2016-04-14 18:39:16 +08:00

925 lines
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Executable File

package controlP5;
* controlP5 is a processing gui library.
* 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Andreas Schlegel (
* @modified ##date##
* @version ##version##
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import processing.core.PApplet;
* Values of controllers can be stored inside properties files which can be saved to file or memory.
* @example controllers/ControlP5properties
public class ControllerProperties {
public final static int OPEN = 0;
public final static int CLOSE = 1;
public static String defaultName = "controlP5";
PropertiesStorageFormat format;
* all ControllerProperties will be stored inside Map allProperties. ControllerProperties need to be unique or will
* otherwise be overwritten.
* A hashSet containing names of PropertiesSets is assigned to each ControllerProperty. HashSets are used instead of
* ArrayList to only allow unique elements.
private Map< ControllerProperty , HashSet< String >> allProperties;
* A set of unique property-set names.
private Set< String > allSets;
final ControlP5 controlP5;
private String _myDefaultSetName = "default";
public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( ControllerProperties.class.getName( ) );
private Map< String , Set< ControllerProperty >> _mySnapshots;
public ControllerProperties( ControlP5 theControlP5 ) {
controlP5 = theControlP5;
// setFormat( new SerializedFormat( ) );
setFormat( new JSONFormat( ) );
allProperties = new HashMap< ControllerProperty , HashSet< String >>( );
allSets = new HashSet< String >( );
addSet( _myDefaultSetName );
_mySnapshots = new LinkedHashMap< String , Set< ControllerProperty >>( );
public Map< ControllerProperty , HashSet< String >> get( ) {
return allProperties;
* adds a property based on names of setter and getter methods of a controller.
* @param thePropertySetter
* @param thePropertyGetter
public ControllerProperty register( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String thePropertySetter , String thePropertyGetter ) {
ControllerProperty p = new ControllerProperty( theController , thePropertySetter , thePropertyGetter );
if ( !allProperties.containsKey( p ) ) {
// register a new property with the main properties container
allProperties.put( p , new HashSet< String >( ) );
// register the property wit the default properties set
allProperties.get( p ).add( _myDefaultSetName );
return p;
* registering a property with only one parameter assumes that there is a setter and getter function present for the
* Controller. register("value") for example would create a property reference to setValue and getValue. Notice that
* the first letter of value is being capitalized.
* @param theProperty
* @return
public ControllerProperties register( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String theProperty ) {
theProperty = Character.toUpperCase( theProperty.charAt( 0 ) ) + theProperty.substring( 1 );
register( theController , "set" + theProperty , "get" + theProperty );
return this;
public ControllerProperties remove( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String theSetter , String theGetter ) {
ControllerProperty cp = new ControllerProperty( theController , theSetter , theGetter );
allProperties.remove( cp );
return this;
public ControllerProperties remove( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) {
ArrayList< ControllerProperty > list = new ArrayList< ControllerProperty >( allProperties.keySet( ) );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : list ) {
if ( cp.getController( ).equals( theController ) ) {
allProperties.remove( cp );
return this;
public ControllerProperties remove( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String theProperty ) {
return remove( theController , "set" + theProperty , "get" + theProperty );
public List< ControllerProperty > get( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) {
List< ControllerProperty > props = new ArrayList< ControllerProperty >( );
List< ControllerProperty > list = new ArrayList< ControllerProperty >( allProperties.keySet( ) );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : list ) {
if ( cp.getController( ).equals( theController ) ) {
props.add( cp );
return props;
public ControllerProperty getProperty( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String theSetter , String theGetter ) {
ControllerProperty cp = new ControllerProperty( theController , theSetter , theGetter );
Iterator< ControllerProperty > iter = allProperties.keySet( ).iterator( );
while ( iter.hasNext( ) ) {
ControllerProperty p = );
if ( p.equals( cp ) ) {
return p;
// in case the property has not been registered before, it will be
// registered here automatically - you don't need to call
// Controller.registerProperty() but can use Controller.getProperty()
// instead.
return register( theController , theSetter , theGetter );
public ControllerProperty getProperty( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String theProperty ) {
theProperty = Character.toUpperCase( theProperty.charAt( 0 ) ) + theProperty.substring( 1 );
return getProperty( theController , "set" + theProperty , "get" + theProperty );
public HashSet< ControllerProperty > getPropertySet( ControllerInterface< ? > theController ) {
HashSet< ControllerProperty > set = new HashSet< ControllerProperty >( );
Iterator< ControllerProperty > iter = allProperties.keySet( ).iterator( );
while ( iter.hasNext( ) ) {
ControllerProperty p = );
if ( p.getController( ).equals( theController ) ) {
set.add( p );
return set;
public ControllerProperties addSet( String theSet ) {
allSets.add( theSet );
return this;
* Moves a ControllerProperty from one set to another.
public ControllerProperties move( ControllerProperty theProperty , String fromSet , String toSet ) {
if ( !exists( theProperty ) ) {
return this;
if ( allProperties.containsKey( theProperty ) ) {
if ( allProperties.get( theProperty ).contains( fromSet ) ) {
allProperties.get( theProperty ).remove( fromSet );
addSet( toSet );
allProperties.get( theProperty ).add( toSet );
return this;
public ControllerProperties move( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String fromSet , String toSet ) {
HashSet< ControllerProperty > set = getPropertySet( theController );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : set ) {
move( cp , fromSet , toSet );
return this;
* copies a ControllerProperty from one set to other(s);
public ControllerProperties copy( ControllerProperty theProperty , String ... theSet ) {
if ( !exists( theProperty ) ) {
return this;
for ( String s : theSet ) {
allProperties.get( theProperty ).add( s );
if ( !allSets.contains( s ) ) {
addSet( s );
return this;
public ControllerProperties copy( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String ... theSet ) {
HashSet< ControllerProperty > set = getPropertySet( theController );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : set ) {
copy( cp , theSet );
return this;
* removes a ControllerProperty from one or multiple sets.
public ControllerProperties remove( ControllerProperty theProperty , String ... theSet ) {
if ( !exists( theProperty ) ) {
return this;
for ( String s : theSet ) {
allProperties.get( theProperty ).remove( s );
return this;
public ControllerProperties remove( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String ... theSet ) {
HashSet< ControllerProperty > set = getPropertySet( theController );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : set ) {
remove( cp , theSet );
return this;
* stores a ControllerProperty in one particular set only.
public ControllerProperties only( ControllerProperty theProperty , String theSet ) {
// clear all the set-references for a particular property
allProperties.get( theProperty ).clear( );
// add theSet to the empty collection of sets for this particular
// property
allProperties.get( theProperty ).add( theSet );
return this;
ControllerProperties only( ControllerInterface< ? > theController , String ... theSet ) {
return this;
private boolean exists( ControllerProperty theProperty ) {
return allProperties.containsKey( theProperty );
public ControllerProperties print( ) {
for ( Entry< ControllerProperty , HashSet< String >> entry : allProperties.entrySet( ) ) {
System.out.println( entry.getKey( ) + "\t" + entry.getValue( ) );
return this;
* deletes a ControllerProperty from all Sets including the default set.
public ControllerProperties delete( ControllerProperty theProperty ) {
if ( !exists( theProperty ) ) {
return this;
allProperties.remove( theProperty );
return this;
private boolean updatePropertyValue( ControllerProperty theProperty ) {
Method method;
try {
method = theProperty.getController( ).getClass( ).getMethod( theProperty.getGetter( ) );
Object value = method.invoke( theProperty.getController( ) );
theProperty.setType( method.getReturnType( ) );
theProperty.setValue( value );
if ( checkSerializable( value ) ) {
return true;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.severe( "" + e );
return false;
private boolean checkSerializable( Object theProperty ) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
ObjectOutputStream stream = new ObjectOutputStream( out );
stream.writeObject( theProperty );
stream.close( );
return true;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
return false;
* logs all registered properties in memory. Here, clones of properties are stored inside a map and can be accessed
* by key using the getLog method.
* @see controlP5.ControllerProperties#getSnapshot(String)
* @param theKey
* @return ControllerProperties
public ControllerProperties setSnapshot( String theKey ) {
Set< ControllerProperty > l = new HashSet< ControllerProperty >( );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : allProperties.keySet( ) ) {
updatePropertyValue( cp );
try {
l.add( ( ControllerProperty ) cp.clone( ) );
} catch ( CloneNotSupportedException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
_mySnapshots.put( theKey , l );
return this;
* convenience method, setSnapshot(String) also works here since it will override existing log with the same key.
public ControllerProperties updateSnapshot( String theKey ) {
return setSnapshot( theKey );
* removes a snapshot by key.
public ControllerProperties removeSnapshot( String theKey ) {
_mySnapshots.remove( theKey );
return this;
ControllerProperties setSnapshot( String theKey , String ... theSets ) {
return this;
* saves a snapshot into your sketch's sketch folder.
public ControllerProperties saveSnapshot( String theKey ) {
saveSnapshotAs( controlP5.papplet.sketchPath( theKey ) , theKey );
return this;
* saves a snapshot to the file with path given by the first parameter (thePropertiesPath).
public ControllerProperties saveSnapshotAs( String thePropertiesPath , String theKey ) {
Set< ControllerProperty > log = _mySnapshots.get( theKey );
if ( log == null ) {
return this;
thePropertiesPath = getPathWithExtension( format , controlP5.checkPropertiesPath( thePropertiesPath ) );
format.compile( log , thePropertiesPath );
return this;
private String getPathWithExtension( PropertiesStorageFormat theFormat , String thePropertiesPath ) {
return ( thePropertiesPath.endsWith( "." + theFormat.getExtension( ) ) ) ? thePropertiesPath : thePropertiesPath + "." + theFormat.getExtension( );
* restores properties previously stored as snapshot in memory.
* @see controlP5.ControllerProperties#setSnapshot(String)
public ControllerProperties getSnapshot( String theKey ) {
Set< ControllerProperty > l = _mySnapshots.get( theKey );
if ( l != null ) {
for ( ControllerProperty cp : l ) {
ControllerInterface< ? > ci = controlP5.getController( cp.getAddress( ) );
ci = ( ci == null ) ? controlP5.getGroup( cp.getAddress( ) ) : ci;
ControlP5.invoke( ( Controller ) ci , cp.getSetter( ) , cp.getValue( ) );
return this;
* properties stored in memory can be accessed by index, getSnapshotIndices() returns the index of the snapshot
* list.
public ArrayList< String > getSnapshotIndices( ) {
return new ArrayList< String >( _mySnapshots.keySet( ) );
* load properties from the default properties file ''
public boolean load( ) {
return load( controlP5.papplet.sketchPath( defaultName + "." + format.getExtension( ) ) );
public boolean load( String thePropertiesPath ) {
return format.load( getPathWithExtension( format , controlP5.checkPropertiesPath( thePropertiesPath ) ) );
* use ControllerProperties.SERIALIZED, ControllerProperties.XML or ControllerProperties.JSON as parameter.
public void setFormat( PropertiesStorageFormat theFormat ) {
format = theFormat;
public void setFormat( String theFormat ) {
if ( theFormat.equals( ControlP5.JSON ) ) {
setFormat( new JSONFormat( ) );
} else if ( theFormat.equals( ControlP5.SERIALIZED ) ) {
setFormat( new SerializedFormat( ) );
} else {
System.out.println( "sorry format " + theFormat + " does not exist." );
* saves all registered properties into the default '' file into your sketch folder.
public boolean save( ) {
System.out.println( "save properties using format " + format + " (" + format.getExtension( ) + ") " + controlP5.papplet.sketchPath( defaultName ) );
format.compile( allProperties.keySet( ) , getPathWithExtension( format , controlP5.papplet.sketchPath( defaultName ) ) );
return true;
* saves all registered properties into a file specified by parameter thePropertiesPath.
public boolean saveAs( final String thePropertiesPath ) {
format.compile( allProperties.keySet( ) , getPathWithExtension( format , controlP5.checkPropertiesPath( thePropertiesPath ) ) );
return true;
* saves a list of properties sets into a file specified by parameter thePropertiesPath.
public boolean saveAs( String thePropertiesPath , String ... theSets ) {
thePropertiesPath = controlP5.checkPropertiesPath( thePropertiesPath );
HashSet< ControllerProperty > sets = new HashSet< ControllerProperty >( );
Iterator< ControllerProperty > iter = allProperties.keySet( ).iterator( );
while ( iter.hasNext( ) ) {
ControllerProperty p = );
if ( allProperties.containsKey( p ) ) {
HashSet< String > set = allProperties.get( p );
for ( String str : set ) {
for ( String s : theSets ) {
if ( str.equals( s ) ) {
sets.add( p );
format.compile( sets , getPathWithExtension( format , thePropertiesPath ) );
return true;
* @exclude {@inheritDoc}
public String toString( ) {
String s = "";
s += this.getClass( ).getName( ) + "\n";
s += "total num of properties:\t" + allProperties.size( ) + "\n";
for ( ControllerProperty c : allProperties.keySet( ) ) {
s += "\t" + c + "\n";
s += "total num of sets:\t\t" + allSets.size( ) + "\n";
for ( String set : allSets ) {
s += "\t" + set + "\n";
return s;
interface PropertiesStorageFormat {
public void compile( Set< ControllerProperty > theProperties , String thePropertiesPath );
public boolean load( String thePropertiesPath );
public String getExtension( );
class XMLFormat implements PropertiesStorageFormat {
public void compile( Set< ControllerProperty > theProperties , String thePropertiesPath ) {
System.out.println( "Dont use the XMLFormat yet, it is not fully implemented with 0.5.9, use SERIALIZED instead." );
System.out.println( "Compiling with XMLFormat" );
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer( );
xml.append( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" );
xml.append( "<properties name=\"" + thePropertiesPath + "\">\n" );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : theProperties ) {
if ( cp.isActive( ) ) {
updatePropertyValue( cp );
xml.append( getXML( cp ) );
xml.append( "</properties>" );
controlP5.papplet.saveStrings( thePropertiesPath , PApplet.split( xml.toString( ) , "\n" ) );
System.out.println( "saving xml, " + thePropertiesPath );
public String getExtension( ) {
return "xml";
public boolean load( String thePropertiesPath ) {
String s;
try {
s = PApplet.join( controlP5.papplet.loadStrings( thePropertiesPath ) , "\n" );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.warning( thePropertiesPath + ", file not found." );
return false;
System.out.println( "loading xml \n" + s );
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( );
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder( );
InputSource is = new InputSource( );
is.setCharacterStream( new StringReader( s ) );
Document doc = db.parse( is );
doc.getDocumentElement( ).normalize( );
NodeList nodeLst = doc.getElementsByTagName( "property" );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nodeLst.getLength( ) ; i++ ) {
Node node = nodeLst.item( i );
if ( node.getNodeType( ) == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
Element fstElmnt = ( Element ) node;
String myAddress = getElement( fstElmnt , "address" );
String mySetter = getElement( fstElmnt , "setter" );
String myType = getElement( fstElmnt , "type" );
String myValue = getElement( fstElmnt , "value" );
// String myClass = getElement(fstElmnt, "class");
// String myGetter = getElement(fstElmnt, "getter");
try {
System.out.print( "setting controller " + myAddress + " " );
ControllerInterface< ? > ci = controlP5.getController( myAddress );
ci = ( ci == null ) ? controlP5.getGroup( myAddress ) : ci;
System.out.println( ci );
Method method;
try {
Class< ? > c = getClass( myType );
System.out.println( myType + " / " + c );
method = ci.getClass( ).getMethod( mySetter , new Class[] { c } );
method.setAccessible( true );
method.invoke( ci , new Object[] { getValue( myValue , myType , c ) } );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.severe( e.toString( ) );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.warning( "skipping a property, " + e );
} catch ( SAXException e ) {
logger.warning( "SAXException, " + e );
return false;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
logger.warning( "IOException, " + e );
return false;
} catch ( ParserConfigurationException e ) {
logger.warning( "ParserConfigurationException, " + e );
return false;
return true;
private Object getValue( String theValue , String theType , Class< ? > theClass ) {
if ( theClass == int.class ) {
return Integer.parseInt( theValue );
} else if ( theClass == float.class ) {
return Float.parseFloat( theValue );
} else if ( theClass == boolean.class ) {
return Boolean.parseBoolean( theValue );
} else if ( theClass.isArray( ) ) {
System.out.println( "this is an array: " + theType + ", " + theValue + ", " + theClass );
int dim = 0;
while ( true ) {
if ( theType.charAt( dim ) != '[' || dim >= theType.length( ) ) {
} else {
System.out.println( "is array? " + theClass.isArray( ) );
return theValue;
private Class< ? > getClass( String theType ) {
if ( theType.equals( "int" ) ) {
return int.class;
} else if ( theType.equals( "float" ) ) {
return float.class;
} else if ( theType.equals( "String" ) ) {
return String.class;
try {
return Class.forName( theType );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
logger.warning( "ClassNotFoundException, " + e );
return null;
private String getElement( Element theElement , String theName ) {
NodeList fstNmElmntLst = theElement.getElementsByTagName( theName );
Element fstNmElmnt = ( Element ) fstNmElmntLst.item( 0 );
NodeList fstNm = fstNmElmnt.getChildNodes( );
return ( ( Node ) fstNm.item( 0 ) ).getNodeValue( );
public String getXML( ControllerProperty theProperty ) {
// Mapping Between JSON and Java Entities
String s = "\t<property>\n";
s += "\t\t<address>" + theProperty.getAddress( ) + "</address>\n";
s += "\t\t<class>" + CP.formatGetClass( theProperty.getController( ).getClass( ) ) + "</class>\n";
s += "\t\t<setter>" + theProperty.getSetter( ) + "</setter>\n";
s += "\t\t<getter>" + theProperty.getGetter( ) + "</getter>\n";
s += "\t\t<type>" + CP.formatGetClass( theProperty.getType( ) ) + "</type>\n";
s += "\t\t<value>" + cdata( OPEN , theProperty.getValue( ).getClass( ) ) + ( theProperty.getValue( ).getClass( ).isArray( ) ? CP.arrayToString( theProperty.getValue( ) ) : theProperty.getValue( ) )
+ cdata( CLOSE , theProperty.getValue( ).getClass( ) ) + "</value>\n";
s += "\t</property>\n";
return s;
private String cdata( int a , Class< ? > c ) {
if ( c == String.class || c.isArray( ) ) {
return ( a == OPEN ? "<![CDATA[" : "]]>" );
return "";
public class JSONFormat implements PropertiesStorageFormat {
public void compile( Set< ControllerProperty > theProperties , String thePropertiesPath ) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis( );
JSONObject json = new JSONObject( );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : theProperties ) {
if ( cp.isActive( ) ) {
if ( updatePropertyValue( cp ) ) {
cp.setId( cp.getController( ).getId( ) );
if ( !json.keys( ).contains( cp.getAddress( ) ) ) {
json.setJSONObject( cp.getAddress( ) , new JSONObject( ) );
JSONObject item = json.getJSONObject( cp.getAddress( ) );
String key = cp.getSetter( );
key = Character.toLowerCase( key.charAt( 3 ) ) + key.substring( 4 );
if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof Number ) {
if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof Integer ) {
item.setInt( key , ControlP5.i( cp.getValue( ) ) );
} else if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof Float ) {
item.setFloat( key , ControlP5.f( cp.getValue( ) ) );
} else if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof Double ) {
item.setDouble( key , ControlP5.d( cp.getValue( ) ) );
} else if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof Boolean ) {
item.setBoolean( key , ControlP5.b( cp.getValue( ) ) );
} else {
if ( cp.getValue( ).getClass( ).isArray( ) ) {
JSONArray arr = new JSONArray( );
if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof int[] ) {
for ( Object o : ( int[] ) cp.getValue( ) ) {
arr.append( ControlP5.i( o ) );
} else if ( cp.getValue( ) instanceof float[] ) {
for ( Object o : ( float[] ) cp.getValue( ) ) {
arr.append( ControlP5.f( o ) );
item.setJSONArray( key , arr );
} else {
item.setString( key , cp.getValue( ).toString( ) );
} new File( getPathWithExtension( this , thePropertiesPath ) ) , "" );
public String getExtension( ) {
return "json";
public boolean load( String thePropertiesPath ) {
JSONReader reader = new JSONReader( controlP5.papplet );
Map< ? , ? > entries = ControlP5.toMap( reader.parse( thePropertiesPath ) );
for ( Map.Entry entry : entries.entrySet( ) ) {
String name = entry.getKey( ).toString( );
Controller c = controlP5.getController( name );
Map< ? , ? > values = ControlP5.toMap( entry.getValue( ) );
for ( Map.Entry value : values.entrySet( ) ) {
String i0 = value.getKey( ).toString( );
String member = "set" + Character.toUpperCase( i0.charAt( 0 ) ) + i0.substring( 1 );
Object i1 = value.getValue( );
if ( i1 instanceof Number ) {
ControlP5.invoke( c , member , ControlP5.f( value.getValue( ) ) );
} else if ( i1 instanceof String ) {
ControlP5.invoke( c , member , ControlP5.s( value.getValue( ) ) );
} else if ( i1 instanceof float[] ) {
ControlP5.invoke( c , member , (float[])i1 );
} else {
if ( i1 instanceof List ) {
List l = ( List ) i1;
float[] arr = new float[ l.size( ) ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < l.size( ) ; i++ ) {
arr[ i ] = ControlP5.f( l.get( i ) );
ControlP5.invoke( c , member , arr );
} else {
ControlP5.invoke( c , member , value.getValue( ) );
return false;
private class JSONReader {
private final PApplet papplet;
public JSONReader( Object o ) {
if ( o instanceof PApplet ) {
papplet = ( PApplet ) o;
} else {
papplet = null;
System.out.println( "Sorry, argument is not of instance PApplet" );
public Object parse( String s ) {
if ( s.indexOf( "{" ) >= 0 ) {
return get( JSONObject.parse( s ) , new LinkedHashMap( ) );
} else {
return get( papplet.loadJSONObject( s ) , new LinkedHashMap( ) );
Object get( Object o , Object m ) {
if ( o instanceof JSONObject ) {
if ( m instanceof Map ) {
Set set = ( ( JSONObject ) o ).keys( );
for ( Object o1 : set ) {
Object o2 = ControlP5.invoke( o , "opt" , o1.toString( ) );
if ( o2 instanceof JSONObject ) {
Map m1 = new LinkedHashMap( );
( ( Map ) m ).put( o1.toString( ) , m1 );
get( o2 , m1 );
} else if ( o2 instanceof JSONArray ) {
List l1 = new ArrayList( );
( ( Map ) m ).put( o1.toString( ) , l1 );
get( o2 , l1 );
} else {
( ( Map ) m ).put( o1.toString( ) , o2 );
} else if ( o instanceof JSONArray ) {
if ( m instanceof List ) {
List l = ( ( List ) m );
int n = 0;
Object o3 = ControlP5.invoke( o , "opt" , n );
while ( o3 != null ) {
if ( o3 instanceof JSONArray ) {
List l1 = new ArrayList( );
l.add( l1 );
get( o3 , l1 );
} else if ( o3 instanceof JSONObject ) {
Map l1 = new LinkedHashMap( );
l.add( l1 );
get( o3 , l1 );
} else {
l.add( o3 );
o3 = ControlP5.invoke( o , "opt" , ++n );
} else {
System.err.println( "JSONReader type mismatch." );
return m;
public class SerializedFormat implements PropertiesStorageFormat {
public boolean load( String thePropertiesPath ) {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( thePropertiesPath );
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( fis );
int size = ois.readInt( ); "loading " + size + " property-items. " );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
try {
ControllerProperty cp = ( ControllerProperty ) ois.readObject( );
ControllerInterface< ? > ci = controlP5.getController( cp.getAddress( ) );
ci = ( ci == null ) ? controlP5.getGroup( cp.getAddress( ) ) : ci;
ci.setId( cp.getId( ) );
Method method;
try {
method = ci.getClass( ).getMethod( cp.getSetter( ) , new Class[] { cp.getType( ) } );
method.setAccessible( true );
method.invoke( ci , new Object[] { cp.getValue( ) } );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.severe( e.toString( ) );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.warning( "skipping a property, " + e );
ois.close( );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.warning( "Exception during deserialization: " + e );
return false;
return true;
public String getExtension( ) {
return "ser";
public void compile( Set< ControllerProperty > theProperties , String thePropertiesPath ) {
int active = 0;
int total = 0;
HashSet< ControllerProperty > propertiesToBeSaved = new HashSet< ControllerProperty >( );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : theProperties ) {
if ( cp.isActive( ) ) {
if ( updatePropertyValue( cp ) ) {
cp.setId( cp.getController( ).getId( ) );
propertiesToBeSaved.add( cp );
int ignored = total - active;
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( thePropertiesPath );
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( fos ); "Saving property-items to " + thePropertiesPath );
oos.writeInt( active );
for ( ControllerProperty cp : propertiesToBeSaved ) {
if ( cp.isActive( ) ) {
oos.writeObject( cp );
} active + " items saved, " + ( ignored ) + " items ignored. Done saving properties." );
oos.flush( );
oos.close( );
fos.close( );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.warning( "Exception during serialization: " + e );