package controlP5; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; /** *

* In previous versions you would use the ControlGroup class * to bundle controllers in a group. Now please use the * Group class to do so. *


* ControlGroup extends ControllerGroup, for a list and * documentation of available methods see the * {@link ControllerGroup} documentation. *

* * @see Group * @example controllers/ControlP5group */ public class ControlGroup< T > extends ControllerGroup< T > implements ControlListener { protected int _myBackgroundHeight = 0; protected int _myBackgroundColor = 0x00ffffff; protected boolean isEventActive = false; protected List< ControlListener > _myControlListener; /** * Convenience constructor to extend ControlGroup. */ public ControlGroup( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) { this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , 0 , 0 , 100 , 9 ); theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this ); } public ControlGroup( ControlP5 theControlP5 , ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , String theName , int theX , int theY , int theW , int theH ) { super( theControlP5 , theParent , theName , theX , theY ); _myControlListener = new ArrayList< ControlListener >( ); _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , "" ); _myWidth = theW; _myHeight = theH; } @ControlP5.Invisible public void mousePressed( ) { if ( isBarVisible && isCollapse ) { if ( !cp5.isAltDown( ) ) { isOpen = !isOpen; if ( isEventActive ) { final ControlEvent myEvent = new ControlEvent( this ); cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).broadcast( myEvent , METHOD); for ( ControlListener cl : _myControlListener ) { cl.controlEvent( myEvent ); } } } } } /** * activates or deactivates the Event status of a * ControlGroup. */ public T activateEvent( boolean theFlag ) { isEventActive = theFlag; return me; } public T setSize( int theWidth , int theHeight ) { super.setSize( theWidth , theHeight ); setBackgroundHeight( theHeight ); return me; } public int getBackgroundHeight( ) { return _myBackgroundHeight; } public T setBackgroundHeight( int theHeight ) { _myBackgroundHeight = theHeight; return me; } public T setBackgroundColor( int theColor ) { _myBackgroundColor = theColor; return me; } public T setBarHeight( int theHeight ) { _myHeight = theHeight; return me; } public int getBarHeight( ) { return _myHeight; } @Override public T updateInternalEvents( PApplet theApplet ) { if ( isInside && isBarVisible ) { cp5.getWindow( ).setMouseOverController( this ); } return me; } protected void preDraw( PGraphics theGraphics ) { if ( isOpen ) { theGraphics.fill( _myBackgroundColor ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , _myWidth , _myBackgroundHeight - 1 ); } } protected void postDraw( PGraphics theGraphics ) { if ( isBarVisible ) { theGraphics.fill( isInside ? color.getForeground( ) : color.getBackground( ) ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , -1 , _myWidth , -_myHeight ); _myLabel.draw( theGraphics , 0 , -_myHeight - 1 , this ); if ( isCollapse && isArrowVisible ) { theGraphics.fill( _myLabel.getColor( ) ); theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); theGraphics.translate( 2 , 0 ); if ( isOpen ) { theGraphics.triangle( _myWidth - 10 , -_myHeight / 2 - 3 , _myWidth - 4 , -_myHeight / 2 - 3 , _myWidth - 7 , -_myHeight / 2 ); } else { theGraphics.triangle( _myWidth - 10 , -_myHeight / 2 , _myWidth - 4 , -_myHeight / 2 , _myWidth - 7 , -_myHeight / 2 - 3 ); } theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } } } @ControlP5.Invisible public void controlEvent( ControlEvent theEvent ) { if ( theEvent.getController( ).getName( ).equals( getName( ) + "close" ) ) { hide( ); } } @ControlP5.Invisible public String stringValue( ) { return Float.toString( _myValue ); } @Override public String toString( ) { return super.toString( ); } @Override public String getInfo( ) { return "type:\tControlGroup\n" + super.getInfo( ); } public T addListener( final ControlListener theListener ) { _myControlListener.add( theListener ); return me; } public T removeListener( final ControlListener theListener ) { _myControlListener.remove( theListener ); return me; } public int listenerSize( ) { return _myControlListener.size( ); } }