'use strict'; /** * Document edition controller. */ App.controller('DocumentEdit', function($rootScope, $scope, $q, $http, $state, $stateParams, Restangular, Tag) { // Alerts $scope.alerts = []; /** * Close an alert. */ $scope.closeAlert = function(index) { $scope.alerts.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Returns a promise for typeahead title. */ $scope.getTitleTypeahead = function($viewValue) { var deferred = $q.defer(); Restangular.one('document') .getList('list', { limit: 5, sort_column: 1, asc: true, search: $viewValue }).then(function(data) { deferred.resolve(_.uniq(_.pluck(data.documents, 'title'), true)); }); return deferred.promise; }; /** * Returns true if in edit mode (false in add mode). */ $scope.isEdit = function() { return $stateParams.id; }; /** * Reset the form to add a new document. */ $scope.resetForm = function() { $scope.document = { tags: [], language: 'fra' }; $scope.newFiles = []; }; /** * Edit a document. */ $scope.edit = function() { var promise = null; var document = angular.copy($scope.document); // Transform date to timestamp if (document.create_date instanceof Date) { document.create_date = document.create_date.getTime(); } // Extract ids from tags document.tags = _.pluck(document.tags, 'id'); if ($scope.isEdit()) { promise = Restangular .one('document', $stateParams.id) .post('', document); } else { promise = Restangular .one('document') .put(document); } // Upload files after edition promise.then(function(data) { $scope.fileProgress = 0; // When all files upload are over, move on var navigateNext = function() { if ($scope.isEdit()) { // Go back to the edited document $scope.pageDocuments(); $state.transitionTo('document.view', { id: $stateParams.id }); } else { // Reset the scope and stay here var fileUploadCount = _.size($scope.newFiles); $scope.alerts.unshift({ type: 'success', msg: 'Document successfully added (with ' + fileUploadCount + ' file' + (fileUploadCount > 1 ? 's' : '') + ')' }); $scope.resetForm(); $scope.loadDocuments(); } } if (_.size($scope.newFiles) == 0) { navigateNext(); } else { $scope.fileIsUploading = true; $rootScope.pageTitle = '0% - Sismics Docs'; // Send a file from the input file array and return a promise var sendFile = function(key) { // Build the payload var file = $scope.newFiles[key]; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('id', data.id); formData.append('file', file); // Send the file var promiseFile = $http.put('api/file', formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': false }, transformRequest: function(data) { return data; } }); // TODO Handle progression when $q.notify will be released promiseFile.then(function() { $scope.fileProgress += 100 / _.size($scope.newFiles); $rootScope.pageTitle = Math.round($scope.fileProgress) + '% - Sismics Docs'; }); return promiseFile; }; // Upload files sequentially var key = 0; var then = function() { key++; if ($scope.newFiles[key]) { sendFile(key).then(then); } else { $scope.fileIsUploading = false; $scope.fileProgress = 0; $rootScope.pageTitle = 'Sismics Docs'; navigateNext(); } }; sendFile(key).then(then); } }); }; /** * Cancel edition. */ $scope.cancel = function() { if ($scope.isEdit()) { $state.transitionTo('document.view', { id: $stateParams.id }); } else { $state.transitionTo('document.default'); } }; /** * In edit mode, load the current document. */ if ($scope.isEdit()) { Restangular.one('document', $stateParams.id).get().then(function(data) { $scope.document = data; }); } else { $scope.resetForm(); } });