var debugMode = false; // debug mode var sendPrintCommands = true; // if Doodle3d should send print commands to the 3d printer var communicateWithWifibox = true; // if Doodle3d should try interfacing with the wifibox (in case one is not connected) var wifiboxIsRemote = false; // when you want to run the client on a computer and have it remotely connect to the wifibox var autoUpdate = true; // auto retrieve updates about temperature and progress from printer var printer = new Printer(); var settingsWindow = new SettingsWindow(); $(function() { console.log("ready"); if (getURLParameter("d") != "null") debugMode = (getURLParameter("d") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("p") != "null") sendPrintCommands = (getURLParameter("p") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("c") != "null") communicateWithWifibox = (getURLParameter("c") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("r") != "null") wifiboxIsRemote = (getURLParameter("r") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("u") != "null") autoUpdate = (getURLParameter("u") == "1"); if (wifiboxIsRemote) { wifiboxURL = ""; } else { wifiboxURL = "http://" + + "/cgi-bin/d3dapi"; } if (!communicateWithWifibox) { sendPrintCommands = false; // 'communicateWithWifibox = false' implies this } console.log("debugMode: " + debugMode); console.log("sendPrintCommands: " + sendPrintCommands); console.log("communicateWithWifibox: " + communicateWithWifibox); console.log("wifiboxIsRemote: " + wifiboxIsRemote); console.log("wifibox URL: " + wifiboxURL); initLayouting(); initDoodleDrawing(); initPreviewRendering(); initButtonBehavior(); printer.init(); $(document).on(Printer.UPDATE,update); settingsWindow.init(wifiboxURL); $(document).on(SettingsWindow.SETTINGS_LOADED,settingsLoaded); if(debugMode) { console.log("debug mode is true"); $("body").css("overflow", "auto"); $("#debug_textArea").css("display", "block"); $("#preview_tmp").css("display", "block"); } }) function settingsLoaded() { console.log("settingsLoaded"); console.log("autoWarmUp: ",settings["printer.autoWarmUp"]); if(settings["printer.autoWarmUp"]) { printer.preheat(); } }