var gcodeStart = []; gcodeStart.push(";Generated with Doodle3D"); gcodeStart.push("G21"); // metric values gcodeStart.push("G91"); // relative positioning gcodeStart.push("M107"); // start with the fan off gcodeStart.push("G28 X0 Y0"); // move X/Y to min endstops gcodeStart.push("G28 Z0"); // move Z to min endstops gcodeStart.push("G1 Z15 F9000"); // move the platform down 15mm gcodeStart.push("G92 E0"); // zero the extruded length gcodeStart.push("G1 F200 E10"); // extrude 10mm of feed stock gcodeStart.push("G92 E0"); // zero the extruded length again gcodeStart.push("G92 X-100 Y-100 E0"); // zero the extruded length again and make center the start position gcodeStart.push("G1 F9000"); gcodeStart.push("G90"); // absolute positioning gcodeStart.push("M117 Printing Doodle... "); // display message (20 characters to clear whole screen) var gcodeEnd= []; gcodeEnd.push("M107"); // fan off gcodeEnd.push("G91"); // relative positioning gcodeEnd.push("G1 E-1 F300"); // retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure gcodeEnd.push("G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000"); // move Z up a bit and retract filament even more gcodeEnd.push("G28 X0 Y0"); // move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way gcodeEnd.push("M84"); // disable axes / steppers gcodeEnd.push("G90"); // absolute positioning gcodeEnd.push("M117 Done "); // display message (20 characters to clear whole screen) var gcode = []; function generate_gcode(callback) { console.log("f:generategcode()"); gcode = []; objectHeight = Math.ceil(numLayers / 5); // in settings objectHeight = 20, in previewRendering_v01.js numLayers is 100, hence the / 5 objectHeight = numLayers; // in settings objectHeight = 20, in previewRendering_v01.js numLayers is 100, hence the / 5 // todo hier een array van PATHS maken wat de losse paths zijn // copy array without reference -> var points = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_points)); console.log("f:generategcode() >> points.length: " + points.length); // console.log("f:generategcode() >> paths: " + paths.toString()); // console.log("paths.toString(): " + paths.toString()); // return; console.log("settings: ",settings); var speed = settings["printer.speed"] var normalSpeed = speed; var bottomSpeed = speed*0.5; var travelSpeed = settings["printer.travelSpeed"] var filamentThickness = settings["printer.filamentThickness"]; var wallThickness = settings["printer.wallThickness"]; var layerHeight = settings["printer.layerHeight"]; var temperature = settings["printer.temperature"]; console.log("printer temperature: ",temperature); gcode.push("M109 S" + temperature); // set target temperature and wait for the extruder to reach it // add gcode begin commands gcode = gcode.concat(gcodeStart); //gcode.push("M109 S" + temperature); // set target temperature and wait for the extruder to reach it var layers = maxObjectHeight / layerHeight; //maxObjectHeight instead of objectHeight var extruder = 0.0; var prev = new Point(); prev.set(0, 0); // replacement (and improvement) for ofxGetCenterofMass var centerOfDoodle = { x: doodleBounds[0] + (doodleBounds[2]- doodleBounds[0])/2, y: doodleBounds[1] + (doodleBounds[3] - doodleBounds[1])/2 // x: doodleBounds[0], // y: doodleBounds[1] } console.log("f:generategcode() >> layers: " + layers); for (var layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++) { var p = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(points)); // [].concat(points); if (p.length < 2) return; var even = (layer % 2 == 0); var progress = layer / layers; // float layerScale = scaleFunction(float(layer)/layers); // scaleFactor van de layer -> lookup naar vfunc[] voor die scaleVals var layerScale = 1.0; // if begin point this row and end point last row are close enough, isLoop is true var isLoop = lineLength(points[0][0], points[0][1], points[points.length-1][0], points[points.length-1][1]) < 3; // set center of doodle as middle (ie subtract to that) pointsTranslate(p, -centerOfDoodle.x, -centerOfDoodle.y); pointsScale(p, screenToMillimeterScale,-screenToMillimeterScale); pointsScale(p, layerScale, layerScale); // sort-of in de buurt van (360/2.5) // // -> aight.. er zijn 750 lines vs 1000 in de d3d app. 135 = .75 * 180... dit kan je nog rechttrekken als je NET wat slimmer nadenkt :) // update: NEE, het is niet .75 * 180 want 135 was niet de beste value. //TODO dus. pointsRotate(p, rStep * progress * 139); if (layer == 0) { //gcode.push("M107"); //fan off if (firstLayerSlow) { //gcode.push("M220 S20"); //slow speed speed = bottomSpeed; console.log("> speed: ",speed); } } else if (layer == 2) { ////////LET OP, pas bij layer 2 weer op normale snelheid ipv layer 1 gcode.push("M106"); //fan on //gcode.push("M220 S100"); //normal speed speed = normalSpeed; console.log("> speed: ",speed); } var curLayerCommand = 0; var totalLayerCommands = p.length; var layerProgress = 0; var paths = []; var pathCounter = -1; // var points = []; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (p[i][2] == true) { pathCounter++; paths.push([]); paths[pathCounter].push([p[i][0], p[i][1]]); } else { paths[pathCounter].push([p[i][0], p[i][1]]); } } // console.log("f:generategcode() >> paths.length: " + paths.length); // loop over the subpaths (the separately drawn lines) for (var j = 0; j < paths.length; j++) { // TODO paths > subpaths // this line is probably for drawing efficiency, alternating going from 0->end and end->0 (i.e. to and fro) // vector &commands = subpaths[even ? j : subpaths.size()-1-j].getCommands(); var commands = paths[j]; //commands zijn alle points uit subpath j // TODO commands > subpathPoints // loop over the coordinates of the subpath for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { var last = commands.length - 1; // this line is probably for drawing efficiency, alternating going from 0->end and end->0 (i.e. to and fro) // ofPoint to = commands[(even || isLoop || loopAlways) ? i : last-i].to; var to = new Point(); to.set(commands[i][0], commands[i][1]); var sublayer = (layer == 0) ? 0.0 : layer + (useSubLayers ? (curLayerCommand/totalLayerCommands) : 0); var z = (sublayer + 1) * layerHeight + zOffset; var isTraveling = !isLoop && i==0; var doRetract = prev.distance(to) > retractionminDistance; if (enableTraveling && isTraveling) { // console.log("enableTraveling && isTraveling >> doRetract: " + doRetract + ", retractionspeed: " + retractionspeed); if (doRetract) gcode.push("G0 E" + (extruder - retractionamount).toFixed(3) + " F" + (retractionspeed * 60).toFixed(3)); //retract gcode.push("G0 X" + to.x.toFixed(3) + " Y" + to.y.toFixed(3) + " Z" + (z + (doRetract ? hop : 0)).toFixed(3) + " F" + (travelSpeed * 60).toFixed(3)); if (doRetract) gcode.push("G0 E" + extruder.toFixed(3) + " F" + (retractionspeed * 60).toFixed(3)); // return to normal } else { // console.log(" else"); extruder += prev.distance(to) * wallThickness * layerHeight / filamentThickness; gcode.push("G1 X" + to.x.toFixed(3) + " Y" + to.y.toFixed(3) + " Z" + z.toFixed(3) + " F" + (speed * 60).toFixed(3) + " E" + extruder.toFixed(3)); } curLayerCommand++; layerProgress = curLayerCommand/totalLayerCommands; prev = to; } } if ((layer/layers) > (objectHeight/maxObjectHeight)) { console.log("f:generategcode() >> (layer/layers) > (objectHeight/maxObjectHeight) is true -> breaking"); break; } } // add gcode end commands gcode = gcode.concat(gcodeEnd); // debug // var _gc = gc.join("\n"); // console.log("f:generategcode() >> _gc = " + _gc); // Return the gcode array, joined to one string with '\n' (line break) as the join parameter // This should result in a nice long string with line breaks if (callback == undefined) { return gcode; } else { // post } } pointsTranslate = function(p, x, y) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { p[i][0] += x; p[i][1] += y; } } pointsScale = function(p, sx, sy) { for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { p[i][0] *= sx; p[i][1] *= sy; } } // rotates around point 0,0 (origin). // Not the prettiest kind of rotation solution but in our case we're assuming that the points have just been translated to origin pointsRotate = function(p, ang) { var _ang, dist; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { dist = Math.sqrt(p[i][0] * p[i][0] + p[i][1] * p[i][1]); _ang = Math.atan2(p[i][1], p[i][0]); p[i][0] = Math.cos(_ang + ang) * dist; p[i][1] = Math.sin(_ang + ang) * dist; } } //+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva //@ [rev. #1] lineLength = function(x, y, x0, y0){ return Math.sqrt((x -= x0) * x + (y -= y0) * y); }; var Point = function() {}; Point.prototype = { x: 0, y: 0, set: function(_x, _y) { this.x = _x; this.y = _y; }, distance: function(p) { var d = -1; if (p instanceof Point) { d = Math.sqrt((p.x - this.x) * (p.x - this.x) + (p.y - this.y) * (p.y - this.y)); } return d; }, toString: function() { console.log("x:" + this.x + ", y:" + this.y); } }