/** * State-based routing for AngularJS * @version v0.2.7 * @link http://angular-ui.github.com/ * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /* commonjs package manager support (eg componentjs) */ if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof exports !== "undefined" && module.exports === exports){ module.exports = 'ui.router'; } (function (window, angular, undefined) { /*jshint globalstrict:true*/ /*global angular:false*/ 'use strict'; var isDefined = angular.isDefined, isFunction = angular.isFunction, isString = angular.isString, isObject = angular.isObject, isArray = angular.isArray, forEach = angular.forEach, extend = angular.extend, copy = angular.copy; function inherit(parent, extra) { return extend(new (extend(function() {}, { prototype: parent }))(), extra); } function merge(dst) { forEach(arguments, function(obj) { if (obj !== dst) { forEach(obj, function(value, key) { if (!dst.hasOwnProperty(key)) dst[key] = value; }); } }); return dst; } /** * Finds the common ancestor path between two states. * * @param {Object} first The first state. * @param {Object} second The second state. * @return {Array} Returns an array of state names in descending order, not including the root. */ function ancestors(first, second) { var path = []; for (var n in first.path) { if (first.path[n] === "") continue; if (!second.path[n]) break; path.push(first.path[n]); } return path; } /** * IE8-safe wrapper for `Object.keys()`. * * @param {Object} object A JavaScript object. * @return {Array} Returns the keys of the object as an array. */ function keys(object) { if (Object.keys) { return Object.keys(object); } var result = []; angular.forEach(object, function(val, key) { result.push(key); }); return result; } /** * IE8-safe wrapper for `Array.prototype.indexOf()`. * * @param {Array} array A JavaScript array. * @param {*} value A value to search the array for. * @return {Number} Returns the array index value of `value`, or `-1` if not present. */ function arraySearch(array, value) { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return array.indexOf(value, Number(arguments[2]) || 0); } var len = array.length >>> 0, from = Number(arguments[2]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in array && array[from] === value) return from; } return -1; } /** * Merges a set of parameters with all parameters inherited between the common parents of the * current state and a given destination state. * * @param {Object} currentParams The value of the current state parameters ($stateParams). * @param {Object} newParams The set of parameters which will be composited with inherited params. * @param {Object} $current Internal definition of object representing the current state. * @param {Object} $to Internal definition of object representing state to transition to. */ function inheritParams(currentParams, newParams, $current, $to) { var parents = ancestors($current, $to), parentParams, inherited = {}, inheritList = []; for (var i in parents) { if (!parents[i].params || !parents[i].params.length) continue; parentParams = parents[i].params; for (var j in parentParams) { if (arraySearch(inheritList, parentParams[j]) >= 0) continue; inheritList.push(parentParams[j]); inherited[parentParams[j]] = currentParams[parentParams[j]]; } } return extend({}, inherited, newParams); } /** * Normalizes a set of values to string or `null`, filtering them by a list of keys. * * @param {Array} keys The list of keys to normalize/return. * @param {Object} values An object hash of values to normalize. * @return {Object} Returns an object hash of normalized string values. */ function normalize(keys, values) { var normalized = {}; forEach(keys, function (name) { var value = values[name]; normalized[name] = (value != null) ? String(value) : null; }); return normalized; } /** * Performs a non-strict comparison of the subset of two objects, defined by a list of keys. * * @param {Object} a The first object. * @param {Object} b The second object. * @param {Array} keys The list of keys within each object to compare. If the list is empty or not specified, * it defaults to the list of keys in `a`. * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the keys match, otherwise `false`. */ function equalForKeys(a, b, keys) { if (!keys) { keys = []; for (var n in a) keys.push(n); // Used instead of Object.keys() for IE8 compatibility } for (var i=0; i ")); } visited[key] = VISIT_IN_PROGRESS; if (isString(value)) { plan.push(key, [ function() { return $injector.get(value); }], NO_DEPENDENCIES); } else { var params = $injector.annotate(value); forEach(params, function (param) { if (param !== key && invocables.hasOwnProperty(param)) visit(invocables[param], param); }); plan.push(key, value, params); } cycle.pop(); visited[key] = VISIT_DONE; } forEach(invocables, visit); invocables = cycle = visited = null; // plan is all that's required function isResolve(value) { return isObject(value) && value.then && value.$$promises; } return function (locals, parent, self) { if (isResolve(locals) && self === undefined) { self = parent; parent = locals; locals = null; } if (!locals) locals = NO_LOCALS; else if (!isObject(locals)) { throw new Error("'locals' must be an object"); } if (!parent) parent = NO_PARENT; else if (!isResolve(parent)) { throw new Error("'parent' must be a promise returned by $resolve.resolve()"); } // To complete the overall resolution, we have to wait for the parent // promise and for the promise for each invokable in our plan. var resolution = $q.defer(), result = resolution.promise, promises = result.$$promises = {}, values = extend({}, locals), wait = 1 + plan.length/3, merged = false; function done() { // Merge parent values we haven't got yet and publish our own $$values if (!--wait) { if (!merged) merge(values, parent.$$values); result.$$values = values; result.$$promises = true; // keep for isResolve() resolution.resolve(values); } } function fail(reason) { result.$$failure = reason; resolution.reject(reason); } // Short-circuit if parent has already failed if (isDefined(parent.$$failure)) { fail(parent.$$failure); return result; } // Merge parent values if the parent has already resolved, or merge // parent promises and wait if the parent resolve is still in progress. if (parent.$$values) { merged = merge(values, parent.$$values); done(); } else { extend(promises, parent.$$promises); parent.then(done, fail); } // Process each invocable in the plan, but ignore any where a local of the same name exists. for (var i=0, ii=plan.length; i} invocables functions to invoke or `$injector` services to fetch. * @param {Object.} [locals] values to make available to the injectables * @param {Promise.} [parent] a promise returned by another call to `$resolve`. * @param {Object} [self] the `this` for the invoked methods * @return {Promise.} Promise for an object that contains the resolved return value * of all invocables, as well as any inherited and local values. */ this.resolve = function (invocables, locals, parent, self) { return this.study(invocables)(locals, parent, self); }; } angular.module('ui.router.util').service('$resolve', $Resolve); /** * Service. Manages loading of templates. * @constructor * @name $templateFactory * @requires $http * @requires $templateCache * @requires $injector */ $TemplateFactory.$inject = ['$http', '$templateCache', '$injector']; function $TemplateFactory( $http, $templateCache, $injector) { /** * Creates a template from a configuration object. * @function * @name $templateFactory#fromConfig * @methodOf $templateFactory * @param {Object} config Configuration object for which to load a template. The following * properties are search in the specified order, and the first one that is defined is * used to create the template: * @param {string|Function} config.template html string template or function to load via * {@link $templateFactory#fromString fromString}. * @param {string|Function} config.templateUrl url to load or a function returning the url * to load via {@link $templateFactory#fromUrl fromUrl}. * @param {Function} config.templateProvider function to invoke via * {@link $templateFactory#fromProvider fromProvider}. * @param {Object} params Parameters to pass to the template function. * @param {Object} [locals] Locals to pass to `invoke` if the template is loaded via a * `templateProvider`. Defaults to `{ params: params }`. * @return {string|Promise.} The template html as a string, or a promise for that string, * or `null` if no template is configured. */ this.fromConfig = function (config, params, locals) { return ( isDefined(config.template) ? this.fromString(config.template, params) : isDefined(config.templateUrl) ? this.fromUrl(config.templateUrl, params) : isDefined(config.templateProvider) ? this.fromProvider(config.templateProvider, params, locals) : null ); }; /** * Creates a template from a string or a function returning a string. * @function * @name $templateFactory#fromString * @methodOf $templateFactory * @param {string|Function} template html template as a string or function that returns an html * template as a string. * @param {Object} params Parameters to pass to the template function. * @return {string|Promise.} The template html as a string, or a promise for that string. */ this.fromString = function (template, params) { return isFunction(template) ? template(params) : template; }; /** * Loads a template from the a URL via `$http` and `$templateCache`. * @function * @name $templateFactory#fromUrl * @methodOf $templateFactory * @param {string|Function} url url of the template to load, or a function that returns a url. * @param {Object} params Parameters to pass to the url function. * @return {string|Promise.} The template html as a string, or a promise for that string. */ this.fromUrl = function (url, params) { if (isFunction(url)) url = url(params); if (url == null) return null; else return $http .get(url, { cache: $templateCache }) .then(function(response) { return response.data; }); }; /** * Creates a template by invoking an injectable provider function. * @function * @name $templateFactory#fromUrl * @methodOf $templateFactory * @param {Function} provider Function to invoke via `$injector.invoke` * @param {Object} params Parameters for the template. * @param {Object} [locals] Locals to pass to `invoke`. Defaults to `{ params: params }`. * @return {string|Promise.} The template html as a string, or a promise for that string. */ this.fromProvider = function (provider, params, locals) { return $injector.invoke(provider, null, locals || { params: params }); }; } angular.module('ui.router.util').service('$templateFactory', $TemplateFactory); /** * Matches URLs against patterns and extracts named parameters from the path or the search * part of the URL. A URL pattern consists of a path pattern, optionally followed by '?' and a list * of search parameters. Multiple search parameter names are separated by '&'. Search parameters * do not influence whether or not a URL is matched, but their values are passed through into * the matched parameters returned by {@link UrlMatcher#exec exec}. * * Path parameter placeholders can be specified using simple colon/catch-all syntax or curly brace * syntax, which optionally allows a regular expression for the parameter to be specified: * * * ':' name - colon placeholder * * '*' name - catch-all placeholder * * '{' name '}' - curly placeholder * * '{' name ':' regexp '}' - curly placeholder with regexp. Should the regexp itself contain * curly braces, they must be in matched pairs or escaped with a backslash. * * Parameter names may contain only word characters (latin letters, digits, and underscore) and * must be unique within the pattern (across both path and search parameters). For colon * placeholders or curly placeholders without an explicit regexp, a path parameter matches any * number of characters other than '/'. For catch-all placeholders the path parameter matches * any number of characters. * * ### Examples * * * '/hello/' - Matches only if the path is exactly '/hello/'. There is no special treatment for * trailing slashes, and patterns have to match the entire path, not just a prefix. * * '/user/:id' - Matches '/user/bob' or '/user/1234!!!' or even '/user/' but not '/user' or * '/user/bob/details'. The second path segment will be captured as the parameter 'id'. * * '/user/{id}' - Same as the previous example, but using curly brace syntax. * * '/user/{id:[^/]*}' - Same as the previous example. * * '/user/{id:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}}' - Similar to the previous example, but only matches if the id * parameter consists of 1 to 8 hex digits. * * '/files/{path:.*}' - Matches any URL starting with '/files/' and captures the rest of the * path into the parameter 'path'. * * '/files/*path' - ditto. * * @constructor * @param {string} pattern the pattern to compile into a matcher. * * @property {string} prefix A static prefix of this pattern. The matcher guarantees that any * URL matching this matcher (i.e. any string for which {@link UrlMatcher#exec exec()} returns * non-null) will start with this prefix. */ function UrlMatcher(pattern) { // Find all placeholders and create a compiled pattern, using either classic or curly syntax: // '*' name // ':' name // '{' name '}' // '{' name ':' regexp '}' // The regular expression is somewhat complicated due to the need to allow curly braces // inside the regular expression. The placeholder regexp breaks down as follows: // ([:*])(\w+) classic placeholder ($1 / $2) // \{(\w+)(?:\:( ... ))?\} curly brace placeholder ($3) with optional regexp ... ($4) // (?: ... | ... | ... )+ the regexp consists of any number of atoms, an atom being either // [^{}\\]+ - anything other than curly braces or backslash // \\. - a backslash escape // \{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\} - a matched set of curly braces containing other atoms var placeholder = /([:*])(\w+)|\{(\w+)(?:\:((?:[^{}\\]+|\\.|\{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\})+))?\}/g, names = {}, compiled = '^', last = 0, m, segments = this.segments = [], params = this.params = []; function addParameter(id) { if (!/^\w+(-+\w+)*$/.test(id)) throw new Error("Invalid parameter name '" + id + "' in pattern '" + pattern + "'"); if (names[id]) throw new Error("Duplicate parameter name '" + id + "' in pattern '" + pattern + "'"); names[id] = true; params.push(id); } function quoteRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[\\\[\]\^$*+?.()|{}]/g, "\\$&"); } this.source = pattern; // Split into static segments separated by path parameter placeholders. // The number of segments is always 1 more than the number of parameters. var id, regexp, segment; while ((m = placeholder.exec(pattern))) { id = m[2] || m[3]; // IE[78] returns '' for unmatched groups instead of null regexp = m[4] || (m[1] == '*' ? '.*' : '[^/]*'); segment = pattern.substring(last, m.index); if (segment.indexOf('?') >= 0) break; // we're into the search part compiled += quoteRegExp(segment) + '(' + regexp + ')'; addParameter(id); segments.push(segment); last = placeholder.lastIndex; } segment = pattern.substring(last); // Find any search parameter names and remove them from the last segment var i = segment.indexOf('?'); if (i >= 0) { var search = this.sourceSearch = segment.substring(i); segment = segment.substring(0, i); this.sourcePath = pattern.substring(0, last+i); // Allow parameters to be separated by '?' as well as '&' to make concat() easier forEach(search.substring(1).split(/[&?]/), addParameter); } else { this.sourcePath = pattern; this.sourceSearch = ''; } compiled += quoteRegExp(segment) + '$'; segments.push(segment); this.regexp = new RegExp(compiled); this.prefix = segments[0]; } /** * Returns a new matcher for a pattern constructed by appending the path part and adding the * search parameters of the specified pattern to this pattern. The current pattern is not * modified. This can be understood as creating a pattern for URLs that are relative to (or * suffixes of) the current pattern. * * ### Example * The following two matchers are equivalent: * ``` * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}?q').concat('/details?date'); * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}/details?q&date'); * ``` * * @param {string} pattern The pattern to append. * @return {UrlMatcher} A matcher for the concatenated pattern. */ UrlMatcher.prototype.concat = function (pattern) { // Because order of search parameters is irrelevant, we can add our own search // parameters to the end of the new pattern. Parse the new pattern by itself // and then join the bits together, but it's much easier to do this on a string level. return new UrlMatcher(this.sourcePath + pattern + this.sourceSearch); }; UrlMatcher.prototype.toString = function () { return this.source; }; /** * Tests the specified path against this matcher, and returns an object containing the captured * parameter values, or null if the path does not match. The returned object contains the values * of any search parameters that are mentioned in the pattern, but their value may be null if * they are not present in `searchParams`. This means that search parameters are always treated * as optional. * * ### Example * ``` * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}?q&r').exec('/user/bob', { x:'1', q:'hello' }); * // returns { id:'bob', q:'hello', r:null } * ``` * * @param {string} path The URL path to match, e.g. `$location.path()`. * @param {Object} searchParams URL search parameters, e.g. `$location.search()`. * @return {Object} The captured parameter values. */ UrlMatcher.prototype.exec = function (path, searchParams) { var m = this.regexp.exec(path); if (!m) return null; var params = this.params, nTotal = params.length, nPath = this.segments.length-1, values = {}, i; if (nPath !== m.length - 1) throw new Error("Unbalanced capture group in route '" + this.source + "'"); for (i=0; i} An array of parameter names. Must be treated as read-only. If the * pattern has no parameters, an empty array is returned. */ UrlMatcher.prototype.parameters = function () { return this.params; }; /** * Creates a URL that matches this pattern by substituting the specified values * for the path and search parameters. Null values for path parameters are * treated as empty strings. * * ### Example * ``` * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}?q').format({ id:'bob', q:'yes' }); * // returns '/user/bob?q=yes' * ``` * * @param {Object} values the values to substitute for the parameters in this pattern. * @return {string} the formatted URL (path and optionally search part). */ UrlMatcher.prototype.format = function (values) { var segments = this.segments, params = this.params; if (!values) return segments.join(''); var nPath = segments.length-1, nTotal = params.length, result = segments[0], i, search, value; for (i=0; i= 0) throw new Error("State must have a valid name"); if (states.hasOwnProperty(name)) throw new Error("State '" + name + "'' is already defined"); // Get parent name var parentName = (name.indexOf('.') !== -1) ? name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')) : (isString(state.parent)) ? state.parent : ''; // If parent is not registered yet, add state to queue and register later if (parentName && !states[parentName]) { return queueState(parentName, state.self); } for (var key in stateBuilder) { if (isFunction(stateBuilder[key])) state[key] = stateBuilder[key](state, stateBuilder.$delegates[key]); } states[name] = state; // Register the state in the global state list and with $urlRouter if necessary. if (!state[abstractKey] && state.url) { $urlRouterProvider.when(state.url, ['$match', '$stateParams', function ($match, $stateParams) { if ($state.$current.navigable != state || !equalForKeys($match, $stateParams)) { $state.transitionTo(state, $match, { location: false }); } }]); } // Register any queued children if (queue[name]) { for (var i = 0; i < queue[name].length; i++) { registerState(queue[name][i]); } } return state; } // Implicit root state that is always active root = registerState({ name: '', url: '^', views: null, 'abstract': true }); root.navigable = null; // .decorator() // .decorator(name) // .decorator(name, function) this.decorator = decorator; function decorator(name, func) { /*jshint validthis: true */ if (isString(name) && !isDefined(func)) { return stateBuilder[name]; } if (!isFunction(func) || !isString(name)) { return this; } if (stateBuilder[name] && !stateBuilder.$delegates[name]) { stateBuilder.$delegates[name] = stateBuilder[name]; } stateBuilder[name] = func; return this; } // .state(state) // .state(name, state) this.state = state; function state(name, definition) { /*jshint validthis: true */ if (isObject(name)) definition = name; else definition.name = name; registerState(definition); return this; } // $urlRouter is injected just to ensure it gets instantiated this.$get = $get; $get.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$q', '$view', '$injector', '$resolve', '$stateParams', '$location', '$urlRouter']; function $get( $rootScope, $q, $view, $injector, $resolve, $stateParams, $location, $urlRouter) { var TransitionSuperseded = $q.reject(new Error('transition superseded')); var TransitionPrevented = $q.reject(new Error('transition prevented')); var TransitionAborted = $q.reject(new Error('transition aborted')); var TransitionFailed = $q.reject(new Error('transition failed')); var currentLocation = $location.url(); function syncUrl() { if ($location.url() !== currentLocation) { $location.url(currentLocation); $location.replace(); } } root.locals = { resolve: null, globals: { $stateParams: {} } }; $state = { params: {}, current: root.self, $current: root, transition: null }; $state.reload = function reload() { $state.transitionTo($state.current, $stateParams, { reload: true, inherit: false, notify: false }); }; $state.go = function go(to, params, options) { return this.transitionTo(to, params, extend({ inherit: true, relative: $state.$current }, options)); }; $state.transitionTo = function transitionTo(to, toParams, options) { toParams = toParams || {}; options = extend({ location: true, inherit: false, relative: null, notify: true, reload: false, $retry: false }, options || {}); var from = $state.$current, fromParams = $state.params, fromPath = from.path; var evt, toState = findState(to, options.relative); if (!isDefined(toState)) { // Broadcast not found event and abort the transition if prevented var redirect = { to: to, toParams: toParams, options: options }; evt = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateNotFound', redirect, from.self, fromParams); if (evt.defaultPrevented) { syncUrl(); return TransitionAborted; } // Allow the handler to return a promise to defer state lookup retry if (evt.retry) { if (options.$retry) { syncUrl(); return TransitionFailed; } var retryTransition = $state.transition = $q.when(evt.retry); retryTransition.then(function() { if (retryTransition !== $state.transition) return TransitionSuperseded; redirect.options.$retry = true; return $state.transitionTo(redirect.to, redirect.toParams, redirect.options); }, function() { return TransitionAborted; }); syncUrl(); return retryTransition; } // Always retry once if the $stateNotFound was not prevented // (handles either redirect changed or state lazy-definition) to = redirect.to; toParams = redirect.toParams; options = redirect.options; toState = findState(to, options.relative); if (!isDefined(toState)) { if (options.relative) throw new Error("Could not resolve '" + to + "' from state '" + options.relative + "'"); throw new Error("No such state '" + to + "'"); } } if (toState[abstractKey]) throw new Error("Cannot transition to abstract state '" + to + "'"); if (options.inherit) toParams = inheritParams($stateParams, toParams || {}, $state.$current, toState); to = toState; var toPath = to.path; // Starting from the root of the path, keep all levels that haven't changed var keep, state, locals = root.locals, toLocals = []; for (keep = 0, state = toPath[keep]; state && state === fromPath[keep] && equalForKeys(toParams, fromParams, state.ownParams) && !options.reload; keep++, state = toPath[keep]) { locals = toLocals[keep] = state.locals; } // If we're going to the same state and all locals are kept, we've got nothing to do. // But clear 'transition', as we still want to cancel any other pending transitions. // TODO: We may not want to bump 'transition' if we're called from a location change that we've initiated ourselves, // because we might accidentally abort a legitimate transition initiated from code? if (shouldTriggerReload(to, from, locals, options) ) { if ( to.self.reloadOnSearch !== false ) syncUrl(); $state.transition = null; return $q.when($state.current); } // Normalize/filter parameters before we pass them to event handlers etc. toParams = normalize(to.params, toParams || {}); // Broadcast start event and cancel the transition if requested if (options.notify) { evt = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeStart', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams); if (evt.defaultPrevented) { syncUrl(); return TransitionPrevented; } } // Resolve locals for the remaining states, but don't update any global state just // yet -- if anything fails to resolve the current state needs to remain untouched. // We also set up an inheritance chain for the locals here. This allows the view directive // to quickly look up the correct definition for each view in the current state. Even // though we create the locals object itself outside resolveState(), it is initially // empty and gets filled asynchronously. We need to keep track of the promise for the // (fully resolved) current locals, and pass this down the chain. var resolved = $q.when(locals); for (var l=keep; l=keep; l--) { exiting = fromPath[l]; if (exiting.self.onExit) { $injector.invoke(exiting.self.onExit, exiting.self, exiting.locals.globals); } exiting.locals = null; } // Enter 'to' states not kept for (l=keep; l').html(template).contents(); animate.enter(contents, element); return contents; } }, "false": { remove: function(element) { element.html(''); }, restore: function(compiled, element) { element.append(compiled); }, populate: function(template, element) { element.html(template); return element.contents(); } } })[doAnimate.toString()]; }; // Put back the compiled initial view element.append(initialView); // Find the details of the parent view directive (if any) and use it // to derive our own qualified view name, then hang our own details // off the DOM so child directives can find it. var parent = element.parent().inheritedData('$uiView'); if (name.indexOf('@') < 0) name = name + '@' + (parent ? parent.state.name : ''); var view = { name: name, state: null }; element.data('$uiView', view); var eventHook = function() { if (viewIsUpdating) return; viewIsUpdating = true; try { updateView(true); } catch (e) { viewIsUpdating = false; throw e; } viewIsUpdating = false; }; scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', eventHook); scope.$on('$viewContentLoading', eventHook); updateView(false); function updateView(doAnimate) { var locals = $state.$current && $state.$current.locals[name]; if (locals === viewLocals) return; // nothing to do var render = renderer(animate && doAnimate); // Remove existing content render.remove(element); // Destroy previous view scope if (viewScope) { viewScope.$destroy(); viewScope = null; } if (!locals) { viewLocals = null; view.state = null; // Restore the initial view return render.restore(initialView, element); } viewLocals = locals; view.state = locals.$$state; var link = $compile(render.populate(locals.$template, element)); viewScope = scope.$new(); if (locals.$$controller) { locals.$scope = viewScope; var controller = $controller(locals.$$controller, locals); element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller); } link(viewScope); viewScope.$emit('$viewContentLoaded'); if (onloadExp) viewScope.$eval(onloadExp); // TODO: This seems strange, shouldn't $anchorScroll listen for $viewContentLoaded if necessary? // $anchorScroll might listen on event... $anchorScroll(); } }; } }; return directive; } angular.module('ui.router.state').directive('uiView', $ViewDirective); function parseStateRef(ref) { var parsed = ref.replace(/\n/g, " ").match(/^([^(]+?)\s*(\((.*)\))?$/); if (!parsed || parsed.length !== 4) throw new Error("Invalid state ref '" + ref + "'"); return { state: parsed[1], paramExpr: parsed[3] || null }; } function stateContext(el) { var stateData = el.parent().inheritedData('$uiView'); if (stateData && stateData.state && stateData.state.name) { return stateData.state; } } $StateRefDirective.$inject = ['$state', '$timeout']; function $StateRefDirective($state, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', require: '?^uiSrefActive', link: function(scope, element, attrs, uiSrefActive) { var ref = parseStateRef(attrs.uiSref); var params = null, url = null, base = stateContext(element) || $state.$current; var isForm = element[0].nodeName === "FORM"; var attr = isForm ? "action" : "href", nav = true; var update = function(newVal) { if (newVal) params = newVal; if (!nav) return; var newHref = $state.href(ref.state, params, { relative: base }); if (!newHref) { nav = false; return false; } element[0][attr] = newHref; if (uiSrefActive) { uiSrefActive.$$setStateInfo(ref.state, params); } }; if (ref.paramExpr) { scope.$watch(ref.paramExpr, function(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== params) update(newVal); }, true); params = scope.$eval(ref.paramExpr); } update(); if (isForm) return; element.bind("click", function(e) { var button = e.which || e.button; if ((button === 0 || button == 1) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey) { // HACK: This is to allow ng-clicks to be processed before the transition is initiated: $timeout(function() { scope.$apply(function() { $state.go(ref.state, params, { relative: base }); }); }); e.preventDefault(); } }); } }; } $StateActiveDirective.$inject = ['$state', '$stateParams', '$interpolate']; function $StateActiveDirective($state, $stateParams, $interpolate) { return { restrict: "A", controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { var state, params, activeClass; // There probably isn't much point in $observing this activeClass = $interpolate($attrs.uiSrefActive || '', false)($scope); // Allow uiSref to communicate with uiSrefActive this.$$setStateInfo = function(newState, newParams) { state = $state.get(newState, stateContext($element)); params = newParams; update(); }; $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', update); // Update route state function update() { if ($state.$current.self === state && matchesParams()) { $element.addClass(activeClass); } else { $element.removeClass(activeClass); } } function matchesParams() { return !params || equalForKeys(params, $stateParams); } } }; } angular.module('ui.router.state') .directive('uiSref', $StateRefDirective) .directive('uiSrefActive', $StateActiveDirective); $RouteProvider.$inject = ['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider']; function $RouteProvider( $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { var routes = []; onEnterRoute.$inject = ['$$state']; function onEnterRoute( $$state) { /*jshint validthis: true */ this.locals = $$state.locals.globals; this.params = this.locals.$stateParams; } function onExitRoute() { /*jshint validthis: true */ this.locals = null; this.params = null; } this.when = when; function when(url, route) { /*jshint validthis: true */ if (route.redirectTo != null) { // Redirect, configure directly on $urlRouterProvider var redirect = route.redirectTo, handler; if (isString(redirect)) { handler = redirect; // leave $urlRouterProvider to handle } else if (isFunction(redirect)) { // Adapt to $urlRouterProvider API handler = function (params, $location) { return redirect(params, $location.path(), $location.search()); }; } else { throw new Error("Invalid 'redirectTo' in when()"); } $urlRouterProvider.when(url, handler); } else { // Regular route, configure as state $stateProvider.state(inherit(route, { parent: null, name: 'route:' + encodeURIComponent(url), url: url, onEnter: onEnterRoute, onExit: onExitRoute })); } routes.push(route); return this; } this.$get = $get; $get.$inject = ['$state', '$rootScope', '$routeParams']; function $get( $state, $rootScope, $routeParams) { var $route = { routes: routes, params: $routeParams, current: undefined }; function stateAsRoute(state) { return (state.name !== '') ? state : undefined; } $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (ev, to, toParams, from, fromParams) { $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeStart', stateAsRoute(to), stateAsRoute(from)); }); $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (ev, to, toParams, from, fromParams) { $route.current = stateAsRoute(to); $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeSuccess', stateAsRoute(to), stateAsRoute(from)); copy(toParams, $route.params); }); $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function (ev, to, toParams, from, fromParams, error) { $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeError', stateAsRoute(to), stateAsRoute(from), error); }); return $route; } } angular.module('ui.router.compat') .provider('$route', $RouteProvider) .directive('ngView', $ViewDirective); })(window, window.angular);