package controlP5; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PGraphics; import processing.event.KeyEvent; import processing.event.MouseEvent; import controlP5.ControlWindow.Pointer; /** *

* controlP5 is a processing and java library for creating * simple control GUIs. The ControlP5 class, the core of * controlP5. *


* All addController-Methods are located inside the * ControlP5Base class. *

* * @see controlP5.ControlP5Base * @example use/ControlP5basics */ public class ControlP5 extends ControlP5Base { /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public ControlWindow controlWindow; /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible static CColor color = new CColor( THEME_CP52014 ); /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public PApplet papplet; /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible PGraphics pg; int pgx = 0 , pgy = 0 , pgw = 0 , pgh = 0; int ox = 0; int oy = 0; boolean isGraphics = false; /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public static final String VERSION = "2.2.7";// "##version##"; /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public static boolean isApplet = false; static int renderer = J2D; /** * use this static variable to turn DEBUG on or off. */ public static boolean DEBUG; /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( ControlP5.class.getName( ) ); private Map< String , ControllerInterface< ? >> _myControllerMap; protected ControlBroadcaster _myControlBroadcaster; protected ControlWindow window; protected boolean isMoveable = false; /* TODO does not work anymore, deprecate? */ protected boolean isAutoInitialization = false; protected boolean isGlobalControllersAlwaysVisible = true; protected boolean isTabEventsActive; protected boolean isUpdate; protected boolean isControlFont; protected ControlFont controlFont; static public final PFont BitFontStandard56 = new BitFont( CP.decodeBase64( BitFont.standard56base64 ) ); static public final PFont BitFontStandard58 = new BitFont( CP.decodeBase64( BitFont.standard58base64 ) ); protected ControlFont defaultFont = new ControlFont( BitFontStandard58 ); protected ControlFont defaultFontForText = new ControlFont( BitFontStandard56 ); /** * from version 0.7.2 onwards shortcuts are disabled by * default. shortcuts can be enabled using * controlP5.enableShortcuts(); * * @see #enableShortcuts() */ protected boolean isShortcuts = false; @Deprecated public boolean blockDraw; protected Tooltip _myTooltip; protected boolean isAnnotation; boolean isAndroid = false; /** * Create a new instance of controlP5. * * @param theParent PApplet */ public ControlP5( final PApplet theParent ) { papplet = theParent; init( ); } public ControlP5( final PApplet theParent , PFont thePFont ) { papplet = theParent; init( ); setFont( thePFont ); } public ControlP5( final PApplet theParent , ControlFont theControlFont ) { papplet = theParent; init( ); setFont( theControlFont ); } protected void init( ) { renderer = ( papplet.g.getClass( ).getCanonicalName( ).indexOf( "Java2D" ) > -1 ) ? J2D : P3D; Class< ? > check = papplet.getClass( ); while ( check != null ) { check = check.getSuperclass( ); if ( check != null ) { if ( check.toString( ).toLowerCase( ).indexOf( "" ) > -1 ) { isAndroid = true; break; } } } isTabEventsActive = false; _myControlBroadcaster = new ControlBroadcaster( this ); // } else { // defaultFont = new // ControlFont(papplet.createFont("", 10)); // // defaultFontForText = new // ControlFont(papplet.createFont("", 10)); // } controlFont = defaultFont; controlWindow = new ControlWindow( this , papplet ); papplet.registerMethod( "pre" , this ); papplet.registerMethod( "dispose" , this ); setGraphics( papplet , 0 , 0 ); _myControllerMap = new TreeMap< String , ControllerInterface< ? >>( ); setFont( controlFont ); _myTooltip = new Tooltip( this ); super.init( this ); if ( welcome++ < 1 ) { welcome( ); } mapKeyFor( new ControlKey( ) { public void keyEvent( ) { saveProperties( ); } } , PApplet.ALT , PApplet.SHIFT , 's' ); mapKeyFor( new ControlKey( ) { public void keyEvent( ) { loadProperties( ); } } , PApplet.ALT , PApplet.SHIFT , 'l' ); mapKeyFor( new ControlKey( ) { public void keyEvent( ) { if ( controlWindow.isVisible ) { hide( ); } else { show( ); } } } , PApplet.ALT , PApplet.SHIFT , 'h' ); disableShortcuts( ); setFont( controlFont ); } static int welcome = 0; private void welcome( ) { System.out.println( "ControlP5 " + VERSION + " " + "infos, comments, questions at" ); } public ControlP5 setGraphics( PApplet theApplet , int theX , int theY ) { setGraphics( theApplet.g , theX , theY ); isGraphics = false; return this; } public ControlP5 setGraphics( PGraphics theGraphics , int theX , int theY ) { pg = theGraphics; pgx = theX; pgy = theY; pgw = pg.width; pgh = pg.height; isGraphics = true; return this; } public ControlP5 setPosition( int theX , int theY ) { ox = theX; oy = theY; return this; } /** * By default event originating from tabs are disabled, * use setTabEventsActive(true) to receive controlEvents * when tabs are clicked. * * @param theFlag */ public void setTabEventsActive( boolean theFlag ) { isTabEventsActive = theFlag; } /** * autoInitialization can be very handy when it comes to * initializing values, e.g. you load a set of * controllers, then the values that are attached to the * controllers will be reset to its saved state. to turn * of auto intialization, call * setAutoInitialization(false) right after initializing * controlP5 and before creating any controller. * * @param theFlag boolean */ public void setAutoInitialization( boolean theFlag ) { isAutoInitialization = theFlag; } /** * by default controlP5 draws any controller on top of * any drawing done in the draw() function (this doesnt * apply to P3D where controlP5.draw() has to be called * manually in the sketch's draw() function ). to turn * off the auto drawing of controlP5, use * controlP5.setAutoDraw(false). now you can call * controlP5.draw() any time whenever controllers should * be drawn into the sketch. * * @param theFlag boolean */ public void setAutoDraw( boolean theFlag ) { if ( isAutoDraw( ) && theFlag == false ) { controlWindow.papplet( ).unregisterMethod( "draw" , controlWindow ); } if ( isAutoDraw( ) == false && theFlag == true ) { controlWindow.papplet( ).registerMethod( "draw" , controlWindow ); } controlWindow.isAutoDraw = theFlag; } /** * check if the autoDraw function for the main window is * enabled(true) or disabled(false). * * @return boolean */ public boolean isAutoDraw( ) { return controlWindow.isAutoDraw; } /** * * @see controlP5.ControlBroadcaster */ public ControlBroadcaster getControlBroadcaster( ) { return _myControlBroadcaster; } /** * @see controlP5.ControlListener */ public ControlP5 addListener( ControlListener ... theListeners ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).addListener( theListeners ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.ControlListener */ public ControlP5 removeListener( ControlListener ... theListeners ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).removeListener( theListeners ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.ControlListener */ public ControlP5 removeListener( ControlListener theListener ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).removeListener( theListener ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.ControlListener */ public ControlListener getListener( int theIndex ) { return getControlBroadcaster( ).getListener( theIndex ); } /** * @see controlP5.CallbackEvent * @see controlP5.CallbackListener */ public ControlP5 addCallback( CallbackListener ... theListeners ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).addCallback( theListeners ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.CallbackEvent * @see controlP5.CallbackListener */ public ControlP5 addCallback( CallbackListener theListener ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).addCallback( theListener ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.CallbackEvent * @see controlP5.CallbackListener */ public ControlP5 addCallback( CallbackListener theListener , Controller< ? > ... theControllers ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).addCallback( theListener , theControllers ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.CallbackEvent * @see controlP5.CallbackListener */ public ControlP5 removeCallback( CallbackListener ... theListeners ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).removeCallback( theListeners ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.CallbackEvent * @see controlP5.CallbackListener */ public ControlP5 removeCallback( Controller< ? > ... theControllers ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).removeCallback( theControllers ); return this; } /** * @see controlP5.CallbackEvent * @see controlP5.CallbackListener */ public ControlP5 removeCallback( Controller< ? > theController ) { getControlBroadcaster( ).removeCallback( theController ); return this; } /** * TODO * * @exclude */ public void addControlsFor( Object theObject ) { } public Tab getTab( String theName ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < controlWindow.getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( ( ( Tab ) controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( i ) ).getName( ).equals( theName ) ) { return ( Tab ) controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( i ); } } Tab myTab = addTab( theName ); return myTab; } public Tab getTab( ControlWindow theWindow , String theName ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < theWindow.getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( ( ( Tab ) theWindow.getTabs( ).get( i ) ).getName( ).equals( theName ) ) { return ( Tab ) theWindow.getTabs( ).get( i ); } } Tab myTab = theWindow.add( new Tab( this , theWindow , theName ) ); return myTab; } /** * registers a Controller with ControlP5, a Controller * should/must be registered with a unique name. If not, * accessing Controllers by name is not guaranteed. the * rule here is last come last serve, existing * Controllers with the same name will be overridden. * * @param theController ControllerInterface * @return ControlP5 */ public ControlP5 register( Object theObject , String theIndex , ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { String address = ""; if ( theObject == papplet ) { address = ( theController.getName( ).startsWith( "/" ) ) ? "" : "/"; address += theController.getName( ); } else { address = ( ( ( theIndex.length( ) == 0 ) || theIndex.startsWith( "/" ) ) ? "" : "/" ); address += theIndex; address += ( theController.getName( ).startsWith( "/" ) ? "" : "/" ); address += theController.getName( ); } theController.setAddress( address ); if ( checkName( theController.getAddress( ) ) ) { /* in case a controller with the same name * already exists, will be deleted */ remove( theController.getAddress( ) ); } /* add the controller to the controller map */ _myControllerMap.put( theController.getAddress( ) , theController ); /* update the properties' controller address */ List< ControllerProperty > ps = getProperties( ).get( theController ); if ( ps != null ) { for ( ControllerProperty p : ps ) { p.setAddress( theController.getAddress( ) ); } } /* initialize the controller */ theController.init( ); /* handle controller plugs and map controllers to * its reference objects if applicable. */ if ( theObject == null ) { theObject = papplet; } if ( theController instanceof Controller< ? > ) { if ( !theObject.equals( papplet ) ) { ( ( Controller< ? > ) ( ( Controller< ? > ) theController ).unplugFrom( papplet ) ).plugTo( theObject ); } } if ( !_myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { _myObjectToControllerMap.put( theObject , new ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >>( ) ); } _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ).add( theController ); return this; } public ControlP5 register( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { return register( papplet , "" , theController ); } /** * Returns a List of all controllers currently * registered. * * @return List> */ public List< ControllerInterface< ? >> getAll( ) { return new ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >>( _myControllerMap.values( ) ); } /** * Returns a list of controllers or groups of a * particular type. The following example will return a * list of registered Bangs only:
	 * List list = controlP5.getAll(Bang.class);
	 * println(list);
	 * for(Bang b:list) {
	 *   b.setColorForeground(color(255,255,0));
	 * }
Here the foreground color of all Bangs * is changed to yellow. * * @param * @param theClass A class that extends * ControllerInterface, which applies to all * Controllers and ControllerGroups * @return List */ @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) public < T > List< T > getAll( Class< T > theClass ) { ArrayList< T > l = new ArrayList< T >( ); for ( ControllerInterface ci : _myControllerMap.values( ) ) { if ( ci.getClass( ) == theClass || ci.getClass( ).getSuperclass( ) == theClass ) { l.add( ( T ) ci ); } } return l; } protected void deactivateControllers( ) { for ( Textfield t : getAll( Textfield.class ) ) { t.setFocus( false ); } } private String checkAddress( String theName ) { if ( !theName.startsWith( "/" ) ) { return "/" + theName; } return theName; } /** * @excude */ public void printControllerMap( ) { List< String > strs = new ArrayList< String >( ); System.out.println( "============================================" ); for ( Iterator it = _myControllerMap.entrySet( ).iterator( ) ; it.hasNext( ) ; ) { Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) ); Object key = entry.getKey( ); Object value = entry.getValue( ); strs.add( key + " = " + value ); } Collections.sort( strs ); for ( String s : strs ) { System.out.println( s ); } System.out.println( "============================================" ); } /** * removes a controller by instance. * * TODO Fix this. this only removes the reference to a * controller from the controller map but not its * children, fatal for controller groups! * * @param theController ControllerInterface */ protected void remove( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { _myControllerMap.remove( theController.getAddress( ) ); } /** * removes a controlP5 element such as a controller, * group, or tab by name. * * @param theString String */ public void remove( String theName ) { String address = checkAddress( theName ); if ( getController( address ) != null ) { getController( address ).remove( ); } if ( getGroup( address ) != null ) { getGroup( address ).remove( ); } for ( int i = 0 ; i < controlWindow.getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( i ).getAddress( ).equals( address ) ) { controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( i ).remove( ); } } _myControllerMap.remove( address ); } public ControllerInterface< ? > get( String theName ) { String address = checkAddress( theName ); if ( _myControllerMap.containsKey( address ) ) { return _myControllerMap.get( address ); } return null; } public ControllerInterface< ? > get( Object theObject , String theName ) { return getController( theName , theObject ); } public < C > C get( Class< C > theClass , String theName ) { for ( ControllerInterface< ? > ci : _myControllerMap.values( ) ) { if ( ci.getClass( ) == theClass || ci.getClass( ).getSuperclass( ) == theClass ) { return ( C ) get( theName ); } } return null; } /** * @exclude * @see controlP5.ControlP5#getAll(Class) * @return List */ @ControlP5.Invisible public List< ControllerInterface< ? >> getList( ) { LinkedList< ControllerInterface< ? >> l = new LinkedList< ControllerInterface< ? >>( ); l.addAll( controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( ) ); l.addAll( getAll( ) ); return l; } public float getValue( String theIndex ) { Controller c = getController( theIndex ); if ( c != null ) { return c.getValue( ); } return Float.NaN; } public Controller< ? > getController( String theName ) { String address = checkAddress( theName ); if ( _myControllerMap.containsKey( address ) ) { if ( _myControllerMap.get( address ) instanceof Controller< ? > ) { return ( Controller< ? > ) _myControllerMap.get( address ); } } return null; } public ControllerGroup< ? > getGroup( String theGroupName ) { String address = checkAddress( theGroupName ); if ( _myControllerMap.containsKey( address ) ) { if ( _myControllerMap.get( address ) instanceof ControllerGroup< ? > ) { return ( ControllerGroup< ? > ) _myControllerMap.get( address ); } } return null; } private boolean checkName( String theName ) { if ( _myControllerMap.containsKey( checkAddress( theName ) ) ) { ControlP5.logger( ).warning( "Controller with name \"" + theName + "\" already exists. overwriting reference of existing controller." ); return true; } return false; } public void moveControllersForObject( Object theObject , ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { if ( _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { ( ( Controller< ? > ) c ).moveTo( theGroup ); } } } public void move( Object theObject , ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { moveControllersForObject( theObject , theGroup ); } protected void clear( ) { controlWindow.clear( ); _myControllerMap.clear( ); } /** * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public void pre( ) { Iterator< FieldChangedListener > itr = _myFieldChangedListenerMap.values( ).iterator( ); while ( itr.hasNext( ) ) { ).update( ); } } /** * call draw() from your program when autoDraw is * disabled. * * @exclude */ @ControlP5.Invisible public void draw( ) { if ( !isAutoDraw( ) ) { controlWindow.draw( ); } } /** * convenience method to access the main window * (ControlWindow class). */ public ControlWindow getWindow( ) { return getWindow( papplet ); } public void mouseEvent( MouseEvent theMouseEvent ) { getWindow( ).mouseEvent( theMouseEvent ); } public void keyEvent( KeyEvent theKeyEvent ) { getWindow( ).keyEvent( theKeyEvent ); } /** * convenience method to access the pointer of the main * control window. */ public Pointer getPointer( ) { return getWindow( papplet ).getPointer( ); } /** * convenience method to check if the mouse (or pointer) * is hovering over any controller. only applies to the * main window. To receive the mouseover information for * a ControlWindow use * getWindow(nameOfWindow).isMouseOver(); */ public boolean isMouseOver( ) { return getWindow( papplet ).isMouseOver( ); } /** * convenience method to check if the mouse (or pointer) * is hovering over a specific controller. only applies * to the main window. To receive the mouseover * information for a ControlWindow use * getWindow(nameOfWindow * ).isMouseOver(ControllerInterface); */ public boolean isMouseOver( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { return getWindow( papplet ).isMouseOver( theController ); } /** * convenience method to check if the mouse (or pointer) * is hovering over a specific controller. only applies * to the main window. To receive the mouseover * information for a ControlWindow use * getWindow(nameOfWindow).getMouseOverList(); */ public List< ControllerInterface< ? >> getMouseOverList( ) { return getWindow( papplet ).getMouseOverList( ); } public ControlWindow getWindow( PApplet theApplet ) { if ( theApplet.equals( papplet ) ) { return controlWindow; } // TODO !!! check for another window in case // theApplet is of type // PAppletWindow. return controlWindow; } /** * adds a Canvas to the default sketch window. * * @see controlP5.Canvas */ public ControlP5 addCanvas( Canvas theCanvas ) { getWindow( ).addCanvas( theCanvas ); return this; } public ControlP5 removeCanvas( Canvas theCanvas ) { getWindow( ).removeCanvas( theCanvas ); return this; } public ControlP5 setColor( CColor theColor ) { setColorBackground( theColor.getBackground( ) ); setColorForeground( theColor.getForeground( ) ); setColorActive( theColor.getActive( ) ); setColorCaptionLabel( theColor.getCaptionLabel( ) ); setColorValueLabel( theColor.getValueLabel( ) ); return this; } public static CColor getColor( ) { return color; } /** * sets the active state color of tabs and controllers, * this cascades down to all known controllers. */ public ControlP5 setColorActive( int theColor ) { color.setActive( theColor ); controlWindow.setColorActive( theColor ); return this; } /** * sets the foreground color of tabs and controllers, * this cascades down to all known controllers. */ public ControlP5 setColorForeground( int theColor ) { color.setForeground( theColor ); controlWindow.setColorForeground( theColor ); return this; } /** * sets the background color of tabs and controllers, * this cascades down to all known controllers. */ public ControlP5 setColorBackground( int theColor ) { color.setBackground( theColor ); controlWindow.setColorBackground( theColor ); return this; } /** * sets the label color of tabs and controllers, this * cascades down to all known controllers. */ public ControlP5 setColorCaptionLabel( int theColor ) { color.setCaptionLabel( theColor ); controlWindow.setColorLabel( theColor ); return this; } /** * sets the value color of controllers, this cascades * down to all known controllers. */ public ControlP5 setColorValueLabel( int theColor ) { color.setValueLabel( theColor ); controlWindow.setColorValue( theColor ); return this; } public ControlP5 setBackground( int theColor ) { controlWindow.setBackground( theColor ); return this; } /** * Enables/disables Controllers to be moved around when * ALT-key is down and mouse is dragged. Other key * events are still available like ALT-h to hide and * show the controllers To disable all key events, use * disableKeys() */ public ControlP5 setMoveable( boolean theFlag ) { isMoveable = theFlag; return this; } /** * Checks if controllers are generally moveable * */ public boolean isMoveable( ) { return isMoveable; } /** * Saves the current values of controllers into a * default properties file * * @see controlP5.ControllerProperties */ public boolean saveProperties( ) { return ); } /** * Saves the current values of controllers into a file, * the filepath is given by parameter theFilePath. * * @see controlP5.ControllerProperties */ public boolean saveProperties( String theFilePath ) { return _myProperties.saveAs( theFilePath ); } public boolean saveProperties( String theFilePath , String ... theSets ) { return _myProperties.saveAs( theFilePath , theSets ); } /** * Loads properties from a default properties file and * changes values of controllers accordingly. * * @see controlP5.ControllerProperties * @return */ public boolean loadProperties( ) { return _myProperties.load( ); } /** * Loads properties from a properties file and changes * the values of controllers accordingly, the filepath * is given by parameter theFilePath. * * @param theFilePath * @return */ public boolean loadProperties( final String theFilePath ) { String path = theFilePath.endsWith( _myProperties.format.getExtension( ) ) ? theFilePath : theFilePath + "." + _myProperties.format.getExtension( ); path = checkPropertiesPath( path ); File f = new File( path); if ( f.exists( ) ) { return _myProperties.load( path ); } "Properties File " + path + " does not exist." ); return false; } String checkPropertiesPath( String theFilePath ) { theFilePath = ( theFilePath.startsWith( "/" ) || theFilePath.startsWith( "." ) ) ? theFilePath : papplet.sketchPath( theFilePath ); return theFilePath; } /** * @exclude * @param theFilePath * @return */ @ControlP5.Invisible public boolean loadLayout( String theFilePath ) { theFilePath = checkPropertiesPath( theFilePath ); File f = new File( theFilePath ); if ( f.exists( ) ) { getLayout( ).load( theFilePath ); return true; } "Layout File " + theFilePath + " does not exist." ); return false; } /** * @exclude * @param theFilePath */ public void saveLayout( String theFilePath ) { getLayout( ).save( theFilePath ); } /** * Returns the current version of controlP5 * * @return String */ public String version( ) { return VERSION; } /** * shows all controllers and tabs in your sketch. * * @see controlP5.ControlP5#isVisible() * @see controlP5.ControlP5#hide() */ public void show( ) { ); } public ControlP5 setBroadcast( boolean theValue ) { _myControlBroadcaster.broadcast = theValue; return this; } /** * returns true or false according to the current * visibility flag. * * @see controlP5.ControlP5#show() * @see controlP5.ControlP5#hide() */ public boolean isVisible( ) { return controlWindow.isVisible( ); } public ControlP5 setVisible( boolean b ) { if ( b ) { show( ); } else { hide( ); } return this; } /** * hide all controllers and tabs inside your sketch * window. * * @see controlP5.ControlP5#show() * @see controlP5.ControlP5#isVisible() */ public void hide( ) { controlWindow.hide( ); } /** * forces all controllers to update. * * @see controlP5.ControlP5#isUpdate() * @see controlP5.ControlP5#setUpdate() */ public void update( ) { controlWindow.update( ); } /** * checks if automatic updates are enabled. By default * this is true. * * @see controlP5.ControlP5#update() * @see controlP5.ControlP5#setUpdate(boolean) * @return */ public boolean isUpdate( ) { return isUpdate; } /** * changes the update behavior according to parameter * theFlag * * @see controlP5.ControlP5#update() * @see controlP5.ControlP5#isUpdate() * @param theFlag */ public void setUpdate( boolean theFlag ) { isUpdate = theFlag; controlWindow.setUpdate( theFlag ); } public boolean setFont( ControlFont theControlFont ) { controlFont = theControlFont; isControlFont = true; updateFont( controlFont ); return isControlFont; } public boolean setFont( PFont thePFont , int theFontSize ) { controlFont = new ControlFont( thePFont , theFontSize ); isControlFont = true; updateFont( controlFont ); return isControlFont; } public boolean setFont( PFont thePFont ) { controlFont = new ControlFont( thePFont ); isControlFont = true; updateFont( controlFont ); return isControlFont; } protected void updateFont( ControlFont theControlFont ) { controlWindow.updateFont( theControlFont ); } public ControlFont getFont( ) { return controlFont; } /** * disables shortcuts such as alt-h for hiding/showing * controllers * */ public void disableShortcuts( ) { isShortcuts = false; } public boolean isShortcuts( ) { return isShortcuts; } /** * enables shortcuts. */ public void enableShortcuts( ) { isShortcuts = true; } public Tooltip getTooltip( ) { return _myTooltip; } public void setTooltip( Tooltip theTooltip ) { _myTooltip = theTooltip; } public void setMouseWheelRotation( int theRotation ) { getWindow( ).setMouseWheelRotation( theRotation ); } /** * cp5.begin() and cp5.end() are mechanisms to * auto-layout controllers, see the ControlP5beginEnd * example. */ public ControllerGroup< ? > begin( ) { // TODO replace"default") with // controlWindow.tabs().get(1); return begin( controlWindow.getTab( "default" ) ); } public ControllerGroup< ? > begin( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { setCurrentPointer( theGroup ); return theGroup; } public ControllerGroup< ? > begin( int theX , int theY ) { // TODO replace"default") with // controlWindow.tabs().get(1); return begin( controlWindow.getTab( "default" ) , theX , theY ); } public ControllerGroup< ? > begin( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup , int theX , int theY ) { setCurrentPointer( theGroup ); ControllerGroup.set( theGroup.autoPosition , theX , theY ); theGroup.autoPositionOffsetX = theX; return theGroup; } public ControllerGroup< ? > begin( ControlWindow theWindow ) { return begin( theWindow.getTab( "default" ) ); } public ControllerGroup< ? > begin( ControlWindow theWindow , int theX , int theY ) { return begin( theWindow.getTab( "default" ) , theX , theY ); } public ControllerGroup< ? > end( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { releaseCurrentPointer( theGroup ); return theGroup; } /** * cp5.begin() and cp5.end() are mechanisms to * auto-layout controllers, see the ControlP5beginEnd * example. */ public ControllerGroup< ? > end( ) { return end( controlWindow.getTab( "default" ) ); } public void addPositionTo( int theX , int theY , List< ControllerInterface< ? >> theControllers ) { float[] v = new float[] { theX , theY }; for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : theControllers ) { float[] v1 = new float[ 2 ]; Controller.set( v1 , Controller.x( c.getPosition( ) ) , Controller.y( c.getPosition( ) ) ); c.setPosition( Controller.x( v ) + Controller.x( v1 ) , Controller.y( v ) + Controller.y( v1 ) ); } } public void addPositionTo( int theX , int theY , ControllerInterface< ? > ... theControllers ) { addPositionTo( theX , theY , Arrays.asList( theControllers ) ); } /** * disposes and clears all controlP5 elements. When * running in applet mode, opening new tabs or switching * to another tab causes the applet to call dispose(). * therefore dispose() is disabled when running ing * applet mode. TODO implement better dispose handling * for applets. * * @exclude */ public void dispose( ) { if ( !isApplet ) { clear( ); } } /* static helper functions including Object-to-Type * conversions, invokes */ static public Object invoke( final Object theObject , final String theMember , final Object ... theParams ) { return invoke( theObject , theObject.getClass( ) , theMember , theParams ); } static public Object invoke( final Object theObject , final Class< ? > theClass , final String theMember , final Object ... theParams ) { if ( theClass == null ) { return null; } Class[] cs = new Class[ theParams.length ]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < theParams.length ; i++ ) { Class c = theParams[ i ].getClass( ); cs[ i ] = classmap.containsKey( c ) ? classmap.get( c ) : c; } try { final Field f = theClass.getDeclaredField( theMember ); /* TODO check super */ f.setAccessible( true ); Object o = theParams[ 0 ]; Class cf = o.getClass( ); if ( cf.equals( Integer.class ) ) { f.setInt( theObject , i( o ) ); } else if ( cf.equals( Float.class ) ) { f.setFloat( theObject , f( o ) ); } else if ( cf.equals( Long.class ) ) { f.setLong( theObject , l( o ) ); } else if ( cf.equals( Double.class ) ) { f.setDouble( theObject , d( o ) ); } else if ( cf.equals( Boolean.class ) ) { f.setBoolean( theObject , b( o ) ); } else if ( cf.equals( Character.class ) ) { f.setChar( theObject , ( char ) i( o ) ); } else { f.set( theObject , o ); } } catch ( NoSuchFieldException e1 ) { try { final Method m = theClass.getDeclaredMethod( theMember , cs ); m.setAccessible( true ); try { return m.invoke( theObject , theParams ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { System.err.println( e ); } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { System.err.println( e ); } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) { System.err.println( e ); } } catch ( SecurityException e ) { System.err.println( e ); } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) { invoke( theObject , theClass.getSuperclass( ) , theMember , theParams ); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { System.err.println( e ); } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { System.err.println( e ); } return null; } static public boolean b( Object o ) { return b( o , false ); } static public boolean b( Object o , boolean theDefault ) { return ( o instanceof Boolean ) ? ( ( Boolean ) o ).booleanValue( ) : ( o instanceof Number ) ? ( ( Number ) o ).intValue( ) == 0 ? false : true : theDefault; } static public boolean b( String o ) { return b( o , false ); } static public boolean b( String o , boolean theDefault ) { return o.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ? true : theDefault; } static public int i( Object o ) { return i( o , Integer.MIN_VALUE ); } static public int i( Object o , int theDefault ) { return ( o instanceof Number ) ? ( ( Number ) o ).intValue( ) : ( o instanceof String ) ? i( s( o ) ) : theDefault; } static public int i( String o ) { return i( o , Integer.MIN_VALUE ); } static public int i( String o , int theDefault ) { return isNumeric( o ) ? Integer.parseInt( o ) : theDefault; } static public float f( Object o ) { return f( o , Float.MIN_VALUE ); } static public float f( Object o , float theDefault ) { return ( o instanceof Number ) ? ( ( Number ) o ).floatValue( ) : ( o instanceof String ) ? f( s( o ) ) : theDefault; } static public float f( String o ) { return f( o , Float.MIN_VALUE ); } static public float f( String o , float theDefault ) { return isNumeric( o ) ? Float.parseFloat( o ) : theDefault; } static public double d( Object o ) { return d( o , Double.MIN_VALUE ); } static public double d( Object o , double theDefault ) { return ( o instanceof Number ) ? ( ( Number ) o ).doubleValue( ) : ( o instanceof String ) ? d( s( o ) ) : theDefault; } static public double d( String o ) { return d( o , Double.MIN_VALUE ); } static public double d( String o , double theDefault ) { return isNumeric( o ) ? Double.parseDouble( o ) : theDefault; } static public long l( Object o ) { return l( o , Long.MIN_VALUE ); } static public long l( Object o , long theDefault ) { return ( o instanceof Number ) ? ( ( Number ) o ).longValue( ) : ( o instanceof String ) ? l( s( o ) ) : theDefault; } static public String s( Object o ) { return ( o != null ) ? o.toString( ) : ""; } static public String s( Object o , String theDefault ) { return ( o != null ) ? o.toString( ) : theDefault; } static public boolean isNumeric( Object o ) { return isNumeric( o.toString( ) ); } static public boolean isNumeric( String str ) { return str.matches( "(-|\\+)?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?" ); } static public List toList( final Object ... args ) { List l = new ArrayList( ); Collections.addAll( l , args ); return l; } static public List toList( Object o ) { return o != null ? ( o instanceof List ) ? ( List ) o : ( o instanceof String ) ? toList( o.toString( ) ) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } static public Map toMap( final String s ) { /* similar to mapFrom(Object ... args) but with type * (Number,String) sensitivity */ String[] arr = s.trim( ).split( delimiter ); Map m = new LinkedHashMap( ); if ( arr.length % 2 == 0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i += 2 ) { String s1 = arr[ i + 1 ]; m.put( arr[ i ] , isNumeric( s1 ) ? s1.indexOf( "." ) == -1 ? i( s1 ) : f( s1 ) : s1 ); } } return m; } static public Map toMap( Object o ) { return o != null ? ( o instanceof Map ) ? ( Map ) o : Collections.EMPTY_MAP : Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } static public Map toMap( final Object ... args ) { Map m = new LinkedHashMap( ); if ( args.length % 2 == 0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i += 2 ) { m.put( args[ i ] , args[ i + 1 ] ); } } return m; } static public String s( String o ) { return ( o != null ) ? o : ""; } static Map< Class< ? > , Class< ? > > classmap = new HashMap< Class< ? > , Class< ? > >( ) { { put( Integer.class , int.class ); put( Float.class , float.class ); put( Double.class , double.class ); put( Boolean.class , boolean.class ); put( Character.class , char.class ); put( Long.class , long.class ); } }; static public void sleep( long theMillis ) { try { Thread.sleep( theMillis ); } catch ( Exception e ) { } } static public String timestamp( ) { return new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss" ).format( new Date( ) ); } /* add Objects with Annotation */ public static Logger logger( ) { return logger; } @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME ) @interface Invisible { } @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME ) @interface Layout { } }