package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sismics.util.HttpUtil; import com.sismics.util.JsonUtil; import com.sismics.util.context.ThreadLocalContext; import com.sismics.util.mime.MimeType; import; import; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; import; import; /** * File REST resources. * * @author bgamard */ @Path("/file") public class FileResource extends BaseResource { /** * Add a file (with or without a document). * * @api {put} /file Add a file * @apiDescription A file can be added without associated document, and will go in a temporary storage waiting for one. * This resource accepts only multipart/form-data. * @apiName PutFile * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id Document ID * @apiParam {String} previousFileId ID of the file to replace by this new version * @apiParam {String} file File data * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiSuccess {String} id File ID * @apiSuccess {Number} size File size (in bytes) * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found * @apiError (server) StreamError Error reading the input file * @apiError (server) ErrorGuessMime Error guessing mime type * @apiError (client) QuotaReached Quota limit reached * @apiError (server) FileError Error adding a file * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param documentId Document ID * @param fileBodyPart File to add * @return Response */ @PUT @Consumes("multipart/form-data") public Response add( @FormDataParam("id") String documentId, @FormDataParam("previousFileId") String previousFileId, @FormDataParam("file") FormDataBodyPart fileBodyPart) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Validate input data ValidationUtil.validateRequired(fileBodyPart, "file"); // Get the document DocumentDto documentDto = null; if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(documentId)) { documentId = null; } else { DocumentDao documentDao = new DocumentDao(); documentDto = documentDao.getDocument(documentId, PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null)); if (documentDto == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } } // Keep unencrypted data temporary on disk String name = fileBodyPart.getContentDisposition() != null ? URLDecoder.decode(fileBodyPart.getContentDisposition().getFileName(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) : null; java.nio.file.Path unencryptedFile; long fileSize; try { unencryptedFile = AppContext.getInstance().getFileService().createTemporaryFile(name); Files.copy(fileBodyPart.getValueAs(InputStream.class), unencryptedFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); fileSize = Files.size(unencryptedFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ServerException("StreamError", "Error reading the input file", e); } try { String fileId = FileUtil.createFile(name, previousFileId, unencryptedFile, fileSize, documentDto == null ? null : documentDto.getLanguage(), principal.getId(), documentId); // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok") .add("id", fileId) .add("size", fileSize); return Response.ok().entity(; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ClientException(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServerException("FileError", "Error adding a file", e); } } /** * Attach a file to a document. * * @api {post} /file/:fileId/attach Attach a file to a document * @apiName PostFileAttach * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} fileId File ID * @apiParam {String} id Document ID * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (client) IllegalFile File not orphan * @apiError (server) AttachError Error attaching file to document * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param id File ID * @return Response */ @POST @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}/attach") public Response attach( @PathParam("id") String id, @FormParam("id") String documentId) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Validate input data ValidationUtil.validateRequired(documentId, "documentId"); // Get the current user UserDao userDao = new UserDao(); User user = userDao.getById(principal.getId()); // Get the document and the file DocumentDao documentDao = new DocumentDao(); FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); File file = fileDao.getFile(id, principal.getId()); DocumentDto documentDto = documentDao.getDocument(documentId, PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null)); if (file == null || documentDto == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Check that the file is orphan if (file.getDocumentId() != null) { throw new ClientException("IllegalFile", MessageFormat.format("File not orphan: {0}", id)); } // Update the file file.setDocumentId(documentId); file.setOrder(fileDao.getByDocumentId(principal.getId(), documentId).size()); fileDao.update(file); // Raise a new file updated event and document updated event (it wasn't sent during file creation) try { java.nio.file.Path storedFile = DirectoryUtil.getStorageDirectory().resolve(id); java.nio.file.Path unencryptedFile = EncryptionUtil.decryptFile(storedFile, user.getPrivateKey()); FileUtil.startProcessingFile(id); FileUpdatedAsyncEvent fileUpdatedAsyncEvent = new FileUpdatedAsyncEvent(); fileUpdatedAsyncEvent.setUserId(principal.getId()); fileUpdatedAsyncEvent.setLanguage(documentDto.getLanguage()); fileUpdatedAsyncEvent.setFileId(file.getId()); fileUpdatedAsyncEvent.setUnencryptedFile(unencryptedFile); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(fileUpdatedAsyncEvent); DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent documentUpdatedAsyncEvent = new DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent(); documentUpdatedAsyncEvent.setUserId(principal.getId()); documentUpdatedAsyncEvent.setDocumentId(documentId); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(documentUpdatedAsyncEvent); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServerException("AttachError", "Error attaching file to document", e); } // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Update a file. * * @api {post} /file/:id Update a file * @apiName PostFile * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id File ID * @apiParam {String} name Name * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.6.0 * * @param id File ID * @return Response */ @POST @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}") public Response update(@PathParam("id") String id, @FormParam("name") String name) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Get the file File file = findFile(id, null); // Validate input data name = ValidationUtil.validateLength(name, "name", 1, 200, false); // Update the file FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); file.setName(name); fileDao.update(file); // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Process a file manually. * * @api {post} /file/:id/process Process a file manually * @apiName PostFileProcess * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id File ID * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (server) ProcessingError Processing error * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.6.0 * * @param id File ID * @return Response */ @POST @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}/process") public Response process(@PathParam("id") String id) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Get the document and the file DocumentDao documentDao = new DocumentDao(); FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); File file = fileDao.getFile(id); if (file == null || file.getDocumentId() == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } DocumentDto documentDto = documentDao.getDocument(file.getDocumentId(), PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null)); if (documentDto == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Get the creating user UserDao userDao = new UserDao(); User user = userDao.getById(file.getUserId()); // Start the processing asynchronously try { java.nio.file.Path storedFile = DirectoryUtil.getStorageDirectory().resolve(id); java.nio.file.Path unencryptedFile = EncryptionUtil.decryptFile(storedFile, user.getPrivateKey()); FileUtil.startProcessingFile(id); FileUpdatedAsyncEvent event = new FileUpdatedAsyncEvent(); event.setUserId(principal.getId()); event.setLanguage(documentDto.getLanguage()); event.setFileId(file.getId()); event.setUnencryptedFile(unencryptedFile); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(event); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServerException("ProcessingError", "Error processing this file", e); } // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Reorder files. * * @api {post} /file/:reorder Reorder files * @apiName PostFileReorder * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id Document ID * @apiParam {String[]} order List of files ID * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param documentId Document ID * @param idList List of files ID in the new order * @return Response */ @POST @Path("reorder") public Response reorder( @FormParam("id") String documentId, @FormParam("order") List idList) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Validate input data ValidationUtil.validateRequired(documentId, "id"); ValidationUtil.validateRequired(idList, "order"); // Get the document AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(documentId, PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Reorder files FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); for (File file : fileDao.getByDocumentId(principal.getId(), documentId)) { int order = idList.lastIndexOf(file.getId()); if (order != -1) { file.setOrder(order); } } // Raise a document updated event DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent event = new DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent(); event.setUserId(principal.getId()); event.setDocumentId(documentId); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(event); // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Returns files linked to a document or not linked to any document. * * @api {get} /file/list Get files * @apiName GetFileList * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id Document ID * @apiParam {String} share Share ID * @apiSuccess {Object[]} files List of files * @apiSuccess {String} ID * @apiSuccess {String} files.processing True if the file is currently processing * @apiSuccess {String} File name * @apiSuccess {String} files.version Zero-based version number * @apiSuccess {String} files.mimetype MIME type * @apiSuccess {String} files.document_id Document ID * @apiSuccess {String} files.create_date Create date (timestamp) * @apiSuccess {String} files.size File size (in bytes) * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) NotFound Document not found * @apiError (server) FileError Unable to get the size of a file * @apiPermission none * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param documentId Document ID * @param shareId Sharing ID * @return Response */ @GET @Path("list") public Response list( @QueryParam("id") String documentId, @QueryParam("share") String shareId) { boolean authenticated = authenticate(); // Check document visibility if (documentId != null) { AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(documentId, PermType.READ, getTargetIdList(shareId))) { throw new NotFoundException(); } } else if (!authenticated) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); JsonArrayBuilder files = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (File fileDb : fileDao.getByDocumentId(principal.getId(), documentId)) { files.add(RestUtil.fileToJsonObjectBuilder(fileDb)); } JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("files", files); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * List all versions of a file. * * @api {get} /file/id/versions Get versions of a file * @apiName GetFileVersions * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id File ID * @apiSuccess {Object[]} files List of files * @apiSuccess {String} ID * @apiSuccess {String} File name * @apiSuccess {String} files.version Zero-based version number * @apiSuccess {String} files.mimetype MIME type * @apiSuccess {String} files.create_date Create date (timestamp) * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) NotFound File not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param id File ID * @return Response */ @GET @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}/versions") public Response versions(@PathParam("id") String id) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Get versions File file = findFile(id, null); FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); List fileList = Lists.newArrayList(file); if (file.getVersionId() != null) { fileList = fileDao.getByVersionId(file.getVersionId()); } JsonArrayBuilder files = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (File fileDb : fileList) { files.add(Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("id", fileDb.getId()) .add("name", JsonUtil.nullable(fileDb.getName())) .add("version", fileDb.getVersion()) .add("mimetype", fileDb.getMimeType()) .add("create_date", fileDb.getCreateDate().getTime())); } JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("files", files); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Deletes a file. * * @api {delete} /file/:id Delete a file * @apiName DeleteFile * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id File ID * @apiParam {String} share Share ID * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) NotFound File or document not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param id File ID * @return Response */ @DELETE @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}") public Response delete( @PathParam("id") String id) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Get the file File file = findFile(id, null); // Delete the file FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); fileDao.delete(file.getId(), principal.getId()); // Update the user quota UserDao userDao = new UserDao(); User user = userDao.getById(principal.getId()); java.nio.file.Path storedFile = DirectoryUtil.getStorageDirectory().resolve(id); try { user.setStorageCurrent(user.getStorageCurrent() - Files.size(storedFile)); userDao.updateQuota(user); } catch (IOException e) { // The file doesn't exists on disk, which is weird, but not fatal } // Raise a new file deleted event FileDeletedAsyncEvent fileDeletedAsyncEvent = new FileDeletedAsyncEvent(); fileDeletedAsyncEvent.setUserId(principal.getId()); fileDeletedAsyncEvent.setFileId(file.getId()); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(fileDeletedAsyncEvent); if (file.getDocumentId() != null) { // Raise a new document updated DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent documentUpdatedAsyncEvent = new DocumentUpdatedAsyncEvent(); documentUpdatedAsyncEvent.setUserId(principal.getId()); documentUpdatedAsyncEvent.setDocumentId(file.getDocumentId()); ThreadLocalContext.get().addAsyncEvent(documentUpdatedAsyncEvent); } // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Returns a file. * * @api {get} /file/:id/data Get a file data * @apiName GetFile * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id File ID * @apiParam {String} share Share ID * @apiParam {String="web","thumb","content"} [size] Size variation * @apiSuccess {Object} file The file data is the whole response * @apiError (client) SizeError Size must be web or thumb * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied or document not visible * @apiError (client) NotFound File not found * @apiError (server) ServiceUnavailable Error reading the file * @apiPermission none * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param fileId File ID * @return Response */ @GET @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}/data") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) public Response data( @PathParam("id") final String fileId, @QueryParam("share") String shareId, @QueryParam("size") String size) { authenticate(); if (size != null && !Lists.newArrayList("web", "thumb", "content").contains(size)) { throw new ClientException("SizeError", "Size must be web, thumb or content"); } // Get the file File file = findFile(fileId, shareId); // Get the stored file UserDao userDao = new UserDao(); java.nio.file.Path storedFile; String mimeType; boolean decrypt; if (size != null) { if (size.equals("content")) { return Response.ok(Strings.nullToEmpty(file.getContent())) .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") .build(); } storedFile = DirectoryUtil.getStorageDirectory().resolve(fileId + "_" + size); mimeType = MimeType.IMAGE_JPEG; // Thumbnails are JPEG decrypt = true; // Thumbnails are encrypted if (!Files.exists(storedFile)) { try { storedFile = Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/image/file-" + size + ".png").toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // Ignore } mimeType = MimeType.IMAGE_PNG; decrypt = false; } } else { storedFile = DirectoryUtil.getStorageDirectory().resolve(fileId); mimeType = file.getMimeType(); decrypt = true; // Original files are encrypted } // Stream the output and decrypt it if necessary StreamingOutput stream; // A file is always encrypted by the creator of it User user = userDao.getById(file.getUserId()); // Write the decrypted file to the output try { InputStream fileInputStream = Files.newInputStream(storedFile); final InputStream responseInputStream = decrypt ? EncryptionUtil.decryptInputStream(fileInputStream, user.getPrivateKey()) : fileInputStream; stream = outputStream -> { try { ByteStreams.copy(responseInputStream, outputStream); } finally { try { responseInputStream.close(); outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } }; } catch (Exception e) { return Response.status(Status.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE).build(); } Response.ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(stream) .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "inline; filename=\"" + file.getFullName("data") + "\"") .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, mimeType); if (decrypt) { // Cache real files builder.header(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "private") .header(HttpHeaders.EXPIRES, HttpUtil.buildExpiresHeader(3_600_000L * 24L * 365L)); } else { // Do not cache the temporary thumbnail builder.header(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store, must-revalidate") .header(HttpHeaders.EXPIRES, "0"); } return; } /** * Returns all files from a document, zipped. * * @api {get} /file/zip Returns all files from a document, zipped. * @apiName GetFileZip * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String} id Document ID * @apiParam {String} share Share ID * @apiSuccess {Object} file The ZIP file is the whole response * @apiError (client) NotFoundException Document not found * @apiError (server) InternalServerError Error creating the ZIP file * @apiPermission none * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param documentId Document ID * @param shareId Share ID * @return Response */ @GET @Path("zip") @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN}) public Response zip( @QueryParam("id") String documentId, @QueryParam("share") String shareId) { authenticate(); // Get the document DocumentDao documentDao = new DocumentDao(); DocumentDto documentDto = documentDao.getDocument(documentId, PermType.READ, getTargetIdList(shareId)); if (documentDto == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Get files associated with this document FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); final List fileList = fileDao.getByDocumentId(principal.getId(), documentId); String zipFileName = documentDto.getTitle().replaceAll("\\W+", "_"); return sendZippedFiles(zipFileName, fileList); } /** * Returns a list of files, zipped * * @api {post} /file/zip Returns a list of files, zipped * @apiName GetFilesZip * @apiGroup File * @apiParam {String[]} files IDs * @apiSuccess {Object} file The ZIP file is the whole response * @apiError (client) NotFoundException Files not found * @apiError (server) InternalServerError Error creating the ZIP file * @apiPermission none * @apiVersion 1.11.0 * * @param filesIdsList Files IDs * @return Response */ @POST @Path("zip") @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN}) public Response zip( @FormParam("files") List filesIdsList) { authenticate(); List fileList = findFiles(filesIdsList); return sendZippedFiles("files", fileList); } /** * Sent the content of a list of files. */ private Response sendZippedFiles(String zipFileName, List fileList) { final UserDao userDao = new UserDao(); // Create the ZIP stream StreamingOutput stream = outputStream -> { try (ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream)) { // Add each file to the ZIP stream int index = 0; for (File file : fileList) { java.nio.file.Path storedfile = DirectoryUtil.getStorageDirectory().resolve(file.getId()); InputStream fileInputStream = Files.newInputStream(storedfile); // Add the decrypted file to the ZIP stream // Files are encrypted by the creator of them User user = userDao.getById(file.getUserId()); try (InputStream decryptedStream = EncryptionUtil.decryptInputStream(fileInputStream, user.getPrivateKey())) { ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(index + "-" + file.getFullName(Integer.toString(index))); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); ByteStreams.copy(decryptedStream, zipOutputStream); zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } index++; } } outputStream.close(); }; // Write to the output return Response.ok(stream) .header("Content-Type", "application/zip") .header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + zipFileName + ".zip\"") .build(); } /** * Find a file with access rights checking. * * @param fileId File ID * @param shareId Share ID * @return File */ private File findFile(String fileId, String shareId) { FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); File file = fileDao.getFile(fileId); if (file == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } checkFileAccessible(shareId, file); return file; } /** * Find a list of files with access rights checking. * * @param filesIds Files IDs * @return List */ private List findFiles(List filesIds) { FileDao fileDao = new FileDao(); List files = fileDao.getFiles(filesIds); for (File file : files) { checkFileAccessible(null, file); } return files; } /** * Check if a file is accessible to the current user * @param shareId Share ID * @param file */ private void checkFileAccessible(String shareId, File file) { if (file.getDocumentId() == null) { // It's an orphan file if (!file.getUserId().equals(principal.getId())) { // But not ours throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } } else { // Check document accessibility AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(file.getDocumentId(), PermType.READ, getTargetIdList(shareId))) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } } } }