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(function() {
var __slice = [].slice;
(function($) {
var Bus, Leg, methods, tourbus, uniqueId, _addRule, _assemble, _busses, _dataProp, _include, _tours;
tourbus = $.tourbus = function() {
var args, method;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
method = args[0];
if (methods.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
args = args.slice(1);
} else if (method instanceof $) {
method = 'build';
} else if (typeof method === 'string') {
method = 'build';
args[0] = $(args[0]);
} else {
$.error("Unknown method of $.tourbus --", args);
return methods[method].apply(this, args);
$.fn.tourbus = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
return this.each(function() {
tourbus.apply(null, ['build'].concat(__slice.call(args)));
return this;
methods = {
build: function(el, options) {
var built;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
options = $.extend(true, {}, tourbus.defaults, options);
built = [];
if (!(el instanceof $)) {
el = $(el);
el.each(function() {
return built.push(_assemble(this, options));
if (built.length === 0) {
$.error("" + el.selector + " was not found!");
if (built.length === 1) {
return built[0];
return built;
destroyAll: function() {
var bus, index, _results;
_results = [];
for (index in _busses) {
bus = _busses[index];
return _results;
expose: function(global) {
return global.tourbus = {
Bus: Bus,
Leg: Leg
tourbus.defaults = {
debug: false,
autoDepart: false,
target: 'body',
startAt: 0,
onDepart: function() {
return null;
onStop: function() {
return null;
onLegStart: function() {
return null;
onLegEnd: function() {
return null;
leg: {
scrollTo: null,
scrollSpeed: 150,
scrollContext: 100,
orientation: 'bottom',
align: 'left',
width: 'auto',
margin: 10,
top: null,
left: null,
arrow: "35%"
/* Internal
Bus = (function() {
function Bus(el, options) {
this.id = uniqueId();
this.$target = $(options.target);
this.$el = $(el);
tourbus: this
this.options = options;
this.currentLegIndex = null;
this.legs = null;
this.legEls = this.$el.children('li');
this.totalLegs = this.legEls.length;
if (this.options.autoDepart) {
this._log('built tourbus with el', el.toString(), 'and options', this.options);
Bus.prototype.depart = function() {
this.running = true;
this._log('departing', this);
this.legs = this._buildLegs();
this.currentLegIndex = this.options.startAt;
return this.showLeg();
Bus.prototype.stop = function() {
if (!this.running) {
if (this.legs) {
$.each(this.legs, $.proxy(this.hideLeg, this));
this.currentLegIndex = this.options.startAt;
return this.running = false;
Bus.prototype.on = function(event, selector, fn) {
return this.$target.on(event, selector, fn);
Bus.prototype.currentLeg = function() {
if (this.currentLegIndex === null) {
return null;
return this.legs[this.currentLegIndex];
Bus.prototype.showLeg = function(index) {
var leg, preventDefault;
if (index == null) {
index = this.currentLegIndex;
leg = this.legs[index];
this._log('showLeg:', leg);
preventDefault = this.options.onLegStart(leg, this);
if (preventDefault !== false) {
return leg.show();
Bus.prototype.hideLeg = function(index) {
var leg, preventDefault;
if (index == null) {
index = this.currentLegIndex;
leg = this.legs[index];
this._log('hideLeg:', leg);
preventDefault = this.options.onLegEnd(leg, this);
if (preventDefault !== false) {
return leg.hide();
Bus.prototype.repositionLegs = function() {
if (this.legs) {
return $.each(this.legs, function() {
return this.reposition();
Bus.prototype.next = function() {
if (this.currentLegIndex > this.totalLegs - 1) {
return this.stop();
return this.showLeg();
Bus.prototype.prev = function(cb) {
if (this.currentLegIndex < 0) {
return this.stop();
return this.showLeg();
Bus.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (this.legs) {
$.each(this.legs, function() {
return this.destroy();
this.legs = null;
delete _busses[this.id];
return this._teardownEvents();
Bus.prototype._buildLegs = function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.legs) {
$.each(this.legs, function(_, leg) {
return leg.destroy();
return $.map(this.legEls, function(legEl, i) {
var $legEl, data, leg;
$legEl = $(legEl);
data = $legEl.data();
leg = new Leg({
content: $legEl.html(),
target: data.el || 'body',
bus: _this,
index: i,
rawData: data
return leg;
Bus.prototype._log = function() {
if (!this.options.debug) {
return console.log.apply(console, ["TOURBUS " + this.id + ":"].concat(__slice.call(arguments)));
Bus.prototype._setupEvents = function() {
this.$el.on('depart.tourbus', $.proxy(this.depart, this));
this.$el.on('stop.tourbus', $.proxy(this.stop, this));
this.$el.on('next.tourbus', $.proxy(this.next, this));
return this.$el.on('prev.tourbus', $.proxy(this.prev, this));
Bus.prototype._teardownEvents = function() {
return this.$el.off('.tourbus');
return Bus;
Leg = (function() {
function Leg(options) {
this.bus = options.bus;
this.rawData = options.rawData;
this.content = options.content;
this.index = options.index;
this.options = options;
this.$target = $(options.target);
if (this.$target.length === 0) {
throw "" + this.$target.selector + " is not an element!";
this.bus._log("leg " + this.index + " made with options", this.options);
Leg.prototype.render = function() {
var arrowClass, html;
arrowClass = this.options.orientation === 'centered' ? '' : 'tourbus-arrow';
this.$el.addClass(" " + arrowClass + " tourbus-arrow-" + this.options.orientation + " ");
html = "<div class='tourbus-leg-inner'>\n " + this.content + "\n</div>";
width: this.options.width
return this;
Leg.prototype.destroy = function() {
return this._teardownEvents();
Leg.prototype.reposition = function() {
return this._position();
Leg.prototype._position = function() {
var css, keys, rule, selector;
if (this.options.orientation !== 'centered') {
rule = {};
keys = {
top: 'left',
bottom: 'left',
left: 'top',
right: 'top'
if (typeof this.options.arrow === 'number') {
this.options.arrow += 'px';
rule[keys[this.options.orientation]] = this.options.arrow;
selector = "#" + this.id + ".tourbus-arrow";
this.bus._log("adding rule for " + this.id, rule);
_addRule("" + selector + ":before, " + selector + ":after", rule);
css = this._offsets();
this.bus._log('setting offsets on leg', css);
return this.$el.css(css);
Leg.prototype.show = function() {
visibility: 'visible',
opacity: 1.0,
zIndex: 9999
return this.scrollIntoView();
Leg.prototype.hide = function() {
if (this.bus.options.debug) {
return this.$el.css({
visibility: 'visible',
opacity: 0.4,
zIndex: 0
} else {
return this.$el.css({
visibility: 'hidden'
Leg.prototype.scrollIntoView = function() {
var scrollTarget;
if (!this.willScroll) {
scrollTarget = _dataProp(this.options.scrollTo, this.$el);
this.bus._log('scrolling to', scrollTarget, this.scrollSettings);
return $.scrollTo(scrollTarget, this.scrollSettings);
Leg.prototype._setupOptions = function() {
var globalOptions;
globalOptions = this.bus.options.leg;
this.options.top = _dataProp(this.rawData.top, globalOptions.top);
this.options.left = _dataProp(this.rawData.left, globalOptions.left);
this.options.scrollTo = _dataProp(this.rawData.scrollTo, globalOptions.scrollTo);
this.options.scrollSpeed = _dataProp(this.rawData.scrollSpeed, globalOptions.scrollSpeed);
this.options.scrollContext = _dataProp(this.rawData.scrollContext, globalOptions.scrollContext);
this.options.margin = _dataProp(this.rawData.margin, globalOptions.margin);
this.options.arrow = this.rawData.arrow || globalOptions.arrow;
this.options.align = this.rawData.align || globalOptions.align;
this.options.width = this.rawData.width || globalOptions.width;
return this.options.orientation = this.rawData.orientation || globalOptions.orientation;
Leg.prototype._configureElement = function() {
this.id = "tourbus-leg-id-" + this.bus.id + "-" + this.options.index;
this.$el = $("<div class='tourbus-leg'></div>");
this.el = this.$el[0];
id: this.id
return this.$el.css({
zIndex: 9999
Leg.prototype._setupEvents = function() {
this.$el.on('click', '.tourbus-next', $.proxy(this.bus.next, this.bus));
this.$el.on('click', '.tourbus-prev', $.proxy(this.bus.prev, this.bus));
return this.$el.on('click', '.tourbus-stop', $.proxy(this.bus.stop, this.bus));
Leg.prototype._teardownEvents = function() {
return this.$el.off('click');
Leg.prototype._configureTarget = function() {
this.targetOffset = this.$target.offset();
if (_dataProp(this.options.top, false)) {
this.targetOffset.top = this.options.top;
if (_dataProp(this.options.left, false)) {
this.targetOffset.left = this.options.left;
this.targetWidth = this.$target.outerWidth();
return this.targetHeight = this.$target.outerHeight();
Leg.prototype._configureScroll = function() {
this.willScroll = $.fn.scrollTo && this.options.scrollTo !== false;
return this.scrollSettings = {
offset: -this.options.scrollContext,
easing: 'linear',
axis: 'y',
duration: this.options.scrollSpeed
Leg.prototype._offsets = function() {
var dimension, elHalf, elHeight, elWidth, offsets, targetHalf, targetHeightOverride, validOrientations;
elHeight = this.$el.height();
elWidth = this.$el.width();
offsets = {};
switch (this.options.orientation) {
case 'centered':
targetHeightOverride = $(window).height();
offsets.top = this.options.top;
if (!_dataProp(offsets.top, false)) {
offsets.top = (targetHeightOverride / 2) - (elHeight / 2);
offsets.left = (this.targetWidth / 2) - (elWidth / 2);
case 'left':
offsets.top = this.targetOffset.top;
offsets.left = this.targetOffset.left - elWidth - this.options.margin;
case 'right':
offsets.top = this.targetOffset.top;
offsets.left = this.targetOffset.left + this.targetWidth + this.options.margin;
case 'top':
offsets.top = this.targetOffset.top - elHeight - this.options.margin;
offsets.left = this.targetOffset.left;
case 'bottom':
offsets.top = this.targetOffset.top + this.targetHeight + this.options.margin;
offsets.left = this.targetOffset.left;
validOrientations = {
top: ['left', 'right'],
bottom: ['left', 'right'],
left: ['top', 'bottom'],
right: ['top', 'bottom']
if (_include(this.options.orientation, validOrientations[this.options.align])) {
switch (this.options.align) {
case 'right':
offsets.left += this.targetWidth - elWidth;
case 'bottom':
offsets.top += this.targetHeight - elHeight;
} else if (this.options.align === 'center') {
if (_include(this.options.orientation, validOrientations.left)) {
targetHalf = this.targetWidth / 2;
elHalf = elWidth / 2;
dimension = 'left';
} else {
targetHalf = this.targetHeight / 2;
elHalf = elHeight / 2;
dimension = 'top';
if (targetHalf > elHalf) {
offsets[dimension] += targetHalf - elHalf;
} else {
offsets[dimension] -= elHalf - targetHalf;
return offsets;
return Leg;
_tours = 0;
uniqueId = function() {
return _tours++;
_busses = {};
_assemble = function() {
var bus;
bus = (function(func, args, ctor) {
ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
var child = new ctor, result = func.apply(child, args);
return Object(result) === result ? result : child;
})(Bus, arguments, function(){});
_busses[bus.id] = bus;
return bus;
_dataProp = function(possiblyFalsy, alternative) {
if (possiblyFalsy === null || typeof possiblyFalsy === 'undefined') {
return alternative;
return possiblyFalsy;
_include = function(value, array) {
return $.inArray(value, array || []) !== -1;
return _addRule = (function(styleTag) {
var sheet;
styleTag.type = 'text/css';
sheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1];
return function(selector, css) {
var key, propText;
propText = $.map((function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (key in css) {
return _results;
})(), function(p) {
return "" + p + ":" + css[p];
try {
if (sheet.insertRule) {
sheet.insertRule("" + selector + " { " + propText + " }", (sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules).length);
} else {
sheet.addRule(selector, propText);
} catch (_error) {}