/** * ControlP5 Behavior * ControlBehavior is an abstract class that can be extended using your * custom control behaviors. What is a control behavior? Control Behaviors * allow you to automate and dynamically change the state or value of a * controller. One behavior per controller is currently supported. i case you * need to use more that one bahavior, the implementation has to happen * on your side - inside your control behavior. * * find a list of public methods available for the ControlBehavior Controller * at the bottom of this sketch. * * by Andreas Schlegel, 2012 * www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlp5 * */ import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; int myColorBackground = color(0, 0, 0); public int sliderValue = 100; void setup() { size(400, 400); noStroke(); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); cp5.addSlider("sliderValue") .setRange(0,255) .setValue(128) .setPosition(100, 50 + height/2) .setSize(40, 100); cp5.addSlider("slider") .setRange(100, 255) .setValue(128) .setPosition(100, 50) .setSize(100, 40); cp5.addBang("bang") .setPosition(40, 50 + height/2) .setSize(40, 40); // add a custom ControlBehavior to controller bang, // class TimerEvent is included in this sketch at the bottom // and extends abstract class ControlBehavior. cp5.getController("bang").setBehavior(new TimedEvent()); // use an anonymous class of type ControlBehavior. cp5.getController("slider").setBehavior(new ControlBehavior() { float a = 0; public void update() { setValue(sin(a += 0.1) * 50 + 150); } } ); } void draw() { background(myColorBackground); fill(sliderValue); rect(0, 0, width, height/2); } void slider(float theColor) { myColorBackground = color(theColor); println("# a slider event. setting background to "+theColor); } public void bang() { println("# an event received from controller bang."); // a bang will set the value of controller sliderValue // to a random number between 0 and 255. cp5.getController("sliderValue").setValue(random(0, 255)); } // custom ControlBehavior class TimedEvent extends ControlBehavior { long myTime; int interval = 200; public TimedEvent() { reset(); } void reset() { myTime = millis() + interval; } public void update() { if (millis()>myTime) { setValue(1); reset(); } } } /* a list of all methods available for the ControlBehavior Controller use ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(ControlBehavior.class); to print the following list into the console. You can find further details about class ControlBehavior in the javadoc. Format: ClassName : returnType methodName(parameter type) main.java.controlp5.ControlBehavior : Controller controller() main.java.controlp5.ControlBehavior : boolean isActive() main.java.controlp5.ControlBehavior : void setActive(boolean) main.java.controlp5.ControlBehavior : void setValue(float) java.lang.Object : String toString() java.lang.Object : boolean equals(Object) */