @Override public boolean isVisible( ) { return _myParent != null && _myParent != this && !getParent( ).isVisible( )? false : isVisible; } public T setVisible( boolean theFlag ) { isVisible = theFlag; return me; } @Override public T hide( ) { isVisible = false; return me; } @Override public T show( ) { isVisible = true; return me; } /** * set the moveable status of the group, when false, the group can't be moved. */ public T setMoveable( boolean theFlag ) { isMoveable = theFlag; return me; } public boolean isMoveable( ) { return isMoveable; } public T setOpen( boolean theFlag ) { isOpen = theFlag; return me; } public boolean isOpen( ) { return isOpen; } public T open( ) { return setOpen( true ); } public T close( ) { return setOpen( false ); } /** * TODO redesign or deprecate remove the close button. */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T removeCloseButton( ) { if ( _myCloseButton != null ) _myCloseButton.remove( ); _myCloseButton = null; return me; } public T setTitle( String theTitle ) { getCaptionLabel( ).set( theTitle ); return me; } public T hideBar( ) { isBarVisible = false; return me; } public T showBar( ) { isBarVisible = true; return me; } public boolean isBarVisible( ) { return isBarVisible; } public T hideArrow( ) { isArrowVisible = false; return me; } public T showArrow( ) { isArrowVisible = true; return me; } public boolean isArrowVisible( ) { return isArrowVisible; } /** * TODO redesign or deprecate add a close button to the controlbar of this controlGroup. */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T addCloseButton( ) { if ( _myCloseButton == null ) { _myCloseButton = new Button( cp5 , this , getName( ) + "close" , 1 , _myWidth + 1 , -10 , 12 , 9 ); _myCloseButton.setCaptionLabel( "X" ).addListener( this ); } return me; } @ControlP5.Invisible @Override public int getPickingColor( ) { return _myPickingColor; } @ControlP5.Invisible public T setPickingColor( final int c ) { _myPickingColor = c; return me; } @Override public CColor getColor( ) { return color; } @Override public T setValue( float theValue ) { _myValue = theValue; return me; } @Override public float getValue( ) { return _myValue; } @Override public String getStringValue( ) { return _myStringValue; } @Override public T setStringValue( String theValue ) { _myStringValue = theValue; return me; } @Override public float[] getArrayValue( ) { return _myArrayValue; } @Override public float getArrayValue( final int theIndex ) { if ( theIndex >= 0 && theIndex < _myArrayValue.length ) { return _myArrayValue[ theIndex ]; } else { return Float.NaN; } } @Override public T setArrayValue( final int theIndex , final float theValue ) { if ( theIndex >= 0 && theIndex < _myArrayValue.length ) { _myArrayValue[ theIndex ] = theValue; } return me; } @Override public T setArrayValue( float[] theArray ) { _myArrayValue = theArray; return me; } public Controller< ? > getController( String theController ) { return cp5.getController( theController ); } @Override public T setCaptionLabel( String theValue ) { getCaptionLabel( ).set( theValue ); return me; } public Label getCaptionLabel( ) { return _myLabel; } public Label getValueLabel( ) { return _myValueLabel; } public T enableCollapse( ) { isCollapse = true; return me; } public T disableCollapse( ) { isCollapse = false; return me; } public boolean isCollapse( ) { return isCollapse; } @Override public int getWidth( ) { return _myWidth; } @Override public int getHeight( ) { return _myHeight; } public T setWidth( int theWidth ) { _myWidth = theWidth; return me; } public T setHeight( int theHeight ) { _myHeight = theHeight; return me; } public T setSize( int theWidth , int theHeight ) { setWidth( theWidth ); // setHeight(theHeight) will set the Height of the bar therefore will not be used here. return me; } protected boolean inside( ) { final int mx = getWindow( ).mouseX, my = getWindow( ).mouseY; final int x = Math.round( x( position ) + x( _myParent.absolutePosition ) ); final int y = Math.round( y( position ) + y( _myParent.absolutePosition ) ); return mx > x && mx < x + _myWidth && my > y - _myHeight && my < y; } @Override public ControllerProperty getProperty( String thePropertyName ) { return cp5.getProperties( ).getProperty( this , thePropertyName ); } @Override public ControllerProperty getProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ) { return cp5.getProperties( ).getProperty( this , theSetter , theGetter ); } @Override public T registerProperty( String thePropertyName ) { cp5.getProperties( ).register( this , thePropertyName ); return me; } @Override public T registerProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ) { cp5.getProperties( ).register( this , theSetter , theGetter ); return me; } @Override public T removeProperty( String thePropertyName ) { cp5.getProperties( ).remove( this , thePropertyName ); return me; } @Override public T removeProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ) { cp5.getProperties( ).remove( this , theSetter , theGetter ); return me; } @Override public void controlEvent( ControlEvent theEvent ) { } @Override public T addListener( final ControlListener theListener ) { synchronized ( _myControlListener ) { _myControlListener.add( theListener ); } return me; } public T removeListener( final ControlListener theListener ) { if ( !_myControlListener.isEmpty( ) ) synchronized ( _myControlListener ) { _myControlListener.remove( theListener ); } return me; } public int listenerSize( ) { return _myControlListener.size( ); } @Override public String toString( ) { return getName( ) + " [" + getClass( ).getSimpleName( ) + "]"; } public String getInfo( ) { return "type:\tControllerGroup" + "\nname:\t" + _myName + "\nlabel:\t" + _myLabel.getText( ) + "\nid:\t" + _myId + "\nvalue:\t" + _myValue + "\narrayvalue:\t" + CP.arrayToString( _myArrayValue ) + "\nposition:\t" + position + "\nabsolute:\t" + absolutePosition + "\nwidth:\t" + getWidth( ) + "\nheight:\t" + getHeight( ) + "\ncolor:\t" + getColor( ) + "\nvisible:\t" + isVisible + "\nmoveable:\t" + isMoveable + "\n"; } /** * Convenience method to fill a float array in favor of theArray[0] = 1.2; etc. * Takes a float array and fills it (starting from index 0) with arguments starting from index 1. */ @SafeVarargs static public final float[] set( final float[] theArray , final float... theValues ) { if ( theArray == null || theValues == null ) return theArray; if ( theValues.length > theArray.length ) { System.arraycopy( theValues , 0 , theArray , 0 , theArray.length ); } else { System.arraycopy( theValues , 0 , theArray , 0 , theValues.length ); } return theArray; } /** * returns the first element of the float array. */ static public final float x( final float[] theArray ) { return theArray != null && theArray.length > 0 ? theArray[ 0 ] : 0f; } /** * returns the second element of the float array. */ static public final float y( final float[] theArray ) { return theArray != null && theArray.length > 1 ? theArray[ 1 ] : 0f; } @Override public T setFont( PFont thePFont ) { getValueLabel( ).setFont( thePFont ); getCaptionLabel( ).setFont( thePFont ); return me; } @Override public T setFont( ControlFont theFont ) { getValueLabel( ).setFont( theFont ); getCaptionLabel( ).setFont( theFont ); return me; } @ControlP5.Invisible public ControllerList getControllerList() { return controllers; } }