mirror of https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-connect.git synced 2025-03-03 11:15:35 +01:00

Merged branch develop into master

This commit is contained in:
peteruithoven 2016-01-22 11:11:59 +01:00
commit a748495c9e
4 changed files with 258 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
$.mobile.document.on( "pageshow", PAGE_ID, function( event, data ) {
//console.log("Boxes page pageshow");
debug: true, // activate debug mode in ios emulation
skipFirstVisit: false, // show at first access
startDelay: 0, // display the message right away
lifespan: 0, // do not automatically kill the call out
displayPace: 0, // do not obey the display pace
maxDisplayCount: 0 // do not obey the max display count
//debug: true, // show on desktop browsers and unsupported devices
skipFirstVisit: true, // Don't show on first visit
//startDelay: 0, // display the message right away
//lifespan: 0, // do not automatically kill the call out
//displayPace: 0, // do not obey the display pace
//maxDisplayCount: 0 // do not obey the max display count
$.mobile.document.on( "pagebeforehide", PAGE_ID, function( event, data ) {
//console.log("Boxes page pagehide");

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
var fields = [ ts.substr(0, 4), ts.substr(4, 2), ts.substr(6, 2) ];
if (!fields || fields.length !== 3 || fields[1] > 12) { return null; }
var abbrMonths = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Sep', 'Aug', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ];
var abbrMonths = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ];
return abbrMonths[fields[1] - 1] + " " + fields[2] + ", " + fields[0];
function noRetainCheckboxChanged () {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Add to Homescreen v3.0.4 ~ (c) 2014 Matteo Spinelli ~ @license: http://cubiq.org/license */
/* Add to Homescreen v3.2.2 ~ (c) 2015 Matteo Spinelli ~ @license: http://cubiq.org/license */
(function (window, document) {
_ _ _____ _____
@ -8,9 +8,17 @@
by Matteo Spinelli ~ http://cubiq.org
// Check for addEventListener browser support (prevent errors in IE<9)
var _eventListener = 'addEventListener' in window;
// Check if document is loaded, needed by autostart
var _DOMReady = false;
window.addEventListener('load', loaded, false);
if ( document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
_DOMReady = true;
} else if ( _eventListener ) {
window.addEventListener('load', loaded, false);
function loaded () {
window.removeEventListener('load', loaded, false);
_DOMReady = true;
@ -30,32 +38,109 @@ function ath (options) {
// message in all supported languages
ath.intl = {
de_de: {
ios: 'Um diese Web-App zum Home-Bildschirm hinzuzufügen, tippen Sie auf %icon und dann <strong>Zum Home-Bildschirm</strong>.',
android: 'Um diese Web-App zum Home-Bildschirm hinzuzufügen, öffnen Sie das Menü und tippen dann auf <strong>Zum Startbildschirm hinzufügen</strong>. <small>Wenn Ihr Gerät eine Menütaste hat, lässt sich das Browsermenü über diese öffnen. Ansonsten tippen Sie auf <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
da_dk: {
ios: 'For at tilføje denne web app til hjemmeskærmen: Tryk %icon og derefter <strong>Føj til hjemmeskærm</strong>.',
android: 'For at tilføje denne web app til hjemmeskærmen, åbn browser egenskaber menuen og tryk på <strong>Føj til hjemmeskærm</strong>. <small>Denne menu kan tilgås ved at trykke på menu knappen, hvis din enhed har en, eller ved at trykke på det øverste højre menu ikon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
en_us: {
message: 'To add this web app to the home screen: tap %icon and then <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Add to Home Screen', android: 'Add to homescreen', windows: 'pin to start' }
ios: 'To add this web app to the home screen: tap %icon and then <strong>Add to Home Screen</strong>.',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
es_es: {
message: 'Para añadir esta aplicación web a la pantalla de inicio: pulsa %icon y selecciona <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Añadir a pantalla de inicio', android: 'Añadir a pantalla de inicio', windows: 'Añadir a inicio' }
ios: 'Para añadir esta aplicación web a la pantalla de inicio: pulsa %icon y selecciona <strong>Añadir a pantalla de inicio</strong>.',
android: 'Para añadir esta aplicación web a la pantalla de inicio, abre las opciones y pulsa <strong>Añadir a pantalla inicio</strong>. <small>El menú se puede acceder pulsando el botón táctil en caso de tenerlo, o bien el icono de la parte superior derecha de la pantalla <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
fi_fi: {
ios: 'Liitä tämä sovellus kotivalikkoon: klikkaa %icon ja tämän jälkeen <strong>Lisää kotivalikkoon</strong>.',
android: 'Lisätäksesi tämän sovelluksen aloitusnäytölle, avaa selaimen valikko ja klikkaa tähti -ikonia tai <strong>Lisää aloitusnäytölle tekstiä</strong>. <small>Valikkoon pääsee myös painamalla menuvalikkoa, jos laitteessasi on sellainen tai koskettamalla oikealla yläkulmassa menu ikonia <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
fr_fr: {
ios: 'Pour ajouter cette application web sur l\'écran d\'accueil : Appuyez %icon et sélectionnez <strong>Ajouter sur l\'écran d\'accueil</strong>.',
android: 'Pour ajouter cette application web sur l\'écran d\'accueil : Appuyez sur le bouton "menu", puis sur <strong>Ajouter sur l\'écran d\'accueil</strong>. <small>Le menu peut-être accessible en appyant sur le bouton "menu" du téléphone s\'il en possède un <i class="fa fa-bars"></i>. Sinon, il se trouve probablement dans la coin supérieur droit du navigateur %icon.</small>',
he_il: {
ios: '<span dir="rtl">להוספת האפליקציה למסך הבית: ללחוץ על %icon ואז <strong>הוסף למסך הבית</strong>.</span>',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
it_it: {
message: 'Per Aggiungere questa web app alla schermata iniziale: premi %icon e poi <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Aggiungi a Home', android: 'Aggiungi alla homescreen', windows: 'aggiungi a start' }
ios: 'Per aggiungere questa web app alla schermata iniziale: premi %icon e poi <strong>Aggiungi a Home</strong>.',
android: 'Per aggiungere questa web app alla schermata iniziale, apri il menu opzioni del browser e premi su <strong>Aggiungi alla homescreen</strong>. <small>Puoi accedere al menu premendo il pulsante hardware delle opzioni se la tua device ne ha uno, oppure premendo l\'icona <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span> in alto a destra.</small>',
ja_jp: {
ios: 'このウェプアプリをホーム画面に追加するために%iconを押して<strong>ホーム画面に追加</strong>。',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
ko_kr: {
ios: '홈 화면에 바로가기 생성: %icon 을 클릭한 후 <strong>홈 화면에 추가</strong>.',
android: '브라우저 옵션 메뉴의 <string>홈 화면에 추가</string>를 클릭하여 홈화면에 바로가기를 생성할 수 있습니다. <small>옵션 메뉴는 장치의 메뉴 버튼을 누르거나 오른쪽 상단의 메뉴 아이콘 <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>을 클릭하여 접근할 수 있습니다.</small>'
nb_no: {
ios: 'For å installere denne appen på hjem-skjermen: trykk på %icon og deretter <strong>Legg til på Hjem-skjerm</strong>.',
android: 'For å legge til denne webappen på startsiden åpner en nettlesermenyen og velger <strong>Legg til på startsiden</strong>. <small>Menyen åpnes ved å trykke på den fysiske menyknappen hvis enheten har det, eller ved å trykke på menyikonet øverst til høyre <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
pt_br: {
ios: 'Para adicionar este app à tela de início: clique %icon e então <strong>Tela de início</strong>.',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
pt_pt: {
ios: 'Para adicionar esta app ao ecrã principal: clique %icon e depois <strong>Ecrã principal</strong>.',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
nl_nl: {
message: 'Om deze webapp op je telefoon te installeren, klik op %icon en dan <strong>%action</strong>.',
action: { ios: 'Voeg toe aan beginscherm', android: 'Toevoegen aan startscherm', windows: 'Aan startscherm vastmaken' }
ios: 'Om deze webapp op je telefoon te installeren, klik op %icon en dan <strong>Zet in beginscherm</strong>.',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
ru_ru: {
ios: 'Чтобы добавить этот сайт на свой домашний экран, нажмите на иконку %icon и затем <strong>На экран "Домой"</strong>.',
android: 'Чтобы добавить сайт на свой домашний экран, откройте меню браузера и нажмите на <strong>Добавить на главный экран</strong>. <small>Меню можно вызвать, нажав на кнопку меню вашего телефона, если она есть. Или найдите иконку сверху справа <span class="ath-action-icon">иконка</span>.</small>',
sv_se: {
ios: 'För att lägga till denna webbapplikation på hemskärmen: tryck på %icon och därefter <strong>Lägg till på hemskärmen</strong>.',
android: 'För att lägga till den här webbappen på hemskärmen öppnar du webbläsarens alternativ-meny och väljer <strong>Lägg till på startskärmen</strong>. <small>Man hittar menyn genom att trycka på hårdvaruknappen om din enhet har en sådan, eller genom att trycka på menyikonen högst upp till höger <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
zh_cn: {
ios: '如要把应用程序加至主屏幕,请点击%icon, 然后<strong>添加到主屏幕</strong>',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
zh_tw: {
ios: '如要把應用程式加至主屏幕, 請點擊%icon, 然後<strong>加至主屏幕</strong>.',
android: 'To add this web app to the home screen open the browser option menu and tap on <strong>Add to homescreen</strong>. <small>The menu can be accessed by pressing the menu hardware button if your device has one, or by tapping the top right menu icon <span class="ath-action-icon">icon</span>.</small>',
// Add 2 characters language support (Android mostly)
for ( var lang in ath.intl ) {
ath.intl[lang.substr(0, 2)] = ath.intl[lang];
// default options
ath.defaults = {
appID: 'org.cubiq.addtohome', // local storage name (no need to change)
fontSize: 15, // base font size, used to properly resize the popup based on viewport scale factor
debug: false, // override browser checks
logging: false, // log reasons for showing or not showing to js console; defaults to true when debug is true
modal: false, // prevent further actions until the message is closed
mandatory: false, // you can't proceed if you don't add the app to the homescreen
autostart: true, // show the message automatically
@ -72,25 +157,23 @@ ath.defaults = {
onRemove: null, // executed when the message is removed
onAdd: null, // when the application is launched the first time from the homescreen (guesstimate)
onPrivate: null, // executed if user is in private mode
privateModeOverride: false, // show the message even in private mode (very rude)
detectHomescreen: false // try to detect if the site has been added to the homescreen (false | true | 'hash' | 'queryString' | 'smartURL')
// browser info and capability
var _ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var _nav = window.navigator;
_extend(ath, {
hasToken: document.location.hash == '#ath' || _reSmartURL.test(document.location.href) || _reQueryString.test(document.location.search),
isRetina: window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio > 1,
isIDevice: (/iphone|ipod|ipad/i).test(_ua),
isMobileChrome: _ua.indexOf('Android') > -1 && (/Chrome\/[.0-9]*/).test(_ua),
isMobileChrome: _ua.indexOf('Android') > -1 && (/Chrome\/[.0-9]*/).test(_ua) && _ua.indexOf("Version") == -1,
isMobileIE: _ua.indexOf('Windows Phone') > -1,
language: _nav.language && _nav.language.toLowerCase().replace('-', '_') || ''
// normalize language string so it always looks like aa_bb
if ( ath.language.length == 2 ) {
ath.language += '_' + ath.language;
// falls back to en_us if language is unsupported
ath.language = ath.language && ath.language in ath.intl ? ath.language : 'en_us';
@ -100,7 +183,7 @@ ath.OS = ath.isIDevice ? 'ios' : ath.isMobileChrome ? 'android' : ath.isMobileIE
ath.OSVersion = _ua.match(/(OS|Android) (\d+[_\.]\d+)/);
ath.OSVersion = ath.OSVersion && ath.OSVersion[2] ? +ath.OSVersion[2].replace('_', '.') : 0;
ath.isStandalone = window.navigator.standalone || ( ath.isMobileChrome && ( screen.height - document.documentElement.clientHeight < 40 ) ); // TODO: check the lame polyfill
ath.isStandalone = 'standalone' in window.navigator && window.navigator.standalone;
ath.isTablet = (ath.isMobileSafari && _ua.indexOf('iPad') > -1) || (ath.isMobileChrome && _ua.indexOf('Mobile') < 0);
ath.isCompatible = (ath.isMobileSafari && ath.OSVersion >= 6) || ath.isMobileChrome; // TODO: add winphone
@ -115,16 +198,38 @@ var _defaultSession = {
ath.removeSession = function (appID) {
try {
if (!localStorage) {
throw new Error('localStorage is not defined');
localStorage.removeItem(appID || ath.defaults.appID);
} catch (e) {
// we are most likely in private mode
ath.doLog = function (logStr) {
if ( this.options.logging ) {
ath.Class = function (options) {
// class methods
this.doLog = ath.doLog;
// merge default options with user config
this.options = _extend({}, ath.defaults);
_extend(this.options, options);
// override defaults that are dependent on each other
if ( options && options.debug && (typeof options.logging === "undefined") ) {
this.options.logging = true;
// IE<9 so exit (I hate you, really)
if ( !_eventListener ) {
// normalize some options
this.options.mandatory = this.options.mandatory && ( 'standalone' in window.navigator || this.options.debug );
@ -138,14 +243,15 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
if ( this.options.debug ) {
ath.isCompatible = true;
ath.OS = typeof this.options.debug == 'string' ? this.options.debug : ath.OS == 'unsupported' ? 'android' : ath.OS;
ath.OSVersion = ath.OS == 'ios' ? '7' : '4';
ath.OSVersion = ath.OS == 'ios' ? '8' : '4';
// the element the message will be appended to
this.container = document.documentElement;
// load session
this.session = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.options.appID));
this.session = this.getItem(this.options.appID);
this.session = this.session ? JSON.parse(this.session) : undefined;
// user most likely came from a direct link containing our token, we don't need it and we remove it
if ( ath.hasToken && ( !ath.isCompatible || !this.session ) ) {
@ -155,6 +261,7 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
// the device is not supported
if ( !ath.isCompatible ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because device not supported");
@ -162,6 +269,10 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
// check if we can use the local storage
try {
if (!localStorage) {
throw new Error('localStorage is not defined');
localStorage.setItem(this.options.appID, JSON.stringify(this.session));
ath.hasLocalStorage = true;
} catch (e) {
@ -183,13 +294,21 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
// check compatibility with old versions of add to homescreen. Opt-out if an old session is found
if ( localStorage.getItem('addToHome') ) {
if ( this.getItem('addToHome') ) {
// critical errors:
// user opted out, already added to the homescreen, not a valid location
if ( this.session.optedout || this.session.added || !isValidLocation ) {
if ( this.session.optedout ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because user opted out");
if ( this.session.added ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because already added to the homescreen");
if ( !isValidLocation ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because not a valid location");
@ -205,6 +324,7 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because in standalone mode");
@ -224,6 +344,7 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because URL has token, so we are likely coming from homescreen");
@ -244,12 +365,14 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
// we do not show the message if this is your first visit
if ( this.options.skipFirstVisit ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because skipping first visit");
// we do no show the message in private mode
if ( !ath.hasLocalStorage ) {
if ( !this.options.privateModeOverride && !ath.hasLocalStorage ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because browser is in private mode");
@ -261,6 +384,7 @@ ath.Class = function (options) {
if ( this.options.autostart ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: autostart displaying callout");
@ -291,11 +415,14 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
// in autostart mode wait for the document to be ready
if ( this.options.autostart && !_DOMReady ) {
setTimeout(this.show.bind(this), 50);
// we are not displaying callout because DOM not ready, but don't log that because
// it would log too frequently
// message already on screen
if ( this.shown ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because already shown on screen");
@ -305,16 +432,19 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
if ( force !== true ) {
// this is needed if autostart is disabled and you programmatically call the show() method
if ( !this.ready ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because not ready");
// we obey the display pace (prevent the message to popup too often)
if ( now - lastDisplayTime < this.options.displayPace * 60000 ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because displayed recently");
// obey the maximum number of display count
if ( this.options.maxDisplayCount && this.session.displayCount >= this.options.maxDisplayCount ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because displayed too many times already");
@ -337,12 +467,16 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
var message = '';
if ( this.options.message in ath.intl ) { // you can force the locale
message = ath.intl[this.options.message].message.replace('%action', ath.intl[this.options.message].action[ath.OS]);
} else if ( this.options.message !== '' ) { // or use a custom message
if ( typeof this.options.message == 'object' && ath.language in this.options.message ) { // use custom language message
message = this.options.message[ath.language][ath.OS];
} else if ( typeof this.options.message == 'object' && ath.OS in this.options.message ) { // use custom os message
message = this.options.message[ath.OS];
} else if ( this.options.message in ath.intl ) { // you can force the locale
message = ath.intl[this.options.message][ath.OS];
} else if ( this.options.message !== '' ) { // use a custom message
message = this.options.message;
} else { // otherwise we use our message
message = ath.intl[ath.language].message.replace('%action', ath.intl[ath.language].action[ath.OS]);
} else if ( ath.OS in ath.intl[ath.language] ) { // otherwise we use our message
message = ath.intl[ath.language][ath.OS];
// add the action icon
@ -362,9 +496,9 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
// create the actual message element
this.element = document.createElement('div');
this.element.className = 'ath-container ath-' + ath.OS + ' ath-' + ath.OS + (ath.OSVersion + '').substr(0,1) + ' ath-' + (ath.isTablet ? 'tablet' : 'phone');
this.element.style.cssText = '-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,opacity;-webkit-transition-duration:0;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition-property:transform,opacity;transition-duration:0;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out';
this.element.style.cssText = '-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,opacity;-webkit-transition-duration:0s;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-property:transform,opacity;transition-duration:0s;transition-timing-function:ease-out;';
this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0,-' + window.innerHeight + 'px,0)';
this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0s';
this.element.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,-' + window.innerHeight + 'px,0)';
// add the application icon
if ( this.options.icon && this.applicationIcon ) {
@ -388,7 +522,9 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
// if we don't have to wait for an image to load, show the message right away
if ( !this.img ) {
if ( this.img ) {
this.doLog("Add to homescreen: not displaying callout because waiting for img to load");
} else {
@ -422,8 +558,10 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
// kick the animation
setTimeout(function () {
that.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
that.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '1.2s';
that.element.style.transitionDuration = '1.2s';
that.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
that.element.style.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
}, 0);
// set the destroy timer
@ -508,7 +646,9 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
localStorage.setItem(this.options.appID, JSON.stringify(this.session));
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(this.options.appID, JSON.stringify(this.session));
clearSession: function () {
@ -516,6 +656,19 @@ ath.Class.prototype = {
getItem: function(item) {
try {
if (!localStorage) {
throw new Error('localStorage is not defined');
return localStorage.getItem(item);
} catch(e) {
// Preventing exception for some browsers when fetching localStorage key
ath.hasLocalStorage = false;
optOut: function () {
this.session.optedout = true;

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
.ath-viewport {
position: relative;
z-index: 2147483641;
pointer-events: none;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
.ath-modal {
pointer-events: auto !important;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
.ath-container {
pointer-events: auto !important;
position: absolute;
z-index: 2147483641;
padding: 0.7em 0.6em;
@ -46,40 +49,56 @@
text-align: center;
.ath-container small {
font-size: 0.8em;
line-height: 1.3em;
display: block;
margin-top: 0.5em;
.ath-ios.ath-phone {
bottom: 1.8em;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -9em;
.ath-ios7.ath-tablet {
left: 0.7em;
top: 1.8em;
.ath-ios6.ath-tablet {
left: 5em;
top: 1.8em;
.ath-android {
right: 1.5em;
.ath-ios7.ath-tablet {
left: 0.7em;
top: 1.8em;
.ath-ios8.ath-tablet {
right: 0.4em;
top: 1.8em;
.ath-android {
bottom: 1.8em;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -9em;
/* close icon */
.ath-container:before {
content: '×';
content: '';
position: relative;
display: block;
float: right;
margin: -0.3em -0.25em 0 0.1em;
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
width: 1.2em;
height: 1.2em;
margin: -0.7em -0.6em 0 0.5em;
background-image: url();
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
background-size: 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 50%;
width: 2.7em;
height: 2.7em;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 2.3em;
color: #a33;
z-index: 2147483642;
@ -96,17 +115,9 @@
display: none;
.ath-android:before {
line-height: 1.2em;
.ath-ios:before {
line-height: 1em;
.ath-container.ath-android:before {
float: left;
margin: -0.3em 0.1em 0 -0.2em;
margin: -0.7em 0.5em 0 -0.6em;
.ath-container.ath-android.ath-icon:before {
@ -132,17 +143,11 @@
overflow: hidden;
.ath-android .ath-action-icon {
width: 1.2em;
height: 1.8em;
background-size: auto 100%;
.ath-ios7 .ath-action-icon {
.ath-ios7 .ath-action-icon,
.ath-ios8 .ath-action-icon {
width: 1.6em;
height: 1.6em;
margin-top: -0.3em;
background-size: auto 100%;
@ -150,11 +155,18 @@
.ath-ios6 .ath-action-icon {
width: 1.8em;
height: 1.8em;
margin-bottom: 0.4em;
background-size: 100% auto;
.ath-android .ath-action-icon {
width: 1.4em;
height: 1.4em;
background-size: 100% auto;
.ath-container p {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
@ -192,17 +204,6 @@
z-index: 2147483641;
.ath-android:after {
content: '';
background: #eee;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(238,238,238,0) 0%,rgba(238,238,238,0) 50%,rgba(238,238,238,1) 50%,rgba(238,238,238,1) 100%);
position: absolute;
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
top: -1.5em;
right: 0;
.ath-application-icon {
position: relative;
padding: 0;
@ -213,7 +214,6 @@
z-index: 2147483642;
/* OS specific classes */
.ath-container.ath-ios .ath-application-icon {
border-radius: 1em;
box-shadow: 0 0.2em 0.4em rgba(0,0,0,0.3),
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@
width: 24em;
.ath-android.ath-phone {
margin-left: -12em;
.ath-ios.ath-phone {
margin-left: -12em;
@ -233,4 +237,19 @@
.ath-ios6:after {
left: 39%;
.ath-ios8.ath-phone {
left: auto;
bottom: auto;
right: 0.4em;
top: 1.8em;
.ath-ios8.ath-phone:after {
bottom: auto;
top: -0.9em;
left: 68%;
z-index: 2147483641;
box-shadow: none;