package controlP5; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; import java.util.ArrayList; import controlP5.ControlEvent; import controlP5.ControlFont; import controlP5.ControlListener; import controlP5.ControlP5; import controlP5.Slider; import controlP5.Textfield; /** * a textarea can be used to leave notes, it uses the controlP5 BitFont to * render text. Scrollbars * will automatically be added when text extends the visible area. Textarea * extends ControllerGroup, * for more methods available see the ControllerGroup documentation. * * @example controllers/ControlP5textarea */ public class TextfieldMultiline extends Textfield implements ControlListener { public boolean isScrollbarVisible = false; protected Slider _myScrollbar; public int _myWidth = 300; protected int _myTextBufferRowIndex = 0; protected int _myTextBufferColumnIndex = 0; private ArrayList _myTextBuffer = new ArrayList(); public TextfieldMultiline(ControlP5 theControlP5, String theName) { super(theControlP5, theName); _myValueLabel.setLabeltype( MultilineLabel()); _myTextBuffer = new ArrayList<>(_myTextBuffer); keyMapping.put(ENTER, new NewLine()); keyMapping.put(DOWN, new MoveDown()); keyMapping.put(UP, new MoveUp()); keyMapping.put(LEFT, new MoveLeft()); keyMapping.put(RIGHT, new MoveRight()); keyMapping.put(DEFAULT, new InsertCharacter()); keyMapping.put(BACKSPACE, new DeleteCharacter()); } class InsertCharacter implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { if ((int) (cp5.getKey()) == 65535) { return; } if (_myInputFilter.apply(cp5.getKey())) { _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex).insert(_myTextBufferColumnIndex, (char) cp5.getKey()); _myTextBufferColumnIndex += 1; } } } class DeleteCharacter implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { if (_myTextBufferColumnIndex > 0) { _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex).deleteCharAt(_myTextBufferColumnIndex - 1); _myTextBufferColumnIndex -= 1; } } } class NewLine implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { _myTextBuffer.add(_myTextBufferRowIndex + 1, new StringBuffer()); _myTextBufferRowIndex += 1; _myTextBufferColumnIndex = 0; } } class MoveDown implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { // if not at the last line if (_myTextBufferRowIndex < _myTextBuffer.size() - 1) { // if the next line is shorter than the current line // set cursor to the end of the next line if (_myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex + 1).length() < _myTextBufferColumnIndex) { _myTextBufferColumnIndex = _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex + 1).length(); } _myTextBufferRowIndex += 1; } } } class MoveUp implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { if (_myTextBufferRowIndex > 0) { // if the next line is shorter than the current line // set cursor to the end of the next line if (_myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex - 1).length() < _myTextBufferColumnIndex) { _myTextBufferColumnIndex = _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex - 1).length(); } _myTextBufferRowIndex -= 1; } } } class MoveLeft implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { // if not at the first char if(_myTextBufferColumnIndex > 0) { _myTextBufferColumnIndex -= 1; }// if at the first char of a line else if(_myTextBufferColumnIndex == 0 && _myTextBufferRowIndex > 0) { _myTextBufferRowIndex -= 1; _myTextBufferColumnIndex = _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex).length(); } } } class MoveRight implements TextfieldCommand { public void execute() { if(_myTextBufferColumnIndex < _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex).length()) { _myTextBufferColumnIndex += 1; }else if (_myTextBufferColumnIndex == _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex).length() && _myTextBufferRowIndex < _myTextBuffer.size() - 1) { _myTextBufferRowIndex += 1; _myTextBufferColumnIndex = 0; } } } @Override public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { } @Override public void draw(PGraphics theGraphics) { theGraphics.pushStyle(); theGraphics.fill(color.getBackground()); theGraphics.pushMatrix(); theGraphics.translate(x(position), y(position)); theGraphics.rect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); theGraphics.noStroke(); theGraphics.fill(_myColorCursor); theGraphics.pushMatrix(); theGraphics.pushStyle(); buffer.beginDraw(); buffer.background(0, 0); final String text = getText(); final int textWidth = ControlFont.getWidthFor(text.substring(0, _myTextBufferColumnIndex), _myValueLabel,buffer); final int dif = PApplet.max(textWidth - _myValueLabel.getWidth(), 0); final String thisLine = _myTextBuffer.get(_myTextBufferRowIndex).toString(); final int _myTextBufferIndexPosition = ControlFont.getWidthFor(thisLine.substring(0, _myTextBufferColumnIndex), _myValueLabel, buffer); _myValueLabel.setText(text); _myValueLabel.draw(buffer, -dif, 0, this); buffer.noStroke(); if (isTexfieldActive) { if (!cp5.papplet.keyPressed) { buffer.fill(_myColorCursor, PApplet.abs(PApplet.sin(cp5.papplet.frameCount * 0.05f)) * 255); } else { buffer.fill(_myColorCursor); } buffer.rect(PApplet.max(1, PApplet.min(_myTextBufferIndexPosition, _myValueLabel.getWidth() - 3)), (_myTextBufferRowIndex) * _myValueLabel.getLineHeight(), 1, 10); } buffer.endDraw(); theGraphics.image(buffer, 0, 0); theGraphics.popStyle(); theGraphics.popMatrix(); theGraphics.fill(isTexfieldActive ? color.getActive() : color.getForeground()); theGraphics.rect(0, 0, getWidth(), 1); theGraphics.rect(0, getHeight() - 1, getWidth(), 1); theGraphics.rect(-1, 0, 1, getHeight()); theGraphics.rect(getWidth(), 0, 1, getHeight()); _myCaptionLabel.draw(theGraphics, 0, 0, this); theGraphics.popMatrix(); theGraphics.popStyle(); } @Override public String getText() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (StringBuffer s : _myTextBuffer) { sb.append(s.toString() + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public Textfield setValue(String theText) { _myTextBuffer = new ArrayList(); // split theText into lines String[] lines = theText.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { _myTextBuffer.add(i, new StringBuffer(lines[i])); } return this; } public Textfield setText(String theText) { return setValue(theText); } public Textfield setIndex(int theColIndex, int theRowIndex) { _myTextBufferColumnIndex = theColIndex; _myTextBufferRowIndex = theRowIndex; return this; } }