
990 lines
25 KiB
Executable File

package controlP5;
* controlP5 is a processing gui library.
* 2006-2014 by Andreas Schlegel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version. This library is
* distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
* Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Andreas Schlegel (
* @modified ##date##
* @version ##version##
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
import processing.core.PVector;
import processing.event.KeyEvent;
import processing.event.MouseEvent;
import controlP5.ControlP5Base.KeyCode;
// TODO ! add mouse-button mask for left, center, right; also see Controller #mouse-button ^1
* @example controllers/ControlP5window
public final class ControlWindow {
protected ControlP5 cp5;
protected Controller< ? > isControllerActive;
public int background = 0x00000000;
protected CColor color = new CColor( );
private String _myName = "main";
protected PApplet _myApplet;
protected ControllerList _myTabs;
protected boolean isVisible = true;
protected boolean isInit = false;
protected boolean isRemove = false;
protected CDrawable _myDrawable;
protected boolean isAutoDraw;
protected boolean isUpdate;
protected List< Canvas > _myCanvas;
protected boolean isDrawBackground = true;
protected boolean isUndecorated = false;
protected PVector autoPosition = new PVector( 10 , 30 , 0 );
protected float tempAutoPositionHeight = 0;
protected boolean rendererNotification = false;
protected PVector positionOfTabs = new PVector( 0 , 0 , 0 );
private int _myFrameCount = 0;
private boolean isMouse = true;
private Pointer _myPointer;
private int mouseWheelMoved = 0;
private List< ControllerInterface< ? >> mouseoverlist;
private boolean isMouseOver;
protected int mouseX;
protected int mouseY;
protected int pmouseX;
protected int pmouseY;
protected boolean mousePressed;
protected long mousePressedTime;
protected long pmousePressedTime;
protected boolean mouselock;
protected char key;
protected int keyCode;
private boolean[] keys = new boolean[ 525 ];
private int numOfActiveKeys = 0;
private boolean focused = true;
* @exclude
public ControlWindow( final ControlP5 theControlP5 , final PApplet theApplet ) {
mouseoverlist = new ArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >>( );
cp5 = theControlP5;
_myApplet = theApplet;
isAutoDraw = true;
init( );
protected void init( ) {
_myPointer = new Pointer( );
_myCanvas = new ArrayList< Canvas >( );
_myTabs = new ControllerList( );
_myTabs.add( new Tab( cp5 , this , "global" ) );
_myTabs.add( new Tab( cp5 , this , "default" ) );
activateTab( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( 1 ) );
/* register a post event that will be called by
* processing after the draw method has been
* finished. */
// processing pre 2.0 will not draw automatically if
// in P3D mode. in earlier versions of
// controlP5 this had been checked here and the user
// had been informed to draw controlP5
// manually by adding cp5.draw() to the sketch's
// draw function. with processing 2.0 and this
// version of controlP5 this notification does no
// longer exist.
if ( isInit == false ) {
_myApplet.registerMethod( "pre" , this );
_myApplet.registerMethod( "draw" , this );
if ( !cp5.isAndroid ) {
_myApplet.registerMethod( "keyEvent" , this );
_myApplet.registerMethod( "mouseEvent" , this );
mousePressedTime = System.currentTimeMillis( );
pmousePressedTime = System.currentTimeMillis( );
isInit = true;
public Tab getCurrentTab( ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isActive( ) ) {
return ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i );
return null;
public ControlWindow activateTab( String theTab ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).getName( ).equals( theTab ) ) {
if ( ! ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isActive ) {
resetMouseOver( );
activateTab( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) );
return this;
public ControlWindow removeTab( Tab theTab ) {
_myTabs.remove( theTab );
return this;
public Tab add( Tab theTab ) {
_myTabs.add( theTab );
return theTab;
public Tab addTab( String theTab ) {
return getTab( theTab );
protected ControlWindow activateTab( Tab theTab ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( _myTabs.get( i ) == theTab ) {
if ( ! ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isActive ) {
resetMouseOver( );
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).setActive( true );
} else {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).setActive( false );
return this;
public ControllerList getTabs( ) {
return _myTabs;
public Tab getTab( String theTabName ) {
return cp5.getTab( this , theTabName );
* Sets the position of the tab bar which is set to 0,0
* by default. to move the tabs to y-position 100, use
* cp5.getWindow().setPositionOfTabs(new PVector(0,100,0));
* @param thePVector
public ControlWindow setPositionOfTabs( PVector thePVector ) {
positionOfTabs.set( thePVector );
return this;
public ControlWindow setPositionOfTabs( int theX , int theY ) {
positionOfTabs.set( theX , theY , positionOfTabs.z );
return this;
* Returns the position of the tab bar as PVector. to
* move the tabs to y-position 100, use
* cp5.window().getPositionOfTabs().y = 100; or
* cp5.window().setPositionOfTabs(new PVector(0,100,0));
* @return PVector
public PVector getPositionOfTabs( ) {
return positionOfTabs;
void setAllignmentOfTabs( int theValue , int theWidth ) {
void setAllignmentOfTabs( int theValue , int theWidth , int theHeight ) {
void setAllignmentOfTabs( int theValue ) {
public void remove( ) {
for ( int i = _myTabs.size( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).remove( );
_myTabs.clear( );
_myTabs.clearDrawable( );
* clear the control window, delete all controllers from
* a control window.
public ControlWindow clear( ) {
remove( );
return this;
protected void updateFont( ControlFont theControlFont ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).updateFont( theControlFont );
* @exclude
@ControlP5.Invisible public void updateEvents( ) {
handleMouseOver( );
handleMouseWheelMoved( );
if ( _myTabs.size( ) <= 0 ) {
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( 0 ) ).updateEvents( );
for ( int i = 1 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).continuousUpdateEvents( );
if ( ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isActive( ) && ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isVisible( ) ) {
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).updateEvents( );
* returns true if the mouse is inside a controller. !!!
* doesnt work for groups yet.
public boolean isMouseOver( ) {
// TODO doesnt work for all groups yet, only ListBox
// and DropdownList.
if ( _myFrameCount + 1 < _myApplet.frameCount ) {
resetMouseOver( );
return isVisible ? isMouseOver : false;
public boolean isMouseOver( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) {
return mouseoverlist.contains( theController );
public void resetMouseOver( ) {
isMouseOver = false;
for ( int i = mouseoverlist.size( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
mouseoverlist.get( i ).setMouseOver( false );
mouseoverlist.clear( );
public ControllerInterface< ? > getFirstFromMouseOverList( ) {
if ( getMouseOverList( ).isEmpty( ) ) {
return null;
} else {
return getMouseOverList( ).get( 0 );
* A list of controllers that are registered with a
* mouseover.
public List< ControllerInterface< ? >> getMouseOverList( ) {
return mouseoverlist;
private ControlWindow handleMouseOver( ) {
for ( int i = mouseoverlist.size( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
if ( !mouseoverlist.get( i ).isMouseOver( ) || !isVisible ) {
mouseoverlist.remove( i );
isMouseOver = mouseoverlist.size( ) > 0;
return this;
public ControlWindow removeMouseOverFor( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) {
mouseoverlist.remove( theController );
return this;
protected ControlWindow setMouseOverController( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) {
if ( !mouseoverlist.contains( theController ) && isVisible && theController.isVisible( ) ) {
mouseoverlist.add( theController );
isMouseOver = true;
return this;
* updates all controllers inside the control window if
* update is enabled.
* @exclude
public void update( ) {
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( 0 ) ).update( );
for ( int i = 1 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).update( );
* enable or disable the update function of a control
* window.
public void setUpdate( boolean theFlag ) {
isUpdate = theFlag;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).setUpdate( theFlag );
* check the update status of a control window.
public boolean isUpdate( ) {
return isUpdate;
public ControlWindow addCanvas( Canvas theCanvas ) {
_myCanvas.add( theCanvas );
theCanvas.setControlWindow( this );
theCanvas.setup( _myApplet.g );
return this;
public ControlWindow removeCanvas( Canvas theCanvas ) {
_myCanvas.remove( theCanvas );
return this;
private boolean isReset = false;
public ControlWindow pre( ) {
if ( _myFrameCount + 1 < _myApplet.frameCount ) {
if ( isReset ) {
resetMouseOver( );
isReset = false;
} else {
isReset = true;
if ( papplet( ).focused != focused ) {
clearKeys( );
mousePressed = false;
focused = papplet( ).focused;
return this;
boolean pmouseReleased; // Android
boolean pmousePressed; // Android
* when in Android mode, call mouseEvent(int, int,
* boolean).
public void mouseEvent( int theX , int theY , boolean pressed ) {
mouseX = theX - cp5.pgx - cp5.ox;
mouseY = theY - cp5.pgy - cp5.oy;
if ( pressed && !pmousePressed ) {
updateEvents( );
mousePressedEvent( );
pmousePressedTime = mousePressedTime;
mousePressedTime = System.currentTimeMillis( );
pmousePressed = true;
pmouseReleased = false;
} else if ( !pressed && !pmouseReleased ) {
updateEvents( );
mouseReleasedEvent( );
for ( ControllerInterface c : mouseoverlist ) {
if ( c instanceof Controller ) {
final Controller c1 = ( ( Controller ) c );
c1.onLeave( );
c1.onRelease( );
cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( c1 , ControlP5.ACTION_LEAVE ) );
c1.callListener( ControlP5.ACTION_LEAVE );
cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( c1 , ControlP5.ACTION_RELEASE ) );
c1.callListener( ControlP5.ACTION_RELEASE );
} else if ( c instanceof ControllerGroup ) {
( ( ControllerGroup ) c ).mouseReleased( );
resetMouseOver( );
pmousePressed = false;
pmouseReleased = true;
* @exclude
public void mouseEvent( MouseEvent theMouseEvent ) {
if ( isMouse ) {
mouseX = theMouseEvent.getX( ) - cp5.pgx - cp5.ox;
mouseY = theMouseEvent.getY( ) - cp5.pgy - cp5.oy;
if ( theMouseEvent.getAction( ) == MouseEvent.PRESS ) {
mousePressedEvent( );
if ( theMouseEvent.getAction( ) == MouseEvent.RELEASE ) {
mouseReleasedEvent( );
if ( theMouseEvent.getAction( ) == MouseEvent.WHEEL ) {
setMouseWheelRotation( theMouseEvent.getCount( ) );
public void keyEvent( KeyEvent theKeyEvent ) {
if ( theKeyEvent.getAction( ) == KeyEvent.PRESS ) {
keys[ theKeyEvent.getKeyCode( ) ] = true;
cp5.modifiers = theKeyEvent.getModifiers( );
key = theKeyEvent.getKey( );
keyCode = theKeyEvent.getKeyCode( );
if ( theKeyEvent.getAction( ) == KeyEvent.RELEASE ) {
keys[ theKeyEvent.getKeyCode( ) ] = false;
cp5.modifiers = theKeyEvent.getModifiers( );
if ( theKeyEvent.getAction( ) == KeyEvent.PRESS && cp5.isShortcuts( ) ) {
int n = 0;
for ( boolean b : keys ) {
n += b ? 1 : 0;
char[] c = new char[ n ];
n = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys.length ; i++ ) {
if ( keys[ i ] ) {
c[ n++ ] = ( ( char ) i );
KeyCode code = new KeyCode( c );
if ( cp5.keymap.containsKey( code ) ) {
for ( ControlKey ck : cp5.keymap.get( code ) ) {
ck.keyEvent( );
handleKeyEvent( theKeyEvent );
public void clearKeys( ) {
keys = new boolean[ 525 ];
numOfActiveKeys = 0;
public void draw( PGraphics pg , int theX , int theY ) {
* @exclude draw content.
public void draw( ) {
_myFrameCount = _myApplet.frameCount;
draw( );
public void draw( PGraphics pg ) {
pg.pushMatrix( );
pg.translate( cp5.ox , cp5.oy );
if ( cp5.blockDraw == false ) {
if ( cp5.isAndroid ) {
mouseEvent( cp5.papplet.mouseX , cp5.papplet.mouseY , cp5.papplet.mousePressed );
} else {
updateEvents( );
if ( isVisible ) {
if ( cp5.isGraphics ) {
pg.beginDraw( );
if ( ( ( background >> 24 ) & 0xff ) != 0 ) {
pg.background( background );
// TODO save stroke, noStroke, fill, noFill, strokeWeight parameters and restore after drawing controlP5 elements.
int myRectMode = pg.rectMode;
int myEllipseMode = pg.ellipseMode;
int myImageMode = pg.imageMode;
pg.pushStyle( );
pg.rectMode( PConstants.CORNER );
pg.ellipseMode( PConstants.CORNER );
pg.imageMode( PConstants.CORNER );
pg.noStroke( );
if ( _myDrawable != null ) {
_myDrawable.draw( pg );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myCanvas.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( ( _myCanvas.get( i ) ).mode( ) == Canvas.PRE ) {
( _myCanvas.get( i ) ).update( _myApplet );
( _myCanvas.get( i ) ).draw( pg );
pg.noStroke( );
pg.noFill( );
int myOffsetX = ( int ) getPositionOfTabs( ).x;
int myOffsetY = ( int ) getPositionOfTabs( ).y;
int myHeight = 0;
if ( _myTabs.size( ) > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isVisible( ) ) {
if ( myHeight < ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).height( ) ) {
myHeight = ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).height( );
// conflicts with Android, getWidth not found TODO
// if (myOffsetX >
// (papplet().getWidth()) -
// ((Tab)
// _myTabs.get(i)).width()) {
// myOffsetY += myHeight + 1;
// myOffsetX = (int)
// getPositionOfTabs().x;
// myHeight = 0;
// }
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).setOffset( myOffsetX , myOffsetY );
if ( ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).isActive( ) ) {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).draw( pg );
if ( ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).updateLabel( ) ) {
( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).drawLabel( pg );
myOffsetX += ( ( Tab ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).width( );
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( 0 ) ).draw( pg );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myCanvas.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( ( _myCanvas.get( i ) ).mode( ) == Canvas.POST ) {
( _myCanvas.get( i ) ).draw( pg );
pmouseX = mouseX;
pmouseY = mouseY;
/* draw Tooltip here. */
cp5.getTooltip( ).draw( this );
pg.rectMode( myRectMode );
pg.ellipseMode( myEllipseMode );
pg.imageMode( myImageMode );
pg.popStyle( );
if ( cp5.isGraphics ) {
pg.endDraw( );
cp5.papplet.image( pg , cp5.pgx , cp5.pgy );
pg.popMatrix( );
* Adds a custom context to a ControlWindow. Use a
* custom class which implements the CDrawable interface
* @see controlP5.CDrawable
* @param theDrawable CDrawable
public ControlWindow setContext( CDrawable theDrawable ) {
_myDrawable = theDrawable;
return this;
* returns the name of the control window.
public String name( ) {
return _myName;
private void mousePressedEvent( ) {
if ( isVisible ) {
mousePressed = true;
pmousePressedTime = mousePressedTime;
mousePressedTime = System.currentTimeMillis( );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
if ( ( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).setMousePressed( true ) ) {
mouselock = true;
private void mouseReleasedEvent( ) {
if ( isVisible ) {
mousePressed = false;
mouselock = false;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).setMousePressed( false );
void setMouseWheelRotation( int theRotation ) {
if ( isMouseOver( ) ) {
mouseWheelMoved = theRotation;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) private void handleMouseWheelMoved( ) {
if ( mouseWheelMoved != 0 ) {
List< ControllerInterface< ? >> mouselist = new CopyOnWriteArrayList< ControllerInterface< ? >>( mouseoverlist );
for ( ControllerInterface< ? > c : mouselist ) {
if ( c.isVisible( ) ) {
if ( c instanceof Controller ) {
( ( Controller ) c ).onScroll( mouseWheelMoved );
cp5.getControlBroadcaster( ).invokeAction( new CallbackEvent( ( Controller ) c , ControlP5.ACTION_WHEEL ) );
( ( Controller ) c ).callListener( ControlP5.ACTION_WHEEL );
if ( c instanceof ControllerGroup ) {
( ( ControllerGroup ) c ).onScroll( mouseWheelMoved );
if ( c instanceof Slider ) {
( ( Slider ) c ).scrolled( mouseWheelMoved );
} else if ( c instanceof Knob ) {
( ( Knob ) c ).scrolled( mouseWheelMoved );
} else if ( c instanceof Numberbox ) {
( ( Numberbox ) c ).scrolled( mouseWheelMoved );
} else if ( c instanceof Textarea ) {
( ( Textarea ) c ).scrolled( mouseWheelMoved );
} else if ( c instanceof ColorWheel ) {
( ( ColorWheel ) c ).scrolled( mouseWheelMoved );
mouseWheelMoved = 0;
public boolean isMousePressed( ) {
return mousePressed;
* @exclude
* @param theKeyEvent KeyEvent
public void handleKeyEvent( KeyEvent theKeyEvent ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _myTabs.size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( ControllerInterface< ? > ) _myTabs.get( i ) ).keyEvent( theKeyEvent );
* set the color for the controller while active.
public ControlWindow setColorActive( int theColor ) {
color.setActive( theColor );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) getTabs( ).get( i ) ).setColorActive( theColor );
return this;
* set the foreground color of the controller.
public ControlWindow setColorForeground( int theColor ) {
color.setForeground( theColor );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) getTabs( ).get( i ) ).setColorForeground( theColor );
return this;
* set the background color of the controller.
public ControlWindow setColorBackground( int theColor ) {
color.setBackground( theColor );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) getTabs( ).get( i ) ).setColorBackground( theColor );
return this;
* set the color of the text label of the controller.
public ControlWindow setColorLabel( int theColor ) {
color.setCaptionLabel( theColor );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) getTabs( ).get( i ) ).setColorLabel( theColor );
return this;
* set the color of the values.
public ControlWindow setColorValue( int theColor ) {
color.setValueLabel( theColor );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getTabs( ).size( ) ; i++ ) {
( ( Tab ) getTabs( ).get( i ) ).setColorValue( theColor );
return this;
* set the background color of the control window.
public ControlWindow setBackground( int theValue ) {
background = theValue;
return this;
* get the papplet instance of the ControlWindow.
public PApplet papplet( ) {
return _myApplet;
* sets the frame rate of the control window.
* @param theFrameRate
* @return ControlWindow
public ControlWindow frameRate( int theFrameRate ) {
_myApplet.frameRate( theFrameRate );
return this;
public ControlWindow show( ) {
isVisible = true;
return this;
* by default the background of a controlWindow is
* filled with a background color every frame. to enable
* or disable the background from drawing, use
* setDrawBackgorund(true/false).
* @param theFlag
* @return ControlWindow
public ControlWindow setDrawBackground( boolean theFlag ) {
isDrawBackground = theFlag;
return this;
public boolean isDrawBackground( ) {
return isDrawBackground;
public boolean isVisible( ) {
return isVisible;
protected boolean isControllerActive( Controller< ? > theController ) {
if ( isControllerActive == null ) {
return false;
return isControllerActive.equals( theController );
protected ControlWindow setControllerActive( Controller< ? > theController ) {
isControllerActive = theController;
return this;
public ControlWindow toggleUndecorated( ) {
setUndecorated( !isUndecorated( ) );
return this;
public ControlWindow setUndecorated( boolean theFlag ) {
if ( theFlag != isUndecorated( ) ) {
isUndecorated = theFlag;
_myApplet.frame.removeNotify( );
_myApplet.frame.setUndecorated( isUndecorated );
_myApplet.setSize( _myApplet.width , _myApplet.height );
_myApplet.setBounds( 0 , 0 , _myApplet.width , _myApplet.height );
_myApplet.frame.setSize( _myApplet.width , _myApplet.height );
_myApplet.frame.addNotify( );
return this;
public boolean isUndecorated( ) {
return isUndecorated;
public ControlWindow setPosition( int theX , int theY ) {
return setLocation( theX , theY );
public ControlWindow setLocation( int theX , int theY ) {
_myApplet.frame.setLocation( theX , theY );
return this;
public Pointer getPointer( ) {
return _myPointer;
public ControlWindow disablePointer( ) {
_myPointer.disable( );
return this;
public ControlWindow enablePointer( ) {
_myPointer.enable( );
return this;
* A pointer by default is linked to the mouse and
* stores the x and y position as well as the pressed
* and released state. The pointer can be accessed by
* its getter method {@link ControlWindow#getPointer()}.
* Then use
* {@link controlP5.ControlWindow#set(int, int)} to
* alter its position or invoke {
* {@link controlP5.ControlWindow#pressed()} or
* {@link controlP5.ControlWindow#released()} to change
* its state. To disable the mouse and enable the
* Pointer use {@link controlP5.ControlWindow#enable()}
* and {@link controlP5.ControlWindow#disable()} to
* default back to the mouse as input parameter.
// TODO offset against pgx and pgy
public class Pointer {
public Pointer setX( int theX ) {
mouseX = theX;
return this;
public Pointer setY( int theY ) {
mouseY = theY;
return this;
public int getY( ) {
return mouseY;
public int getX( ) {
return mouseX;
public int getPreviousX( ) {
return pmouseX;
public int getPreviousY( ) {
return pmouseY;
public Pointer set( int theX , int theY ) {
setX( theX );
setY( theY );
return this;
// TODO mousePressed/mouseReleased are handled wrongly, released is called when moved, for now do not use, instead use set(x,y), pressed(), released()
public Pointer set( int theX , int theY , boolean pressed ) {
setX( theX );
setY( theY );
if ( pressed ) {
if ( !mousePressed ) {
pressed( );
} else {
if ( mousePressed ) {
released( );
return this;
public Pointer pressed( ) {
mousePressedEvent( );
return this;
public Pointer released( ) {
mouseReleasedEvent( );
return this;
public void enable( ) {
isMouse = false;
public void disable( ) {
isMouse = true;
public boolean isEnabled( ) {
return !isMouse;
* hide the controllers and tabs of the ControlWindow.
public ControlWindow hide( ) {
isVisible = false;
isMouseOver = false;
return this;