/** * ControlP5 SilderList * * A custom Controller, a scrollable Menu List, using a PGraphics buffer. * Allows custom designs for List Item. * * you will need a controlP5 version >= 2.1.5 * you can download a copy from * http://sojamo.de/files/archive/controlP5-2.1.5.zip * * by Andreas Schlegel, 2013 * www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlp5 * */ import controlP5.*; import java.util.*; ControlP5 cp5; PFont f1; int NUM = 100; float[] rotation = new float[NUM]; void setup() { size(800, 500 ,P3D); f1 = createFont("Helvetica", 12); cp5 = new ControlP5( this ); // create a custom SilderList with name menu, notice that function // menu will be called when a menu item has been clicked. SilderList m = new SilderList( cp5, "menu", 250, 350 ); m.setPosition(40, 40); // add some items to our SilderList for (int i=0;i makeItem(String theLabel, float theValue, float theMin, float theMax) { Map m = new HashMap(); m.put("label", theLabel); m.put("sliderValue", theValue); m.put("sliderValueMin", theMin); m.put("sliderValueMax", theMax); return m; } void menu(int i) { println("got some slider-list event from item with index "+i); } public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { if (theEvent.isFrom("menu")) { int index = int(theEvent.getValue()); Map m = ((SilderList)theEvent.getController()).getItem(index); println("got a slider event from item : "+m); rotation[index] = f(m.get("sliderValue")); } } void draw() { background( 255 ); fill(0, 128, 255); noStroke(); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, 50 ); for (int i=0;i { float pos, npos; int itemHeight = 60; int scrollerLength = 40; int sliderWidth = 150; int sliderHeight = 15; int sliderX = 10; int sliderY = 25; int dragMode = 0; int dragIndex = -1; List< Map> items = new ArrayList< Map>(); PGraphics menu; boolean updateMenu; SilderList(ControlP5 c, String theName, int theWidth, int theHeight) { super( c, theName, 0, 0, theWidth, theHeight ); c.register( this ); menu = createGraphics(getWidth(), getHeight()); setView(new ControllerView() { public void display(PGraphics pg, SilderList t ) { if (updateMenu) { updateMenu(); } if (inside() ) { // draw scrollbar menu.beginDraw(); int len = -(itemHeight * items.size()) + getHeight(); int ty = int(map(pos, len, 0, getHeight() - scrollerLength - 2, 2 ) ); menu.fill( 128 ); menu.rect(getWidth()-6, ty, 4, scrollerLength ); menu.endDraw(); } pg.image(menu, 0, 0); } } ); updateMenu(); } // only update the image buffer when necessary - to save some resources void updateMenu() { int len = -(itemHeight * items.size()) + getHeight(); npos = constrain(npos, len, 0); pos += (npos - pos) * 0.1; /// draw the SliderList menu.beginDraw(); menu.noStroke(); menu.background(240); menu.textFont(cp5.getFont().getFont()); menu.pushMatrix(); menu.translate( 0, int(pos) ); menu.pushMatrix(); int i0 = PApplet.max( 0, int(map(-pos, 0, itemHeight * items.size(), 0, items.size()))); int range = ceil((float(getHeight())/float(itemHeight))+1); int i1 = PApplet.min( items.size(), i0 + range ); menu.translate(0, i0*itemHeight); for (int i=i0;i0.01 ? true:false; } // when detecting a click, check if the click happend to the far right, // if yes, scroll to that position, otherwise do whatever this item of // the list is supposed to do. public void onClick() { if (getPointer().x()>getWidth()-10) { npos= -map(getPointer().y(), 0, getHeight(), 0, items.size()*itemHeight); updateMenu = true; } } public void onPress() { int x = getPointer().x(); int y = (int)(getPointer().y()-pos)%itemHeight; boolean withinSlider = within(x, y, sliderX, sliderY, sliderWidth, sliderHeight); dragMode = withinSlider ? 2:1; if (dragMode==2) { dragIndex = getIndex(); float min = f(items.get(dragIndex).get("sliderValueMin")); float max = f(items.get(dragIndex).get("sliderValueMax")); float val = constrain(map(getPointer().x()-sliderX, 0, sliderWidth, min, max), min, max); items.get(dragIndex).put("sliderValue", val); setValue(dragIndex); } updateMenu = true; } public void onDrag() { switch(dragMode) { case(1): // drag and scroll the list npos += getPointer().dy() * 2; updateMenu = true; break; case(2): // drag slider float min = f(items.get(dragIndex).get("sliderValueMin")); float max = f(items.get(dragIndex).get("sliderValueMax")); float val = constrain(map(getPointer().x()-sliderX, 0, sliderWidth, min, max), min, max); items.get(dragIndex).put("sliderValue", val); setValue(dragIndex); updateMenu = true; break; } } public void onScroll(int n) { npos += ( n * 4 ); updateMenu = true; } void addItem(Map m) { items.add(m); updateMenu = true; } Map getItem(int theIndex) { return items.get(theIndex); } private int getIndex() { int len = itemHeight * items.size(); int index = int( map( getPointer().y() - pos, 0, len, 0, items.size() ) ) ; return index; } } public static float f( Object o ) { return ( o instanceof Number ) ? ( ( Number ) o ).floatValue( ) : Float.MIN_VALUE; } public static boolean within(int theX, int theY, int theX1, int theY1, int theW1, int theH1) { return (theX>theX1 && theXtheY1 && theY