mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 23:32:53 +01:00
Closes #200: use tesseract command line
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ after_success:
- docker push $REPO
- TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/share/tesseract-ocr
- secure: LRGpjWORb0qy6VuypZjTAfA8uRHlFUMTwb77cenS9PPRBxuSnctC531asS9Xg3DqC5nsRxBBprgfCKotn5S8nBSD1ceHh84NASyzLSBft3xSMbg7f/2i7MQ+pGVwLncusBU6E/drnMFwZBleo+9M8Tf96axY5zuUp90MUTpSgt0=
- secure: bCDDR6+I7PmSkuTYZv1HF/z98ANX/SFEESUCqxVmV5Gs0zFC0vQXaPJQ2xaJNRop1HZBFMZLeMMPleb0iOs985smpvK2F6Rbop9Tu+Vyo0uKqv9tbZ7F8Nfgnv9suHKZlL84FNeUQZJX6vsFIYPEJ/r7K5P/M0PdUy++fEwxEhU=
- secure: ewXnzbkgCIHpDWtaWGMa1OYZJ/ki99zcIl4jcDPIC0eB3njX/WgfcC6i0Ke9mLqDqwXarWJ6helm22sNh+xtQiz6isfBtBX+novfRt9AANrBe3koCMUemMDy7oh5VflBaFNP0DVb8LSCnwf6dx6ZB5E9EB8knvk40quc/cXpGjY=
@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ MAINTAINER b.gamard@sismics.com
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y -q install ffmpeg mediainfo tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-fra tesseract-ocr-ita tesseract-ocr-kor tesseract-ocr-rus tesseract-ocr-ukr tesseract-ocr-spa tesseract-ocr-ara tesseract-ocr-hin tesseract-ocr-deu tesseract-ocr-pol tesseract-ocr-jpn tesseract-ocr-por tesseract-ocr-tha tesseract-ocr-jpn tesseract-ocr-chi-sim tesseract-ocr-chi-tra && \
apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENV TESSDATA_PREFIX /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/
# Remove the embedded javax.mail jar from Jetty
RUN rm -f /opt/jetty/lib/jndi/javax.mail.glassfish-*.jar
@ -138,35 +138,25 @@
<!-- ImageIO plugins -->
@ -174,10 +164,15 @@
<!-- Only for connecting to PostgreSQL database -->
<!-- Test dependencies -->
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.sismics.docs.core.dao.jpa.dto.DocumentDto;
import com.sismics.docs.core.util.action.Action;
import com.sismics.docs.core.util.action.AddTagAction;
import com.sismics.docs.core.util.action.RemoveTagAction;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ public class ActionUtil {
* Logger.
private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LuceneUtil.class);
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActionUtil.class);
* Find the action associated to an action type.
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package com.sismics.docs.core.util;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.io.CharStreams;
import com.sismics.docs.core.constant.Constants;
import com.sismics.docs.core.dao.jpa.FileDao;
import com.sismics.docs.core.dao.jpa.UserDao;
@ -8,25 +11,23 @@ import com.sismics.docs.core.event.DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent;
import com.sismics.docs.core.event.FileCreatedAsyncEvent;
import com.sismics.docs.core.model.jpa.File;
import com.sismics.docs.core.model.jpa.User;
import com.sismics.tess4j.Tesseract;
import com.sismics.util.ImageDeskew;
import com.sismics.util.Scalr;
import com.sismics.util.context.ThreadLocalContext;
import com.sismics.util.io.InputStreamReaderThread;
import com.sismics.util.mime.MimeTypeUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.*;
* File entity utilities.
@ -34,11 +35,6 @@ import java.util.Set;
* @author bgamard
public class FileUtil {
* Logger.
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileUtil.class);
* File ID of files currently being processed.
@ -50,28 +46,30 @@ public class FileUtil {
* @param language Language to OCR
* @param image Buffered image
* @return Content extracted
* @throws Exception e
public static String ocrFile(String language, BufferedImage image) {
public static String ocrFile(String language, BufferedImage image) throws Exception {
// Upscale, grayscale and deskew the image
String content = null;
BufferedImage resizedImage = Scalr.resize(image, Scalr.Method.AUTOMATIC, Scalr.Mode.AUTOMATIC, 3500, Scalr.OP_ANTIALIAS, Scalr.OP_GRAYSCALE);
ImageDeskew imageDeskew = new ImageDeskew(resizedImage);
BufferedImage deskewedImage = Scalr.rotate(resizedImage, - imageDeskew.getSkewAngle(), Scalr.OP_ANTIALIAS, Scalr.OP_GRAYSCALE);
image = deskewedImage;
Path tmpFile = ThreadLocalContext.get().createTemporaryFile();
ImageIO.write(deskewedImage, "tiff", tmpFile.toFile());
// OCR the file
try {
Tesseract instance = Tesseract.getInstance();
log.info("Starting OCR with TESSDATA_PREFIX=" + System.getenv("TESSDATA_PREFIX") + ";LC_NUMERIC=" + System.getenv("LC_NUMERIC"));
content = instance.doOCR(image);
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.error("Error while OCR-izing the image", e);
List<String> result = Lists.newLinkedList(Arrays.asList("tesseract", tmpFile.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "stdout", "-l", language));
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(result);
Process process = pb.start();
// Consume the process error stream
final String commandName = pb.command().get(0);
new InputStreamReaderThread(process.getErrorStream(), commandName).start();
// Consume the data as text
try (InputStream is = process.getInputStream()) {
return CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(is, Charsets.UTF_8));
return content;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
@ -45,19 +44,16 @@ public class ImageFormatHandler implements FormatHandler {
public BufferedImage generateThumbnail(Path file) throws IOException {
public BufferedImage generateThumbnail(Path file) throws Exception {
try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(file)) {
return ImageIO.read(inputStream);
public String extractContent(String language, Path file) {
public String extractContent(String language, Path file) throws Exception {
try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(file)) {
return FileUtil.ocrFile(language, ImageIO.read(inputStream));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error reading the image", e);
return null;
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public class PdfFormatHandler implements FormatHandler {
PDDocument pdfDocument = PDDocument.load(inputStream)) {
PDFRenderer renderer = new PDFRenderer(pdfDocument);
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages(); pageIndex++) {
log.info("OCR page " + (pageIndex + 1) + "/" + pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages() + " of PDF file containing only images");
sb.append(" ");
sb.append(FileUtil.ocrFile(language, renderer.renderImage(pageIndex)));
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
* Copyright @ 2008 Quan Nguyen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.sismics.tess4j;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Transparency;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.image.*;
public class ImageHelper {
* Convenience method that returns a scaled instance of the provided
* {@code BufferedImage}.
* @param image the original image to be scaled
* @param targetWidth the desired width of the scaled instance, in pixels
* @param targetHeight the desired height of the scaled instance, in pixels
* @return a scaled version of the original {@code BufferedImage}
public static BufferedImage getScaledInstance(BufferedImage image, int targetWidth, int targetHeight) {
int type = (image.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE)
? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(targetWidth, targetHeight, type);
Graphics2D g2 = tmp.createGraphics();
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight, null);
return tmp;
* A replacement for the standard
* <code>BufferedImage.getSubimage</code> method.
* @param image
* @param x the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the specified
* rectangular region
* @param y the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the specified
* rectangular region
* @param width the width of the specified rectangular region
* @param height the height of the specified rectangular region
* @return a BufferedImage that is the subimage of <code>image</code>.
public static BufferedImage getSubImage(BufferedImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
int type = (image.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE)
? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(width, height, type);
Graphics2D g2 = tmp.createGraphics();
g2.drawImage(image.getSubimage(x, y, width, height), 0, 0, null);
return tmp;
* A simple method to convert an image to binary or B/W image.
* @param image input image
* @return a monochrome image
public static BufferedImage convertImageToBinary(BufferedImage image) {
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);
Graphics2D g2 = tmp.createGraphics();
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
return tmp;
* A simple method to convert an image to binary or B/W image.
* @param image input image
* @return a monochrome image
* @deprecated As of release 1.1, renamed to {@link #convertImageToBinary(BufferedImage image)}
public static BufferedImage convertImage2Binary(BufferedImage image) {
return convertImageToBinary(image);
* A simple method to convert an image to gray scale.
* @param image input image
* @return a monochrome image
public static BufferedImage convertImageToGrayscale(BufferedImage image) {
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
Graphics2D g2 = tmp.createGraphics();
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
return tmp;
private static final short[] invertTable;
static {
invertTable = new short[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
invertTable[i] = (short) (255 - i);
* Inverts image color.
* @param image input image
* @return an inverted-color image
public static BufferedImage invertImageColor(BufferedImage image) {
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getType());
BufferedImageOp invertOp = new LookupOp(new ShortLookupTable(0, invertTable), null);
return invertOp.filter(image, tmp);
* Rotates an image.
* @param image the original image
* @param angle the degree of rotation
* @return a rotated image
public static BufferedImage rotateImage(BufferedImage image, double angle) {
double theta = Math.toRadians(angle);
double sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(theta));
double cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(theta));
int w = image.getWidth();
int h = image.getHeight();
int newW = (int) Math.floor(w * cos + h * sin);
int newH = (int) Math.floor(h * cos + w * sin);
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(newW, newH, image.getType());
Graphics2D g2d = tmp.createGraphics();
g2d.translate((newW - w) / 2, (newH - h) / 2);
g2d.rotate(theta, w / 2, h / 2);
g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
return tmp;
* Gets an image from Clipboard.
* @return image
public static Image getClipboardImage() {
Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
try {
return (Image) clipboard.getData(DataFlavor.imageFlavor);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
* Copyright @ 2008 Quan Nguyen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.sismics.tess4j;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageReadParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageReader;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata;
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageOutputStream;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import com.github.jaiimageio.impl.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReaderSpi;
import com.github.jaiimageio.impl.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageWriterSpi;
import com.github.jaiimageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageWriteParam;
public class ImageIOHelper {
final static String TIFF_FORMAT = "tiff";
* Gets pixel data of an
* <code>IIOImage</code> object.
* @param oimage an
* <code>IIOImage</code> object
* @return a byte buffer of pixel data
* @throws Exception
public static ByteBuffer getImageByteBuffer(BufferedImage oimage) throws IOException {
// Get tif writer and set output to file
ImageWriter writer = new TIFFImageWriterSpi().createWriterInstance();
// Set up the writeParam
// We are using the old JAI ImageIO plugin, because for some reason, OCR don't work with TwelveMonkeys' plugin
ImageWriteParam tiffWriteParam = new TIFFImageWriteParam(Locale.US);
// Get the stream metadata
IIOMetadata streamMetadata = writer.getDefaultStreamMetadata(tiffWriteParam);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(outputStream);
writer.write(streamMetadata, new IIOImage(oimage, null, null), tiffWriteParam);
// Read the writed image
ImageReader reader = new TIFFImageReaderSpi().createReaderInstance();
ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
reader.setInput(ios, true, true);
BufferedImage bi;
try {
bi = reader.read(0, param);
} finally {
return convertImageData(bi);
* Converts <code>BufferedImage</code> to <code>ByteBuffer</code>.
* @param bi Input image
* @return pixel data
public static ByteBuffer convertImageData(BufferedImage bi) {
byte[] pixelData = ((DataBufferByte) bi.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
// return ByteBuffer.wrap(pixelData);
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(pixelData.length);
return buf;
* Reads image meta data.
* @param oimage
* @return a map of meta data
public static Map<String, String> readImageData(IIOImage oimage) {
Map<String, String> dict = new HashMap<String, String>();
IIOMetadata imageMetadata = oimage.getMetadata();
if (imageMetadata != null) {
IIOMetadataNode dimNode = (IIOMetadataNode) imageMetadata.getAsTree("javax_imageio_1.0");
NodeList nodes = dimNode.getElementsByTagName("HorizontalPixelSize");
int dpiX;
if (nodes.getLength() > 0) {
float dpcWidth = Float.parseFloat(nodes.item(0).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue());
dpiX = (int) Math.round(25.4f / dpcWidth);
} else {
dpiX = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution();
dict.put("dpiX", String.valueOf(dpiX));
nodes = dimNode.getElementsByTagName("VerticalPixelSize");
int dpiY;
if (nodes.getLength() > 0) {
float dpcHeight = Float.parseFloat(nodes.item(0).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue());
dpiY = (int) Math.round(25.4f / dpcHeight);
} else {
dpiY = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution();
dict.put("dpiY", String.valueOf(dpiY));
return dict;
@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
* Copyright @ 2012 Quan Nguyen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.sismics.tess4j;
import com.sun.jna.*;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.*;
import java.nio.*;
* A Java wrapper for
* <code>Tesseract OCR 3.02 API</code> using
* <code>JNA Interface Mapping</code>.
public interface TessAPI extends Library {
static final boolean WINDOWS = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("windows");
* Native library name.
public static final String LIB_NAME = "libtesseract302";
public static final String LIB_NAME_NON_WIN = "tesseract";
* An instance of the class library.
public static final TessAPI INSTANCE = (TessAPI) Native.loadLibrary(WINDOWS ? LIB_NAME : LIB_NAME_NON_WIN, TessAPI.class);
* When Tesseract/Cube is initialized we can choose to instantiate/load/run
* only the Tesseract part, only the Cube part or both along with the
* combiner. The preference of which engine to use is stored in
* <code>tessedit_ocr_engine_mode</code>.<br /> <br /> ATTENTION: When
* modifying this enum, please make sure to make the appropriate changes to
* all the enums mirroring it (e.g. OCREngine in
* cityblock/workflow/detection/detection_storage.proto). Such enums will
* mention the connection to OcrEngineMode in the comments.
public static interface TessOcrEngineMode {
public static final int OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY = (int) 0;
public static final int OEM_CUBE_ONLY = (int) 1;
public static final int OEM_TESSERACT_CUBE_COMBINED = (int) 2;
public static final int OEM_DEFAULT = (int) 3;
* Possible modes for page layout analysis. These *must* be kept in order of
* decreasing amount of layout analysis to be done, except for
* <code>OSD_ONLY</code>, so that the inequality test macros below work.
public static interface TessPageSegMode {
public static final int PSM_OSD_ONLY = (int) 0;
public static final int PSM_AUTO_OSD = (int) 1;
public static final int PSM_AUTO_ONLY = (int) 2;
public static final int PSM_AUTO = (int) 3;
public static final int PSM_SINGLE_COLUMN = (int) 4;
public static final int PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK_VERT_TEXT = (int) 5;
public static final int PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK = (int) 6;
public static final int PSM_SINGLE_LINE = (int) 7;
public static final int PSM_SINGLE_WORD = (int) 8;
public static final int PSM_CIRCLE_WORD = (int) 9;
public static final int PSM_SINGLE_CHAR = (int) 10;
public static final int PSM_COUNT = (int) 11;
* Enum of the elements of the page hierarchy, used in
* <code>ResultIterator</code> to provide functions that operate on each
* level without having to have 5x as many functions.
public static interface TessPageIteratorLevel {
public static final int RIL_BLOCK = (int) 0;
public static final int RIL_PARA = (int) 1;
public static final int RIL_TEXTLINE = (int) 2;
public static final int RIL_WORD = (int) 3;
public static final int RIL_SYMBOL = (int) 4;
public static interface TessPolyBlockType {
public static final int PT_UNKNOWN = (int) 0;
public static final int PT_FLOWING_TEXT = (int) 1;
public static final int PT_HEADING_TEXT = (int) 2;
public static final int PT_PULLOUT_TEXT = (int) 3;
public static final int PT_TABLE = (int) 4;
public static final int PT_VERTICAL_TEXT = (int) 5;
public static final int PT_CAPTION_TEXT = (int) 6;
public static final int PT_FLOWING_IMAGE = (int) 7;
public static final int PT_HEADING_IMAGE = (int) 8;
public static final int PT_PULLOUT_IMAGE = (int) 9;
public static final int PT_HORZ_LINE = (int) 10;
public static final int PT_VERT_LINE = (int) 11;
public static final int PT_NOISE = (int) 12;
public static final int PT_COUNT = (int) 13;
* <pre>
* +------------------+
* | 1 Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa |
* | Aaa aa aaa aa |
* | aaaaaa A aa aaa. |
* | 2 |
* | ####### c c C |
* | ####### c c c |
* | < ####### c c c |
* | < ####### c c |
* | < ####### . c |
* | 3 ####### c |
* +------------------+
* </pre>
* Orientation Example:<br />
* ====================<br />
* Above is a
* diagram of some (1) English and (2) Chinese text and a (3) photo
* credit.<br />
* <br />
* Upright Latin characters are represented as A and a. '<' represents
* a latin character rotated anti-clockwise 90 degrees. Upright
* Chinese characters are represented C and c.<br />
* <br />
* NOTA BENE: enum values here should match goodoc.proto<br />
* <br />
* If you orient your head so that "up" aligns with Orientation, then
* the characters will appear "right side up" and readable.<br />
* <br />
* In the example above, both the
* English and Chinese paragraphs are oriented so their "up" is the top of
* the page (page up). The photo credit is read with one's head turned
* leftward ("up" is to page left).<br />
* <br /> The values of this enum
* match the convention of Tesseract's osdetect.h
public static interface TessOrientation {
public static final int ORIENTATION_PAGE_UP = (int) 0;
public static final int ORIENTATION_PAGE_RIGHT = (int) 1;
public static final int ORIENTATION_PAGE_DOWN = (int) 2;
public static final int ORIENTATION_PAGE_LEFT = (int) 3;
* The grapheme clusters within a line of text are laid out logically in
* this direction, judged when looking at the text line rotated so that its
* Orientation is "page up".<br /> <br /> For English text, the writing
* direction is left-to-right. For the Chinese text in the above example,
* the writing direction is top-to-bottom.
public static interface TessWritingDirection {
public static final int WRITING_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = (int) 0;
public static final int WRITING_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = (int) 1;
public static final int WRITING_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = (int) 2;
* The text lines are read in the given sequence.<br /> <br /> In English,
* the order is top-to-bottom. In Chinese, vertical text lines are read
* right-to-left. Mongolian is written in vertical columns top to bottom
* like Chinese, but the lines order left-to right.<br /> <br /> Note that
* only some combinations make sense. For example,
* <code>WRITING_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT</code> implies
public static interface TessTextlineOrder {
public static final int TEXTLINE_ORDER_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = (int) 0;
public static final int TEXTLINE_ORDER_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = (int) 1;
public static final int TEXTLINE_ORDER_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = (int) 2;
public static final int TRUE = (int) 1;
public static final int FALSE = (int) 0;
* Returns the version identifier.
String TessVersion();
void TessDeleteText(Pointer text);
void TessDeleteTextArray(PointerByReference arr);
void TessDeleteIntArray(IntBuffer arr);
* Creates an instance of the base class for all Tesseract APIs.
TessAPI.TessBaseAPI TessBaseAPICreate();
* Disposes the TesseractAPI instance.
void TessBaseAPIDelete(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Set the name of the input file. Needed only for training and reading a
* UNLV zone file.
void TessBaseAPISetInputName(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name);
* Set the name of the bonus output files. Needed only for debugging.
void TessBaseAPISetOutputName(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name);
* Set the value of an internal "parameter." Supply the name of the
* parameter and the value as a string, just as you would in a config file.
* Returns false if the name lookup failed. E.g.,
* <code>SetVariable("tessedit_char_blacklist", "xyz");</code> to ignore x,
* y and z. Or
* <code>SetVariable("classify_bln_numeric_mode", "1");</code> to set
* numeric-only mode.
* <code>SetVariable</code> may be used before
* <code>Init</code>, but settings will revert to defaults on
* <code>End()</code>.<br /> <br /> Note: Must be called after
* <code>Init()</code>. Only works for non-init variables (init variables
* should be passed to
* <code>Init()</code>).
int TessBaseAPISetVariable(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name, String value);
* Returns true (1) if the parameter was found among Tesseract parameters.
* Fills in value with the value of the parameter.
int TessBaseAPIGetIntVariable(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name, IntBuffer value);
int TessBaseAPIGetBoolVariable(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name, IntBuffer value);
int TessBaseAPIGetDoubleVariable(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name, DoubleBuffer value);
String TessBaseAPIGetStringVariable(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String name);
* Print Tesseract parameters to the given file.<br /> <br /> Note: Must not
* be the first method called after instance create.
void TessBaseAPIPrintVariablesToFile(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String filename);
* Instances are now mostly thread-safe and totally independent, but some
* global parameters remain. Basically it is safe to use multiple
* TessBaseAPIs in different threads in parallel, UNLESS: you use
* <code>SetVariable</code> on some of the Params in classify and textord.
* If you do, then the effect will be to change it for all your
* instances.<br /> <br /> Start tesseract. Returns zero on success and -1
* on failure. NOTE that the only members that may be called before Init are
* those listed above here in the class definition.<br /> <br /> The
* <code>datapath</code> must be the name of the parent directory of
* tessdata and must end in / . Any name after the last / will be stripped.
* The language is (usually) an
* <code>ISO 639-3</code> string or
* <code>NULL</code> will default to eng. It is entirely safe (and
* eventually will be efficient too) to call Init multiple times on the same
* instance to change language, or just to reset the classifier. The
* language may be a string of the form [~]<lang>[+[~]<lang>]* indicating
* that multiple languages are to be loaded. E.g., hin+eng will load Hindi
* and English. Languages may specify internally that they want to be loaded
* with one or more other languages, so the ~ sign is available to override
* that. E.g., if hin were set to load eng by default, then hin+~eng would
* force loading only hin. The number of loaded languages is limited only by
* memory, with the caveat that loading additional languages will impact
* both speed and accuracy, as there is more work to do to decide on the
* applicable language, and there is more chance of hallucinating incorrect
* words. WARNING: On changing languages, all Tesseract parameters are reset
* back to their default values. (Which may vary between languages.) If you
* have a rare need to set a Variable that controls initialization for a
* second call to
* <code>Init</code> you should explicitly call
* <code>End()</code> and then use
* <code>SetVariable</code> before
* <code>Init</code>. This is only a very rare use case, since there are
* very few uses that require any parameters to be set before
* <code>Init</code>.<br /> <br /> If
* <code>set_only_non_debug_params</code> is true, only params that do not
* contain "debug" in the name will be set.
int TessBaseAPIInit1(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String datapath, String language, int oem, PointerByReference configs, int configs_size);
int TessBaseAPIInit2(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String datapath, String language, int oem);
int TessBaseAPIInit3(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String datapath, String language);
* Returns the languages string used in the last valid initialization. If
* the last initialization specified "deu+hin" then that will be returned.
* If hin loaded eng automatically as well, then that will not be included
* in this list. To find the languages actually loaded, use
* <code>GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector</code>. The returned string should NOT
* be deleted.
String TessBaseAPIGetInitLanguagesAsString(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Returns the loaded languages in the vector of STRINGs. Includes all
* languages loaded by the last
* <code>Init</code>, including those loaded as dependencies of other loaded
* languages.
PointerByReference TessBaseAPIGetLoadedLanguagesAsVector(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Returns the available languages in the vector of STRINGs.
PointerByReference TessBaseAPIGetAvailableLanguagesAsVector(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Init only the lang model component of Tesseract. The only functions that
* work after this init are
* <code>SetVariable</code> and
* <code>IsValidWord</code>. WARNING: temporary! This function will be
* removed from here and placed in a separate API at some future time.
int TessBaseAPIInitLangMod(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String datapath, String language);
* Init only for page layout analysis. Use only for calls to
* <code>SetImage</code> and
* <code>AnalysePage</code>. Calls that attempt recognition will generate an
* error.
void TessBaseAPIInitForAnalysePage(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Read a "config" file containing a set of param, value pairs. Searches the
* standard places:
* <code>tessdata/configs</code>,
* <code>tessdata/tessconfigs</code> and also accepts a relative or absolute
* path name. Note: only non-init params will be set (init params are set by
* <code>Init()</code>).
void TessBaseAPIReadConfigFile(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String filename, int init_only);
* Set the current page segmentation mode. Defaults to PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK. The
* mode is stored as an IntParam so it can also be modified by
* <code>ReadConfigFile</code> or
* <code>SetVariable("tessedit_pageseg_mode", mode as string)</code>.
void TessBaseAPISetPageSegMode(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int mode);
* Return the current page segmentation mode.
int TessBaseAPIGetPageSegMode(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Recognize a rectangle from an image and return the result as a string.
* May be called many times for a single
* <code>Init</code>. Currently has no error checking. Greyscale of 8 and
* color of 24 or 32 bits per pixel may be given. Palette color images will
* not work properly and must be converted to 24 bit. Binary images of 1 bit
* per pixel may also be given but they must be byte packed with the MSB of
* the first byte being the first pixel, and a 1 represents WHITE. For
* binary images set bytes_per_pixel=0. The recognized text is returned as a
* char* which is coded as UTF8 and must be freed with the delete []
* operator.<br /> <br /> Note that
* <code>TesseractRect</code> is the simplified convenience interface. For
* advanced uses, use
* <code>SetImage</code>, (optionally)
* <code>SetRectangle</code>,
* <code>Recognize</code>, and one or more of the
* <code>Get*Text</code> functions below.
Pointer TessBaseAPIRect(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, ByteBuffer imagedata, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line, int left, int top, int width, int height);
* Call between pages or documents etc to free up memory and forget adaptive
* data.
void TessBaseAPIClearAdaptiveClassifier(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Provide an image for Tesseract to recognize. Format is as TesseractRect
* above. Does not copy the image buffer, or take ownership. The source
* image may be destroyed after Recognize is called, either explicitly or
* implicitly via one of the
* <code>Get*Text</code> functions.
* <code>SetImage</code> clears all recognition results, and sets the
* rectangle to the full image, so it may be followed immediately by a
* <code>GetUTF8Text</code>, and it will automatically perform recognition.
void TessBaseAPISetImage(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, ByteBuffer imagedata, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line);
* Set the resolution of the source image in pixels per inch so font size
* information can be calculated in results. Call this after SetImage().
void TessBaseAPISetSourceResolution(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int ppi);
* Restrict recognition to a sub-rectangle of the image. Call after
* <code>SetImage</code>. Each
* <code>SetRectangle</code> clears the recognition results so multiple
* rectangles can be recognized with the same image.
void TessBaseAPISetRectangle(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int left, int top, int width, int height);
/** Scale factor from original image. */
int TessBaseAPIGetThresholdedImageScaleFactor(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
/** Dump the internal binary image to a PGM file. */
void TessBaseAPIDumpPGM(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String filename);
* Runs page layout analysis in the mode set by SetPageSegMode. May
* optionally be called prior to Recognize to get access to just the page
* layout results. Returns an iterator to the results. Returns NULL on
* error. The returned iterator must be deleted after use. WARNING! This
* class points to data held within the TessBaseAPI class, and therefore can
* only be used while the TessBaseAPI class still exists and has not been
* subjected to a call of
* <code>Init</code>,
* <code>SetImage</code>,
* <code>Recognize</code>,
* <code>Clear</code>,
* <code>End</code>, DetectOS, or anything else that changes the internal
TessAPI.TessPageIterator TessBaseAPIAnalyseLayout(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Recognize the image from SetAndThresholdImage, generating Tesseract
* internal structures. Returns 0 on success. Optional. The
* <code>Get*Text</code> functions below will call
* <code>Recognize</code> if needed. After Recognize, the output is kept
* internally until the next
* <code>SetImage</code>.
int TessBaseAPIRecognize(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, TessAPI.ETEXT_DESC monitor);
* Variant on Recognize used for testing chopper.
int TessBaseAPIRecognizeForChopTest(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, TessAPI.ETEXT_DESC monitor);
* Get a reading-order iterator to the results of LayoutAnalysis and/or
* Recognize. The returned iterator must be deleted after use. WARNING! This
* class points to data held within the TessBaseAPI class, and therefore can
* only be used while the TessBaseAPI class still exists and has not been
* subjected to a call of
* <code>Init</code>,
* <code>SetImage</code>,
* <code>Recognize</code>,
* <code>Clear</code>,
* <code>End</code>, DetectOS, or anything else that changes the internal
TessAPI.TessResultIterator TessBaseAPIGetIterator(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Get a mutable iterator to the results of LayoutAnalysis and/or Recognize.
* The returned iterator must be deleted after use.
* WARNING! This class points to data held within the TessBaseAPI class, and
* therefore can only be used while the TessBaseAPI class still exists and
* has not been subjected to a call of Init, SetImage, Recognize, Clear, End
* DetectOS, or anything else that changes the internal PAGE_RES.
TessAPI.TessMutableIterator TessBaseAPIGetMutableIterator(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Recognizes all the pages in the named file, as a multi-page tiff or list
* of filenames, or single image, and gets the appropriate kind of text
* according to parameters:
* <code>tessedit_create_boxfile</code>,
* <code>tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes</code>,
* <code>tessedit_write_unlv</code>,
* <code>tessedit_create_hocr</code>. Calls ProcessPage on each page in the
* input file, which may be a multi-page tiff, single-page other file
* format, or a plain text list of images to read. If tessedit_page_number
* is non-negative, processing begins at that page of a multi-page tiff
* file, or filelist. The text is returned in text_out. Returns false on
* error. If non-zero timeout_millisec terminates processing after the
* timeout on a single page. If non-NULL and non-empty, and some page fails
* for some reason, the page is reprocessed with the retry_config config
* file. Useful for interactively debugging a bad page.
Pointer TessBaseAPIProcessPages(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String filename, String retry_config, int timeout_millisec);
* The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded as UTF-8 and
* must be freed with the delete [] operator.
Pointer TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Make a HTML-formatted string with hOCR markup from the internal data
* structures. page_number is 0-based but will appear in the output as
* 1-based.
Pointer TessBaseAPIGetHOCRText(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int page_number);
* The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded in the same
* format as a box file used in training. Returned string must be freed with
* the delete [] operator. Constructs coordinates in the original image -
* not just the rectangle. page_number is a 0-based page index that will
* appear in the box file.
Pointer TessBaseAPIGetBoxText(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int page_number);
* The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded as UNLV format
* Latin-1 with specific reject and suspect codes and must be freed with the
* delete [] operator.
Pointer TessBaseAPIGetUNLVText(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Returns the (average) confidence value between 0 and 100.
int TessBaseAPIMeanTextConf(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Returns all word confidences (between 0 and 100) in an array, terminated
* by -1. The calling function must delete [] after use. The number of
* confidences should correspond to the number of space-delimited words in
* GetUTF8Text.
IntByReference TessBaseAPIAllWordConfidences(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Applies the given word to the adaptive classifier if possible. The word
* must be SPACE-DELIMITED UTF-8 - l i k e t h i s , so it can tell the
* boundaries of the graphemes. Assumes that SetImage/SetRectangle have been
* used to set the image to the given word. The mode arg should be
* PSM_SINGLE_WORD or PSM_CIRCLE_WORD, as that will be used to control
* layout analysis. The currently set PageSegMode is preserved. Returns
* false if adaption was not possible for some reason.
int TessBaseAPIAdaptToWordStr(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int mode, String wordstr);
* Free up recognition results and any stored image data, without actually
* freeing any recognition data that would be time-consuming to reload.
* Afterwards, you must call
* <code>SetImage</code> or
* <code>TesseractRect</code> before doing any
* <code>Recognize</code> or
* <code>Get*</code> operation.
void TessBaseAPIClear(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Close down tesseract and free up all memory.
* <code>End()</code> is equivalent to destructing and reconstructing your
* TessBaseAPI. Once
* <code>End()</code> has been used, none of the other API functions may be
* used other than
* <code>Init</code> and anything declared above it in the class definition.
void TessBaseAPIEnd(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle);
* Check whether a word is valid according to Tesseract's language model.
* @return 0 if the word is invalid, non-zero if valid. @warning temporary!
* This function will be removed from here and placed in a separate API at
* some future time.
int TessBaseAPIIsValidWord(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, String word);
int TessBaseAPIGetTextDirection(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, IntBuffer out_offset, FloatBuffer out_slope);
* This method returns the string form of the specified unichar.
String TessBaseAPIGetUnichar(TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle, int unichar_id);
/* Page iterator */
void TessPageIteratorDelete(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle);
TessAPI.TessPageIterator TessPageIteratorCopy(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle);
void TessPageIteratorBegin(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle);
int TessPageIteratorNext(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle, int level);
int TessPageIteratorIsAtBeginningOf(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle, int level);
int TessPageIteratorIsAtFinalElement(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle, int level, int element);
int TessPageIteratorBoundingBox(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle, int level, IntBuffer left, IntBuffer top, IntBuffer right, IntBuffer bottom);
int TessPageIteratorBlockType(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle);
int TessPageIteratorBaseline(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle, int level, IntBuffer x1, IntBuffer y1, IntBuffer x2, IntBuffer y2);
void TessPageIteratorOrientation(TessAPI.TessPageIterator handle, IntBuffer orientation, IntBuffer writing_direction, IntBuffer textline_order, FloatBuffer deskew_angle);
/* Result iterator */
void TessResultIteratorDelete(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
TessAPI.TessResultIterator TessResultIteratorCopy(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
TessAPI.TessPageIterator TessResultIteratorGetPageIterator(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
TessAPI.TessPageIterator TessResultIteratorGetPageIteratorConst(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
Pointer TessResultIteratorGetUTF8Text(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle, int level);
float TessResultIteratorConfidence(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle, int level);
String TessResultIteratorWordFontAttributes(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle, IntBuffer is_bold, IntBuffer is_italic, IntBuffer is_underlined, IntBuffer is_monospace, IntBuffer is_serif, IntBuffer is_smallcaps, IntBuffer pointsize, IntBuffer font_id);
int TessResultIteratorWordIsFromDictionary(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
int TessResultIteratorWordIsNumeric(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
int TessResultIteratorSymbolIsSuperscript(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
int TessResultIteratorSymbolIsSubscript(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
int TessResultIteratorSymbolIsDropcap(TessAPI.TessResultIterator handle);
public static class TessBaseAPI extends PointerType {
public TessBaseAPI(Pointer address) {
public TessBaseAPI() {
public static class ETEXT_DESC extends PointerType {
public ETEXT_DESC(Pointer address) {
public ETEXT_DESC() {
public static class TessPageIterator extends PointerType {
public TessPageIterator(Pointer address) {
public TessPageIterator() {
public static class TessMutableIterator extends PointerType {
public TessMutableIterator(Pointer address) {
public TessMutableIterator() {
public static class TessResultIterator extends PointerType {
public TessResultIterator(Pointer address) {
public TessResultIterator() {
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
* Copyright @ 2012 Quan Nguyen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.sismics.tess4j;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
* An object layer on top of
* <code>TessAPI</code>, provides character recognition support for common image
* formats, and multi-page TIFF images beyond the uncompressed, binary TIFF
* format supported by Tesseract OCR engine. The extended capabilities are
* provided by the
* <code>Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools</code>. <br /><br /> Support for
* PDF documents is available through
* <code>Ghost4J</code>, a
* <code>JNA</code> wrapper for
* <code>GPL Ghostscript</code>, which should be installed and included in
* system path. <br /><br /> Any program that uses the library will need to
* ensure that the required libraries (the
* <code>.jar</code> files for
* <code>jna</code>,
* <code>jai-imageio</code>, and
* <code>ghost4j</code>) are in its compile and run-time
* <code>classpath</code>.
public class Tesseract {
private static Tesseract instance;
private final static Rectangle EMPTY_RECTANGLE = new Rectangle();
private String language = "eng";
private String datapath = null;
private int psm = TessAPI.TessPageSegMode.PSM_AUTO;
private boolean hocr;
private int pageNum;
private int ocrEngineMode = TessAPI.TessOcrEngineMode.OEM_DEFAULT;
private Properties prop = new Properties();
public final static String htmlBeginTag =
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\""
+ " \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">\n"
+ "<html>\n<head>\n<title></title>\n"
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;"
+ "charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name='ocr-system' content='tesseract'/>\n"
+ "</head>\n<body>\n";
public final static String htmlEndTag = "</body>\n</html>\n";
* Private constructor.
private Tesseract() {
System.setProperty("jna.encoding", "UTF8");
* Gets an instance of the class library.
* @return instance
public static synchronized Tesseract getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Tesseract();
return instance;
* Sets tessdata path.
* @param datapath the tessdata path to set
public void setDatapath(String datapath) {
this.datapath = datapath;
* Sets language for OCR.
* @param language the language code, which follows ISO 639-3 standard.
public void setLanguage(String language) {
this.language = language;
* Sets OCR engine mode.
* @param ocrEngineMode the OcrEngineMode to set
public void setOcrEngineMode(int ocrEngineMode) {
this.ocrEngineMode = ocrEngineMode;
* Sets page segmentation mode.
* @param mode the page segmentation mode to set
public void setPageSegMode(int mode) {
this.psm = mode;
* Enables hocr output.
* @param hocr to enable or disable hocr output
public void setHocr(boolean hocr) {
this.hocr = hocr;
prop.setProperty("tessedit_create_hocr", hocr ? "1" : "0");
* Set the value of Tesseract's internal parameter.
* @param key variable name, e.g.,
* <code>tessedit_create_hocr</code>,
* <code>tessedit_char_whitelist</code>, etc.
* @param value value for corresponding variable, e.g., "1", "0",
* "0123456789", etc.
public void setTessVariable(String key, String value) {
prop.setProperty(key, value);
* Performs OCR operation.
* @param bi a buffered image
* @return the recognized text
* @throws TesseractException
public String doOCR(BufferedImage bi) throws TesseractException {
return doOCR(bi, null);
* Performs OCR operation.
* @param bi a buffered image
* @param rect the bounding rectangle defines the region of the image to be
* recognized. A rectangle of zero dimension or
* <code>null</code> indicates the whole image.
* @return the recognized text
* @throws TesseractException
public String doOCR(BufferedImage bi, Rectangle rect) throws TesseractException {
List<BufferedImage> imageList = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
return doOCR(imageList, rect);
* Performs OCR operation.
* @param imageList a list of
* <code>BufferedImage</code> objects
* @param rect the bounding rectangle defines the region of the image to be
* recognized. A rectangle of zero dimension or
* <code>null</code> indicates the whole image.
* @return the recognized text
* @throws TesseractException
public String doOCR(List<BufferedImage> imageList, Rectangle rect) throws TesseractException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
pageNum = 0;
for (BufferedImage oimage : imageList) {
try {
ByteBuffer buf = ImageIOHelper.getImageByteBuffer(oimage);
String pageText = doOCR(oimage.getWidth(), oimage.getHeight(), buf, rect, oimage.getColorModel().getPixelSize());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
//skip the problematic image
if (hocr) {
sb.insert(0, htmlBeginTag).append(htmlEndTag);
return sb.toString();
* Performs OCR operation. Use
* <code>SetImage</code>, (optionally)
* <code>SetRectangle</code>, and one or more of the
* <code>Get*Text</code> functions.
* @param xsize width of image
* @param ysize height of image
* @param buf pixel data
* @param rect the bounding rectangle defines the region of the image to be
* recognized. A rectangle of zero dimension or
* <code>null</code> indicates the whole image.
* @param bpp bits per pixel, represents the bit depth of the image, with 1
* for binary bitmap, 8 for gray, and 24 for color RGB.
* @return the recognized text
* @throws TesseractException
public String doOCR(int xsize, int ysize, ByteBuffer buf, Rectangle rect, int bpp) throws TesseractException {
TessAPI.TessBaseAPI handle = api.TessBaseAPICreate();
api.TessBaseAPIInit2(handle, datapath, language, ocrEngineMode);
api.TessBaseAPISetPageSegMode(handle, psm);
Enumeration<?> em = prop.propertyNames();
while (em.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) em.nextElement();
api.TessBaseAPISetVariable(handle, key, prop.getProperty(key));
int bytespp = bpp / 8;
int bytespl = (int) Math.ceil(xsize * bpp / 8.0);
api.TessBaseAPISetImage(handle, buf, xsize, ysize, bytespp, bytespl);
if (rect != null && !rect.equals(EMPTY_RECTANGLE)) {
api.TessBaseAPISetRectangle(handle, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
Pointer utf8Text = hocr ? api.TessBaseAPIGetHOCRText(handle, pageNum - 1) : api.TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(handle);
String str = utf8Text.getString(0);
return str;
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
* Copyright @ 2010 Quan Nguyen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.sismics.tess4j;
public class TesseractException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public TesseractException() {
public TesseractException(String message) {
public TesseractException(Throwable cause) {
public TesseractException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp;
import java.awt.image.ImagingOpException;
* Extends Scalr.
* @author bgamard
public class Scalr extends org.imgscalr.Scalr {
* Rotate an image by a specific amount.
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@
@ -435,6 +435,12 @@
<!-- Servlet listener to register SPI ImageIO plugins -->
@ -442,42 +448,35 @@
<!-- JNA for Tesseract -->
<!-- ImageIO plugins -->
<!-- Permissive JPEG plugin -->
<!-- JPEG -->
<!-- TIFF -->
<!-- JPEG 2000 -->
<!-- Only JBIG2 -->
<!-- JBIG2 -->
<!-- Essentially TIFF (for OCR) -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user