package controlP5; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2012 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. This library is * distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PVector; import processing.event.Event; import static controlP5.Controller.*; /** * The ControlP5Base supports the ControlP5 class and * implements all adder methods to add controllers to * controlP5. */ @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked" , "rawtypes" } ) public class ControlP5Base extends ControlP5Legacy implements ControlP5Constants { protected ControlP5 cp5; protected ControllerProperties _myProperties; private ControllerAutomator _myAutomator; protected Map< Object , ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >>> _myObjectToControllerMap = new HashMap< Object , ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >>>( ); protected Map< String , FieldChangedListener > _myFieldChangedListenerMap = new HashMap< String , FieldChangedListener >( ); protected Map< KeyCode , List< ControlKey >> keymap = new HashMap< KeyCode , List< ControlKey >>( ); protected ControllerGroup< ? > currentGroupPointer; protected boolean isCurrentGroupPointerClosed = true; protected int autoDirection = HORIZONTAL; public Tab getDefaultTab( ) { return ( Tab ) cp5.controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( 1 ); } protected void init( ControlP5 theControlP5 ) { super.init( theControlP5 ); cp5 = theControlP5; _myProperties = new ControllerProperties( cp5 ); _myAutomator = new ControllerAutomator( cp5 ); currentGroupPointer = cp5.controlWindow.getTab( "default" ); } public ControllerLayout getLayout( ) { return new ControllerLayout( cp5 ); } public Tab addTab( String theName ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < cp5.getWindow( ).getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( cp5.getWindow( ).getTabs( ).get( i ).getName( ).equals( theName ) ) { return ( Tab ) cp5.getWindow( ).getTabs( ).get( i ); } } Tab myTab = new Tab( cp5 , cp5.getWindow( ) , theName ); cp5.getWindow( ).getTabs( ).add( myTab ); return myTab; } /** * A Bang triggers an event without passing a value. */ public Bang addBang( final String theName ) { return addBang( null , theName ); } public Bang addBang( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addBang( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } /** * Triggers an event and passing a value. */ public Button addButton( String theName ) { return addButton( null , theName ); } public Button addButton( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addButton( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 1 ); } public ButtonBar addButtonBar( String theName ) { return addButtonBar( null , theName ); } public ButtonBar addButtonBar( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addButtonBar( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 1 ); } /** * Toggles a boolean field or passes a value when * triggered. */ public Toggle addToggle( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addToggle( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } public Toggle addToggle( final String theName ) { return addToggle( null , theName ); } /** * Adds a default slider with a default width of 100 and * height of 10. the default value range is from 0-100. * * By default it will be added to the default tab of the * main window. Sliders can be arranged vertically and * horizontally depending on their width and height. The * look of a sliders control can either be a bar or a * handle. you can add tickmarks to a slider or use the * default free-control setting. A slider can be * controller by mouse click, drag or mouse-wheel. */ public Slider addSlider( String theName ) { return addSlider( null , theName ); } public Slider addSlider( Object theObject , String theName ) { return addSlider( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } /** * A range controller, a slider that allows control on * both ends of the slider. */ public Range addRange( final String theName ) { return addRange( theName , 0 , 100 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 10 ); } public Range addRange( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addRange( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 100 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 10 ); } public Numberbox addNumberbox( String theName ) { return addNumberbox( null , theName ); } public Numberbox addNumberbox( Object theObject , String theName ) { return addNumberbox( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } /** * Knobs can use limited and endless revolutions, custom * angles and starting points. There are 2 control areas * for a knob, an area closer to the edge allows * 'click-and-adjust' control, a click and drag action * at the inside allows to gradually change the value of * a know when dragged. A knob can be controller by * mouse click, drag or mouse-wheel. */ public Knob addKnob( String theName ) { return addKnob( theName , 0 , 100 ); } public Knob addKnob( Object theObject , String theName ) { return addKnob( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } /** * Matrix is a 2-D matrix controller using toggle * controllers in a rows and a columns setup. useful for * software drum machines. */ public Matrix addMatrix( final String theName ) { return addMatrix( theName , 10 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 ); } public Matrix addMatrix( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addMatrix( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 10 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 ); } /** * Adds a 2D slider to controlP5. A 2D slider is a 2D * area with 1 cursor returning its xy coordinates. */ public Slider2D addSlider2D( final String theName ) { return addSlider2D( null , theName ); } public Slider2D addSlider2D( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addSlider2D( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 100 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 ); } public Textlabel addTextlabel( final String theName ) { return addTextlabel( theName , "" , 0 , 0 ); } /** * A Textarea is a label without any controller * functionality and can be used to leave notes, * headlines, etc when extending the dedicated area of * the Textrea, a scrollbar is added on the right. */ public Textarea addTextarea( final String theName ) { return addTextarea( theName , "" , 0 , 0 , 200 , 100 ); } // TODO // addTextarea theObject /** * A Textfield allows single line text input. If text * goes beyond the edges of a Textfield box, the text * will automatically scroll. Use Arrow keys to navigate * back and forth. */ public Textfield addTextfield( final String theIndex ) { return addTextfield( theIndex , 0 , 0 , 200 , 20 ); } public Textfield addTextfield( final Object theObject , final String theIndex ) { return addTextfield( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theIndex , 0 , 0 , 200 , 20 ); } /** * Use radio buttons for multiple choice options. */ public RadioButton addRadioButton( final String theName ) { return addRadioButton( null , theName ); } public RadioButton addRadioButton( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addRadioButton( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 0 ); } /** * Use a checkbox for single choice options. */ public CheckBox addCheckBox( final String theName ) { return addCheckBox( theName , 0 , 0 ); } public CheckBox addCheckBox( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addCheckBox( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 0 ); } /** * the ScrollableList replaces the DropwdownList and * ListBox, the type for a ScrollableList can be set * with setType(ControlP5.DROPDOWN | ControlP5.LIST). */ public ScrollableList addScrollableList( final String theName ) { return addScrollableList( theName , 0 , 0 , 100 , 200 ); } public ScrollableList addScrollableList( final Object theObject , String theName ) { return addScrollableList( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 ); } /** * Multilist is a tree like menu. */ public MultiList addMultiList( final String theName ) { return addMultiList( null , theName ); } public MultiList addMultiList( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addMultiList( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 0 , 100 , 100 ); } public ColorWheel addColorWheel( final String theName ) { return addColorWheel( null , theName ); } public ColorWheel addColorWheel( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addColorWheel( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 0 , 200 ); } /** * adds a simple RGBA colorpicker. */ public ColorPicker addColorPicker( final String theName ) { return addColorPicker( null , theName ); } public ColorPicker addColorPicker( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addColorPicker( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName , 0 , 0 , 255 , 10 ); } public Println addConsole( Textarea theTextarea ) { return new Println( theTextarea ); } /** * returns the current framerate of the running sketch. */ public FrameRate addFrameRate( ) { FrameRate myController = new FrameRate( cp5 , ( Tab ) cp5.controlWindow.getTabs( ).get( 1 ) , "-" , 0 , 4 ); cp5.register( null , "" , myController ); return myController; } /** * adds chart support to display float array based data. */ public Chart addChart( String theName ) { return addChart( theName , 0 , 0 , 200 , 100 ); } /** * A controller group can be used to group controllers * for a better organization of single controllers. */ public Group addGroup( String theName ) { return addGroup( theName , 0 , 0 ); } public Group addGroup( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addGroup( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } public Accordion addAccordion( final String theName ) { return addAccordion( null , "" , theName ); } public Accordion addAccordion( final Object theObject , final String theName ) { return addAccordion( theObject , theObject != null ? theObject.toString( ) : "" , theName ); } protected void setCurrentPointer( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { currentGroupPointer = theGroup; isCurrentGroupPointerClosed = false; } protected void releaseCurrentPointer( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ) { if ( isCurrentGroupPointerClosed == false ) { currentGroupPointer = theGroup; isCurrentGroupPointerClosed = true; } else { ControlP5.logger( ).warning( "use .end() first before using .begin() again." ); } } public void setAutoAddDirection( int theDirection ) { if ( theDirection == HORIZONTAL ) { autoDirection = HORIZONTAL; return; } autoDirection = VERTICAL; } public void setAutoSpacing( ) { set( Controller.autoSpacing , 10 , 10 ); } public void setAutoSpacing( float theX , float theY ) { set( Controller.autoSpacing , theX , theY ); } public void setAutoSpacing( float theX , float theY , float theZ ) { setAutoSpacing( theX , theY ); } @SuppressWarnings( "static-access" ) protected void linebreak( Controller< ? > theController , boolean theFlag , int theW , int theH , float[] theSpacing ) { if ( x( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) + x( theController.autoSpacing ) + theW > cp5.papplet.width ) { float x = x( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) + currentGroupPointer.autoPositionOffsetX; float y = y( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) + currentGroupPointer.tempAutoPositionHeight; set( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition , x , y ); currentGroupPointer.tempAutoPositionHeight = 0; Controller.set( theController.position , Controller.x( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) , Controller.y( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) ); theFlag = false; } if ( theFlag == true ) { float y = y( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) + currentGroupPointer.tempAutoPositionHeight; set( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition , currentGroupPointer.autoPositionOffsetX , y ); currentGroupPointer.tempAutoPositionHeight = 0; } else { if ( theController instanceof Slider ) { float x = x( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) + theController.getCaptionLabel( ).getWidth( ); float y = y( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ); set( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition , x , y ); } float x = x( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ) + x( theController.autoSpacing ) + theW; float y = y( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition ); set( currentGroupPointer.autoPosition , x , y ); if ( ( theH + y( theSpacing ) ) > currentGroupPointer.tempAutoPositionHeight ) { currentGroupPointer.tempAutoPositionHeight = theH + y( theSpacing ); } } } public ControlP5Base addControllersFor( PApplet theApplet ) { addControllersFor( "" , theApplet ); return cp5; } /** * Adds controllers for a specific object using * annotations. *

* Uses a forward slash delimited address, for example: *


* lets say the theAddressSpace parameter is set to * "hello", and the Object (second parameter) contains * an annotated field "x", addControllersFor("hello", * o); will add a controller for field x with address * /hello/x This address can be used with * getController("/hello/x") to access the controller of * that particular Object and field. *

*/ public ControlP5Base addControllersFor( final String theAddressSpace , Object t ) { _myAutomator.addControllersFor( theAddressSpace , t ); return cp5; } public Object getObjectForController( ControllerInterface theController ) { for ( Iterator it = _myObjectToControllerMap.entrySet( ).iterator( ) ; it.hasNext( ) ; ) { Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) ); Object key = entry.getKey( ); ArrayList< ControllerInterface > value = ( ArrayList< ControllerInterface > ) entry.getValue( ); for ( ControllerInterface c : value ) { if ( c.equals( theController ) ) { return key; } } } return null; } public ControlP5Base setPosition( int theX , int theY , Object o ) { if ( o != null && _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( o ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( o ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { int x = ( int ) x( c.getPosition( ) ) + theX; int y = ( int ) y( c.getPosition( ) ) + theY; c.setPosition( x , y ); } } return cp5; } public ControlP5Base hide( Object theObject ) { if ( theObject != null && _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { c.hide( ); } } return cp5; } public ControlP5Base show( Object theObject ) { if ( theObject != null && _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { ); } } return cp5; } /** * for internal use only. use Controller.remove() * instead. * * @param theObject * @return */ public ControlP5Base remove( Object theObject ) { if ( theObject != null && _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { c.remove( ); } } return cp5; } public ControlP5Base setColor( CColor theColor , Object theObject ) { if ( _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { c.setColor( theColor ); } } return cp5; } public ControlP5Base listenTo( String theFieldName , Object theObject ) { String key = theObject.hashCode( ) + "" + theFieldName.hashCode( ); FieldChangedListener value = new FieldChangedListener( cp5 ); value.listenTo( theObject , theFieldName ); _myFieldChangedListenerMap.put( key , value ); return cp5; } public ControlP5Base stopListeningTo( String theFieldName , Object theObject ) { String key = theObject.hashCode( ) + "" + theFieldName.hashCode( ); _myFieldChangedListenerMap.remove( key ); return cp5; } public ControlP5Base moveTo( ControllerGroup< ? > theController , Object theObject ) { if ( _myObjectToControllerMap.containsKey( theObject ) ) { ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >> cs = _myObjectToControllerMap.get( theObject ); for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : cs ) { c.moveTo( theController ); } } return cp5; } /* Properties */ public ControllerProperties getProperties( ) { return _myProperties; } public void removeProperty( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) { _myProperties.remove( theController ); } /** * prints a list of public methods of requested class * into the console. You can specify patterns that will * print methods found with only these particular * patterns in their name. *

* printed Format: returnType methodName(parameter type) */ public static void printPublicMethodsFor( Class< ? > theClass , String ... thePattern ) { Set< String > set = getPublicMethodsFor( theClass , true , thePattern ); String str = ""; str += "/**\n"; str += "* ControlP5 " + theClass.getSimpleName( ) + "\n"; str += "*\n"; str += "*\n"; str += "* find a list of public methods available for the " + theClass.getSimpleName( ) + " Controller\n"; str += "* at the bottom of this sketch.\n"; str += "*\n"; str += "* by Andreas Schlegel, 2012\n"; str += "*\n"; str += "*\n"; str += "*/\n\n"; str += "/*\n"; str += "a list of all methods available for the " + theClass.getSimpleName( ) + " Controller\n"; str += "use ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(" + theClass.getSimpleName( ) + ".class);\n"; str += "to print the following list into the console.\n\n"; str += "You can find further details about class " + theClass.getSimpleName( ) + " in the javadoc.\n\n"; str += "Format:\n"; str += "ClassName : returnType methodName(parameter type)\n\n\n"; for ( String s : set ) { str += s + "\n"; } str += "\n\n*/\n\n"; System.out.println( str ); } public static void printPublicMethodsFor( Class< ? > theClass ) { printPublicMethodsFor( theClass , "" ); } public static Set< String > getPublicMethodsFor( Class< ? > theClass ) { return getPublicMethodsFor( theClass , true , "" ); } public static Set< String > getPublicMethodsFor( Class< ? > theClass , String ... thePattern ) { return getPublicMethodsFor( theClass , true , thePattern ); } public static Set< String > getPublicMethodsFor( Class< ? > theClass , boolean theFlag ) { return getPublicMethodsFor( theClass , true , "" ); } public static Set< String > getPublicMethodsFor( Class< ? > theClass , boolean isSuperclass , String ... thePattern ) { Set< String > s = new TreeSet< String >( ); Class< ? > c = theClass; while ( c != null ) { for ( Method method : c.getDeclaredMethods( ) ) { if ( !method.isAnnotationPresent( Deprecated.class ) && !method.isAnnotationPresent( ControlP5.Invisible.class ) && method.getModifiers( ) == Modifier.PUBLIC ) { for ( String p : thePattern ) { if ( p.length( ) > 0 ) { if ( !method.getName( ).toLowerCase( ).contains( p.toLowerCase( ) ) ) { continue; } } String params = ""; for ( Class< ? > t : method.getParameterTypes( ) ) { params += t.getSimpleName( ) + ", "; } if ( params.length( ) > 0 ) { params = params.substring( 0 , params.length( ) - 2 ); } s.add( c.getCanonicalName( ) + " : " + method.getReturnType( ).getSimpleName( ).replace( "Object" , theClass.getSimpleName( ) ) + " " + method.getName( ) + "(" + params + ") " ); } } } if ( isSuperclass ) { c = c.getSuperclass( ); } else { c = null; } } return s; } public int getKeyCode( ) { return cp5.getWindow( ).keyCode; } public char getKey( ) { return cp5.getWindow( ).key; } private char[] fromIntToChar( int ... theChar ) { char[] n = new char[ theChar.length ]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < n.length ; i++ ) { if ( theChar[ i ] >= 'a' && theChar[ i ] <= 'z' ) { theChar[ i ] -= 32; } n[ i ] = ( char ) theChar[ i ]; } return n; } public ControlP5 removeKeyFor( ControlKey theKey , int ... theChar ) { removeKeyFor( theKey , fromIntToChar( theChar ) ); return cp5; } public ControlP5 mapKeyFor( ControlKey theKey , Object ... os ) { List< Integer > l = new ArrayList< Integer >( ); for ( Object o : os ) { if ( o instanceof Integer ) { l.add( ( int ) ( Integer ) o ); } else if ( o instanceof Character ) { char c = ( ( Character ) o ); if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) { c -= 32; } l.add( ( int ) c ); } } char[] n = new char[ l.size( ) ]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < l.size( ) ; i++ ) { n[ i ] = ( char ) ( ( int ) l.get( i ) ); } KeyCode kc = new KeyCode( n ); if ( !keymap.containsKey( kc ) ) { keymap.put( kc , new ArrayList< ControlKey >( ) ); } keymap.get( kc ).add( theKey ); cp5.enableShortcuts( ); return cp5; } public ControlP5 removeKeyFor( ControlKey theKey , char ... theChar ) { List< ControlKey > l = keymap.get( new KeyCode( theChar ) ); if ( l != null ) { l.remove( theKey ); } return cp5; } public ControlP5 removeKeysFor( char ... theChar ) { keymap.remove( new KeyCode( theChar ) ); return cp5; } public ControlP5 removeKeysFor( int ... theChar ) { removeKeysFor( fromIntToChar( theChar ) ); return cp5; } protected int modifiers; public boolean isShiftDown( ) { return ( modifiers & Event.SHIFT & ( cp5.isShortcuts( ) ? -1 : 1 ) ) != 0; } public boolean isControlDown( ) { return ( modifiers & Event.CTRL & ( cp5.isShortcuts( ) ? -1 : 1 ) ) != 0; } public boolean isMetaDown( ) { return ( modifiers & Event.META & ( cp5.isShortcuts( ) ? -1 : 1 ) ) != 0; } public boolean isAltDown( ) { return ( modifiers & Event.ALT & ( cp5.isShortcuts( ) ? -1 : 1 ) ) != 0; } static class KeyCode { final char[] chars; KeyCode( char ... theChars ) { chars = theChars; Arrays.sort( chars ); } public String toString( ) { String s = ""; for ( char c : chars ) { s += c + "(" + ( ( int ) c ) + ") "; } return s; } public int size( ) { return chars.length; } public char[] getChars( ) { return chars; } public char get( int theIndex ) { if ( theIndex >= 0 && theIndex < size( ) ) { return chars[ theIndex ]; } return 0; } public boolean equals( Object obj ) { if ( ! ( obj instanceof KeyCode ) ) { return false; } KeyCode k = ( KeyCode ) obj; if ( k.size( ) != size( ) ) { return false; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( get( i ) != k.get( i ) ) { return false; } } return true; } boolean contains( char n ) { for ( char c : chars ) { if ( n == c ) { return true; } } return false; } public int hashCode( ) { int hashCode = 0; int n = 1; for ( char c : chars ) { hashCode += c + Math.pow( c , n++ ); } return hashCode; } } }