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/* gmap plugin.
* $.gmap()
* $.gmap({ ...options... })
* $.gmap('addMarkers', data)
* The jQuery object being mapified must have an attribute: data-initial-view="lat,lng,zoom"
* Configuration options:
* loadingMessage: a string for the loading overlay. Default: "Loading..."
* autoAddMarkers: boolean. If true, a marker is automatically added for each item with the
* attribute data-marker-info="lat,lng". If the element or any descendant has the class
* "ui-gmap-marker-content", then an infobox containing that content will be shown when
* the marker is clicked (this content is cloned). The HTML contents of a subelement with
* class "ui-gmap-marker-title" will be used for the mouseover tooltip.
* infoWindowConfig: Object containing a list of properties for the info window (if applicable).
* Markup requirements:
* 1. The class "ui-gmap" will be added to each element to which the plugin is applied.
(function($) {
var pluginName = 'gmap';
var DATA_INITIAL_VIEW = "44.80,-93.16,5";
function parseLatLng(string) {
if (!string) string = DATA_INITIAL_VIEW;
var parts = string.split(',');
if (parts.length != 2) throw 'Invalid lat/lng: "'+string+'"';
var lat = parseFloat(parts[0]);
var lng = parseFloat(parts[1]);
if (isNaN(lat) || lat < -90 || lat > 90 || isNaN(lng) || lng < -180 || lng > 180)
throw 'Invalid lat/lng: "'+string+'"';
return new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
function parseLatLngZoom(string) {
if (!string) string = DATA_INITIAL_VIEW;
var parts = string.split(',');
if (parts.length != 3) throw 'Invalid lat/lng/zoom: "'+string+'"';
var lat = parseFloat(parts[0]);
var lng = parseFloat(parts[1]);
var zoom = parseInt(parts[2]);
if (isNaN(lat) || lat < -90 || lat > 90 || isNaN(lng) || lng < -180 || lng > 180 || zoom < 3 || zoom > 30)
throw 'Invalid lat/lng/zoom: "'+string+'"';
return { center: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng), zoom: zoom };
var commands = {
init: function(config) {
if (!('google' in window) || !('maps' in google)) {
throw 'Google maps API did not complete loading';
var $this = $(this);
$this.data(pluginName, config);
// Set up UI
$this.addClass('ui-gmap').html('<div class="ui-gmap-canvas"></div>');
// Figure out the initial view and construct the googlemap
var opts = parseLatLngZoom($this.attr('data-initial-view'));
opts.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP;
opts.zoomControlOptions = {
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_CENTER
var $canvas = $this.find('.ui-gmap-canvas');
var map = new google.maps.Map($canvas.get(0), opts);
$this.data(pluginName + '.map', map);
if (config.autoAddMarkers) {
// propagate resize events
$canvas.resize(function(e) {
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
// ideally we would like to say: "resize the map if it or any parent goes from hidden->visible"
// but we don't have that event available, so the caller needs to be responsible for now
addMarkersFromDOM: function() {
var data = [];
$('[data-marker-info]').each(function() {
try {
var pos = parseLatLng($(this).attr('data-marker-info'));
data.push({ position: pos,
title: $(this).find('.ui-gmap-marker-title').html(),
content: $(this).find('.ui-gmap-marker-info').andSelf().filter('.ui-gmap-marker-info').clone().get(0)
catch (e) {
var config = $(this).data(pluginName);
var map = $(this).data(pluginName + '.map');
var bounds = $(this).gmap('addMarkers', data);
if (!bounds.isEmpty()) {
var span = bounds.toSpan();
if (span.lat() < 0.0001 || span.lng() < 0.0001) {
else {
addMarkers: function(data) {
var config = $(this).data(pluginName);
var map = $(this).data(pluginName + '.map');
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var info = new InfoBox({
boxStyle: {
border: "1px solid black",
background: "white",
width: "220px",
padding: "5px"
,closeBoxURL: "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/close.gif"
// Feel free to make lat/lng dynamic
var lat="44.80";
var lon = "-93.16";
if (lat && lon) {
var myLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon);
new google.maps.Marker({ map:map, position:myLocation, icon:"http://labs.google.com/ridefinder/images/mm_20_green.png" });
$.each(data, function(i) {
var icon = "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/marker.png";
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map:map, position:this.position, title:this.title, icon:icon });
var content = this.content;
if (content) {
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(map, marker, content) { return function() {
info.open(map, marker);
};})(map, marker, content));
return bounds;
var defaultConfig = {
autoAddMarkers: true,
zoomForSingleMarker: 15,
infoWindowConfig: { maxWidth: 175 }
$.fn[pluginName] = function() {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
var config = $.extend({}, defaultConfig);
$(this).each(function() {
commands.init.call(this, config);
return this;
if (arguments.length == 1 && $.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) {
var config = $.extend({}, defaultConfig, arguments[0]);
$(this).each(function() {
commands.init.call(this, config);
return this;
var cmd = commands[arguments[0]];
if ($.isFunction(cmd)) {
var args = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]);
return cmd.apply(this, args);
else {
alert('Function '+arguments[0]+' is not supported by the '+pluginName+' plugin.');
return this;