package controlP5; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; /** * Use charts to display float array data as line chart, yet experimental, but see the * ControlP5chart example for more details. * * @example controllers/ControlP5chart */ public class Chart extends Controller< Chart > { public final static int LINE = 0; public final static int BAR = 1; public final static int BAR_CENTERED = 2; public final static int HISTOGRAM = 3; public final static int PIE = 4; public final static int AREA = 5; protected final LinkedHashMap< String , ChartDataSet > _myDataSet; protected float resolution = 1; protected float strokeWeight = 1; protected float _myMin = 0; protected float _myMax = 1; /** * Convenience constructor to extend Chart. * * @example use/ControlP5extendController * @param theControlP5 * @param theName */ public Chart( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) { this( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , 0 , 0 , 200 , 100 ); theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this ); } protected Chart( ControlP5 theControlP5 , ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , String theName , float theX , float theY , int theWidth , int theHeight ) { super( theControlP5 , theParent , theName , theX , theY , theWidth , theHeight ); setRange( 0 , theHeight ); _myDataSet = new LinkedHashMap< String , ChartDataSet >( ); getCaptionLabel( ).align( LEFT, BOTTOM_OUTSIDE ).paddingX = 0; } public Chart setRange( float theMin , float theMax ) { _myMin = theMin; _myMax = theMax; return this; } public Chart setColors( String theSetIndex , int ... theColors ) { getDataSet( ).get( theSetIndex ).setColors( theColors ); return this; } public Chart addData( ChartData theItem ) { return addData( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theItem ); } private String getFirstDataSetIndex( ) { return getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ).next( ); } private String getLastDataSetIndex( ) { Iterator< String > it = getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ); String last = null; while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { last = ); } return last; } public Chart addData( String theSetIndex , ChartData theItem ) { getDataSet( theSetIndex ).add( theItem ); return this; } public Chart addData( float theValue ) { ChartData cdi = new ChartData( theValue ); getDataSet( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) ).add( cdi ); return this; } public Chart addData( String theSetIndex , float theValue ) { ChartData cdi = new ChartData( theValue ); getDataSet( theSetIndex ).add( cdi ); return this; } public Chart addData( ChartDataSet theChartData , float theValue ) { ChartData cdi = new ChartData( theValue ); theChartData.add( cdi ); return this; } // array operations see syntax // /** * adds a new float at the beginning of the data set. */ public Chart unshift( float theValue ) { return unshift( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theValue ); } public Chart unshift( String theSetIndex , float theValue ) { if ( getDataSet( theSetIndex ).size( ) > ( getWidth() / resolution ) ) { removeLast( theSetIndex ); } return addFirst( theSetIndex , theValue ); } public Chart push( float theValue ) { return push( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theValue ); } public Chart push( String theSetIndex , float theValue ) { if ( getDataSet( theSetIndex ).size( ) > ( getWidth() / resolution ) ) { removeFirst( theSetIndex ); } return addLast( theSetIndex , theValue ); } public Chart addFirst( float theValue ) { return addFirst( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theValue ); } public Chart addFirst( String theSetIndex , float theValue ) { ChartData cdi = new ChartData( theValue ); getDataSet( theSetIndex ).add( 0 , cdi ); return this; } public Chart addLast( float theValue ) { return addLast( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theValue ); } public Chart addLast( String theSetIndex , float theValue ) { ChartData cdi = new ChartData( theValue ); getDataSet( theSetIndex ).add( cdi ); return this; } public Chart removeLast( ) { return removeLast( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) ); } public Chart removeLast( String theSetIndex ) { return removeData( theSetIndex , getDataSet( theSetIndex ).size( ) - 1 ); } public Chart removeFirst( ) { return removeFirst( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) ); } public Chart removeFirst( String theSetIndex ) { return removeData( theSetIndex , 0 ); } public Chart removeData( ChartData theItem ) { removeData( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theItem ); return this; } public Chart removeData( String theSetIndex , ChartData theItem ) { getDataSet( theSetIndex ).remove( theItem ); return this; } public Chart removeData( int theItemIndex ) { removeData( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theItemIndex ); return this; } public Chart removeData( String theSetIndex , int theItemIndex ) { if ( getDataSet( theSetIndex ).size( ) < 1 ) { return this; } getDataSet( theSetIndex ).remove( theItemIndex ); return this; } public Chart setData( int theItemIndex , ChartData theItem ) { getDataSet( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) ).set( theItemIndex , theItem ); return this; } public Chart setData( String theSetItem , int theItemIndex , ChartData theItem ) { getDataSet( theSetItem ).set( theItemIndex , theItem ); return this; } public Chart addDataSet( String theName ) { getDataSet( ).put( theName , new ChartDataSet( theName ) ); return this; } public Chart setDataSet( ChartDataSet theItems ) { setDataSet( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theItems ); return this; } public Chart setDataSet( String theSetIndex , ChartDataSet theChartData ) { getDataSet( ).put( theSetIndex , theChartData ); return this; } public Chart removeDataSet( String theIndex ) { getDataSet( ).remove( theIndex ); return this; } public Chart setData( float ... theValues ) { setData( getFirstDataSetIndex( ) , theValues ); return this; } public Chart setData( String theSetIndex , float ... theValues ) { if ( getDataSet( ).get( theSetIndex ).size( ) != theValues.length ) { getDataSet( ).get( theSetIndex ).clear( ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < theValues.length ; i++ ) { getDataSet( ).get( theSetIndex ).add( new ChartData( 0 ) ); } } int n = 0; resolution = ( float ) getWidth() / ( getDataSet( ).get( theSetIndex ).size( ) - 1 ); for ( float f : theValues ) { getDataSet( ).get( theSetIndex ).get( n++ ).setValue( f ); } return this; } public Chart updateData( float ... theValues ) { return setData( theValues ); } public Chart updateData( String theSetIndex , float ... theValues ) { return setData( theSetIndex , theValues ); } public LinkedHashMap< String , ChartDataSet > getDataSet( ) { return _myDataSet; } public ChartDataSet getDataSet( String theIndex ) { return getDataSet( ).get( theIndex ); } public float[] getValuesFrom( String theIndex ) { return getDataSet( theIndex ).getValues( ); } public ChartData getData( String theIndex , int theItemIndex ) { return getDataSet( theIndex ).get( theItemIndex ); } public int size( ) { return getDataSet( ).size( ); } @Override public void onEnter( ) { } @Override public void onLeave( ) { } @Override public Chart setValue( float theValue ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this; } public Chart setStrokeWeight( float theWeight ) { strokeWeight = theWeight; for ( ChartDataSet c : getDataSet( ).values( ) ) { c.setStrokeWeight( theWeight ); } return this; } public float getStrokeWeight( ) { return strokeWeight; } /** * ? * * @param theValue * @return */ public Chart setResolution( int theValue ) { resolution = theValue; return this; } public int getResolution( ) { return ( int ) resolution; } /** * @exclude */ @Override @ControlP5.Invisible public Chart updateDisplayMode( int theMode ) { return updateViewMode( theMode ); } /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public Chart updateViewMode( int theMode ) { _myDisplayMode = theMode; switch ( theMode ) { case ( DEFAULT ): _myControllerView = new ChartViewPie( ); break; case ( IMAGE ): // _myDisplay = new ChartImageDisplay(); break; case ( SPRITE ): // _myDisplay = new ChartSpriteDisplay(); break; case ( CUSTOM ): default: break; } return this; } public class ChartViewBar implements ControllerView< Chart > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Chart theController ) { theGraphics.pushStyle( ); theGraphics.fill( getColor( ).getBackground( ) ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.noStroke( ); Iterator< String > it = getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ); String index = null; float o = 0; while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { index = ); float s = getDataSet( index ).size( ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < s ; i++ ) { theGraphics.fill( getDataSet( index ).getColor( i ) ); float ww = ( ( getWidth() / s ) ); float hh = getDataSet( index ).get( i ).getValue( ) , _myMin , _myMax , 0 , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.rect( o + i * ww , getHeight( ) , ( ww / getDataSet( ).size( ) ) , -PApplet.min( getHeight( ) , PApplet.max( 0 , hh ) ) ); } o += ( ( getWidth() / s ) ) / getDataSet( ).size( ); } theGraphics.popStyle( ); } } public class ChartViewBarCentered implements ControllerView< Chart > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Chart theController ) { theGraphics.pushStyle( ); theGraphics.fill( getColor( ).getBackground( ) ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.noStroke( ); Iterator< String > it = getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ); String index = null; float o = 0; int n = 4; int off = ( getDataSet( ).size( ) - 1 ) * n; while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { index = ); int s = getDataSet( index ).size( ); float step = ( float ) getWidth() / ( float ) ( s ); float ww = step - ( getWidth() % step ); ww -= 1; ww = PApplet.max( 1 , ww ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < s ; i++ ) { theGraphics.fill( getDataSet( index ).getColor( i ) ); ww = ( ( getWidth() / s ) * 0.5f ); float hh = getDataSet( index ).get( i ).getValue( ) , _myMin , _myMax , 0 , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.rect( -off / 2 + o + i * ( ( getWidth() / s ) ) + ww / 2 , getHeight( ) , ww , -PApplet.min( getHeight( ) , PApplet.max( 0 , hh ) ) ); } o += n; } theGraphics.popStyle( ); } } public class ChartViewLine implements ControllerView< Chart > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Chart theController ) { theGraphics.pushStyle( ); theGraphics.fill( getColor( ).getBackground( ) ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.noFill( ); Iterator< String > it = getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ); String index = null; while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { index = ); theGraphics.stroke( getDataSet( index ).getColor( 0 ) ); theGraphics.strokeWeight( getDataSet( index ).getStrokeWeight( ) ); theGraphics.beginShape( ); float res = ( ( float ) getWidth( ) ) / ( getDataSet( index ).size( ) - 1 ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < getDataSet( index ).size( ) ; i++ ) { float hh = getDataSet( index ).get( i ).getValue( ) , _myMin , _myMax , getHeight( ) , 0 ); theGraphics.vertex( i * res , PApplet.min( getHeight( ) , PApplet.max( 0 , hh ) ) ); } theGraphics.endShape( ); } theGraphics.noStroke( ); theGraphics.popStyle( ); getCaptionLabel( ).draw( theGraphics , 0 , 0 , theController ); } } public class ChartViewArea implements ControllerView< Chart > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Chart theController ) { theGraphics.pushStyle( ); theGraphics.fill( getColor( ).getBackground( ) ); theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.noStroke( ); Iterator< String > it = getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ); String index = null; while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { index = ); float res = ( ( float ) getWidth( ) ) / ( getDataSet( index ).size( ) - 1 ); theGraphics.fill( getDataSet( index ).getColor( 0 ) ); theGraphics.beginShape( ); theGraphics.vertex( 0 , getHeight( ) ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < getDataSet( index ).size( ) ; i++ ) { float hh = getDataSet( index ).get( i ).getValue( ) , _myMin , _myMax , getHeight( ) , 0 ); theGraphics.vertex( i * res , PApplet.min( getHeight( ) , PApplet.max( 0 , hh ) ) ); } theGraphics.vertex( getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); theGraphics.endShape( PApplet.CLOSE ); } theGraphics.noStroke( ); theGraphics.popStyle( ); } } public class ChartViewPie implements ControllerView< Chart > { public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Chart theController ) { theGraphics.pushStyle( ); theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); Iterator< String > it = getDataSet( ).keySet( ).iterator( ); String index = null; while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { index = ); float total = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < getDataSet( index ).size( ) ; i++ ) { total += getDataSet( index ).get( i ).getValue( ); } float segment = TWO_PI / total; float angle = -HALF_PI; theGraphics.noStroke( ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < getDataSet( index ).size( ) ; i++ ) { theGraphics.fill( getDataSet( index ).getColor( i ) ); float nextAngle = angle + getDataSet( index ).get( i ).getValue( ) * segment; // a tiny offset to even out render artifacts when in smooth() mode. float a = PApplet.max( 0 , getWidth( ) , 0 , 200 , 0.05f , 0.01f ) ); theGraphics.arc( 0 , 0 , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) , angle - a , nextAngle ); angle = nextAngle; } theGraphics.translate( 0 , ( getHeight( ) + 10 ) ); } theGraphics.popMatrix( ); theGraphics.popStyle( ); } } public Chart setView( int theType ) { switch ( theType ) { case ( PIE ): setView( new ChartViewPie( ) ); break; case ( LINE ): setView( new ChartViewLine( ) ); break; case ( BAR ): setView( new ChartViewBar( ) ); break; case ( BAR_CENTERED ): setView( new ChartViewBarCentered( ) ); break; case ( AREA ): setView( new ChartViewArea( ) ); break; default: System.out.println( "Sorry, this ChartView does not exist" ); break; } return this; } @Override public String getInfo( ) { return "type:\tChart\n" + super.toString( ); } @Override public String toString( ) { return super.toString( ) + " [ " + getValue( ) + " ]" + " Chart " + "(" + this.getClass( ).getSuperclass( ) + ")"; } } /* NOTES what is the difference in meaning between chart and graph * * * more charts to implement: from (44:40) scatter * plot, star plot, histogram, dendrogram, box plot, physical map, tree, 2d 3d isosurfaces table, * half matrix, graph, hierarchical pie, line graph, numeric matrix, heat map, permutation matrix * bar graph, radial graph, */