/** * ControlP5 Properties * * * saves controller values to a properties-file * loads controller values from a properties-file * * Properties will only save values not the Controller itself. * * Also take a look at the use/ControlP5snapshot example to * save controller values to memory. * * Use ControllerProperties to load and save serialized controller properties * to a properties file. * The controllers implementing save/load properties so far are * Slider, Knob, Numberbox, Toggle, Checkbox, RadioButton, Textlabel, * Matrix, Range, Textarea, ListBox, Dropdown, ColorPicker. * Properties are currently saved in the java serialization format. * * saveProperties(String theFilename) and loadProperties(String theFilename) * by default properties will be saved to your sketch folder as controlP5.ser * if that file already exists it will be overwritten. for custom property files * see the comments inside keyPressed() below. * * find a list of public methods available for the ControllerProperties class * at the bottom of this sketch's source code * * default properties load/save key combinations are * alt+shift+l to load properties * alt+shift+s to save properties * * by andreas schlegel, 2012 * www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlp5 * */ import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; public int myColor = color(0, 0, 0); public int sliderValue = 100; public int sliderTicks1 = 100; public int sliderTicks2 = 30; void setup() { size(700, 400); noStroke(); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); cp5.addSlider("slider") .setBroadcast(false) .setRange(0, 200) .setPosition(20, 100) .setSize(10, 100) .setBroadcast(true) .setValue(100) ; cp5.addSlider("sliderTicks1") .setRange(0, 255) .setPosition(100, 100) .setSize(10, 100) .setNumberOfTickMarks(5) ; cp5.addSlider("sliderValue") .setRange(0, 255) .setValue(128) .setPosition(200, 180) .setSize(100, 10) ; cp5.addSlider("sliderTicks2") .setRange(0, 255) .setValue(128) .setPosition(200, 220) .setSize(100, 10) .setNumberOfTickMarks(7) .setSliderMode(Slider.FLEXIBLE) ; } void draw() { background(sliderTicks1); fill(sliderValue); rect(0, 0, width, 100); fill(myColor); rect(0, 300, width, 70); fill(sliderTicks2); rect(0, 370, width, 30); } public void slider(float theColor) { myColor = color(theColor); println("a slider event. setting background to "+theColor); } void keyPressed() { // default properties load/save key combinations are // alt+shift+l to load properties // alt+shift+s to save properties if (key=='1') { cp5.saveProperties(("hello.properties")); } else if (key=='2') { cp5.loadProperties(("hello.properties")); } } /* a list of all methods available for the ControllerProperties Controller use ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(ControllerProperties.class); to print the following list into the console. You can find further details about class ControllerProperties in the javadoc. Format: ClassName : returnType methodName(parameter type) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ArrayList getSnapshotIndices() main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties addSet(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties delete(ControllerProperty) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties getSnapshot(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties move(ControllerInterface, String, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties move(ControllerProperty, String, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties only(ControllerProperty, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties print() main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties register(ControllerInterface, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties remove(ControllerInterface) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties remove(ControllerInterface, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties remove(ControllerInterface, String, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties removeSnapshot(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties saveSnapshot(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties saveSnapshotAs(String, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties setSnapshot(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperties updateSnapshot(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperty getProperty(ControllerInterface, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperty getProperty(ControllerInterface, String, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : ControllerProperty register(ControllerInterface, String, String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : HashSet getPropertySet(ControllerInterface) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : List get(ControllerInterface) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : Map get() main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : String toString() main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : boolean load() main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : boolean load(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : boolean save() main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : boolean saveAs(String) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : void setFormat(PropertiesStorageFormat) main.java.controlp5.ControllerProperties : void setFormat(String) java.lang.Object : String toString() java.lang.Object : boolean equals(Object) created: 2015/03/24 12:21:03 */