 * ControlP5 controlFont. 
 * this example shows how to create a button with controlP5 (1), how to
 * load and use a PFont with controlP5 (2), apply a ControlFont to
 * the caption label of a button (3), and adjust the location of a
 * caption label using the style() property of a controller.
 * by andreas schlegel, 2012
import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

controlP5.Button b;

int buttonValue = 1;

boolean isOpen;

int myColorBackground = color(0,0,0);

void setup() {
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  // (1)
  // create some controllers
  b = cp5.addButton("buttonValue")
  // (2)
  // load a new font. ControlFont is a wrapper for processing's PFont
  // with processing 1.1 ControlFont.setSmooth() is not supported anymore.
  // to display a font as smooth or non-smooth, use true/false as 3rd parameter
  // when creating a PFont:
  PFont pfont = createFont("Arial",20,true); // use true/false for smooth/no-smooth
  ControlFont font = new ControlFont(pfont,241);

  // (3)
  // change the font and content of the captionlabels 
  // for both buttons create earlier.
  // (4)
  // adjust the location of a catiption label using the 
  // style property of a controller.
  b.getCaptionLabel().getStyle().marginLeft = 20;
  b.getCaptionLabel().getStyle().marginTop = 40;


void draw() {
  // animate button b
  float x = b.x(b.getPosition());
  x += ((isOpen==true ? 0:-200) - x) * 0.2;;
  float y = b.y(b.getPosition());

public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {

public void button(float theValue) {
  println("a button event. "+theValue);
  isOpen = !isOpen;
  cp5.getController("button").setCaptionLabel((isOpen==true) ? "close":"open");

a list of all methods available for the ControlFont Controller
use ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(ControlFont.class);
to print the following list into the console.

You can find further details about class ControlFont in the javadoc.

ClassName : returnType methodName(parameter type)

controlP5.ControlFont : PFont getFont() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getBaseline() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getBottom() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getCenter() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getHeight() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getOffset(int) 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getOverflow() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getSize() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getTextHeight() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getTop() 
controlP5.ControlFont : int getWidth() 
controlP5.ControlFont : void adjust(PGraphics, Label) 
controlP5.ControlFont : void draw(ControlP5, Label) 
controlP5.ControlFont : void draw(PGraphics, Label) 
controlP5.ControlFont : void init(Label) 
controlP5.ControlFont : void setSize(int) 
java.lang.Object : String toString() 
java.lang.Object : boolean equals(Object) 

created: 2015/03/24 12:22:36
