{ "login": { "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "validation_code_required": "A validation code is required", "validation_code_title": "You have activated the two-factor authentication on your account. Please enter a validation code generated by the phone app your configured.", "validation_code": "Validation code", "remember_me": "Remember me", "submit": "Sign in", "login_as_guest": "Login as guest", "login_failed_title": "Login failed", "login_failed_message": "Username or password invalid" }, "index": { "toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation", "nav_documents": "Documents", "nav_tags": "Tags", "nav_users_groups": "Users & Groups", "error_info": "{{ count }} new error{{ count > 1 ? 's' : '' }}", "logged_as": "Logged in as {{ username }}", "nav_settings": "Settings", "logout": "Logout" }, "document": { "view": { "content": { "delete_file_title": "Delete file", "delete_file_message": "Do you really want to delete this file?", "upload_pending": "Pending...", "upload_progress": "Uploading...", "upload_error": "Upload error", "upload_error_quota": "Quota reached" }, "delete_comment_title": "Delete comment", "delete_comment_message": "Do you really want to delete this comment?", "delete_document_title": "Delete document", "delete_document_message": "Do you really want to delete this document?", "shared_document_title": "Shared document", "shared_document_message": "You can share this document by giving this link. Note that everyone having this link can see the document.
" }, "edit": { "document_edited_with_errors": "Document successfully edited but some files cannot be uploaded", "document_added_with_errors": "Document successfully added but some files cannot be uploaded", "quota_reached": "Quota reached" }, "default": { "upload_pending": "Pending...", "upload_progress": "Uploading...", "upload_error": "Upload error", "upload_error_quota": "Quota reached" } }, "tag": { "edit": { "delete_tag_title": "Delete tag", "delete_tag_message": "Do you really want to delete this tag?" } }, "settings": { "user": { "edit": { "delete_user_title": "Delete user", "delete_user_message": "Do you really want to delete this user? All associated documents, files and tags will be deleted" } }, "security": { "enable_totp_title": "Enable two-factor authentication", "enable_totp_message": "Make sure you have a TOTP-compatible application on your phone ready to add a new account" }, "group": { "edit": { "delete_group_title": "Delete group", "delete_group_message": "Do you really want to delete this group?" } }, "account": { "updated": "Account successfully updated" } }, "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "unshare": "Unshare", "close": "Close" }