/** * controlP5 is a processing gui library. * * 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Andreas Schlegel (http://www.sojamo.de) * @modified ##date## * @version ##version## * */ package controlP5; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PGraphics; import processing.event.KeyEvent; /** * * The ControllerInterface is inherited by all ControllerGroup and Controller classes. * */ public interface ControllerInterface< T extends ControllerInterface< T > > { @ControlP5.Invisible public void init( ); public int getWidth( ); public int getHeight( ); public T setValue( float theValue ); public float getValue( ); public T setStringValue( String theValue ); public String getStringValue( ); public float[] getArrayValue( ); public float getArrayValue( int theIndex ); public T setArrayValue( int theIndex , float theValue ); public T setArrayValue( float[] theArray ); public int getId( ); public float[] getPosition( ); @ControlP5.Invisible public T setPosition( float theX , float theY ); @ControlP5.Invisible public T setPosition( float[] thePosition ); public float[] getAbsolutePosition( ); public T setAbsolutePosition( float[] thePosition ); public T updateAbsolutePosition( ); public ControllerInterface< ? > getParent( ); public T update( ); public T setUpdate( boolean theFlag ); public T bringToFront( ); public T bringToFront( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ); public boolean isUpdate( ); @ControlP5.Invisible public T updateEvents( ); @ControlP5.Invisible public void continuousUpdateEvents( ); /** * a method for putting input events like e.g. mouse or keyboard events and queries. this has * been taken out of the draw method for better overwriting capability. * * */ @ControlP5.Invisible public T updateInternalEvents( PApplet theApplet ); @ControlP5.Invisible public void draw( PGraphics theGraphics ); public T add( ControllerInterface< ? > theElement ); public T remove( ControllerInterface< ? > theElement ); public void remove( ); public String getName( ); public String getAddress( ); public ControlWindow getWindow( ); public Tab getTab( ); public boolean setMousePressed( boolean theStatus ); @ControlP5.Invisible public void keyEvent( KeyEvent theEvent ); @ControlP5.Invisible public T setAddress( String theAddress ); public T setId( int theValue ); public T setLabel( String theString ); public T setColorActive( int theColor ); public T setColorForeground( int theColor ); public T setColorBackground( int theColor ); public T setColorLabel( int theColor ); public T setColorValue( int theColor ); public T setColor( CColor theColor ); public CColor getColor( ); public T show( ); public T hide( ); public boolean isVisible( ); public T moveTo( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup , Tab theTab , ControlWindow theWindow ); public T moveTo( ControllerGroup< ? > theGroup ); @ControlP5.Invisible public int getPickingColor( ); public ControllerProperty getProperty( String thePropertyName ); public ControllerProperty getProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ); public T registerProperty( String thePropertyName ); public T registerProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ); public T removeProperty( String thePropertyName ); public T removeProperty( String theSetter , String theGetter ); public boolean isMouseOver( ); public T setMouseOver( boolean theFlag ); public T setFont( PFont theFont ); public T setFont( ControlFont theFont ); public T addListener( ControlListener theListener ); public T setCaptionLabel( String theValue ); }