package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import*; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Tag REST resources. * * @author bgamard */ @Path("/tag") public class TagResource extends BaseResource { /** * Returns the list of all visible tags. * * @api {get} /tag/list Get tags * @apiName GetTagList * @apiGroup Tag * @apiSuccess {Object[]} tags List of tags * @apiSuccess {String} ID * @apiSuccess {String} Name * @apiSuccess {String} tags.color Color * @apiSuccess {String} tags.parent Parent * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @return Response */ @GET @Path("/list") public Response list() { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } TagDao tagDao = new TagDao(); List tagDtoList = tagDao.findByCriteria(new TagCriteria().setTargetIdList(getTargetIdList(null)), new SortCriteria(1, true)); // Extract tag IDs Set tagIdSet = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TagDto tagDto : tagDtoList) { tagIdSet.add(tagDto.getId()); } // Build the response JsonArrayBuilder items = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (TagDto tagDto : tagDtoList) { JsonObjectBuilder item = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("id", tagDto.getId()) .add("name", tagDto.getName()) .add("color", tagDto.getColor()); if (tagIdSet.contains(tagDto.getParentId())) { item.add("parent", tagDto.getParentId()); } items.add(item); } JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("tags", items); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Returns a tag. * * @api {get} /tag/:id Get a tag * @apiName GetTag * @apiGroup Tag * @apiSuccess {String} id ID * @apiSuccess {String} name Name * @apiSuccess {String} creator Username of the creator * @apiSuccess {String} color Color * @apiSuccess {String} parent Parent * @apiSuccess {Boolean} writable True if the tag is writable by the current user * @apiSuccess {Object[]} acls List of ACL * @apiSuccess {String} ID * @apiSuccess {String="READ","WRITE"} acls.perm Permission * @apiSuccess {String} Target name * @apiSuccess {String="USER","GROUP","SHARE"} acls.type Target type * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) NotFound Tag not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param id Tag ID * @return Response */ @GET @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}") public Response get(@PathParam("id") String id) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } TagDao tagDao = new TagDao(); List tagDtoList = tagDao.findByCriteria(new TagCriteria().setTargetIdList(getTargetIdList(null)).setId(id), null); if (tagDtoList.isEmpty()) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Add tag informatiosn TagDto tagDto = tagDtoList.get(0); JsonObjectBuilder tag = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("id", tagDto.getId()) .add("creator", tagDto.getCreator()) .add("name", tagDto.getName()) .add("color", tagDto.getColor()); // Add the parent if its visible if (tagDto.getParentId() != null) { AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (aclDao.checkPermission(tagDto.getParentId(), PermType.READ, getTargetIdList(null))) { tag.add("parent", tagDto.getParentId()); } } // Add ACL AclUtil.addAcls(tag, id, getTargetIdList(null)); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Creates a new tag. * * @api {put} /tag Create a tag * @apiName PutTag * @apiGroup Tag * @apiParam {String} name Name * @apiParam {String} color Color * @apiParam {String} parent Parent ID * @apiSuccess {String} id Tag ID * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (client) IllegalTagName Spaces and colons are not allowed in tag name * @apiError (client) ParentNotFound Parent not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param name Name * @param color Color * @param parentId Parent ID * @return Response */ @PUT public Response add( @FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("color") String color, @FormParam("parent") String parentId) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Validate input data name = ValidationUtil.validateLength(name, "name", 1, 36, false); ValidationUtil.validateHexColor(color, "color", true); ValidationUtil.validateTagName(name); // Check the parent if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parentId)) { parentId = null; } else { AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(parentId, PermType.READ, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new ClientException("ParentNotFound", MessageFormat.format("Parent not found: {0}", parentId)); } } // Create the tag TagDao tagDao = new TagDao(); Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(name); tag.setColor(color); tag.setUserId(principal.getId()); tag.setParentId(parentId); String id = tagDao.create(tag, principal.getId()); // Create read ACL AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); Acl acl = new Acl(); acl.setPerm(PermType.READ); acl.setType(AclType.USER); acl.setSourceId(id); acl.setTargetId(principal.getId()); aclDao.create(acl, principal.getId()); // Create write ACL acl = new Acl(); acl.setPerm(PermType.WRITE); acl.setType(AclType.USER); acl.setSourceId(id); acl.setTargetId(principal.getId()); aclDao.create(acl, principal.getId()); JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("id", id); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Update a tag. * * @api {post} /tag/:id Update a tag * @apiName PostTag * @apiGroup Tag * @apiParam {String} id Tag ID * @apiParam {String} name Name * @apiParam {String} color Color * @apiParam {String} parent Parent ID * @apiSuccess {String} id Tag ID * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) ValidationError Validation error * @apiError (client) IllegalTagName Spaces and colons are not allowed in tag name * @apiError (client) ParentNotFound Parent not found * @apiError (client) CircularReference Circular reference in parent tag * @apiError (client) NotFound Tag not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param name Name * @param color Color * @param parentId Parent ID * @return Response */ @POST @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}") public Response update( @PathParam("id") String id, @FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("color") String color, @FormParam("parent") String parentId) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Validate input data name = ValidationUtil.validateLength(name, "name", 1, 36, true); ValidationUtil.validateHexColor(color, "color", true); ValidationUtil.validateTagName(name); // Check permission AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(id, PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Check the parent TagDao tagDao = new TagDao(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parentId)) { parentId = null; } else { if (!aclDao.checkPermission(parentId, PermType.READ, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new ClientException("ParentNotFound", MessageFormat.format("Parent not found: {0}", parentId)); } String parentTagId = parentId; do { Tag parentTag = tagDao.getById(parentTagId); parentTagId = parentTag.getParentId(); if (parentTag.getId().equals(id)) { throw new ClientException("CircularReference", "Circular reference in parent tag"); } } while (parentTagId != null); } // Update the tag Tag tag = tagDao.getById(id); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { tag.setName(name); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(color)) { tag.setColor(color); } // Parent tag is always updated to have the possibility to delete it tag.setParentId(parentId); tagDao.update(tag, principal.getId()); JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("id", id); return Response.ok().entity(; } /** * Delete a tag. * * @api {delete} /tag/:id Delete a tag * @apiName DeleteTag * @apiGroup Tag * @apiParam {String} id Tag ID * @apiSuccess {String} status Status OK * @apiError (client) ForbiddenError Access denied * @apiError (client) NotFound Tag not found * @apiPermission user * @apiVersion 1.5.0 * * @param id Tag ID * @return Response */ @DELETE @Path("{id: [a-z0-9\\-]+}") public Response delete( @PathParam("id") String id) { if (!authenticate()) { throw new ForbiddenClientException(); } // Get the tag AclDao aclDao = new AclDao(); if (!aclDao.checkPermission(id, PermType.WRITE, getTargetIdList(null))) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Delete the tag TagDao tagDao = new TagDao(); tagDao.delete(id, principal.getId()); // Always return OK JsonObjectBuilder response = Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("status", "ok"); return Response.ok().entity(; } }