/** * ControlP5 Callback * * The following example demonstrates the CallbackListener and CallbackEvent. * Here additional information about each available slider will be show when * hovering the controller with the mouse. The info will fade out when leaving * the controller. * * When hovering a controller, the mouse pointer will change as well. * * find a list of public methods available for the CallbackEvent Controller * at the bottom of this sketch. * * by Andreas Schlegel, 2012 * www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlp5 * */ import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; Slider s1, s2; Info info; CallbackListener cb; void setup() { size(800, 400); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); // create a new instance of class Info // info will be used to display a controller's information and // will fade in when a CallbackEvent is invoked. info = new Info(); // add 2 sliders s1 = cp5.addSlider("hello") .setRange(0, 100) .setValue(50) .setPosition(40, 40) .setSize(100, 20); s2 = cp5.addSlider("world") .setRange(0, 100) .setValue(10) .setPosition(40, 70) .setSize(100, 20); // the following CallbackListener will listen to any controlP5 // action such as enter, leave, pressed, released, releasedoutside, broadcast // see static variables starting with ACTION_ inside class main.java.controlp5.ControlP5Constants cb = new CallbackListener() { public void controlEvent(CallbackEvent theEvent) { switch(theEvent.getAction()) { case(ControlP5.ACTION_ENTER): info.n = 1; info.label.setText(theEvent.getController().getInfo()); cursor(HAND); break; case(ControlP5.ACTION_LEAVE): case(ControlP5.ACTION_RELEASEDOUTSIDE): info.n = 0; cursor(ARROW); break; } } }; // add the above callback to controlP5 cp5.addCallback(cb); // add another callback to slider s1, callback event will only be invoked for this // particular controller. s1.addCallback(new CallbackListener() { public void controlEvent(CallbackEvent theEvent) { if (theEvent.getAction()==ControlP5.ACTION_BROADCAST) { s2.setValue(s2.getMax() - s1.getValue()); } } } ); } void draw() { background(0); info.update(); } void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { println("Got a ControlEvent for "+theEvent.name()+" = "+theEvent.value()); info.label.setText(theEvent.getController().getInfo()); } void keyPressed() { // uncomment the line below to remove callback cb from controlP5 // when a key is pressed. //controlP5.removeCallback(cb); } // controlEvent(CallbackEvent) is called whenever a callback // has been triggered. controlEvent(CallbackEvent) is detected by // controlP5 automatically. void controlEvent(CallbackEvent theEvent) { if (theEvent.getController().equals(s2)) { switch(theEvent.getAction()) { case(ControlP5.ACTION_ENTER): println("Action:ENTER"); break; case(ControlP5.ACTION_LEAVE): println("Action:LEAVE"); break; case(ControlP5.ACTION_PRESSED): println("Action:PRESSED"); break; case(ControlP5.ACTION_RELEASED): println("Action:RELEASED"); break; case(ControlP5.ACTION_RELEASEDOUTSIDE): println("Action:RELEASED OUTSIDE"); break; case(ControlP5.ACTION_BROADCAST): println("Action:BROADCAST"); break; } } } class Info { float a; float n = 0; String txt = ""; Textarea label; Info() { label = cp5.addTextarea("Hello\nWorld") .setSize(200,200) .setPosition(300,40) .setColor(color(255)) .setColorBackground(color(100,0)) .setLineHeight(12); } void update() { a += (n-a)*0.1; label.setColorBackground(color(100,255*a)); } } /* a list of all methods available for the CallbackEvent Controller use ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(CallbackEvent.class); to print the following list into the console. You can find further details about class CallbackEvent in the javadoc. Format: ClassName : returnType methodName(parameter type) main.java.controlp5.CallbackEvent : Controller getController() main.java.controlp5.CallbackEvent : int getAction() java.lang.Object : String toString() java.lang.Object : boolean equals(Object) */