/* * This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). * * Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. * See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. */ function ConnectAPI() { // callbacks this.refreshing; // I'm refreshing my list this.listFailed; // list retrieval from connect.doodle3d.com failed this.listSuccess; // list retrieval from connect.doodle3d.com succeeded this.listUpdated; // the list of boxes is updated / changed this.boxAppeared; // a new box appeared this.boxDisapeared; // a box disappeared //this.boxUpdated; // a box is updated / changed this.checkLocal = true; // check for wired and access point boxes var _apiURL = "http://connect.doodle3d.com/api"; var _networkAPI = new NetworkAPI(); var _timeoutTime = 3000; var _refreshDelay; var _refreshInterval = 5000; var _running; var _listChanged = false; var _wiredBox = {localip:"",wifiboxid:"Doodle3D WiFi-Box (using cable)"}; var _apBox = {localip:"",wifiboxid:"Doodle3D WiFi-Box (AccessPoint)",link:"http://draw.doodle3d.com"}; var _boxTimeoutTime = 500; var _numBoxesChecking = 0; // count how many boxes we are checking var _numBoxesFound = 0; // count how many boxes responded var _boxes = {}; // current list of boxes var _numBoxes = 0; // current number of boxes var _checkedWiredBox = false; var _self = this; this.list = function(completeHandler,failedHandler) { //console.log("ConnectAPI:list"); $.ajax({ url: _apiURL + "/list.php", type: "GET", dataType: 'json', timeout: _timeoutTime, cache: false, success: function(response){ //console.log("ConnectAPI:list response: ",response); if(response.status == "error" || response.status == "fail") { //console.log("ConnectAPI:list failed: ",response); if(failedHandler) failedHandler(response); } else { if(_self.listSuccess) {_self.listSuccess(); } completeHandler(response.data); } } }).fail(function(failData) { //console.log("ConnectAPI:list failed"); if(failedHandler) failedHandler(failData); if(_self.listFailed) {_self.listFailed(); } }); }; this.start = function(interval,listUpdated) { if(interval) { _refreshInterval = interval; } if(listUpdated) { _self.listUpdated = listUpdated; } _running = true; _self.refresh(); } this.stop = function() { _running = false; clearTimeout(_refreshDelay); } this.refresh = function(listUpdated) { if(listUpdated) { _self.listUpdated = listUpdated; } if(_self.refreshing) { _self.refreshing(); } _self.list(function(foundBoxes) { //console.log(" foundBoxes: ",foundBoxes); if(_self.checkLocal) { foundBoxes.push(_wiredBox); // check for a wired box } updateList(foundBoxes); if(_running) { clearTimeout(_refreshDelay); _refreshDelay = setTimeout(_self.refresh, _refreshInterval); } }, function() { console.log("ConnectAPI list retrieve failed"); if(_self.checkLocal) { // if web is not accessible try to find a box as an accesspoint // if not found, we look for a wired box _networkAPI.alive(_apBox.localip,_boxTimeoutTime,function() { updateList([_apBox]); }, function() { updateList([_wiredBox]); }); } if(_running) { clearTimeout(_refreshDelay); _refreshDelay = setTimeout(_self.refresh, _refreshInterval); } }); } function updateList(foundBoxes) { //console.log("updateList"); _numBoxesChecking = 0; _numBoxesFound = 0; _listChanged = false; // remove stored, but not found boxes jQuery.each(_boxes, function (index,box) { var found = false; jQuery.each(foundBoxes, function (index,foundBox) { if(foundBox.localip == box.localip && foundBox.wifiboxid == box.wifiboxid) found = true; }); if(!found) removeBox(box.localip); }) // check if all found boxes are alive jQuery.each(foundBoxes, function (index,foundBox) { if(foundBox === _apBox) { // don't recheck apBox addBox(foundBox); } else { checkBox(foundBox); } }); if(foundBoxes.length == 0 && _self.listUpdated) { _self.listUpdated(_boxes); } } function checkBox(boxData) { //console.log(" checkBox: ",boxData.localip); _numBoxesChecking++; _networkAPI.alive(boxData.localip,_boxTimeoutTime,function() { if(boxData.localip === _wiredBox.localip) { // double check wired box (otherwise it shows up on switch to ap) if(_checkedWiredBox) { addBox(boxData); _numBoxesFound++; } _checkedWiredBox = true; } else { addBox(boxData); _numBoxesFound++; } }, function() { removeBox(boxData.localip); if(boxData === _wiredBox) { _checkedWiredBox = false; } },function(){ _numBoxesChecking--; if(_numBoxesChecking <= 0 && _listChanged && _self.listUpdated) { _self.listUpdated(_boxes); } }); } function getBox(localip) { return _boxes[localip]; } function addBox(box) { if(getBox(box.localip) !== undefined) return; _boxes[box.localip] = box; _numBoxes++; if(_self.boxAppeared) _self.boxAppeared(box); _listChanged = true; } function removeBox(localip) { var box = getBox(localip); if(box === undefined) return; delete _boxes[localip]; _numBoxes--; if(_self.boxDisapeared) _self.boxDisapeared(box); _listChanged = true; } }