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synced 2025-03-03 19:55:35 +01:00
#103: API documentation for /document
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,7 +56,56 @@ import java.util.*;
public class DocumentResource extends BaseResource {
* Returns a document.
* @api {get} /document/:id Get a document
* @apiName GetDocument
* @apiGroup Document
* @apiParam {String} id Document ID
* @apiParam {String} share Share ID
* @apiSuccess {String} id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} title Title
* @apiSuccess {String} description Description
* @apiSuccess {Number} create_date Create date (timestamp)
* @apiSuccess {String="eng","fra","jpn"} language Language
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} shared True if the document is shared
* @apiSuccess {Number} file_count Number of files in this document
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} tags List of tags
* @apiSuccess {String} tags.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} tags.name Name
* @apiSuccess {String} tags.color Color
* @apiSuccess {String} subject Subject
* @apiSuccess {String} identifier Identifier
* @apiSuccess {String} publisher Publisher
* @apiSuccess {String} format Format
* @apiSuccess {String} source Source
* @apiSuccess {String} type Type
* @apiSuccess {String} coverage Coverage
* @apiSuccess {String} rights Rights
* @apiSuccess {String} creator Username of the creator
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} writable True if the document is writable by the current user
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} acls List of ACL
* @apiSuccess {String} acls.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String="READ","WRITE"} acls.perm Permission
* @apiSuccess {String} acls.name Target name
* @apiSuccess {String="USER","GROUP","SHARE"} acls.type Target type
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} inherited_acls List of ACL not directly applied to this document
* @apiSuccess {String="READ","WRITE"} inherited_acls.perm Permission
* @apiSuccess {String} inherited_acls.source_id Source ID
* @apiSuccess {String} inherited_acls.source_name Source name
* @apiSuccess {String} inherited_acls.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} inherited_acls.name Target name
* @apiSuccess {String="USER","GROUP","SHARE"} inherited_acls.type Target type
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} contributors List of users having contributed to this document
* @apiSuccess {String} contributors.username Username
* @apiSuccess {String} contributors.email E-mail
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} relations List of document related to this one
* @apiSuccess {String} relations.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} relations.title Title
* @apiSuccess {String} relations.source True if this document is the source of the relation
* @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found
* @apiPermission none
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param documentId Document ID
* @param shareId Share ID
* @return Response
@ -166,7 +215,22 @@ public class DocumentResource extends BaseResource {
* Export a document to PDF.
* @api {get} /document/:id/pdf Export a document to PDF
* @apiName GetDocumentPdf
* @apiGroup Document
* @apiParam {String} id Document ID
* @apiParam {String} share Share ID
* @apiParam {Boolean} metadata If true, export metadata
* @apiParam {Boolean} comments If true, export comments
* @apiParam {Boolean} fitimagetopage If true, fit the images to pages
* @apiParam {Number} margin Margin around the pages, in millimeter
* @apiSuccess {String} pdf The whole response is the PDF file
* @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found
* @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error
* @apiPermission none
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param documentId Document ID
* @param shareId Share ID
* @param metadata Export metadata
@ -233,7 +297,33 @@ public class DocumentResource extends BaseResource {
* Returns all documents.
* @api {get} /document/list Get documents
* @apiName GetDocumentList
* @apiGroup Document
* @apiParam {String} limit Total number of documents to return
* @apiParam {String} offset Start at this index
* @apiParam {Number} sort_column Column index to sort on
* @apiParam {Boolean} asc If true, sort in ascending order
* @apiParam {String} search Search query
* @apiSuccess {Number} total Total number of documents
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} documents List of documents
* @apiSuccess {String} documents.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} documents.title Title
* @apiSuccess {String} documents.description Description
* @apiSuccess {Number} documents.create_date Create date (timestamp)
* @apiSuccess {String="eng","fra","jpn"} documents.language Language
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} documents.shared True if the document is shared
* @apiSuccess {Number} documents.file_count Number of files in this document
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} documents.tags List of tags
* @apiSuccess {String} documents.tags.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} documents.tags.name Name
* @apiSuccess {String} documents.tags.color Color
* @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied
* @apiError (server) SearchError Error searching in documents
* @apiPermission user
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param limit Page limit
* @param offset Page offset
* @param sortColumn Sort column
@ -422,7 +512,30 @@ public class DocumentResource extends BaseResource {
* Creates a new document.
* @api {put} /document Add a document
* @apiName PutDocument
* @apiGroup Document
* @apiParam {String} title Title
* @apiParam {String} [description] Description
* @apiParam {String} [subject] Subject
* @apiParam {String} [identifier] Identifier
* @apiParam {String} [publisher] Publisher
* @apiParam {String} [format] Format
* @apiParam {String} [source] Source
* @apiParam {String} [type] Type
* @apiParam {String} [coverage] Coverage
* @apiParam {String} [rights] Rights
* @apiParam {String[]} [tags] List of tags ID
* @apiParam {String[]} [relations] List of related documents ID
* @apiParam {String="eng","fra","jpn"} language Language
* @apiParam {Number} [create_date] Create date (timestamp)
* @apiSuccess {String} id Document ID
* @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied
* @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error
* @apiPermission user
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param title Title
* @param description Description
* @param subject Subject
@ -532,7 +645,32 @@ public class DocumentResource extends BaseResource {
* Updates the document.
* @api {post} /document/:id Update a document
* @apiName PostDocument
* @apiGroup Document
* @apiParam {String} id ID
* @apiParam {String} title Title
* @apiParam {String} [description] Description
* @apiParam {String} [subject] Subject
* @apiParam {String} [identifier] Identifier
* @apiParam {String} [publisher] Publisher
* @apiParam {String} [format] Format
* @apiParam {String} [source] Source
* @apiParam {String} [type] Type
* @apiParam {String} [coverage] Coverage
* @apiParam {String} [rights] Rights
* @apiParam {String[]} [tags] List of tags ID
* @apiParam {String[]} [relations] List of related documents ID
* @apiParam {String="eng","fra","jpn"} language Language
* @apiParam {Number} [create_date] Create date (timestamp)
* @apiSuccess {String} id Document ID
* @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied or document not writable
* @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error
* @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found
* @apiPermission user
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param title Title
* @param description Description
* @return Response
@ -675,7 +813,17 @@ public class DocumentResource extends BaseResource {
* Deletes a document.
* @api {delete} /document/:id Delete a document
* @apiName DeleteDocument
* @apiGroup Document
* @apiParam {String} id ID
* @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK
* @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied
* @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found
* @apiPermission user
* @apiVersion 1.5.0
* @param id Document ID
* @return Response
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class TagResource extends BaseResource {
* @apiSuccess {String} acls.id ID
* @apiSuccess {String="READ","WRITE"} acls.perm Permission
* @apiSuccess {String} acls.name Target name
* @apiSuccess {String="USER","GROUP","SHARE"} type Target type
* @apiSuccess {String="USER","GROUP","SHARE"} acls.type Target type
* @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied
* @apiError (client) NotFound Tag not found
* @apiPermission user
@ -14,7 +14,21 @@
"template": {
"withCompare": false,
"withGenerator": false
"order": [
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "^1.0.1",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user