/* not using this now var $printProgressContainer = $("#printProgressContainer"); var $progressbar = $("#progressbar"); var $progressAmount = $(".progressAmount"); function setPrintprogress(val) { if (isNaN(val)) return; // console.log("f:setPrintprogress() >> val " + val); $progressbar.css("width", val*100 + "%"); $progressAmount.text(Math.floor(val*100) + "%"); } //*/ function Printer() { this.temperature = 0; this.targetTemperature = 0; this.printing; this.wifiboxURL; this.maxTempLastMod = 7; // max time (seconds) since the last temp info modification before the printer connection is considered lost this.checkTemperatureInterval = 6000; this.checkTemperatureDelay; this.checkProgressInterval = 6000; this.checkProgressDelay; this.timeoutTime = 3000; this.gcode; // gcode to be printed this.sendLength = 6000; // max amount of gcode lines per post (limited because WiFi box can't handle to much) this.retryDelay = 2000; // retry setTimout delay this.retrySendPrintPartDelay; // retry setTimout instance this.retryCheckTemperatureDelay; // retry setTimout instance this.retryCheckProgressDelay; // retry setTimout instance this.retryStopDelay; // retry setTimout instance this.retryPreheatDelay; // retry setTimout instance this.maxGCodeSize = 10; // max size of gcode in MB's (estimation) this.sendStopGCodeDelay = 1000; // Events Printer.UPDATE = "update"; this.init = function() { console.log("Printer:init"); //this.wifiboxURL = "http://" + window.location.host + "/cgi-bin/d3dapi"; //this.wifiboxURL = ""; this.wifiboxURL = wifiboxURL; //this.wifiboxURL = "proxy5.php"; console.log(" wifiboxURL: ",this.wifiboxURL); if(autoUpdate) { this.checkTemperature(); this.checkProgress(); } } this.preheat = function() { console.log("Printer:preheat"); var postData = { id: 0 }; var self = this; if (communicateWithWifibox) { $.ajax({ url: this.wifiboxURL + "/printer/heatup", type: "POST", data: postData, dataType: 'json', timeout: this.timeoutTime, success: function(data){ console.log("Printer:preheat response: ",data); if(data.status == "error") { clearTimeout(self.retryPreheatDelay); self.retryPreheatDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.preheat() },self.retryDelay); // retry after delay } } }).fail(function() { console.log("Printer:preheat: failed"); clearTimeout(self.retryPreheatDelay); self.retryPreheatDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.preheat() },self.retryDelay); // retry after delay }); } else { console.log ("Printer >> f:preheat() >> communicateWithWifibox is false, so not executing this function"); } } this.print = function(gcode) { console.log("Printer:print"); console.log(" gcode total # of lines: " + gcode.length); /*for (i = 0; i < gcode.length; i++) { gcode[i] += " (" + i + ")"; }*/ this.sendIndex = 0; this.gcode = gcode; //console.log(" gcode[20]: ",gcode[20]); var gcodeLineSize = this.byteSize(gcode[20]); //console.log(" gcodeLineSize: ",gcodeLineSize); var gcodeSize = gcodeLineSize*gcode.length/1024/1024; // estimate gcode size in MB's console.log(" gcodeSize: ",gcodeSize); if(gcodeSize > this.maxGCodeSize) { console.log("Error: Printer:print: gcode file is probably to big ("+gcodeSize+"MB) (max: "+this.maxGCodeSize+"MB)"); return; } this.targetTemperature = settings["printer.temperature"]; // slight hack this.sendPrintPart(this.sendIndex, this.sendLength); this.restartIntervals(); // slight hack } this.byteSize = function(s){ return~-encodeURI(s).split(/%..|./).length; } this.sendPrintPart = function(sendIndex,sendLength) { console.log("Printer:sendPrintPart sendIndex: " + sendIndex + "/" + this.gcode.length + ", sendLength: " + sendLength); var firstOne = (sendIndex == 0)? true : false; var lastOne = false; if (this.gcode.length < (sendIndex + sendLength)) { console.log(" sending less than max sendLength (and last)"); sendLength = this.gcode.length - sendIndex; lastOne = true; } var gcodePart = this.gcode.slice(sendIndex, sendIndex+sendLength); var postData = { id: 0, gcode: gcodePart.join("\n"), first: firstOne, last: lastOne}; var self = this; if (communicateWithWifibox) { $.ajax({ url: this.wifiboxURL + "/printer/print", type: "POST", data: postData, dataType: 'json', timeout: this.timeoutTime, success: function(data){ console.log("Printer:sendPrintPart response: ",data); if(data.status == "success") { if (lastOne) { console.log("Printer:sendPrintPart:gcode sending completed"); this.gcode = []; self.targetTemperature = settings["printer.temperature"]; // slight hack } else { self.sendPrintPart(sendIndex + sendLength, sendLength); } } } }).fail(function() { console.log("Printer:sendPrintPart: failed"); clearTimeout(self.retrySendPrintPartDelay); self.retrySendPrintPartDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.sendPrintPart(sendIndex, sendLength) },self.retryDelay); // retry after delay }); } else { console.log ("Printer >> f:sendPrintPart() >> communicateWithWifibox is false, so not executing this function"); } } this.stop = function() { console.log("Printer:stop"); var postData = { id: 0 }; var self = this; if (communicateWithWifibox) { $.ajax({ url: this.wifiboxURL + "/printer/stop", type: "POST", data: postData, dataType: 'json', timeout: this.timeoutTime, success: function(data){ console.log("Printer:stop response: ", data); setTimeout(function() { console.log("send: ",gcodeEnd); self.print(gcodeEnd) },self.sendStopGCodeDelay); } }).fail(function() { console.log("Printer:stop: failed"); clearTimeout(self.retryStopDelay); self.retryStopDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.stop() },self.retryDelay); // retry after delay }); } else { console.log ("Printer >> f:communicateWithWifibox() >> communicateWithWifibox is false, so not executing this function"); } this.restartIntervals(); // slight hack } this.checkTemperature = function() { //console.log("Printer:checkTemperature"); var getData = { id: 0 }; var self = this; if (communicateWithWifibox) { $.ajax({ url: this.wifiboxURL + "/printer/temperature", data: getData, dataType: 'json', timeout: this.timeoutTime, success: function(data){ //console.log("Printer:temperature response: ",data); if(data.status == "success") { //console.log("temp: ",response.data.hotend+"/"+response.data.hotend_target+" ("+response.data.last_mod+")"); self.temperature = data.data.hotend; if(data.data.hotend_target != undefined) { if(state == PRINTING_STATE) { // HACK self.targetTemperature = settings["printer.temperature"]; } else { self.targetTemperature = data.data.hotend_target; } } self.alive = (data.data.last_mod < self.maxTempLastMod); } else { self.alive = false; } //console.log(" this.alive: ",self.alive); $(document).trigger(Printer.UPDATE); self.checkTemperatureDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.checkTemperature() }, self.checkTemperatureInterval); } }).fail(function() { console.log("Printer:checkTemperature: failed"); clearTimeout(self.retryCheckTemperatureDelay); self.retryCheckTemperatureDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.checkTemperature() },self.retryDelay); // retry after delay }); } else { console.log ("Printer >> f:checkTemperature() >> communicateWithWifibox is false, so not executing this function"); } } this.checkProgress = function() { //console.log("Printer:checkProgress"); var getData = { id: 0 }; var self = this; if (communicateWithWifibox) { $.ajax({ url: this.wifiboxURL + "/printer/progress", data: getData, dataType: 'json', timeout: this.timeoutTime, success: function(data){ if(data.status == "success") { self.printing = data.data.printing; self.currentLine = data.data.current_line; self.num_lines = data.data.num_lines; if(self.printing) { console.log("progress: ",data.data.current_line+"/"+data.data.num_lines+" ("+data.data.last_mod+")"); } } else { self.printing = false; } //console.log(" this.alive: ",self.alive); $(document).trigger(Printer.UPDATE); self.checkProgressDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.checkProgress() },self.checkProgressInterval); } }).fail(function() { console.log("Printer:checkProgress: failed"); clearTimeout(self.retryCheckProgressDelay); self.retryCheckProgressDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.checkProgress() },self.retryDelay); // retry after delay }); } else { console.log ("Printer >> f:checkProgress() >> communicateWithWifibox is false, so not executing this function"); } } this.restartIntervals = function() { var self = this; clearTimeout(self.checkProgressDelay); self.checkProgressDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.checkProgress() },self.checkProgressInterval); clearTimeout(self.checkTemperatureDelay); self.checkTemperatureDelay = setTimeout(function() { self.checkTemperature() }, self.checkTemperatureInterval); } }