
[![License: GPL v2](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL%20v2-blue.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/sismics/docs.png)](http://travis-ci.org/sismics/docs) Teedy is an open source, lightweight document management system for individuals and businesses.

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![New!](https://teedy.io/img/laptop-demo.png?20180301) Demo ---- A demo is available at [demo.teedy.io](https://demo.teedy.io) - Guest login is enabled with read access on all documents - "admin" login with "admin" password - "demo" login with "password" password Features -------- - Responsive user interface - Optical character recognition - LDAP authentication ![New!](https://www.sismics.com/public/img/new.png) - Support image, PDF, ODT, DOCX, PPTX files - Video file support - Flexible search engine with suggestions and highlighting - Full text search in all supported files - All [Dublin Core](http://dublincore.org/) metadata - Custom user-defined metadata ![New!](https://www.sismics.com/public/img/new.png) - Workflow system ![New!](https://www.sismics.com/public/img/new.png) - 256-bit AES encryption of stored files - File versioning ![New!](https://www.sismics.com/public/img/new.png) - Tag system with nesting - Import document from email (EML format) - Automatic inbox scanning and importing - User/group permission system - 2-factor authentication - Hierarchical groups - Audit log - Comments - Storage quota per user - Document sharing by URL - RESTful Web API - Webhooks to trigger external service - Fully featured Android client - [Bulk files importer](https://github.com/sismics/docs/tree/master/docs-importer) (single or scan mode) - Tested to one million documents Install with Docker ------------------- A preconfigured Docker image is available, including OCR and media conversion tools, listening on port 8080. The database is an embedded H2 database but PostgreSQL is also supported for more performance. **The default admin password is "admin". Don't forget to change it before going to production.** - Master branch, can be unstable. Not recommended for production use: `sismics/docs:latest` - Latest stable version: `sismics/docs:v1.8` The data directory is `/data`. Don't forget to mount a volume on it. To build external URL, the server is expecting a `DOCS_BASE_URL` environment variable (for example https://teedy.mycompany.com) ### Available environment variables - General - `DOCS_BASE_URL`: The base url used by the application. Generated url's will be using this as base. - `DOCS_GLOBAL_QUOTA`: Defines the default quota applying to all users. - Admin - `DOCS_ADMIN_EMAIL_INIT`: Defines the e-mail-address the admin user should have upon initialization. - `DOCS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_INIT`: Defines the password the admin user should have upon initialization. Needs to be a bcrypt hash. **Be aware that `$` within the hash have to be escaped with a second `$`.** - Database - `DATABASE_URL`: The jdbc connection string to be used by `hibernate`. - `DATABASE_USER`: The user which should be used for the database connection. - `DATABASE_PASSWORD`: The password to be used for the database connection. - Language - `DOCS_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE`: The language which will be used as default. Currently supported values are: - `eng`, `fra`, `ita`, `deu`, `spa`, `por`, `pol`, `rus`, `ukr`, `ara`, `hin`, `chi_sim`, `chi_tra`, `jpn`, `tha`, `kor`, `nld`, `tur`, `heb`, `hun`, `fin`, `swe`, `lav`, `dan` - E-Mail - `DOCS_SMTP_HOSTNAME`: Hostname of the SMTP-Server to be used by Teedy. - `DOCS_SMTP_PORT`: The port which should be used. - `DOCS_SMTP_USERNAME`: The username to be used. - `DOCS_SMTP_PASSWORD`: The password to be used. ### Examples In the following examples some passwords are exposed in cleartext. This was done in order to keep the examples simple. We strongly encourage you to use variables with an `.env` file or other means to securely store your passwords. #### Using the internal database ```yaml version: '3' services: # Teedy Application teedy-server: image: sismics/docs:v1.8 restart: unless-stopped ports: # Map internal port to host - 8080:8080 environment: # Base url to be used DOCS_BASE_URL: "https://docs.example.com" # Set the admin email DOCS_ADMIN_EMAIL_INIT: "admin@example.com" # Set the admin password (in this example: "superSecure") DOCS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_INIT: "$$2a$$05$$PcMNUbJvsk7QHFSfEIDaIOjk1VI9/E7IPjTKx.jkjPxkx2EOKSoPS" volumes: - ./docs/data:/data ``` #### Using PostgreSQL ```yaml version: '3' services: # Teedy Application teedy-server: image: sismics/docs:v1.8 restart: unless-stopped ports: # Map internal port to host - 8080:8080 environment: # Base url to be used DOCS_BASE_URL: "https://docs.example.com" # Set the admin email DOCS_ADMIN_EMAIL_INIT: "admin@example.com" # Set the admin password (in this example: "superSecure") DOCS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_INIT: "$$2a$$05$$PcMNUbJvsk7QHFSfEIDaIOjk1VI9/E7IPjTKx.jkjPxkx2EOKSoPS" # Setup the database connection. "teedy-db" is the hostname # and "teedy" is the name of the database the application # will connect to. DATABASE_URL: "jdbc:postgresql://teedy-db:5432/teedy" DATABASE_USER: "teedy_db_user" DATABASE_PASSWORD: "teedy_db_password" volumes: - ./docs/data:/data networks: - docker-internal - internet depends_on: - teedy-db # DB for Teedy teedy-db: image: postgres:13.1-alpine restart: unless-stopped expose: - 5432 environment: POSTGRES_USER: "teedy_db_user" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "teedy_db_password" POSTGRES_DB: "teedy" volumes: - ./docs/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - docker-internal networks: # Network without internet access. The db does not need # access to the host network. docker-internal: driver: bridge internal: true internet: driver: bridge ``` Manual installation ------------------- #### Requirements - Java 8 with the [Java Cryptography Extension](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce-7-download-432124.html) - Tesseract 3 or 4 for OCR - ffmpeg for video thumbnails - mediainfo for video metadata extraction - A webapp server like [Jetty](http://eclipse.org/jetty/) or [Tomcat](http://tomcat.apache.org/) #### Download The latest release is downloadable here: in WAR format. **The default admin password is "admin". Don't forget to change it before going to production.** How to build Teedy from the sources ---------------------------------- Prerequisites: JDK 8 with JCE, Maven 3, NPM, Grunt, Tesseract 3 or 4 Teedy is organized in several Maven modules: - docs-core - docs-web - docs-web-common First off, clone the repository: `git clone git://github.com/sismics/docs.git` or download the sources from GitHub. #### Launch the build From the root directory: mvn clean -DskipTests install #### Run a stand-alone version From the `docs-web` directory: mvn jetty:run #### Build a .war to deploy to your servlet container From the `docs-web` directory: mvn -Pprod -DskipTests clean install You will get your deployable WAR in the `docs-web/target` directory. Contributing ------------ All contributions are more than welcomed. Contributions may close an issue, fix a bug (reported or not reported), improve the existing code, add new feature, and so on. The `master` branch is the default and base branch for the project. It is used for development and all Pull Requests should go there. License ------- Teedy is released under the terms of the GPL license. See `COPYING` for more information or see .