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The web client and Android application for Teedy are only examples of what is possible with the provided REST API. Everything you see in those apps are accessible using the API.

This documentation is divided in two parts. The first will get you started on essentials steps like authentication and the second part is a full reference of every endpoints.


The base URL depends on your server. If your instance of Teedy is accessible through, then the base API URL is

Verbs and status codes

The API uses RESTful verbs.

Verb Description
GET Select one or more items
PUT Create a new item
POST Update an item
DELETE Delete an item

Successful calls return a HTTP code 200, anything else if an error.


All dates are returned in UNIX timestamp format in milliseconds.


Step 1: POST /user/login

A call to this endpoint will return a cookie header. Here is a CURL example:

curl -i -X POST -d username=admin -d password=admin
Set-Cookie: auth_token=64085630-2ae6-415c-9a92-4b22c107eaa4

Step 2: Authenticated API calls

All following API calls must have a cookie header supplying the given token. Here is a CURL example:

curl -i -X GET -H "Cookie: auth_token=64085630-2ae6-415c-9a92-4b22c107eaa4"

Step 3: POST /user/logout

A call to this API with a given auth_token cookie will make it unusable for other calls.

curl -i -X POST -H "Cookie: auth_token=64085630-2ae6-415c-9a92-4b22c107eaa4"

Document search syntax

The /api/document/list endpoint use a String search parameter, useful when the query is entered by a human.

This parameter is split in segments using the space character (the other whitespace characters are not considered).

If a segment contains exactly one colon (:), it will be used as a field criteria (see bellow). In other cases (zero or more than one colon), the segment will be used as a search criteria for all fields including the document's files content.

Search fields

If a search VALUE is considered invalid, the search result will be empty.

  • Content
    • full:VALUE: VALUE is used as search criteria for all fields, including the document's files content
    • simple:VALUE: VALUE is used as a search criteria for all fields except the document's files content
  • Date
    • after:VALUE: the document must have been created after or at the VALUE moment, accepted format are yyyy, yyyy-MM and yyyy-MM-dd
    • at:VALUE: the document must have been created at the VALUE moment, accepted format are yyyy, yyyy-MM and yyyy-MM-dd (for yyyy it must be the same year, for yyyy-MM the same month, for yyyy-MM-dd the same day)
    • before:VALUE: the document must have been created before or at the VALUE moment, accepted format are yyyy, yyyy-MM and yyyy-MM-dd
    • uafter:VALUE: the document must have been last updated after or at the VALUE moment, accepted format are yyyy, yyyy-MM and yyyy-MM-dd
    • uat:VALUE: the document must have been updated at the VALUE moment, accepted format are yyyy, yyyy-MM and yyyy-MM-dd (for yyyy it must be the same year, for yyyy-MM the same month, for yyyy-MM-dd the same day)
    • ubefore:VALUE: the document must have been updated before or at the VALUE moment, accepted format are yyyy, yyyy-MM and yyyy-MM-dd
  • Language
    • lang:VALUE: the document must be of the specified language (example: en)
  • Mime
    • mime:VALUE: the document must be of the specified mime type (example: image/png)
  • Shared
    • shared:VALUE: if VALUE is yesthe document must be shared, for other VALUEs the criteria is ignored
  • Tags: several tags or !tag: can be specified and the document must match all filters
    • tag:VALUE: the document must contain a tag or a child of a tag that starts with VALUE, case is ignored
    • !tag:VALUE: the document must not contain a tag or a child of a tag that starts with VALUE, case is ignored
  • Titles: several title can be specified, and the document must match any of the titles
    • title:VALUE: the title of the document must be VALUE
  • User
    • by:VALUE: the document creator's username must be VALUE with an exact match, the user must not be deleted
  • Workflow
    • workflow:VALUE: if VALUE is me the document must have an active route, for other VALUEs the criteria is ignored