package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sismics.util.JsonUtil; import com.sismics.util.context.ThreadLocalContext; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import*; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; /** * Share REST resources. * * @author bgamard */ @Path("/share") public class ShareResource extends BaseResource { /** * Add a share to a document. * * @api {put} /share Share a document * @apiName PutShare * @apiGroup Share * @apiParam {String} id Document ID * @apiParam {String} name Share name * @apiSuccess {String} id Acl ID * @apiSuccess {String="READ","WRITE"} perm Permission * @apiSuccess {String} name Share name * @apiSuccess {String="SHARE"} type ACL type (always SHARE) * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (client) NotFound Share not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param documentId Document ID * @param name Share name * @return Response */ @PUT public Response add( @FormParam("id") String documentId, @FormParam("name") String name) { if (!authenticate() || principal.isGuest()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Validate input data ValidationUtil.validateRequired(documentId, "id"); name = ValidationUtil.validateLength(name, "name", 1, 36, true); // Check write permission on the document AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(documentId, PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Create the share ShareDao shareDao = new ShareDao(); Share share = new Share(); share.setName(name); shareDao.create(share); // Create the ACL Acl acl = new Acl(); acl.setSourceId(documentId); acl.setPerm(PermType.READ); acl.setType(AclType.USER); acl.setTargetId(share.getId()); aclDao.create(acl, principal.getId()); // Raise a document updated event DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent event = new DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent(); event.setUserId(principal.getId()); event.setDocumentId(documentId); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(event); // Returns the created ACL JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("perm", acl.getPerm().name()) .add("id", acl.getTargetId()) .add("name", JsonUtil.nullable(name)) .add("type", AclTargetType.SHARE.toString()); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Deletes a share. * * @api {delete} /share/:id Unshare a document * @apiName DeleteShare * @apiGroup Share * @apiParam {String} id Acl ID * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ShareNotFound Share not found * @apiError (client) DocumentNotFound Document not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param id Share ID * @return Response */ @DELETE @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}") public Response delete( @PathParam("id") String id) { if (!authenticate() || principal.isGuest()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Check that the user can share the linked document AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); List aclList = aclDao.getByTargetId(id); if (aclList.isEmpty()) { throw new ClientException("ShareNotFound", MessageFormat.format("Share not found: {0}", id)); } Acl acl = aclList.get(0); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(acl.getSourceId(), PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new ClientException("DocumentNotFound", MessageFormat.format("Document not found: {0}", acl.getSourceId())); } // Delete the share ShareDao shareDao = new ShareDao(); shareDao.delete(id); // Raise a document updated event DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent event = new DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent(); event.setUserId(principal.getId()); event.setDocumentId(acl.getSourceId()); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(event); // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } }