mirror of https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-client.git synced 2024-09-28 22:18:38 +02:00
peteruithoven 6df5e255c2 Basic feedback and more control
Display temperature
Only show temperature when connected with printer
Move index.html javascript to main.js
stop button (Still having issues in firmware)
OOP style printer control
Added a proxy.php file to forward cross domain posts and get's. (should
not be necessary)
2013-08-07 20:47:47 +02:00

222 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

var gcodeStart = [];
gcodeStart.push("G21 (mm)");
gcodeStart.push("G91 (relative)");
gcodeStart.push("G28 X0 Y0 Z0 (physical home)");
gcodeStart.push("G1 E10 F250 (flow)");
gcodeStart.push("G92 X-100 Y-100 Z0 E10");
gcodeStart.push("G1 Z3 F5000 (prevent diagonal line)");
gcodeStart.push("G90 (absolute)");
gcodeStart.push("M106 (fan on)");
var gcodeEnd= [];
gcodeEnd.push("G1 X-100 Y-100 F15000 (fast homing)");
gcodeEnd.push("M84 (disable axes)");
var gcode = [];
function generate_gcode(callback) {
gcode = [];
objectHeight = Math.ceil(numLayers / 5); // in settings objectHeight = 20, in previewRendering_v01.js numLayers is 100, hence the / 5
objectHeight = numLayers; // in settings objectHeight = 20, in previewRendering_v01.js numLayers is 100, hence the / 5
// todo hier een array van PATHS maken wat de losse paths zijn
// copy array without reference -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9885821/copying-of-an-array-of-objects-to-another-array-without-object-reference-in-java
var points = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_points));
console.log("f:generategcode() >> points.length: " + points.length);
// console.log("f:generategcode() >> paths: " + paths.toString());
// console.log("paths.toString(): " + paths.toString());
// return;
// add gcode begin commands
gcode = gcode.concat(gcodeStart);
console.log("printer temperature: ",settings["printer.temperature"]);
gcode.push("M104 S" + settings["printer.temperature"] + " (temperature)");
gcode.push("M109 S" + settings["printer.temperature"] + " (wait for heating)");
var layers = maxObjectHeight / settings["printer.layerHeight"]; //maxObjectHeight instead of objectHeight
var extruder = 0.0;
var prev = new Point(); prev.set(0, 0);
// replacement (and improvement) for ofxGetCenterofMass
var centerOfDoodle = {
x: doodleBounds[0] + (doodleBounds[2]- doodleBounds[0])/2,
y: doodleBounds[1] + (doodleBounds[3] - doodleBounds[1])/2
// x: doodleBounds[0],
// y: doodleBounds[1]
console.log("f:generategcode() >> layers: " + layers);
for (var layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++) {
var p = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(points)); // [].concat(points);
if (p.length < 2) return;
var even = (layer % 2 == 0);
var progress = layer / layers;
// float layerScale = scaleFunction(float(layer)/layers); // scaleFactor van de layer -> lookup naar vfunc[] voor die scaleVals
var layerScale = 1.0;
// if begin point this row and end point last row are close enough, isLoop is true
var isLoop = lineLength(points[0][0], points[0][1], points[points.length-1][0], points[points.length-1][1]) < 3;
// set center of doodle as middle (ie subtract to that)
pointsTranslate(p, -centerOfDoodle.x, -centerOfDoodle.y);
pointsScale(p, screenToMillimeterScale,-screenToMillimeterScale);
pointsScale(p, layerScale, layerScale);
// sort-of in de buurt van (360/2.5)
// // -> aight.. er zijn 750 lines vs 1000 in de d3d app. 135 = .75 * 180... dit kan je nog rechttrekken als je NET wat slimmer nadenkt :)
// update: NEE, het is niet .75 * 180 want 135 was niet de beste value. //TODO dus.
pointsRotate(p, rStep * progress * 139);
if (layer == 0) {
gcode.push("M107"); //fan off
if (firstLayerSlow) gcode.push("M220 S40"); //slow speed
} else if (layer == 2) { ////////LET OP, pas bij layer 2 weer op normale snelheid ipv layer 1
gcode.push("M106"); //fan on
gcode.push("M220 S100"); //normal speed
var curLayerCommand = 0;
var totalLayerCommands = p.length;
var layerProgress = 0;
var paths = [];
var pathCounter = -1;
// var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (p[i][2] == true) {
paths[pathCounter].push([p[i][0], p[i][1]]);
} else {
paths[pathCounter].push([p[i][0], p[i][1]]);
// console.log("f:generategcode() >> paths.length: " + paths.length);
// loop over the subpaths (the separately drawn lines)
for (var j = 0; j < paths.length; j++) { // TODO paths > subpaths
// this line is probably for drawing efficiency, alternating going from 0->end and end->0 (i.e. to and fro)
// vector<ofSubPath::Command> &commands = subpaths[even ? j : subpaths.size()-1-j].getCommands();
var commands = paths[j]; //commands zijn alle points uit subpath j // TODO commands > subpathPoints
// loop over the coordinates of the subpath
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
var last = commands.length - 1;
// this line is probably for drawing efficiency, alternating going from 0->end and end->0 (i.e. to and fro)
// ofPoint to = commands[(even || isLoop || loopAlways) ? i : last-i].to;
var to = new Point(); to.set(commands[i][0], commands[i][1]);
var sublayer = (layer == 0) ? 0.0 : layer + (useSubLayers ? (curLayerCommand/totalLayerCommands) : 0);
var z = (sublayer + 1) * settings["printer.layerHeight"] + zOffset;
// TODO if (z > layerheight*2) do M106 (enable fan)
var isTraveling = !isLoop && i==0;
var doRetract = prev.distance(to) > retractionminDistance;
if (enableTraveling && isTraveling) {
// console.log("enableTraveling && isTraveling >> doRetract: " + doRetract + ", retractionspeed: " + retractionspeed);
if (doRetract) gcode.push("G1 E" + (extruder - retractionamount).toFixed(3) + " F" + (retractionspeed * 60).toFixed(3)); //retract
gcode.push("G1 X" + to.x.toFixed(3) + " Y" + to.y.toFixed(3) + " Z" + (z + (doRetract ? hop : 0)).toFixed(3) + " F" + (travelSpeed * 60).toFixed(3));
if (doRetract) gcode.push("G1 E" + extruder.toFixed(3) + " F" + (retractionspeed * 60).toFixed(3)); // return to normal
} else {
// console.log(" else");
extruder += prev.distance(to) * settings["printer.wallThickness"] * settings["printer.layerHeight"] / filamentThickness;
gcode.push("G1 X" + to.x.toFixed(3) + " Y" + to.y.toFixed(3) + " Z" + z.toFixed(3) + " F" + (speed * 60).toFixed(3) + " E" + extruder.toFixed(3));
layerProgress = curLayerCommand/totalLayerCommands;
prev = to;
if ((layer/layers) > (objectHeight/maxObjectHeight)) {
console.log("f:generategcode() >> (layer/layers) > (objectHeight/maxObjectHeight) is true -> breaking");
// add gcode end commands
gcode = gcode.concat(gcodeEnd);
// debug
// var _gc = gc.join("\n");
// console.log("f:generategcode() >> _gc = " + _gc);
// Return the gcode array, joined to one string with '\n' (line break) as the join parameter
// This should result in a nice long string with line breaks
if (callback == undefined) {
return gcode;
} else {
// post
pointsTranslate = function(p, x, y) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
p[i][0] += x;
p[i][1] += y;
pointsScale = function(p, sx, sy) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
p[i][0] *= sx;
p[i][1] *= sy;
// rotates around point 0,0 (origin).
// Not the prettiest kind of rotation solution but in our case we're assuming that the points have just been translated to origin
pointsRotate = function(p, ang) {
var _ang, dist;
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
dist = Math.sqrt(p[i][0] * p[i][0] + p[i][1] * p[i][1]);
_ang = Math.atan2(p[i][1], p[i][0]);
p[i][0] = Math.cos(_ang + ang) * dist;
p[i][1] = Math.sin(_ang + ang) * dist;
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ http://jsfromhell.com/math/line-length [rev. #1]
lineLength = function(x, y, x0, y0){
return Math.sqrt((x -= x0) * x + (y -= y0) * y);
var Point = function() {};
Point.prototype = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
set: function(_x, _y) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
distance: function(p) {
var d = -1;
if (p instanceof Point) {
d = Math.sqrt((p.x - this.x) * (p.x - this.x) + (p.y - this.y) * (p.y - this.y));
return d;
toString: function() {
console.log("x:" + this.x + ", y:" + this.y);