'use strict'; /** * Document controller. */ App.controller('Document', function($scope, $state, Restangular) { /** * Documents table sort status. */ $scope.sortColumn = 3; $scope.asc = false; $scope.offset = 0; $scope.currentPage = 1; $scope.limit = 10; $scope.isAdvancedSearchCollapsed = true; /** * Initialize search criterias. */ $scope.initSearch = function() { $scope.search = { query: '', createDateMin: null, createDateMax: null, tags: [] }; }; $scope.initSearch(); /** * Load new documents page. */ $scope.pageDocuments = function() { Restangular.one('document') .getList('list', { offset: $scope.offset, limit: $scope.limit, sort_column: $scope.sortColumn, asc: $scope.asc, search: $scope.search.query, create_date_min: $scope.isAdvancedSearchCollapsed || !$scope.search.createDateMin ? null : $scope.search.createDateMin.getTime(), create_date_max: $scope.isAdvancedSearchCollapsed || !$scope.search.createDateMax ? null : $scope.search.createDateMax.getTime(), 'tags': $scope.isAdvancedSearchCollapsed ? null : _.pluck($scope.search.tags, 'id') }) .then(function(data) { $scope.documents = data.documents; $scope.totalDocuments = data.total; $scope.numPages = Math.ceil(data.total / $scope.limit); }); }; /** * Reload documents. */ $scope.loadDocuments = function() { $scope.offset = 0; $scope.currentPage = 1; $scope.pageDocuments(); }; /** * Watch for current page change. */ $scope.$watch('currentPage', function(prev, next) { if (prev == next) { return; } $scope.offset = ($scope.currentPage - 1) * $scope.limit; $scope.pageDocuments(); }); /** * Watch for search change. */ $scope.$watch('search', function(prev, next) { $scope.loadDocuments(); }, true); /** * Sort documents. */ $scope.sortDocuments = function(sortColumn) { if (sortColumn == $scope.sortColumn) { $scope.asc = !$scope.asc; } else { $scope.asc = true; } $scope.sortColumn = sortColumn; $scope.loadDocuments(); }; /** * Go to add document form. */ $scope.addDocument = function() { $state.transitionTo('document.add'); }; /** * Go to edit document form. */ $scope.editDocument = function(id) { $state.transitionTo('document.edit', { id: id }); }; /** * Display a document. */ $scope.viewDocument = function(id) { $state.transitionTo('document.view', { id: id }); }; });