mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 13:01:44 +01:00
Download zip of files not in same document (#591)
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import com.sismics.util.context.ThreadLocalContext;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
@ -50,10 +51,9 @@ public class DocumentDao {
* @param limit Limit
* @return List of documents
public List<Document> findAll(int offset, int limit) {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
Query q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.deleteDate is null");
TypedQuery<Document> q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.deleteDate is null", Document.class);
return q.getResultList();
@ -65,10 +65,9 @@ public class DocumentDao {
* @param userId User ID
* @return List of documents
public List<Document> findByUserId(String userId) {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
Query q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.userId = :userId and d.deleteDate is null");
TypedQuery<Document> q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.userId = :userId and d.deleteDate is null", Document.class);
q.setParameter("userId", userId);
return q.getResultList();
@ -138,16 +137,16 @@ public class DocumentDao {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
// Get the document
Query q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.id = :id and d.deleteDate is null");
q.setParameter("id", id);
Document documentDb = (Document) q.getSingleResult();
TypedQuery<Document> dq = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.id = :id and d.deleteDate is null", Document.class);
dq.setParameter("id", id);
Document documentDb = dq.getSingleResult();
// Delete the document
Date dateNow = new Date();
// Delete linked data
q = em.createQuery("update File f set f.deleteDate = :dateNow where f.documentId = :documentId and f.deleteDate is null");
Query q = em.createQuery("update File f set f.deleteDate = :dateNow where f.documentId = :documentId and f.deleteDate is null");
q.setParameter("documentId", id);
q.setParameter("dateNow", dateNow);
@ -179,10 +178,10 @@ public class DocumentDao {
public Document getById(String id) {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
Query q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.id = :id and d.deleteDate is null");
TypedQuery<Document> q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.id = :id and d.deleteDate is null", Document.class);
q.setParameter("id", id);
try {
return (Document) q.getSingleResult();
return q.getSingleResult();
} catch (NoResultException e) {
return null;
@ -199,9 +198,9 @@ public class DocumentDao {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
// Get the document
Query q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.id = :id and d.deleteDate is null");
TypedQuery<Document> q = em.createQuery("select d from Document d where d.id = :id and d.deleteDate is null", Document.class);
q.setParameter("id", document.getId());
Document documentDb = (Document) q.getSingleResult();
Document documentDb = q.getSingleResult();
// Update the document
@ -237,7 +236,6 @@ public class DocumentDao {
query.setParameter("fileId", document.getFileId());
query.setParameter("id", document.getId());
@ -68,21 +68,32 @@ public class FileDao {
q.setParameter("userId", userId);
return q.getResultList();
* Returns a list of active files.
* @param ids Files IDs
* @return List of files
public List<File> getFiles(List<String> ids) {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
TypedQuery<File> q = em.createQuery("select f from File f where f.id in :ids and f.deleteDate is null", File.class);
q.setParameter("ids", ids);
return q.getResultList();
* Returns an active file.
* Returns an active file or null.
* @param id File ID
* @return File
public File getFile(String id) {
EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();
TypedQuery<File> q = em.createQuery("select f from File f where f.id = :id and f.deleteDate is null", File.class);
q.setParameter("id", id);
try {
return q.getSingleResult();
} catch (NoResultException e) {
List<File> files = getFiles(List.of(id));
if (files.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return files.get(0);
@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* @author jtremeaux
public abstract class BaseJerseyTest extends JerseyTest {
protected static final String FILE_APACHE_PPTX = "file/apache.pptx";
protected static final String FILE_DOCUMENT_DOCX = "file/document.docx";
protected static final String FILE_DOCUMENT_ODT = "file/document.odt";
protected static final String FILE_DOCUMENT_TXT = "file/document.txt";
protected static final String FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG = "file/Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png";
protected static final String FILE_PIA_00452_JPG = "file/PIA00452.jpg";
protected static final String FILE_VIDEO_WEBM = "file/video.webm";
protected static final String FILE_WIKIPEDIA_PDF = "file/wikipedia.pdf";
protected static final String FILE_WIKIPEDIA_ZIP = "file/wikipedia.zip";
* Test HTTP server.
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package com.sismics.docs.rest.util;
import com.google.common.io.Resources;
import com.sismics.util.filter.TokenBasedSecurityFilter;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.FormDataMultiPart;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.MultiPart;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.MultiPartFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.multipart.file.StreamDataBodyPart;
import org.junit.Assert;
@ -16,6 +17,12 @@ import javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Date;
* REST client utilities.
@ -156,27 +163,58 @@ public class ClientUtil {
return authToken;
* Create a document
* @param token Authentication token
* @return Document ID
public String createDocument(String token) {
JsonObject json = this.resource.path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, token)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "Document Title")
.param("description", "Document description")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(new Date().getTime()))), JsonObject.class);
String documentId = json.getString("id");
return documentId;
* Add a file to a document.
* @param file File path
* @param filename Filename
* @param token Authentication token
* @param documentId Document ID
* @return File ID
* @throws IOException e
* @throws URISyntaxException e
public String addFileToDocument(String file, String filename, String token, String documentId) throws IOException {
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource(file).openStream()) {
public String addFileToDocument(String file, String token, String documentId) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
URL fileResource = Resources.getResource(file);
Path filePath = Paths.get(fileResource.toURI());
String filename = filePath.getFileName().toString();
try (InputStream is = fileResource.openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, filename);
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
JsonObject json = resource
MultiPart formContent;
if (documentId != null) {
formContent = multiPart.field("id", documentId).bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart);
} else {
formContent = multiPart.bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart);
JsonObject json = this.resource
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, token)
.put(Entity.entity(multiPart.field("id", documentId).bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart),
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
return json.getString("id");
String fileId = json.getString("id");
Assert.assertEquals(Files.size(filePath), json.getJsonNumber("size").longValue());
return fileId;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import com.sismics.util.filter.SecurityFilter;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
* @author jtremeaux
public abstract class BaseResource {
* @apiDefine admin Admin
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.sismics.docs.rest.resource;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderWriter;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyWriter;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
* When a JSON-based exception is thrown but a JSON response is not expected,
* set the media type of the response as plain text.
public class DocsMessageBodyWriter implements MessageBodyWriter<JsonObject> {
public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType) {
return true;
public void writeTo(JsonObject o, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, OutputStream entityStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
ReaderWriter.writeToAsString(o.toString(), entityStream, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE);
@ -575,6 +575,7 @@ public class FileResource extends BaseResource {
@Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}/data")
public Response data(
@PathParam("id") final String fileId,
@QueryParam("share") String shareId,
@ -664,23 +665,24 @@ public class FileResource extends BaseResource {
* Returns all files from a document, zipped.
* @api {get} /file/zip Get zipped files
* @api {get} /file/zip Returns all files from a document, zipped.
* @apiName GetFileZip
* @apiGroup File
* @apiParam {String} id Document ID
* @apiParam {String} share Share ID
* @apiSuccess {Object} file The ZIP file is the whole response
* @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found
* @apiError (client) NotFoundException Document not found
* @apiError (server) InternalServerError Error creating the ZIP file
* @apiPermission none
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param documentId Document ID
* @param shareId Share ID
* @return Response
public Response zip(
@QueryParam("id") String documentId,
@QueryParam("share") String shareId) {
@ -692,12 +694,46 @@ public class FileResource extends BaseResource {
if (documentDto == null) {
throw new NotFoundException();
// Get files and user associated with this document
// Get files associated with this document
FileDao fileDao = new FileDao();
final UserDao userDao = new UserDao();
final List<File> fileList = fileDao.getByDocumentId(principal.getId(), documentId);
String zipFileName = documentDto.getTitle().replaceAll("\\W+", "_");
return sendZippedFiles(zipFileName, fileList);
* Returns a list of files, zipped
* @api {post} /file/zip Returns a list of files, zipped
* @apiName GetFilesZip
* @apiGroup File
* @apiParam {String[]} files IDs
* @apiSuccess {Object} file The ZIP file is the whole response
* @apiError (client) NotFoundException Files not found
* @apiError (server) InternalServerError Error creating the ZIP file
* @apiPermission none
* @apiVersion 1.11.0
* @param filesIdsList Files IDs
* @return Response
public Response zip(
@FormParam("files") List<String> filesIdsList) {
List<File> fileList = findFiles(filesIdsList);
return sendZippedFiles("files", fileList);
* Sent the content of a list of files.
private Response sendZippedFiles(String zipFileName, List<File> fileList) {
final UserDao userDao = new UserDao();
// Create the ZIP stream
StreamingOutput stream = outputStream -> {
try (ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream)) {
@ -727,7 +763,7 @@ public class FileResource extends BaseResource {
// Write to the output
return Response.ok(stream)
.header("Content-Type", "application/zip")
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + documentDto.getTitle().replaceAll("\\W+", "_") + ".zip\"")
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + zipFileName + ".zip\"")
@ -744,7 +780,32 @@ public class FileResource extends BaseResource {
if (file == null) {
throw new NotFoundException();
checkFileAccessible(shareId, file);
return file;
* Find a list of files with access rights checking.
* @param filesIds Files IDs
* @return List<File>
private List<File> findFiles(List<String> filesIds) {
FileDao fileDao = new FileDao();
List<File> files = fileDao.getFiles(filesIds);
for (File file : files) {
checkFileAccessible(null, file);
return files;
* Check if a file is accessible to the current user
* @param shareId Share ID
* @param file
private void checkFileAccessible(String shareId, File file) {
if (file.getDocumentId() == null) {
// It's an orphan file
if (!file.getUserId().equals(principal.getId())) {
@ -758,6 +819,5 @@ public class FileResource extends BaseResource {
throw new ForbiddenClientException();
return file;
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class TestAuditLogResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
long update1Date = json.getJsonNumber("update_date").longValue();
// Add a file to the document
clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/wikipedia.pdf", "wikipedia.pdf", auditlog1Token, document1Id);
clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_WIKIPEDIA_PDF, auditlog1Token, document1Id);
// Get document 1
json = target().path("/document/" + document1Id).request()
@ -136,4 +136,4 @@ public class TestAuditLogResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
return count;
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
// Add a file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png",
"Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png", document1Token, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG,
document1Token, document1Id);
// Share this document
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
// Add a file
"Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png", document3Token, document3Id);
document3Token, document3Id);
// List all documents from document3
json = target().path("/document/list")
@ -444,22 +444,13 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String documentOdtToken = clientUtil.login("document_odt");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentOdtToken)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "My super title document 1")
.param("description", "My super description for document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(documentOdtToken);
// Add a PDF file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/document.odt", "document.odt", documentOdtToken, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_DOCUMENT_ODT, documentOdtToken, document1Id);
// Search documents by query in full content
json = target().path("/document/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/document/list")
.queryParam("search", "full:ipsum")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentOdtToken)
@ -504,22 +495,13 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String documentDocxToken = clientUtil.login("document_docx");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentDocxToken)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "My super title document 1")
.param("description", "My super description for document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(documentDocxToken);
// Add a PDF file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/document.docx", "document.docx", documentDocxToken, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_DOCUMENT_DOCX, documentDocxToken, document1Id);
// Search documents by query in full content
json = target().path("/document/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/document/list")
.queryParam("search", "full:dolor")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentDocxToken)
@ -564,22 +546,13 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String documentPdfToken = clientUtil.login("document_pdf");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentPdfToken)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "My super title document 1")
.param("description", "My super description for document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(documentPdfToken);
// Add a PDF file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/wikipedia.pdf", "wikipedia.pdf", documentPdfToken, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_WIKIPEDIA_PDF, documentPdfToken, document1Id);
// Search documents by query in full content
json = target().path("/document/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/document/list")
.queryParam("search", "full:vrandecic")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentPdfToken)
@ -624,22 +597,13 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String documentPlainToken = clientUtil.login("document_plain");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentPlainToken)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "My super title document 1")
.param("description", "My super description for document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(documentPlainToken);
// Add a plain text file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/document.txt", "document.txt", documentPlainToken, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_DOCUMENT_TXT, documentPlainToken, document1Id);
// Search documents by query in full content
json = target().path("/document/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/document/list")
.queryParam("search", "full:love")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentPlainToken)
@ -694,22 +658,13 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String documentVideoToken = clientUtil.login("document_video");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentVideoToken)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "My super title document 1")
.param("description", "My super description for document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(documentVideoToken);
// Add a video file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/video.webm", "video.webm", documentVideoToken, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_VIDEO_WEBM, documentVideoToken, document1Id);
// Search documents by query in full content
json = target().path("/document/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/document/list")
.queryParam("search", "full:vp9")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentVideoToken)
@ -754,22 +709,13 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String documentPptxToken = clientUtil.login("document_pptx");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentPptxToken)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "My super title document 1")
.param("description", "My super description for document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(documentPptxToken);
// Add a PPTX file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument("file/apache.pptx", "apache.pptx", documentPptxToken, document1Id);
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_APACHE_PPTX, documentPptxToken, document1Id);
// Search documents by query in full content
json = target().path("/document/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/document/list")
.queryParam("search", "full:scaling")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, documentPptxToken)
@ -1043,4 +989,4 @@ public class TestDocumentResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals("BOOLEAN", meta.getString("type"));
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
* Exhaustive test of the file resource.
@ -37,53 +38,18 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
public void testFileResource() throws Exception {
// Login file1
String file1Token = clientUtil.login("file1");
// Login file_resources
String file1Token = clientUtil.login("file_resources");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file1Token)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "File test document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(file1Token);
// Add a file
String file1Id;
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/PIA00452.jpg").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "PIA00452.jpg");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
json = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file1Token)
.put(Entity.entity(multiPart.field("id", document1Id).bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart),
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
file1Id = json.getString("id");
Assert.assertEquals(163510L, json.getJsonNumber("size").longValue());
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_PIA_00452_JPG, file1Token, document1Id);
// Add a file
String file2Id;
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/PIA00452.jpg").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "PIA00452.jpg");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
json = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file1Token)
.put(Entity.entity(multiPart.field("id", document1Id).bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart),
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
file2Id = json.getString("id");
String file2Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_PIA_00452_JPG, file1Token, document1Id);
// Get the file data
Response response = target().path("/file/" + file1Id + "/data").request()
@ -131,7 +97,7 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals(MimeType.DEFAULT, MimeTypeUtil.guessMimeType(storedFile, null));
// Get all files from a document
json = target().path("/file/list")
JsonObject json = target().path("/file/list")
.queryParam("id", document1Id)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file1Token)
@ -293,6 +259,66 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals("document.txt", files.getJsonObject(0).getString("name"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, files.getJsonObject(0).getInt("version"));
public void testFileResourceZip() throws Exception {
// Login file_resources
String file1Token = clientUtil.login("file_resources_zip");
// Create a document
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(file1Token);
// Add a file
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_PIA_00452_JPG, file1Token, document1Id);
// Get a ZIP from all files of the document
Response response = target().path("/file/zip")
.queryParam("id", document1Id)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file1Token)
Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, Status.fromStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
InputStream is = (InputStream) response.getEntity();
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(is);
Assert.assertEquals(zipInputStream.getNextEntry().getName(), "0-PIA00452.jpg");
// Fail if we don't have access to the document
response = target().path("/file/zip")
.queryParam("id", document1Id)
Assert.assertEquals(Status.NOT_FOUND, Status.fromStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
// Create a document
String document2Id = clientUtil.createDocument(file1Token);
// Add a file
String file2Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG, file1Token, document2Id);
// Get a ZIP from both files
response = target().path("/file/zip")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file1Token)
.post(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("files", file1Id)
.param("files", file2Id)));
Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, Status.fromStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
is = (InputStream) response.getEntity();
zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(is);
// Fail if we don't have access to the files
response = target().path("/file/zip")
.post(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("files", file1Id)
.param("files", file2Id)));
Assert.assertEquals(Status.FORBIDDEN, Status.fromStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
* Test using a ZIP file.
@ -300,38 +326,16 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
* @throws Exception e
public void testZipFile() throws Exception {
// Login file1
String file2Token = clientUtil.login("file2");
public void testZipFileUpload() throws Exception {
// Login file_zip
String fileZipToken = clientUtil.login("file_zip");
// Create a document
long create1Date = new Date().getTime();
JsonObject json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file2Token)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "File test document 1")
.param("language", "eng")
.param("create_date", Long.toString(create1Date))), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
String document1Id = clientUtil.createDocument(fileZipToken);
// Add a file
String file1Id;
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/wikipedia.zip").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "wikipedia.zip");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
json = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file2Token)
.put(Entity.entity(multiPart.field("id", document1Id).bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart),
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
file1Id = json.getString("id");
Assert.assertEquals(525069L, json.getJsonNumber("size").longValue());
clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_WIKIPEDIA_ZIP, fileZipToken, document1Id);
@ -341,29 +345,16 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
public void testOrphanFile() throws Exception {
// Login file3
String file3Token = clientUtil.login("file3");
// Login file_orphan
String fileOrphanToken = clientUtil.login("file_orphan");
// Add a file
String file1Id;
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/PIA00452.jpg").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "PIA00452.jpg");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
JsonObject json = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
file1Id = json.getString("id");
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_PIA_00452_JPG, fileOrphanToken, null);
// Get all orphan files
JsonObject json = target().path("/file/list").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileOrphanToken)
JsonArray files = json.getJsonArray("files");
Assert.assertEquals(1, files.size());
@ -372,7 +363,7 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Response response = target().path("/file/" + file1Id + "/data")
.queryParam("size", "thumb")
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileOrphanToken)
Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, Status.fromStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
InputStream is = (InputStream) response.getEntity();
@ -382,56 +373,37 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
// Get the file data
response = target().path("/file/" + file1Id + "/data").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileOrphanToken)
is = (InputStream) response.getEntity();
fileBytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(is);
Assert.assertEquals(MimeType.IMAGE_JPEG, MimeTypeUtil.guessMimeType(fileBytes, null));
Assert.assertEquals(163510, fileBytes.length);
// Create a document
json = target().path("/document").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.put(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("title", "File test document 1")
.param("language", "eng")), JsonObject.class);
String document1Id = json.getString("id");
// Create another document
String document2Id = clientUtil.createDocument(fileOrphanToken);
// Attach a file to a document
target().path("/file/" + file1Id + "/attach").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileOrphanToken)
.post(Entity.form(new Form()
.param("id", document1Id)), JsonObject.class);
.param("id", document2Id)), JsonObject.class);
// Get all files from a document
json = target().path("/file/list")
.queryParam("id", document1Id)
.queryParam("id", document2Id)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileOrphanToken)
files = json.getJsonArray("files");
Assert.assertEquals(1, files.size());
// Add a file
String file2Id;
try (InputStream is0 = Resources.getResource("file/PIA00452.jpg").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is0, "PIA00452.jpg");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
json = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
file2Id = json.getString("id");
String file2Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_PIA_00452_JPG, fileOrphanToken, null);
// Deletes a file
json = target().path("/file/" + file2Id).request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, file3Token)
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileOrphanToken)
Assert.assertEquals("ok", json.getString("status"));
@ -448,21 +420,8 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
String fileQuotaToken = clientUtil.login("file_quota");
// Add a file (292641 bytes large)
String file1Id;
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
JsonObject json = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileQuotaToken)
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
file1Id = json.getString("id");
String file1Id = clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG, fileQuotaToken, null);
// Check current quota
JsonObject json = target().path("/user").request()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileQuotaToken)
@ -470,17 +429,7 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals(292641L, json.getJsonNumber("storage_current").longValue());
// Add a file (292641 bytes large)
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileQuotaToken)
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG, fileQuotaToken, null);
// Check current quota
json = target().path("/user").request()
@ -489,17 +438,7 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals(585282L, json.getJsonNumber("storage_current").longValue());
// Add a file (292641 bytes large)
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileQuotaToken)
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG, fileQuotaToken, null);
// Check current quota
json = target().path("/user").request()
@ -508,17 +447,10 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals(877923L, json.getJsonNumber("storage_current").longValue());
// Add a file (292641 bytes large)
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "Einstein-Roosevelt-letter.png");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
Response response = target()
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileQuotaToken)
Assert.assertEquals(Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
try {
clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_EINSTEIN_ROOSEVELT_LETTER_PNG, fileQuotaToken, null);
} catch (javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException ignored) {
// Deletes a file
@ -545,17 +477,7 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
// Add a file to this document (163510 bytes large)
try (InputStream is = Resources.getResource("file/PIA00452.jpg").openStream()) {
StreamDataBodyPart streamDataBodyPart = new StreamDataBodyPart("file", is, "PIA00452.jpg");
try (FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart()) {
.cookie(TokenBasedSecurityFilter.COOKIE_NAME, fileQuotaToken)
.put(Entity.entity(multiPart.field("id", document1Id).bodyPart(streamDataBodyPart),
MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE), JsonObject.class);
clientUtil.addFileToDocument(FILE_PIA_00452_JPG, fileQuotaToken, document1Id);
// Check current quota
json = target().path("/user").request()
@ -575,4 +497,4 @@ public class TestFileResource extends BaseJerseyTest {
Assert.assertEquals(585282L, json.getJsonNumber("storage_current").longValue());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user