/* Set the background image sources */ #newyork { background-image: url("../_assets/img/newyork.jpg"); } #buenosaires { background-image: url("../_assets/img/buenosaires.jpg"); } #paris { background-image: url("../_assets/img/paris.jpg"); } #capetown { background-image: url("../_assets/img/capetown.jpg"); } #seoul { background-image: url("../_assets/img/seoul.jpg"); } #sydney { background-image: url("../_assets/img/sydney.jpg"); } /* Background settings */ .demo-page { background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* Transparent footer */ .demo-page .ui-footer { background: none; border: none; bottom: 0; } /* The footer won't have a height because there are only two absolute positioned elements in it. So we position the buttons from the bottom. */ .control.ui-btn-left, .trivia-btn.ui-btn-right { top: auto; bottom: 7px; margin: 0; } /* Custom styling for the trivia source */ small { font-size: .75em; color: #666; }