'use strict'; /** * Document view controller. */ App.controller('DocumentView', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $location, $dialog, Restangular) { // Load data from server Restangular.one('document', $stateParams.id).get().then(function(data) { $scope.document = data; }); /** * Configuration for file sorting. */ $scope.fileSortableOptions = { forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, tolerance: 'pointer', handle: '.handle', stop: function (e, ui) { // Send new positions to server $scope.$apply(function () { Restangular.one('file').post('reorder', { id: $stateParams.id, order: _.pluck($scope.files, 'id') }); }); } }; /** * Load files from server. */ $scope.loadFiles = function () { Restangular.one('file').getList('list', { id: $stateParams.id }).then(function (data) { $scope.files = data.files; }); }; $scope.loadFiles(); /** * Navigate to the selected file. */ $scope.openFile = function (file) { $state.transitionTo('document.view.file', { id: $stateParams.id, fileId: file.id }) }; /** * Delete a document. */ $scope.deleteDocument = function (document) { var title = 'Delete document'; var msg = 'Do you really want to delete this document?'; var btns = [ {result: 'cancel', label: 'Cancel'}, {result: 'ok', label: 'OK', cssClass: 'btn-primary'} ]; $dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns) .open() .then(function (result) { if (result == 'ok') { Restangular.one('document', document.id).remove().then(function () { $scope.loadDocuments(); $state.transitionTo('document.default'); }); } }); }; /** * Delete a file. */ $scope.deleteFile = function (file) { var title = 'Delete file'; var msg = 'Do you really want to delete this file?'; var btns = [ {result: 'cancel', label: 'Cancel'}, {result: 'ok', label: 'OK', cssClass: 'btn-primary'} ]; $dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns) .open() .then(function (result) { if (result == 'ok') { Restangular.one('file', file.id).remove().then(function () { $scope.loadFiles(); }); } }); }; /** * Open the share dialog. */ $scope.share = function () { $dialog.dialog({ keyboard: true, templateUrl: 'partial/docs/document.share.html', controller: function ($scope, dialog) { $scope.name = ''; $scope.close = function (name) { dialog.close(name); } } }).open().then(function (name) { if (name == null) { return; } // Share the document Restangular.one('share').put({ name: name, id: $stateParams.id }).then(function (data) { var share = { name: name, id: data.id }; // Display the new share and add it to the local shares $scope.showShare(share); $scope.document.shares.push(share); }) }); }; /** * Display a share. */ $scope.showShare = function(share) { // Show the link var link = $location.absUrl().replace($location.path(), '').replace('#', '') + 'share.html#/share/' + $stateParams.id + '/' + share.id; var title = 'Shared document'; var msg = 'You can share this document by giving this link. ' + 'Note that everyone having this link can see the document.
' + ''; var btns = [ {result: 'unshare', label: 'Unshare', cssClass: 'btn-danger'}, {result: 'close', label: 'Close'} ]; $dialog.messageBox(title, msg, btns) .open() .then(function (result) { if (result == 'unshare') { // Unshare this document and update the local shares Restangular.one('share', share.id).remove().then(function () { $scope.document.shares = _.reject($scope.document.shares, function(s) { return share.id == s.id; }); }); } }); }; });