/* * This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). * * Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. * See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * VARS * * * * * * * * * * */ var preview; var previewCtx; var svgPathRegExp = /[LM]\d* \d*/ig; var svgPathParamsRegExp = /([LM])(\d*) (\d*)/; var dragging = false; var $canvas, canvas, ctx; var canvasWidth, canvasHeight; var drawCanvas; var drawCanvasTopLeftCoords = [0, 0]; var doodleBounds = [-1, -1, -1, -1]; // left, top, right, bottom // var doodleScaleVals = [[0, 0], [1.0, 1.0]]; // [ [x, y], [scaleX, scaleY] ] var doodleTransform = [0, 0, 1.0, 1.0]; // [ x, y, scaleX, scaleY ] var _points = []; var prevCountingTime = 0; var movementCounter = 0; var drawVariableLineWeight = false; // set to true to have the momentum of the mouse/touch movement result in larger/smaller strokes var lineweight = 2; var isModified = false; var showTravelLines = false; /* * * * * * * * * * * * INIT * * * * * * * * * * */ function initDoodleDrawing() { //console.log("f:initDoodleDrawing()"); $canvas = $("#mycanvas"); canvas = $canvas[0]; ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvasWidth = canvas.width; canvasHeight = canvas.height; //* //TODO make these jquery eventhandlers (works for all) if (!canvas.addEventListener) { canvas.attachEvent('onmousedown',onCanvasMouseDown); canvas.attachEvent('onmousemove',onCanvasMouseMove); canvas.attachEvent('onmouseup',onCanvasMouseUp); canvas.attachEvent('ontouchstart',onCanvasTouchDown); canvas.attachEvent('ontouchmove',onCanvasTouchMove); canvas.attachEvent('ontouchend',onCanvasTouchEnd); document.body.attachEvent('ontouchmove',prevent); } else { canvas.addEventListener('mousedown',onCanvasMouseDown,false); canvas.addEventListener('mousemove',onCanvasMouseMove,false); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup',onCanvasMouseUp,false); canvas.addEventListener('touchstart',onCanvasTouchDown,false); canvas.addEventListener('touchmove',onCanvasTouchMove,false); canvas.addEventListener('touchend',onCanvasTouchEnd,false); if (!debugMode) document.body.addEventListener('touchmove',prevent,false); } //*/ // drawCanvas = $(".drawareacontainer"); drawCanvas = $("#mycanvasContainer"); // $("#drawAreaContainer") //console.log("drawCanvasTopLeftCoords: " + drawCanvasTopLeftCoords); // drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[0] = drawCanvas.css("left").match(/[0-9]/g).join(""); // drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[1] = drawCanvas.css("top").match(/[0-9]/g).join(""); drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[0] = drawCanvas.offset().left; drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[1] = drawCanvas.offset().top; // drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[0] = drawCanvas[0].offsetParent.offsetLeft; // drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[1] = drawCanvas[0].offsetParent.offsetTop; //console.log("f:initDoodleDrawing() >> canvasWidth: " + canvasWidth); //console.log("f:initDoodleDrawing() >> canvasHeight: " + canvasHeight); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * CANVAS DRAWING FUNCTION * * * * * * * * * * */ function draw(_x, _y, _width) { if (prevX == 0 && prevY ==0) { prevX = _x; prevY = _y; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(prevX, prevY); if (showTravelLines || _width==undefined) { //when _width=0.5 it's a travel line, when it's not supplied it's a real line. ctx.lineTo(_x, _y); } else { ctx.moveTo(_x, _y); } if (_width != undefined) { ctx.lineWidth = _width; } else { if (drawVariableLineWeight) { var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((prevX - _x), 2) + Math.pow((prevY - _y), 2)); if (dist < 10) { lineweight += .25; } else if (dist < 20) { lineweight += .5; } else if (dist < 30) { lineweight += .75; } else if (dist < 50) { lineweight += 1; } else if (dist < 80) { lineweight += 1.5; } else if (dist < 120) { lineweight += 2.25; } else if (dist < 170) { lineweight += 3.5; } else { lineweight += 2; } lineweight = Math.min(lineweight, 30); lineweight *= 0.90; lineweight = Math.max(lineweight, 1.0); } else { lineweight = 2; } ctx.lineWidth = lineweight; } ctx.lineCap = 'round'; ctx.stroke(); prevX = _x; prevY = _y; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS * * * * * * * * * * */ function clearDoodle() { //console.log("f:clearDoodle"); //updatePrevNextButtonStateOnClear(); _points = []; prevX = 0; prevY = 0; updatePrevX = -1; updatePrevY = -1; doodleBounds = [-1, -1, -1, -1]; // left, top, right, bottom doodleTransform = [0, 0, 1.0, 1.0]; // [ x, y, scaleX, scaleY ] dragging = false; clearMainView(); resetPreview(); resetVerticalShapes(); setSketchModified(false); // updateSketchButtonStates(); } function redrawDoodle(recalcBoundsAndTransforms) { //console.log("canvasDrawing:redrawDoodle"); if (recalcBoundsAndTransforms == undefined) recalcBoundsAndTransforms = false; // console.log("f:redrawDoodle() >> recalcBoundsAndTransforms = " + recalcBoundsAndTransforms); if (recalcBoundsAndTransforms == true) { doodleBounds = [-1, -1, -1, -1]; // left, top, right, bottom doodleTransform = [0, 0, 1.0, 1.0]; // [ x, y, scaleX, scaleY ] for (var i = 0; i < _points.length; i++) { adjustBounds(_points[i][0], _points[i][1]); adjustPreviewTransformation(); } } clearMainView(); prevX = 0; prevY = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _points.length; i++) { // console.log(" drawing points " + _points[i]); if (_points[i][2] == true) { draw(_points[i][0], _points[i][1], 0.5); //draw moves as thin lines } else { draw(_points[i][0], _points[i][1]); } } } // checks if x,y is outside doodleBounds, if so update function adjustBounds(x, y) { //console.log("canvasDrawing:adjustBounds"); var newPointsOutsideOfCurrentBounds = false; // console.log("f:adjustBounds("+x+","+y+")"); if (doodleBounds[0] == -1) { // if doodleBounds[0] is -1 then it isn't initted yet, so x and y are both the min and max vals doodleBounds[0] = x; doodleBounds[1] = y; doodleBounds[2] = x; doodleBounds[3] = y; return; } if (x < doodleBounds[0]) { doodleBounds[0] = x; newPointsOutsideOfCurrentBounds = true; } if (x > doodleBounds[2]) { doodleBounds[2] = x; newPointsOutsideOfCurrentBounds = true; } if (y < doodleBounds[1]) { doodleBounds[1] = y; newPointsOutsideOfCurrentBounds = true; } if (y > doodleBounds[3]) { doodleBounds[3] = y; newPointsOutsideOfCurrentBounds = true; } return newPointsOutsideOfCurrentBounds; } // does what exactly? function adjustPreviewTransformation() { //console.log("canvasDrawing:adjustPreviewTransformation"); doodleTransform[0] = doodleBounds[0]; doodleTransform[1] = doodleBounds[1]; var sclX, sclY, finalScl; if (_points.length < 2) { // console.log(_points); sclX = 1.0; sclY = 1.0; finalScl = Math.min(sclX, sclY); } else { sclX = canvasWidth / (doodleBounds[2] - doodleBounds[0]); sclY = canvasHeight / (doodleBounds[3] - doodleBounds[1]); // TODO this shouldn't be a matter if choosing the smallest but should probably involve maintaining aspect ratio?? finalScl = Math.min(sclX, sclY); } doodleTransform[2] = finalScl; doodleTransform[3] = finalScl; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * MOUSE/TOUCH EVENTHANDLERS * * * * * * * * * * */ function onCanvasMouseDown(e) { //console.log("canvasDrawing:onCanvasMouseDown"); setSketchModified(true); // console.log("f:onCanvasMouseDown()"); // console.log("onCanvasMouseDown >> e.offsetX,e.offsetY = " + e.offsetX+","+e.offsetY); // console.log("onCanvasMouseDown >> e.layerX,e.layerY= " + e.layerX+","+e.layerY); // console.log("onCanvasMouseDown >> e: " , e); dragging = true; prevCountingTime = new Date().getTime(); movementCounter = 0 var x, y; if (e.offsetX != undefined) { x = e.offsetX; y = e.offsetY; } else { x = e.layerX; y = e.layerY; } // console.log(" x: " + x + ", y: " + y); _points.push([x, y, true]); adjustBounds(x, y); adjustPreviewTransformation(); draw(x, y, 0.5); } var prevPoint = {x:-1, y:-1}; function onCanvasMouseMove(e) { //console.log("canvasDrawing:onCanvasMouseMove"); // console.log("f:onCanvasMouseMove()"); if (!dragging) return; setSketchModified(true); // console.log("onmousemove"); var x, y; if (e.offsetX != undefined) { x = e.offsetX; y = e.offsetY; } else { x = e.layerX; y = e.layerY; } if (prevPoint.x != -1 || prevPoint.y != -1) { var dist = Math.sqrt(((prevPoint.x - x) * (prevPoint.x - x)) + ((prevPoint.y - y) * (prevPoint.y - y))); if (dist > 5) { // replace by setting: doodle3d.simplify.minDistance _points.push([x, y, false]); adjustBounds(x, y); adjustPreviewTransformation(); draw(x, y); prevPoint.x = x; prevPoint.y = y; } } else { // this is called once, every time you start to draw a line _points.push([x, y, false]); adjustBounds(x, y); adjustPreviewTransformation(); draw(x, y); prevPoint.x = x; prevPoint.y = y; } // DEBUG // $("#textdump").text(""); // $("#textdump").append("doodlebounds:" + doodleBounds + "\n"); // $("#textdump").append("doodletransform:" + doodleTransform + "\n"); if (new Date().getTime() - prevRedrawTime > redrawInterval) { // redrawing the whole preview the first X points ensures that the doodleBounds is set well prevRedrawTime = new Date().getTime(); // Keep fully updating the preview if device is not a smartphone. // (An assumption is made here that anything greater than a smartphone will have sufficient // performance to always redraw the preview.) if (_points.length < 50 || !clientInfo.isSmartphone) { redrawPreview(); } else { updatePreview(x, y, true); } } } prevUpdateFullPreview = 0; // 0 is not a timeframe but refers to the _points array prevUpdateFullPreviewInterval = 25; // refers to number of points, not a timeframe function onCanvasMouseUp(e) { // console.log("f:onCanvasMouseUp()"); // console.log("onmouseup"); dragging = false; //console.log("doodleBounds: " + doodleBounds); //console.log("doodleTransform: " + doodleTransform); // ctx.stroke(); //console.log("_points.length :" + _points.length); // console.log(_points); // DEBUG // $("#textdump").text(""); // $("#textdump").append("doodlebounds:" + doodleBounds + "\n"); // $("#textdump").append("doodletransform:" + doodleTransform + "\n"); // redrawPreview(); renderToImageDataPreview(); } function onCanvasTouchDown(e) { setSketchModified(true); e.preventDefault(); //console.log("f:onCanvasTouchDown >> e: " , e); // var x = e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[0].target.offsetLeft; // var y = e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[0].target.offsetTop; var x = e.touches[0].pageX - drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[0]; var y = e.touches[0].pageY - drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[1]; // var x = e.touches[0].pageX; // var y = e.touches[0].pageY; // var x = e.touches[0].layerX; // var y = e.touches[0].layerY; _points.push([x, y, true]); adjustBounds(x, y); adjustPreviewTransformation(); draw(x, y, .5); movementCounter = 0; prevRedrawTime = new Date().getTime(); } function onCanvasTouchMove(e) { //console.log("canvasDrawing:onCanvasTouchMove"); setSketchModified(true); e.preventDefault(); // var x = e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[0].target.offsetLeft; // var y = e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[0].target.offsetTop; var x = e.touches[0].pageX - drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[0]; var y = e.touches[0].pageY - drawCanvasTopLeftCoords[1]; // var x = e.touches[0].layerX; // var y = e.touches[0].layerY; // var x = e.touches[0].layerX; // var y = e.touches[0].layerY; //console.log("f:onCanvasTouchMove >> x,y = "+x+","+y+" , e: " , e); if (prevPoint.x != -1 || prevPoint.y != -1) { var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((prevPoint.x - x), 2) + Math.pow((prevPoint.y - y), 2)); if (dist > 5) { _points.push([x, y, false]); adjustBounds(x, y) adjustPreviewTransformation(); draw(x, y); prevPoint.x = x; prevPoint.y = y; } } else { _points.push([x, y, false]); adjustBounds(x, y) adjustPreviewTransformation(); draw(x, y); prevPoint.x = x; prevPoint.y = y; } // update counter -> this was for getting a handle on how often the Canvas fires a move-event /* movementCounter++; if (new Date().getTime() - prevCountingTime > 1000) { // console.log("number of moves in 1sec: " + movementCounter) prevCountingTime= new Date().getTime(); $("#numtimes").text(movementCounter + " times"); movementCounter = 0; } //*/ if (new Date().getTime() - prevRedrawTime > redrawInterval) { // redrawing the whole preview the first X points ensures that the doodleBounds is set well if (_points.length < 50) { redrawPreview(); } else { updatePreview(x, y, true); /* if (_points.length - prevUpdateFullPreview > prevUpdateFullPreviewInterval) { console.log("f:onTouchMove >> passed prevUpdateFullPreviewInterval, updating full preview"); redrawPreview(); prevUpdateFullPreview = _points.length; } else { updatePreview(x, y, true); } //*/ } prevRedrawTime = new Date().getTime(); } } function onCanvasTouchEnd(e) { //console.log("f:onCanvasTouchEnd()"); //console.log("doodleBounds: " + doodleBounds); //console.log("doodleTransform: " + doodleTransform); // ctx.stroke(); //console.log("_points.length :" + _points.length); // redrawPreview(); renderToImageDataPreview(); } function prevent(e) { e.preventDefault(); }