package; import; import; import com.sismics.util.mime.MimeTypeUtil; import jakarta.persistence.*; import java.util.Date; /** * File entity. * * @author bgamard */ @Entity @Table(name = "T_FILE") public class File implements Loggable { /** * File ID. */ @Id @Column(name = "FIL_ID_C", length = 36) private String id; /** * Document ID. */ @Column(name = "FIL_IDDOC_C", length = 36) private String documentId; /** * User ID. */ @Column(name = "FIL_IDUSER_C", length = 36, nullable = false) private String userId; /** * Name. */ @Column(name = "FIL_NAME_C", length = 200) private String name; /** * MIME type. */ @Column(name = "FIL_MIMETYPE_C", length = 100) private String mimeType; /** * OCR-ized content. */ @Column(name = "FIL_CONTENT_C") private String content; /** * Creation date. */ @Column(name = "FIL_CREATEDATE_D", nullable = false) private Date createDate; /** * Deletion date. */ @Column(name = "FIL_DELETEDATE_D") private Date deleteDate; /** * Display order of this file. */ @Column(name = "FIL_ORDER_N") private Integer order; /** * Version ID. */ @Column(name = "FIL_IDVERSION_C") private String versionId; /** * Version number (starting at 0). */ @Column(name = "FIL_VERSION_N", nullable = false) private Integer version; /** * True if it's the latest version of the file. */ @Column(name = "FIL_LATESTVERSION_B", nullable = false) private boolean latestVersion; public static final Long UNKNOWN_SIZE = -1L; /** * Can be {@link File#UNKNOWN_SIZE} if the size has not been stored in the database when the file has been uploaded */ @Column(name = "FIL_SIZE_N", nullable = false) private Long size; /** * Private key to decrypt the file. * Not saved to database, of course. */ @Transient private String privateKey; public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getDocumentId() { return documentId; } public void setDocumentId(String documentId) { this.documentId = documentId; } public String getName() { return name; } public File setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } public void setMimeType(String mimeType) { this.mimeType = mimeType; } public Date getCreateDate() { return createDate; } public void setCreateDate(Date createDate) { this.createDate = createDate; } @Override public Date getDeleteDate() { return deleteDate; } public void setDeleteDate(Date deleteDate) { this.deleteDate = deleteDate; } public String getContent() { return content; } public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } public Integer getOrder() { return order; } public void setOrder(Integer order) { this.order = order; } public String getUserId() { return userId; } public void setUserId(String userId) { this.userId = userId; } public String getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } public void setPrivateKey(String privateKey) { this.privateKey = privateKey; } public String getVersionId() { return versionId; } public File setVersionId(String versionId) { this.versionId = versionId; return this; } public Integer getVersion() { return version; } public File setVersion(Integer version) { this.version = version; return this; } public boolean isLatestVersion() { return latestVersion; } public File setLatestVersion(boolean latestVersion) { this.latestVersion = latestVersion; return this; } /** * Can return {@link File#UNKNOWN_SIZE} if the file size is not stored in the database. */ public Long getSize() { return size; } public File setSize(Long size) { this.size = size; return this; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("id", id) .add("name", name) .toString(); } @Override public String toMessage() { // Attached document ID and name concatenated return (documentId == null ? Strings.repeat(" ", 36) : documentId) + name; } /** * Build the full file name. * * @param def Default name if the file doesn't have one. * @return File name */ public String getFullName(String def) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { return def + "." + MimeTypeUtil.getFileExtension(mimeType); } return name; } }