import controlP5.*; ControlP5 cp5; int myColor = color(0); void setup() { size(400,600); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); // replace the default controlP5 button with an image. // button.setImages(defaultImage, rolloverImage, pressedImage); // use button.updateSize() to adjust the size of the button and // resize to the dimensions of the defaultImage cp5.addButton("buttonA") .setPosition(175,275) .setImages(loadImage("Arrow-Left.png"), loadImage("Arrow-Right.png"), loadImage("Refresh.png")) .updateSize(); } void draw() { background(myColor); } public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { println(theEvent.getController().getName()); } // function buttonA will receive changes from // controller with name buttonA public void buttonA(int theValue) { println("a button event from buttonA: "+theValue); myColor = color(128); }