/** * ControlP5 Timer * by andreas schlegel, 2009 */ import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; ControlTimer c; Textlabel t; void setup() { size(400,400); frameRate(30); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); c = new ControlTimer(); t = new Textlabel(cp5,"--",100,100); c.setSpeedOfTime(1); } void draw() { background(0); t.setValue(c.toString()); t.draw(this); t.setPosition(mouseX, mouseY); } void mousePressed() { c.reset(); } /* a list of all methods available for the ControlTimer Controller use ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(ControlTimer.class); to print the following list into the console. You can find further details about class ControlTimer in the javadoc. Format: ClassName : returnType methodName(parameter type) controlP5.ControlTimer : String toString() controlP5.ControlTimer : int day() controlP5.ControlTimer : int hour() controlP5.ControlTimer : int millis() controlP5.ControlTimer : int minute() controlP5.ControlTimer : int second() controlP5.ControlTimer : long time() controlP5.ControlTimer : void reset() controlP5.ControlTimer : void setSpeedOfTime(float) controlP5.ControlTimer : void update() java.lang.Object : String toString() java.lang.Object : boolean equals(Object) created: 2014/08/16 19:11:38 */