package; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PGraphics; /** * @example controllers/ControlP5textlabel * @nosuperclasses Controller Controller Textarea */ public class Textlabel extends Controller< Textlabel > { protected int _myLetterSpacing = 0; private boolean disabled; /** * * @param theControlP5 ControlP5 * @param theParent Tab * @param theName String * @param theValue String * @param theX int * @param theY int */ protected Textlabel( final ControlP5 theControlP5 , final Tab theParent , final String theName , final String theValue , final int theX , final int theY ) { super( theControlP5 , theParent , theName , theX , theY , 200 , 20 ); _myStringValue = theValue; setup( ); } /** * * @param theValue String * @param theX int * @param theY int */ protected Textlabel( final String theValue , final int theX , final int theY ) { super( "" , theX , theY ); _myStringValue = theValue; setup( ); } protected Textlabel( final String theValue , final int theX , final int theY , final int theW , final int theH , final int theColor ) { super( "" , theX , theY ); _myStringValue = theValue; _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , _myStringValue , theW , theH , theColor ); _myValueLabel.setFont( cp5.controlFont == cp5.defaultFont ? cp5.defaultFontForText : cp5.controlFont ); _myValueLabel.setMultiline( false ); _myValueLabel.toUpperCase( false ); } public Textlabel( ControlP5 theControlP5 , final String theValue , final int theX , final int theY ) { super( "" , theX , theY ); cp5 = theControlP5; _myStringValue = theValue; _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , _myStringValue , 10 , 10 , 0xffffffff ); _myValueLabel.setFont( cp5.controlFont == cp5.defaultFont ? cp5.defaultFontForText : cp5.controlFont ); _myValueLabel.set( _myStringValue ); _myValueLabel.setMultiline( false ); _myValueLabel.toUpperCase( false ); } public Textlabel( ControlP5 theControlP5 , final String theValue , final int theX , final int theY , final int theW , final int theH ) { super( "" , theX , theY ); cp5 = theControlP5; _myStringValue = theValue; _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , _myStringValue , theW , theH , 0xffffffff ); _myValueLabel.setFont( cp5.controlFont == cp5.defaultFont ? cp5.defaultFontForText : cp5.controlFont ); _myValueLabel.setMultiline( false ); _myValueLabel.toUpperCase( false ); } protected void setup( ) { _myValueLabel = new Label( cp5 , _myStringValue ); _myValueLabel.setFont( cp5.controlFont == cp5.defaultFont ? cp5.defaultFontForText : cp5.controlFont ); _myValueLabel.setMultiline( false ); _myValueLabel.toUpperCase( false ); } @Override public Textlabel setWidth( int theValue ) { _myValueLabel.setWidth( theValue ); return this; } public Textlabel setHeight( int theValue ) { _myValueLabel.setHeight( theValue ); return this; } public void draw( final PApplet theApplet ) { draw( theApplet.g ); } @Override public void draw( final PGraphics theGraphics ) { if ( !disabled ) { theGraphics.pushMatrix( ); theGraphics.translate( x( position ) , y( position ) ); _myValueLabel.draw( theGraphics , 0 , 0 , this ); theGraphics.popMatrix( ); } } public void draw( ) { draw( ); } public void draw( int theX , int theY ) { cp5.papplet.pushMatrix( ); cp5.papplet.translate( theX , theY ); draw( ); cp5.papplet.popMatrix( ); } public Textlabel setValue( float theValue ) { return this; } public Textlabel setText( final String theText ) { return setValue( theText ); } public Textlabel setLineHeight( int theValue ) { _myValueLabel.setLineHeight( theValue ); return this; } public int getLineHeight( ) { return _myValueLabel.getLineHeight( ); } public ControllerStyle getStyle() { return _myValueLabel.getStyle( ); } public Textlabel append( String theText , int max ) { String str = _myStringValue + theText; if ( max == -1 ) { return setText( str ); } List< String > strs = Arrays.asList( str.split( "\n" ) ); return setText( CP.join( strs.subList( Math.max( 0 , strs.size( ) - max ) , strs.size( ) ) , "\n" ) ); } @Override public Textlabel setStringValue( String theValue ) { return setValue( theValue ); } public Textlabel setMultiline( final boolean theFlag ) { _myValueLabel.setMultiline( true ); return this; } /** * set the text of the textlabel. * * @param theText String */ public Textlabel setValue( final String theText ) { _myStringValue = theText; _myValueLabel.set( theText ); setWidth( _myValueLabel.getWidth( ) ); setHeight( _myValueLabel.getHeight( ) ); return this; } public Textlabel setColor( int theColor ) { _myValueLabel.setColor( theColor , true ); return this; } /** * set the letter spacing of the font. * * @param theValue int * @return Textlabel */ public Textlabel setLetterSpacing( final int theValue ) { _myLetterSpacing = theValue; _myValueLabel.setLetterSpacing( _myLetterSpacing ); return this; } public Textlabel setFont( ControlFont theControlFont ) { getValueLabel( ).setFont( theControlFont ); return this; } public Textlabel setFont( PFont thePFont ) { getValueLabel( ).setFont( thePFont ); return this; } protected boolean inside( ) { return ( _myControlWindow.mouseX > x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) && _myControlWindow.mouseX < x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) + _myValueLabel.getWidth( ) && _myControlWindow.mouseY > y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) && _myControlWindow.mouseY < y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) + _myValueLabel.getHeight( ) ); } public Label get( ) { return _myValueLabel; } private void printConstructorError( String theValue ) { ControlP5 .logger( ) .severe( "The Textlabel constructor you are using has been deprecated, please use constructor\nnew Textlabel(ControlP5,String,int,int) or\nnew Textlabel(ControlP5,String,int,int,int,int) or\nnew Textlabel(ControlP5,String,int,int,int,int,int,int)\ninstead. The Textlabel with value '" + theValue + "' is disabled and will not be rendered." ); } }