/* * This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). * * Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. * See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. */ var debugMode = false; // debug mode var sendPrintCommands = true; // if Doodle3d should send print commands to the 3d printer var communicateWithWifibox = true; // if Doodle3d should try interfacing with the wifibox (in case one is not connected) var wifiboxIsRemote = false; // when you want to run the client on a computer and have it remotely connect to the wifibox var autoUpdate = true; // auto retrieve updates about temperature and progress from printer var printer = new Printer(); var progressbar = new Progressbar(); var thermometer = new Thermometer(); var settingsWindow = new SettingsWindow(); var message = new Message(); var firstTimeSettingsLoaded = true; var wifiboxURL; // Using the uhttpd lua handler as default, because of better performance var wifiboxCGIBinURL; // CGI-bin, for some network stuff, where it needs to restart the webserver for example var $drawAreaContainer, $doodleCanvas, doodleCanvas, doodleCanvasContext, $previewContainer; var showhideInterval; var showOrHide = false; var clientInfo = {}; var POPUP_SHOW_DURATION = 175; var BUTTON_GROUP_SHOW_DURATION = 80; $(function() { console.log("Doodle3D client ready"); console.log("Build information - <%= build_info %>)"); if (getURLParameter("d") != "null") debugMode = (getURLParameter("d") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("p") != "null") sendPrintCommands = (getURLParameter("p") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("c") != "null") communicateWithWifibox = (getURLParameter("c") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("r") != "null") wifiboxIsRemote = (getURLParameter("r") == "1"); if (getURLParameter("u") != "null") autoUpdate = (getURLParameter("u") == "1"); var hostname; if (wifiboxIsRemote) hostname = ''; if (getURLParameter("wifiboxURL") != "null") hostname = getURLParameter("wifiboxURL"); if (!hostname) hostname = "http://" + window.location.host; wifiboxURL = hostname+"/d3dapi"; wifiboxCGIBinURL = hostname+"/cgi-bin/d3dapi"; //var api = wifiboxURL+'/d3dapi/sketch/'; // if (wifiboxIsRemote) { // // var hostname = ""; // var hostname = ""; // wifiboxURL = hostname+"/d3dapi"; // wifiboxCGIBinURL = hostname+"/cgi-bin/d3dapi"; // } else { // wifiboxURL = "http://" + window.location.host + "/d3dapi"; // wifiboxCGIBinURL = "http://" + window.location.host + "/cgi-bin/d3dapi"; // } if (!communicateWithWifibox) { sendPrintCommands = false; // 'communicateWithWifibox = false' implies this } console.log("debugMode: " + debugMode); console.log("sendPrintCommands: " + sendPrintCommands); console.log("communicateWithWifibox: " + communicateWithWifibox); console.log("wifiboxIsRemote: " + wifiboxIsRemote); console.log("wifibox URL: " + wifiboxURL); // rudimentary client info clientInfo.isMobileDevice = isMobileDevice(); clientInfo.isSmartphone = isSmartphone(); initDoodleDrawing(); initPreviewRendering(); initLayouting(); // initSidebars(); initButtonBehavior(); initKeyboard(); // initVerticalShapes(); initWordArt(); initShapeDialog(); initScanDialog(); disableDragging(); // if (!clientInfo.isSmartphone) initHelp(); thermometer.init($("#thermometerCanvas"), $("#thermometerContainer")); progressbar.init($("#progressbarCanvas"), $("#progressbarCanvasContainer")); message.init($("#message")); // printer.init(); // $(document).on(Printer.UPDATE,update); // settingsWindow.init(wifiboxURL,wifiboxCGIBinURL); // $(document).on(SettingsWindow.SETTINGS_LOADED, settingsLoaded); // if(debugMode) { // console.log("debug mode is true"); // $("body").css("overflow", "auto"); // $("#debug_textArea").css("display", "block"); // //$("#preview_tmp").css("display", "block"); // $("#debug_display").css("display", "block"); // show and hide the progressguage and thermometer //showhideInterval = setInterval(showOrHideThermo, 2500); // $("#debugContainer").css("display", "block"); /* TEMP CODE!! -> artificially populates the startgcode and endgcode textareas in the settings window */ // todo remove this temporary code... /* setTimeout(function() { $("#startgcode").text(""); $("#startgcode").append("G21 (mm) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("G91 (relative) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("G28 X0 Y0 Z0 (physical home) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("M104 S230 (temperature) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("G1 E10 F250 (flow) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("G92 X-100 Y-100 Z0 E10 \n"); $("#startgcode").append("G1 Z3 F5000 (prevent diagonal line) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("G90 (absolute) \n"); $("#startgcode").append("M106 (fan on)"); console.log("$('#startgcode'): " + $("#startgcode").val()); $("#endgcode").text(""); $("#endgcode").append("G1 X-100 Y-100 F15000 (fast homing) \n"); $("#endgcode").append("M107 \n"); $("#endgcode").append("M84 (disable axes) \n"); console.log("$('#endgcode'): " + $("#endgcode").val()); }, 1000); // //*/ // } }); function disableDragging() { $(document).bind("dragstart", function(event) { console.log("dragstart"); event.preventDefault(); }); } function showOrHideThermo() { console.log("f:showOrHideThermo()"); if (showOrHide) { thermometer.hide(); progressbar.hide(); } else { thermometer.show(); progressbar.show(); } showOrHide = !showOrHide; } // function settingsLoaded() { // console.log("settingsLoaded"); // if(firstTimeSettingsLoaded) { // console.log(" preheat: ",settings["printer.heatup.enabled"]); // console.log(" state: ",state); // if(state == Printer.IDLE_STATE && settings["printer.heatup.enabled"]) { // printer.preheat(); // } // console.log("doodle3d.tour.enabled: ",settings["doodle3d.tour.enabled"]); // if(settings["doodle3d.tour.enabled"] && !clientInfo.isSmartphone) { // console.log("show tour"); // initHelp(); // } // firstTimeSettingsLoaded = false; // } // } function setDebugText(text) { $("#debug_display").text(text); }