package controlP5; /** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2012 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel ( * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Used by MultiList. * * @example controllers/ControlP5multiList * @nosuperclasses Controller Controller */ public class MultiListButton extends Button implements MultiListInterface { // private MultiListInterface parent; private Controller parent; private MultiList root; private int[] _myRect = new int[ 4 ]; protected int _myDirection = ControlP5Constants.RIGHT; private boolean isUpperCase = true; /** * * @param theProperties ControllerProperties * @param theParent MultiListInterface * @param theRoot MultiList */ protected MultiListButton( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName , float theValue , int theX , int theY , int theWidth , int theHeight , Controller theParent , MultiList theRoot ) { super( theControlP5 , ( ControllerGroup< ? > ) theRoot.getParent( ) , theName , theValue , theX , theY , theWidth , theHeight ); parent = theParent; root = theRoot; updateRect( x( position ) , y( position ) , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); _myCaptionLabel.align( LEFT , CENTER ); } public MultiListButton toUpperCase( boolean theValue ) { isUpperCase = theValue; for ( Controller< ? > c : getSubelements( ) ) { c.getCaptionLabel( ).toUpperCase( isUpperCase ); } _myCaptionLabel.toUpperCase( isUpperCase ); return this; } public void remove( ) { int myYoffset = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < parent.getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( parent.getSubelements( ).get( i ) == this ) { myYoffset = getHeight( ) + 1; } ( ( MultiListButton ) parent.getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).updateLocation( 0 , -myYoffset ); } if ( _myParent != null ) { removeListener( root ); _myParent.remove( this ); } if ( cp5 != null ) { removeListener( root ); cp5.remove( this ); } for ( int i = 0 ; i < getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { ( ( MultiListButton ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).remove( ); } } public int getDirection( ) { return _myDirection; } protected void setDirection( int theDirection ) { _myDirection = theDirection; } public void updateRect( float theX , float theY , float theW , float theH ) { _myRect = new int[] { ( int ) theX , ( int ) theY , ( int ) theW , ( int ) theH }; } public void updateLocation( float theX , float theY ) { set( position , theX , theY ); updateRect( x( position ) , y( position ) , getWidth( ) , getHeight( ) ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { ( ( MultiListInterface ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).updateLocation( theX , theY ); } } /** * set the width of a multlist button. * * @param theWidth int */ public MultiListButton setWidth( int theWidth ) { // negative direction int dif = ( _myDirection == LEFT ) ? theWidth - getWidth( ) : 0; super.setWidth( theWidth ); updateLocation( -dif , 0 ); return this; } /** * set the height of a multlist button. * * @param theHeight int */ public MultiListButton setHeight( int theHeight ) { int difHeight = getHeight( ); super.setHeight( theHeight ); difHeight = getHeight( ) - difHeight; int myYoffset = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < parent.getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( parent.getSubelements( ).get( i ) instanceof MultiListInterface ) { ( ( MultiListInterface ) parent.getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).updateLocation( 0 , myYoffset ); if ( ( parent.getSubelements( ).get( i ) ) == this ) { myYoffset = difHeight; } } } updateLocation( 0 , 0 ); return this; } /** * add a new button to the sublist of this multilist button. * * @param theName String * @param theValue int * @return MultiListButton */ public MultiListButton add( String theName , float theValue ) { int myHeight = - ( getHeight( ) + 1 ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { myHeight += ( getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).getHeight( ) + 1; } // negative direction, this is static now, make it dynamic depending on // the // location of the list. int xx = ( ( int ) x( position ) + ( getWidth( ) + 1 ) ); MultiListButton b = new MultiListButton( cp5 , theName , theValue , xx , ( int ) y( position ) + ( getHeight( ) + 1 ) + myHeight , ( int ) getWidth( ) , ( int ) getHeight( ) , this , root ); b.isMoveable = false; b.toUpperCase( isUpperCase ); b.hide( ); cp5.register( null , "" , b ); b.addListener( root ); getSubelements( ).add( b ); updateRect( xx , y( position ) , getWidth( ) , ( getHeight( ) + 1 ) + myHeight ); return b; } protected void onEnter( ) { if ( !root.isUpdateLocation ) { isActive = true; root.occupied( true ); root.mostRecent = this; if ( parent instanceof MultiListInterface ) { ( ( MultiListInterface ) parent ).close( this ); } open( ); } } protected void onLeave( ) { if ( parent instanceof MultiListInterface ) { if ( ! ( ( MultiListInterface ) parent ).observe( ) && !root.isUpdateLocation && root.mostRecent == this ) { isActive = false; root.occupied( false ); } } } public void mouseReleasedOutside( ) { // !!! other than in the Button class, calling mouseReleased here // conflicts with mouseReleased(); } public boolean observe( ) { return CP.inside( _myRect , _myControlWindow.mouseX , _myControlWindow.mouseY ); } public void close( MultiListInterface theInterface ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { if ( theInterface != ( MultiListInterface ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ) { ( ( MultiListInterface ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).close( ); } } } public void close( ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { ( ( MultiListButton ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).close( ); ( ( MultiListButton ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).hide( ); } } public void open( ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < getSubelements( ).size( ) ; i++ ) { ( ( MultiListButton ) getSubelements( ).get( i ) ).show( ); } } }