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/* Add to Homescreen v3.0.4 ~ (c) 2014 Matteo Spinelli ~ @license: http://cubiq.org/license */
(function (window, document) {
_ _ _____ _____
___ _| |_| |_ _|___| | |___ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
| .'| . | . | | | | . | | . | | -_|_ -| _| _| -_| -_| |
|__,|___|___| |_| |___|__|__|___|_|_|_|___|___|___|_| |___|___|_|_|
by Matteo Spinelli ~ http://cubiq.org
// Check if document is loaded, needed by autostart
var _DOMReady = false;
window.addEventListener('load', loaded, false);
function loaded () {
window.removeEventListener('load', loaded, false);
_DOMReady = true;
// regex used to detect if app has been added to the homescreen
var _reSmartURL = /\/ath(\/)?$/;
var _reQueryString = /([\?&]ath=[^&]*$|&ath=[^&]*(&))/;
// singleton
var _instance;
function ath (options) {
_instance = _instance || new ath.Class(options);
return _instance;
// message in all supported languages
ath.intl = {
en_us: {
message: 'To add this web app to the home screen: tap %icon and then <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Add to Home Screen', android: 'Add to homescreen', windows: 'pin to start' }
es_es: {
message: 'Para añadir esta aplicación web a la pantalla de inicio: pulsa %icon y selecciona <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Añadir a pantalla de inicio', android: 'Añadir a pantalla de inicio', windows: 'Añadir a inicio' }
it_it: {
message: 'Per Aggiungere questa web app alla schermata iniziale: premi %icon e poi <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Aggiungi a Home', android: 'Aggiungi alla homescreen', windows: 'aggiungi a start' }
nl_nl: {
message: 'Om deze webapp op je telefoon te installeren, klik op %icon en dan <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Voeg toe aan beginscherm', android: 'Toevoegen aan startscherm', windows: 'Aan startscherm vastmaken' }
// default options
ath.defaults = {
appID: 'org.cubiq.addtohome', // local storage name (no need to change)
fontSize: 15, // base font size, used to properly resize the popup based on viewport scale factor
debug: false, // override browser checks
modal: false, // prevent further actions until the message is closed
mandatory: false, // you can't proceed if you don't add the app to the homescreen
autostart: true, // show the message automatically
skipFirstVisit: false, // show only to returning visitors (ie: skip the first time you visit)
startDelay: 1, // display the message after that many seconds from page load
lifespan: 15, // life of the message in seconds
displayPace: 1440, // minutes before the message is shown again (0: display every time, default 24 hours)
maxDisplayCount: 0, // absolute maximum number of times the message will be shown to the user (0: no limit)
icon: true, // add touch icon to the message
message: '', // the message can be customized
validLocation: [], // list of pages where the message will be shown (array of regexes)
onInit: null, // executed on instance creation
onShow: null, // executed when the message is shown
onRemove: null, // executed when the message is removed
onAdd: null, // when the application is launched the first time from the homescreen (guesstimate)
onPrivate: null, // executed if user is in private mode
detectHomescreen: false // try to detect if the site has been added to the homescreen (false | true | 'hash' | 'queryString' | 'smartURL')
// browser info and capability
var _ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var _nav = window.navigator;
_extend(ath, {
hasToken: document.location.hash == '#ath' || _reSmartURL.test(document.location.href) || _reQueryString.test(document.location.search),
isRetina: window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio > 1,
isIDevice: (/iphone|ipod|ipad/i).test(_ua),
isMobileChrome: _ua.indexOf('Android') > -1 && (/Chrome\/[.0-9]*/).test(_ua),
isMobileIE: _ua.indexOf('Windows Phone') > -1,
language: _nav.language && _nav.language.toLowerCase().replace('-', '_') || ''
// normalize language string so it always looks like aa_bb
if ( ath.language.length == 2 ) {
ath.language += '_' + ath.language;
// falls back to en_us if language is unsupported
ath.language = ath.language && ath.language in ath.intl ? ath.language : 'en_us';
ath.isMobileSafari = ath.isIDevice && _ua.indexOf('Safari') > -1 && _ua.indexOf('CriOS') < 0;
ath.OS = ath.isIDevice ? 'ios' : ath.isMobileChrome ? 'android' : ath.isMobileIE ? 'windows' : 'unsupported';
ath.OSVersion = _ua.match(/(OS|Android) (\d+[_\.]\d+)/);
ath.OSVersion = ath.OSVersion && ath.OSVersion[2] ? +ath.OSVersion[2].replace('_', '.') : 0;
ath.isStandalone = window.navigator.standalone || ( ath.isMobileChrome && ( screen.height - document.documentElement.clientHeight < 40 ) ); // TODO: check the lame polyfill
ath.isTablet = (ath.isMobileSafari && _ua.indexOf('iPad') > -1) || (ath.isMobileChrome && _ua.indexOf('Mobile') < 0);
ath.isCompatible = (ath.isMobileSafari && ath.OSVersion >= 6) || ath.isMobileChrome; // TODO: add winphone
var _defaultSession = {
lastDisplayTime: 0, // last time we displayed the message
returningVisitor: false, // is this the first time you visit
displayCount: 0, // number of times the message has been shown
optedout: false, // has the user opted out
added: false // has been actually added to the homescreen
ath.removeSession = function (appID) {
try {
localStorage.removeItem(appID || ath.defaults.appID);
} catch (e) {
// we are most likely in private mode
ath.Class = function (options) {
// merge default options with user config
this.options = _extend({}, ath.defaults);
_extend(this.options, options);
// normalize some options
this.options.mandatory = this.options.mandatory && ( 'standalone' in window.navigator || this.options.debug );
this.options.modal = this.options.modal || this.options.mandatory;
if ( this.options.mandatory ) {
this.options.startDelay = -0.5; // make the popup hasty
this.options.detectHomescreen = this.options.detectHomescreen === true ? 'hash' : this.options.detectHomescreen;
// setup the debug environment
if ( this.options.debug ) {
ath.isCompatible = true;
ath.OS = typeof this.options.debug == 'string' ? this.options.debug : ath.OS == 'unsupported' ? 'android' : ath.OS;
ath.OSVersion = ath.OS == 'ios' ? '7' : '4';
// the element the message will be appended to
this.container = document.documentElement;
// load session
this.session = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.options.appID));
// user most likely came from a direct link containing our token, we don't need it and we remove it
if ( ath.hasToken && ( !ath.isCompatible || !this.session ) ) {
ath.hasToken = false;
// the device is not supported
if ( !ath.isCompatible ) {
this.session = this.session || _defaultSession;
// check if we can use the local storage
try {
localStorage.setItem(this.options.appID, JSON.stringify(this.session));
ath.hasLocalStorage = true;
} catch (e) {
// we are most likely in private mode
ath.hasLocalStorage = false;
if ( this.options.onPrivate ) {
// check if this is a valid location
var isValidLocation = !this.options.validLocation.length;
for ( var i = this.options.validLocation.length; i--; ) {
if ( this.options.validLocation[i].test(document.location.href) ) {
isValidLocation = true;
// check compatibility with old versions of add to homescreen. Opt-out if an old session is found
if ( localStorage.getItem('addToHome') ) {
// critical errors:
// user opted out, already added to the homescreen, not a valid location
if ( this.session.optedout || this.session.added || !isValidLocation ) {
// check if the app is in stand alone mode
if ( ath.isStandalone ) {
// execute the onAdd event if we haven't already
if ( !this.session.added ) {
this.session.added = true;
if ( this.options.onAdd && ath.hasLocalStorage ) { // double check on localstorage to avoid multiple calls to the custom event
// (try to) check if the page has been added to the homescreen
if ( this.options.detectHomescreen ) {
// the URL has the token, we are likely coming from the homescreen
if ( ath.hasToken ) {
_removeToken(); // we don't actually need the token anymore, we remove it to prevent redistribution
// this is called the first time the user opens the app from the homescreen
if ( !this.session.added ) {
this.session.added = true;
if ( this.options.onAdd && ath.hasLocalStorage ) { // double check on localstorage to avoid multiple calls to the custom event
// URL doesn't have the token, so add it
if ( this.options.detectHomescreen == 'hash' ) {
history.replaceState('', window.document.title, document.location.href + '#ath');
} else if ( this.options.detectHomescreen == 'smartURL' ) {
history.replaceState('', window.document.title, document.location.href.replace(/(\/)?$/, '/ath$1'));
} else {
history.replaceState('', window.document.title, document.location.href + (document.location.search ? '&' : '?' ) + 'ath=');
// check if this is a returning visitor
if ( !this.session.returningVisitor ) {
this.session.returningVisitor = true;
// we do not show the message if this is your first visit
if ( this.options.skipFirstVisit ) {
// we do no show the message in private mode
if ( !ath.hasLocalStorage ) {
// all checks passed, ready to display
this.ready = true;
if ( this.options.onInit ) {
if ( this.options.autostart ) {
ath.Class.prototype = {
// event type to method conversion
events: {
load: '_delayedShow',
error: '_delayedShow',
orientationchange: 'resize',
resize: 'resize',
scroll: 'resize',
click: 'remove',
touchmove: '_preventDefault',
transitionend: '_removeElements',
webkitTransitionEnd: '_removeElements',
MSTransitionEnd: '_removeElements'
handleEvent: function (e) {
var type = this.events[e.type];
if ( type ) {
show: function (force) {
// in autostart mode wait for the document to be ready
if ( this.options.autostart && !_DOMReady ) {
setTimeout(this.show.bind(this), 50);
// message already on screen
if ( this.shown ) {
var now = Date.now();
var lastDisplayTime = this.session.lastDisplayTime;
if ( force !== true ) {
// this is needed if autostart is disabled and you programmatically call the show() method
if ( !this.ready ) {
// we obey the display pace (prevent the message to popup too often)
if ( now - lastDisplayTime < this.options.displayPace * 60000 ) {
// obey the maximum number of display count
if ( this.options.maxDisplayCount && this.session.displayCount >= this.options.maxDisplayCount ) {
this.shown = true;
// increment the display count
this.session.lastDisplayTime = now;
// try to get the highest resolution application icon
if ( !this.applicationIcon ) {
if ( ath.OS == 'ios' ) {
this.applicationIcon = document.querySelector('head link[rel^=apple-touch-icon][sizes="152x152"],head link[rel^=apple-touch-icon][sizes="144x144"],head link[rel^=apple-touch-icon][sizes="120x120"],head link[rel^=apple-touch-icon][sizes="114x114"],head link[rel^=apple-touch-icon]');
} else {
this.applicationIcon = document.querySelector('head link[rel^="shortcut icon"][sizes="196x196"],head link[rel^=apple-touch-icon]');
var message = '';
if ( this.options.message in ath.intl ) { // you can force the locale
message = ath.intl[this.options.message].message.replace('%action', ath.intl[this.options.message].action[ath.OS]);
} else if ( this.options.message !== '' ) { // or use a custom message
message = this.options.message;
} else { // otherwise we use our message
message = ath.intl[ath.language].message.replace('%action', ath.intl[ath.language].action[ath.OS]);
// add the action icon
message = '<p>' + message.replace('%icon', '<span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>') + '</p>';
// create the message container
this.viewport = document.createElement('div');
this.viewport.className = 'ath-viewport';
if ( this.options.modal ) {
this.viewport.className += ' ath-modal';
if ( this.options.mandatory ) {
this.viewport.className += ' ath-mandatory';
this.viewport.style.position = 'absolute';
// create the actual message element
this.element = document.createElement('div');
this.element.className = 'ath-container ath-' + ath.OS + ' ath-' + ath.OS + (ath.OSVersion + '').substr(0,1) + ' ath-' + (ath.isTablet ? 'tablet' : 'phone');
this.element.style.cssText = '-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,opacity;-webkit-transition-duration:0;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition-property:transform,opacity;transition-duration:0;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out';
this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0,-' + window.innerHeight + 'px,0)';
this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0s';
// add the application icon
if ( this.options.icon && this.applicationIcon ) {
this.element.className += ' ath-icon';
this.img = document.createElement('img');
this.img.className = 'ath-application-icon';
this.img.addEventListener('load', this, false);
this.img.addEventListener('error', this, false);
this.img.src = this.applicationIcon.href;
this.element.innerHTML += message;
// we are not ready to show, place the message out of sight
this.viewport.style.left = '-99999em';
// attach all elements to the DOM
// if we don't have to wait for an image to load, show the message right away
if ( !this.img ) {
_delayedShow: function (e) {
setTimeout(this._show.bind(this), this.options.startDelay * 1000 + 500);
_show: function () {
var that = this;
// update the viewport size and orientation
// reposition/resize the message on orientation change
window.addEventListener('resize', this, false);
window.addEventListener('scroll', this, false);
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', this, false);
if ( this.options.modal ) {
// lock any other interaction
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this, true);
// Enable closing after 1 second
if ( !this.options.mandatory ) {
setTimeout(function () {
that.element.addEventListener('click', that, true);
}, 1000);
// kick the animation
setTimeout(function () {
that.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
that.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '1.2s';
}, 0);
// set the destroy timer
if ( this.options.lifespan ) {
this.removeTimer = setTimeout(this.remove.bind(this), this.options.lifespan * 1000);
// fire the custom onShow event
if ( this.options.onShow ) {
remove: function () {
// clear up the event listeners
if ( this.img ) {
this.img.removeEventListener('load', this, false);
this.img.removeEventListener('error', this, false);
window.removeEventListener('resize', this, false);
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this, false);
window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', this, false);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, true);
this.element.removeEventListener('click', this, true);
// remove the message element on transition end
this.element.addEventListener('transitionend', this, false);
this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false);
this.element.addEventListener('MSTransitionEnd', this, false);
// start the fade out animation
this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0.3s';
this.element.style.opacity = '0';
_removeElements: function () {
this.element.removeEventListener('transitionend', this, false);
this.element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false);
this.element.removeEventListener('MSTransitionEnd', this, false);
// remove the message from the DOM
this.shown = false;
// fire the custom onRemove event
if ( this.options.onRemove ) {
updateViewport: function () {
if ( !this.shown ) {
this.viewport.style.width = window.innerWidth + 'px';
this.viewport.style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
this.viewport.style.left = window.scrollX + 'px';
this.viewport.style.top = window.scrollY + 'px';
var clientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
this.orientation = clientWidth > document.documentElement.clientHeight ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
var screenWidth = ath.OS == 'ios' ? this.orientation == 'portrait' ? screen.width : screen.height : screen.width;
this.scale = screen.width > clientWidth ? 1 : screenWidth / window.innerWidth;
this.element.style.fontSize = this.options.fontSize / this.scale + 'px';
resize: function () {
this.resizeTimer = setTimeout(this.updateViewport.bind(this), 100);
updateSession: function () {
if ( ath.hasLocalStorage === false ) {
localStorage.setItem(this.options.appID, JSON.stringify(this.session));
clearSession: function () {
this.session = _defaultSession;
optOut: function () {
this.session.optedout = true;
optIn: function () {
this.session.optedout = false;
clearDisplayCount: function () {
this.session.displayCount = 0;
_preventDefault: function (e) {
// utility
function _extend (target, obj) {
for ( var i in obj ) {
target[i] = obj[i];
return target;
function _removeToken () {
if ( document.location.hash == '#ath' ) {
history.replaceState('', window.document.title, document.location.href.split('#')[0]);
if ( _reSmartURL.test(document.location.href) ) {
history.replaceState('', window.document.title, document.location.href.replace(_reSmartURL, '$1'));
if ( _reQueryString.test(document.location.search) ) {
history.replaceState('', window.document.title, document.location.href.replace(_reQueryString, '$2'));
// expose to the world
window.addToHomescreen = ath;
})(window, document);