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synced 2024-11-15 23:27:57 +01:00
# By Adriaan Wormgoor (6) and peteruithoven (4) # Via Adriaan Wormgoor (2) and peteruithoven (2) * 'master' of https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-client: objectHeight and twist fix and temp display fix minor repositioning of temp-guage so that it doesn't overlap with the info-button gcode generated twist now complies with the doodle preview made the 'ok' button have a mouseover 'hand' cursor commented out call to missing setPrintprogress() removed wrong unit in settings Removed unused draw logic additions to Thermometer to allow the general Update function to show() and hide() the Thermometer's container DIV new favicon (for Firefox) a few new favicons and homescreen icons Conflicts: js/Thermometer.js js/gcodeGenerating_v01.js
306 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
306 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
var gcodeStart = [];
gcodeStart.push(";Generated with Doodle3D");
gcodeStart.push("G21"); // metric values
gcodeStart.push("G91"); // relative positioning
gcodeStart.push("M107"); // start with the fan off
gcodeStart.push("G28 X0 Y0"); // move X/Y to min endstops
gcodeStart.push("G28 Z0"); // move Z to min endstops
gcodeStart.push("G1 Z15 F9000"); // move the platform down 15mm
gcodeStart.push("G92 E0"); // zero the extruded length
gcodeStart.push("G1 F200 E10"); // extrude 10mm of feed stock
gcodeStart.push("G92 E0"); // zero the extruded length again
gcodeStart.push("G92 X-100 Y-100 E0"); // zero the extruded length again and make center the start position
gcodeStart.push("G1 F9000");
gcodeStart.push("G90"); // absolute positioning
gcodeStart.push("M117 Printing Doodle... "); // display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)
var gcodeEnd= [];
gcodeEnd.push("M107"); // fan off
gcodeEnd.push("G91"); // relative positioning
gcodeEnd.push("G1 E-1 F300"); // retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
gcodeEnd.push("G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000"); // move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
gcodeEnd.push("G28 X0 Y0"); // move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
gcodeEnd.push("M84"); // disable axes / steppers
gcodeEnd.push("G90"); // absolute positioning
gcodeEnd.push("M117 Done "); // display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)
var gcode = [];
function generate_gcode(callback) {
var startGcode = [];
var endGcode = [];
// get gcode start statements
if ($("#startgcode").val().trim().length != 0) {
console.log(" found contents for start-gcode in settings.html")
startGcode = $("#startgcode").val().trim().split("\n");
} else {
console.log(" no start-gcode in settings.html, using defaults")
// get gcode end statements
if ($("#endgcode").val().trim().length != 0) {
console.log(" found contents for end-gcode in settings.html")
endGcode = $("#endgcode").val().trim().split("\n");
} else {
console.log(" no end-gcode in settings.html, using defaults")
gcode = [];
console.log("settings: ",settings);
var speed = settings["printer.speed"]
var normalSpeed = speed;
var bottomSpeed = speed*0.5;
var travelSpeed = settings["printer.travelSpeed"]
var filamentThickness = settings["printer.filamentThickness"];
var wallThickness = settings["printer.wallThickness"];
var screenToMillimeterScale = settings["printer.screenToMillimeterScale"];
var layerHeight = settings["printer.layerHeight"];
var maxObjectHeight = settings["printer.maxObjectHeight"];
var temperature = settings["printer.temperature"];
var useSubLayers = settings["printer.useSubLayers"];
var enableTraveling = settings["printer.enableTraveling"];
var retractionEnabled = settings["printer.retraction.enabled"];
var retractionspeed = settings["printer.retraction.speed"];
var retractionminDistance = settings["printer.retraction.minDistance"];
var retractionamount = settings["printer.retraction.amount"];
console.log("f:generate_gcode >> EFFE CHECKEN:");
console.log(" speed: " + speed);
console.log(" travelSpeed: " + travelSpeed);
console.log(" filamentThickness: " + filamentThickness);
console.log(" wallThickness: " + wallThickness);
console.log(" screenToMillimeterScale: " + screenToMillimeterScale);
console.log(" layerHeight: " + layerHeight);
console.log(" objectHeight: " + objectHeight);
console.log(" maxObjectHeight: " + maxObjectHeight);
console.log(" temperature: " + temperature);
console.log(" maxObjectHeight: " + maxObjectHeight);
console.log(" useSubLayers: " + useSubLayers);
console.log(" enableTraveling: " + enableTraveling);
console.log(" retractionspeed: " + retractionspeed);
console.log(" retractionminDistance: " + retractionminDistance);
console.log(" retractionamount: " + retractionamount);
// max amount of real world layers
var layers = maxObjectHeight / layerHeight; //maxObjectHeight instead of objectHeight
// translate numLayers in preview to objectHeight in real world
//objectHeight = Math.ceil(numLayers / 5); // in settings objectHeight = 20, in previewRendering_v01.js numLayers is 100, hence the / 5
//objectHeight = numLayers; // in settings objectHeight = 20, in previewRendering_v01.js numLayers is 100, hence the / 5
objectHeight = Math.round(numLayers/maxNumLayers*maxObjectHeight);
// translate preview rotation (per layer) to real world rotation
var rStepGCode = rStep * maxNumLayers/layers; ///maxNumLayers*maxObjectHeight;
// correct direction
rStepGCode = -rStepGCode;
// todo hier een array van PATHS maken wat de losse paths zijn
// copy array without reference -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9885821/copying-of-an-array-of-objects-to-another-array-without-object-reference-in-java
var points = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_points));
console.log("f:generategcode() >> points.length: " + points.length);
// console.log("f:generategcode() >> paths: " + paths.toString());
// console.log("paths.toString(): " + paths.toString());
// return;
console.log("printer temperature: ",temperature);
gcode.push("M109 S" + temperature); // set target temperature and wait for the extruder to reach it
// add gcode begin commands
gcode = gcode.concat(startGcode);
//gcode.push("M109 S" + temperature); // set target temperature and wait for the extruder to reach it
var layers = maxObjectHeight / layerHeight; //maxObjectHeight instead of objectHeight
var extruder = 0.0;
var prev = new Point(); prev.set(0, 0);
// replacement (and improvement) for ofxGetCenterofMass
var centerOfDoodle = {
x: doodleBounds[0] + (doodleBounds[2]- doodleBounds[0])/2,
y: doodleBounds[1] + (doodleBounds[3] - doodleBounds[1])/2
// x: doodleBounds[0],
// y: doodleBounds[1]
console.log("f:generategcode() >> layers: " + layers);
if (layers == Infinity) return;
for (var layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++) {
var p = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(points)); // [].concat(points);
if (p.length < 2) return;
var even = (layer % 2 == 0);
var progress = layer / layers;
// float layerScale = scaleFunction(float(layer)/layers); // scaleFactor van de layer -> lookup naar vfunc[] voor die scaleVals
var layerScale = 1.0;
// if begin point this row and end point last row are close enough, isLoop is true
var isLoop = lineLength(points[0][0], points[0][1], points[points.length-1][0], points[points.length-1][1]) < 3;
// set center of doodle as middle (ie subtract to that)
pointsTranslate(p, -centerOfDoodle.x, -centerOfDoodle.y);
pointsScale(p, screenToMillimeterScale,-screenToMillimeterScale);
pointsScale(p, layerScale, layerScale);
// sort-of in de buurt van (360/2.5)
// // -> aight.. er zijn 750 lines vs 1000 in de d3d app. 135 = .75 * 180... dit kan je nog rechttrekken als je NET wat slimmer nadenkt :)
// update: NEE, het is niet .75 * 180 want 135 was niet de beste value.
//pointsRotate(p, rStep * progress * 139);
pointsRotate(p, rStepGCode * layer);
if (layer == 0) {
//gcode.push("M107"); //fan off
if (firstLayerSlow) {
//gcode.push("M220 S20"); //slow speed
speed = bottomSpeed;
//console.log("> speed: ",speed);
} else if (layer == 2) { ////////LET OP, pas bij layer 2 weer op normale snelheid ipv layer 1
gcode.push("M106"); //fan on
//gcode.push("M220 S100"); //normal speed
speed = normalSpeed;
//console.log("> speed: ",speed);
var curLayerCommand = 0;
var totalLayerCommands = p.length;
var layerProgress = 0;
var paths = [];
var pathCounter = -1;
// var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (p[i][2] == true) {
paths[pathCounter].push([p[i][0], p[i][1]]);
} else {
paths[pathCounter].push([p[i][0], p[i][1]]);
// console.log("f:generategcode() >> paths.length: " + paths.length);
// loop over the subpaths (the separately drawn lines)
for (var j = 0; j < paths.length; j++) { // TODO paths > subpaths
// this line is probably for drawing efficiency, alternating going from 0->end and end->0 (i.e. to and fro)
// vector<ofSubPath::Command> &commands = subpaths[even ? j : subpaths.size()-1-j].getCommands();
var commands = paths[j]; //commands zijn alle points uit subpath j // TODO commands > subpathPoints
// loop over the coordinates of the subpath
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
var last = commands.length - 1;
// this line is probably for drawing efficiency, alternating going from 0->end and end->0 (i.e. to and fro)
// ofPoint to = commands[(even || isLoop || loopAlways) ? i : last-i].to;
var to = new Point(); to.set(commands[i][0], commands[i][1]);
var sublayer = (layer == 0) ? 0.0 : layer + (useSubLayers ? (curLayerCommand/totalLayerCommands) : 0);
var z = (sublayer + 1) * layerHeight; // 2013-09-06 removed zOffset (seemed to be useless)
var isTraveling = !isLoop && i==0;
var doRetract = retractionEnabled && prev.distance(to) > retractionminDistance;
if (enableTraveling && isTraveling) {
// console.log("enableTraveling && isTraveling >> doRetract: " + doRetract + ", retractionspeed: " + retractionspeed);
if (doRetract) gcode.push("G0 E" + (extruder - retractionamount).toFixed(3) + " F" + (retractionspeed * 60).toFixed(3)); //retract
gcode.push("G0 X" + to.x.toFixed(3) + " Y" + to.y.toFixed(3) + " Z" + z.toFixed(3) + " F" + (travelSpeed * 60).toFixed(3));
if (doRetract) gcode.push("G0 E" + extruder.toFixed(3) + " F" + (retractionspeed * 60).toFixed(3)); // return to normal
} else {
// console.log(" else");
extruder += prev.distance(to) * wallThickness * layerHeight / filamentThickness;
gcode.push("G1 X" + to.x.toFixed(3) + " Y" + to.y.toFixed(3) + " Z" + z.toFixed(3) + " F" + (speed * 60).toFixed(3) + " E" + extruder.toFixed(3));
layerProgress = curLayerCommand/totalLayerCommands;
prev = to;
if ((layer/layers) > (objectHeight/maxObjectHeight)) {
console.log("f:generategcode() >> (layer/layers) > (objectHeight/maxObjectHeight) is true -> breaking at layer " + (layer + 1));
// add gcode end commands
gcode = gcode.concat(endGcode);
// debug
// var _gc = gc.join("\n");
// console.log("f:generategcode() >> _gc = " + _gc);
// Return the gcode array, joined to one string with '\n' (line break) as the join parameter
// This should result in a nice long string with line breaks
if (callback == undefined) {
return gcode;
} else {
// post
pointsTranslate = function(p, x, y) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
p[i][0] += x;
p[i][1] += y;
pointsScale = function(p, sx, sy) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
p[i][0] *= sx;
p[i][1] *= sy;
// rotates around point 0,0 (origin).
// Not the prettiest kind of rotation solution but in our case we're assuming that the points have just been translated to origin
pointsRotate = function(p, ang) {
var _ang, dist;
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
dist = Math.sqrt(p[i][0] * p[i][0] + p[i][1] * p[i][1]);
_ang = Math.atan2(p[i][1], p[i][0]);
p[i][0] = Math.cos(_ang + ang) * dist;
p[i][1] = Math.sin(_ang + ang) * dist;
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ http://jsfromhell.com/math/line-length [rev. #1]
lineLength = function(x, y, x0, y0){
return Math.sqrt((x -= x0) * x + (y -= y0) * y);
var Point = function() {};
Point.prototype = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
set: function(_x, _y) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
distance: function(p) {
var d = -1;
if (p instanceof Point) {
d = Math.sqrt((p.x - this.x) * (p.x - this.x) + (p.y - this.y) * (p.y - this.y));
return d;
toString: function() {
console.log("x:" + this.x + ", y:" + this.y);
} |